Sexy to Go Volume 5

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Sexy to Go Volume 5 Page 14

by Unknown

  “Whoa. Sorry, man.” Brig moved to step back but Shane refused to let him go.

  Hands trembling, Shane slid them from his shoulders up to his stubble dusted face. Confusion and need darkened his brown eyes even as he closed the distance between them. Brig ached to chase away the sadness in his partner’s eyes, but knew he would never make a move. Too damned scared.

  “I’m not,” Shane muttered and leaned in to plant his lips on Brig’s.

  Full, firm masculine lips claimed his sending a bolt of surprise through his body to make his cock stand up at attention. Shane’s tongue flicked out to trace the inside of his mouth. And then, with a needy groan he turned his head and deepened the kiss. Taking in the musky flavor of man mixed with the light crisp taste of beer caused a moment of panic laced desire to surge through him. Then Shane’s hands gripped his waist as they pressed closer together. Hard cocks rubbed creating mind blowing friction that made his knees tremble. And when he started kissing Shane back? Brig damn near blew his wad right there.

  Then he realized he was kissing Shane. No fantasy. All real, all the time. And the panic took over.

  He pushed his walking wet dream away and said what he believed he should. What a straight guy should when another man came on to him. “What the fuck, dude?”

  His best friend paled and stepped away. “You wanted it as much as I did.” But shame lowered his eyes and he refused to look at him.

  “No way.” Shit. He knew. With unnecessary force he pushed past his stunned friend and got in the queen bed he claimed earlier for his own. Desperate to hide the truth in the shadows he turned off the lamp. “Just go to sleep. Clearly you had too much to drink.”

  A low growl of anger rumbled from the darkness by the sink. Then Shane navigated through the dark until he found the other bed with his shins and cursed softly. Brig lay in bed and pretended to sleep as he listened to his friend toss and turn at one point, deep in the night he swore he heard a sniffle but refused to acknowledge how cruel he’d been.

  Finally near dawn he drifted into a fitful sleep.

  Chapter Two

  Shane rolled out of bed shortly after the first rays of sunshine peeked through the threadbare drapes of the motel room. The room where he laid it all on the line in a moment of drunken vulnerability and had his dreams crushed. He’d dreamed of tasting Brig’s kiss since the first day he laid eyes on him in college. But as a gay man in the west, let alone the rodeo community, he knew better than to believe he had the option to be open about his preferences. His parents knew and supported him no matter his choices, but they agreed he was smart to keep things quiet.

  Eyes gritty with a lack of sleep he shuffled to the bathroom to take care of nature and will the blue balls from the night before to stop aching. A pit formed in his stomach when he heard Brig get up and move around. How awkward could this be? He drew a deep breath and stepped out.

  “Morning.” Brig shuffled by him and into the bathroom.

  Okay, at least he offered his normal surly greeting. He’d never been a morning person.

  By the time he dressed Brig came out and went about donning his own clothes. “I’ll go grab us some coffee and breakfast.”

  “Sounds good.”

  An hour later as their truck chewed up blacktop, horse trailer behind them, they kept to their sides of the big quad cab. But then they always sought space while driving. How can he pretend nothing happened? It rankled a bit their lip lock hadn’t caused more of a stir with Brig.

  Two hours later and Shane passed annoyed headed straight for pissed off. “You gonna stop soon?”

  “Nope.” He didn’t even look over.

  He huffed. “You planning on being silent the entire drive to Redmond?”

  “Didn’t realize I was being quiet. Wonder who else will be competing at Redmond?” Brig spit a wad of sunflower seeds into a cup and set it back in the cup holder by the gearshift.

  “I don’t know.” Shane wanted to pout like a child, but tried to rein in the urge.

  “Really? You’re usually pretty up on who will be where.”

  Shane refused to respond. What was he supposed to say? Sorry I was too busy worrying what my straight roping partner thought of the very gay kiss I laid on him last night.

  Endless pavement stretched out before them and behind them. Another forty minutes passed and with each mile his anger at being tossed aside boiled hotter and hotter. The silence had grown so thick you needed a cleaver to slice through it, and then Shane’s patience snapped. “So this is it? We’re just gonna pretend that kiss last night didn’t happen?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Brig’s grip on the steering wheel tightened until his knuckles turned white.

  “Last night. When I kissed you. When I had my tongue so far down your throat I could have confirmed you no longer have tonsils.” Anger and indignation pushed him to lash out at his friend.

  “Must have been some drunken dream you had there.” Brig snorted and then turned the radio on letting the latest country tune blast through the cab.

  Frustrated, angry, and more than a little hurt, Shane dropped the subject but the pot continued to boil. When they finally pulled in to the rodeo grounds he hopped out of the truck and slammed the door closed before Brig had even moved. He had the horse trailer opened and was leading Smoke down the ramp when Brig came around. The dark haired, green eyed devil stood there hands shoved in his pockets. Did he want to say something? Anything? Shane’s heart pounded with hope and anticipation.

  He cleared his throat and it sounded like a rusty bucket of nails churning. “Man, look I…”

  “Hey, guys.” Chaz Markham pulled up by the corrals and climbed out of his rig. “Long drive, huh?”

  Brig flushed and turned away. “Yeah, it was.”

  Damn it. Shane wanted to punch the flashy dickhead in the mouth. Chaz and his partner Dean had won the NFR Team Roping event two years running and he liked to remind everyone of that fact. “Figured you two would be off resting up now that you’re finally back in the Finals.”

  “Why is that?” Shane led his horse off the ramp and headed for the corral gate.

  Chaz grinned and opened up his trailer. “Well, you know I figured after you two burned out a few years ago you’d take any advantage you could get to try and beat me and Dean. So, you know resting up seemed like a smart move.”

  Shane snorted and ignored the bait. Brig, not so much. “Yeah, cause we’re so old. Right?”

  “You feeling old?” Chaz smirked.

  “God, twenty-two and you think you have it all figured out. Have fun finding out what it’s like to have life throw you on your ass.”

  “Don’t be mad that we’ve had more success than you guys.” The blond kid poked the bear.

  “Don’t fool yourself. One day, maybe sooner than you think, rodeoin’ won’t be an option. I sure hope you did more with your winnings than blow it on a fancy rig and fancy boots.” He pointed at the shiny trailer and super pointy boots with silver tips.

  Brig had just closed the gate behind Thor when Chaz snarled, “No man, I spent plenty on your sister to say thanks for the ride.”

  Brig roared and threw his fist into the perfectly sculpted face attached to Chaz. Bone crunched against bone as he made contact. The smart mouthed punk hit the dirt and yelled as he grabbed his face. Blood spurted everywhere as people from all around them came running to see what the ruckus was.

  “What the hell man?” Chaz cried from the ground like he hadn’t been provoking Brig only a moment before.

  Shane cursed and grabbed Brig’s arm, “Let’s go man. That brat is just gonna make more trouble if we stick around.”

  Brig nodded and climbed into the passenger side after Shane redirected him. Whether he knew it or not, his roping hand was hurt. They pulled away from the grounds and found the motel pretty quick. After checking in Shane sent Brig to the room as he pulled their gear out and brought it to the room. The angry hulk of a man sat on one of the be
ds with his hand submerged in a bucket of ice and water.

  Shane tossed everything on the other bed and stalked over to him. “You shouldn’t let that little shit rile you up like that.”

  “Hell. I know, but he’s so damn cocksure. Makes me want to knock him on his ass.” He looked up with wary eyes.

  He couldn’t help but smile at him. “Well, you sure did that.”

  Brig flashed a grin before he went back to brooding.

  He reached for his hand in the bucket, “Let me take a look.”

  “I’m good.”

  “Just let me see how bad it is.” He grabbed for the hand and Brig whipped it out of the bucket which caused the lightweight container to tumble from his lap and spill all over his thighs and the bedspread.

  “Goddamn it, Shane!” He jumped up and knocked him over onto the other bed. “Don’t touch me.” He shoved past him over to the vanity area.

  “Fuck you.” Shane leapt up and followed him as he pushed him up against the wall. “Why shouldn’t I touch you?”


  Breath sawed in and out of his lungs from the adrenalin rush of having Shane touch him or maybe it was just fear, either way resulted in the same thing. Light headed and still angry about his reaction to Chaz he swung at his best friend.

  Shane blocked the feeble blow and pinned his arms against the wall. “Goddamn you, Brig. I will not hit you. Not even after the way you treated me last night.”

  Hurt and anger simmered in those big dark pools of chocolate. Made him feel ashamed for how he’d acted the night before and again now. “Shit.” He let his head tip back against the wall.

  “How long have you known?” Shane let go of his arms and stepped back.

  He pushed up from the wall and moved by the sink where he ran some cold water and rinsed his hand for a minute. When the throbbing eased again he turned it off, but he still hadn’t decided where to start. “Since our junior year of college.”

  “Well, shit.” The sexy blonde cowboy flopped on the dry bed next to their bags and let his arm drape over his face. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  Pain, not the physical kind, seared through him. “Why didn’t you? I thought we were best friends.”

  “You’re still a cowboy. It’s just not something you say to another guy in our world. Not unless you know how he’ll react. How’d you find out?”

  He brushed off the stereotype comment. “I walked in on you sucking Johnny off one day. Left without saying anything. I figured you’d tell me if you wanted me to know.”

  “That must have been a shock.”

  “You’re telling me.” Brig remained by the vanity, but leaned against it. “Were you two lovers?”

  Shane snorted and moved his arm. “No. He was a straight guy who discovered nobody gives head as well as another guy. He used me until the day his girlfriend walked in on us.” A bitter laugh escaped him. “Guess she wasn’t the only one to find us like that.”

  “Nope.” Brig pushed off the counter and walked toward his friend. “Don’t sweat it man.”

  Shane sat up. “What the hell does that mean?”

  “Who you prefer to do in the bedroom doesn’t change things with us.” He started to walk away but Shane rose up and blocked him. “The hell it doesn’t. Your dick got as hard as mine last night when we kissed. Admit it.”

  “Let it go, man.” Brig made to brush past him but Shane shoved his chest up against the wall and grabbed his uninjured arm. With a quick twist and a strong grip forged by years of heeling and ranching his best friend pinned him face first against the wall.

  “Admit it, damn you. Admit you liked my hands on you, my mouth.” Shane’s demand sent shivers of awareness down Brig’s spine to lodge in his balls and radiate up his shaft.

  “No.” He grit the denial out for fear if he admitted the truth all hell would break loose and he would tackle Shane so he could fuck him into the mattress. His control hung by a thread.

  Shane grunted and then he brought Brig’s other hand around to meet the one behind his back. Next he knew, his friend had him tied up and unable to move his arms.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Anger surged to the fore and he knew if his arms weren’t tied he’d be swinging at Shane again for this shit.

  “Apparently you need a lesson in how to be honest. Because right now you are lying to me and yourself.” He turned him around, pushed him up against the wall and unfastened his buckle.

  Then the button and zipper on his jeans slid past his iron hard dick. Hard to deny the truth when everything about Shane, from his golden hair to his rock hard body, turned him on and it was obvious. His heart nearly stopped as his fantasy came to life and dropped to his knees before him. Aw fuck. He tugged his jeans and boxers down around his knees and then leaned forward to nuzzle his cock.

  “Holy shit you smell as good as I imagined you would.” Then Shane whipped his tongue out and dragged it over Brig’s ball sac and up the length of his cock.

  “Fuck.” Brig couldn’t believe what happened. Had never expected to know the pleasure of Shane’s mouth on his cock, but here he was watching the sexy as hell cowboy lap at his dick. Cupping his balls with one hand, he used the other to grip the base while he flicked his tongue over the glistening tip again and again. Then he opened his mouth and popped the tip in to suck it like a hard candy treat.

  Brig’s legs shook as he used his bound hands and shoulders to brace against the only solid thing in the room, the wall. With a mischievous grin Shane swallowed more of his length and he swore he’d never seen anything so fucking hot as watching inch after inch of his dick disappear into that kissable, fuckable mouth. When he didn’t think any more would fit his fantasy man swallowed and his tip slid past the muscle of his throat and deep inside. “Oh, fuck.” It was all he could manage as that blond head bobbed up and down on his dick fucking him good while he squeezed his sac with the perfect amount of pressure to prolong the ecstasy.

  Spit dribbled down his balls and over his fingers as they worked him until he let go and one of those spit soaked fingers pressed against his pucker. He tensed up at first, but the finger kept massaging the nerves back their gently urging him to relax. All the while that hot wet mouth pulsed around his cock creating the most incredible sensations. As he focused on how good it all felt he opened and that finger slid deep in his ass. An initial feeling of weirdness drew him up short, but then as Shane’s digit pushed further he discovered just how good it could be. Inside him Shane stroked his prostate as he increased the suction on his cock. Brig groaned and his hips jerked forward and stroked into that welcoming mouth only to pull out and impale himself on the long thick finger buried in his anal passage. Together they found a rhythm that suited Brig’s need to be in control—even while his hands were bound behind him. He looked down and saw his darkest dreams come to life with Shane’s lips wrapped around his cock. He’d never included the finger, but that was due to lack of knowledge. Had he known? Yeah, that finger would have been right where it was. In fact. “Add another finger. More.”

  Shane groaned around his cock as he jammed a second digit in with the first and Brig’s head exploded. All the blood rushed from his big head to his cock and he cried out, “Oh shit. Gonna come.”

  He tried to push Shane off his cock, unsure if he would want to swallow his load, but the choice proved not to be his. Shane stayed rooted in place as he madly pumped those fingers in and out of Brig’s ass until his knees shook and stars dotted his vision. “Fuck!” Hot cream gushed from his cock as he sprayed the back of Shane’s throat. Greedy for every drop Shane refused to release his cock as he gulped as much as he could. When Brig thought no more would come out his sexy friend let him slip out until the head remained in his mouth and continued to suck the last drops from his dick.

  Shane let his forehead drop against his thigh as they both tried to gather their composure. Without a word, Shane released his bonds, rose up, and left the room.

  Stunned by what had happened a
nd the sudden flight of his friend he tripped over the jeans bunched around his ankles and fell. By the time he got his clothes hauled up and fastened he caught Shane climbing into their truck.

  Chapter Three

  Fuck. What’d I do? Shane strode toward their truck, half hoping Brig would chase him down. The other half feared what might happen if he did. Would he try to punch him in the face like he had Chaz? What a fucking mess. Not only had he blown their friendship but also the best roping partner he could have hoped for.

  He swung the door of the truck open but never made it inside. A big, familiar, hand landed on his shoulder and spun him around. Before he could say a word or get his hands up to protect his face Brig came at him. He shoved him up against the side of the vehicle and then they were pressed body to body as Brig’s kissable lips slammed against his in a tooth grinding claiming that shook Shane right down to his toes.

  As they clung to each other, tongues tangled, everything around them fell away. Nothing else mattered but the bone deep awareness of the man in his arms and the overpowering emotion swelling from the depths of his soul.

  Brig drew back, breath heaving in and out of his chest. “Come back to the room.”

  Breath stolen by the most amazing kiss, Shane nodded and followed the man who dominated his every thought whether he wanted it or not. He closed the door as Brig sat on one of the beds.

  “You’re right.” Color dusted his already tanned cheeks. “I like your hands on me. Been thinking about nothing but that and more since I walked in on you with your roommate in college.”

  “Christ, Brig. We’ve been out of school for four years.” His heart pounded with hope and adrenalin.

  “Yeah, well it’s taken me a little time to get used to the idea.”

  “Am I so hard to…” He couldn’t say the word.

  “Shit, Shane. I’ve always been attracted to women. Never once thought about a guy in a sexual way until I walked in on you sucking Johnny’s cock. I’d never seen anything like it and so help me, I was jealous of him. I wanted it to be my cock in your mouth, my fist in your hair.”


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