Sexy to Go Volume 5

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Sexy to Go Volume 5 Page 15

by Unknown

  He sat down on the bed across from his best friend, the man he’d desired since the moment he laid eyes on him at the University of Wyoming Rodeo Team’s first meeting of the school year. Too bad he fell in love about five minutes after that when Brig smiled and introduced himself as he sat down. “I always imagined it was you I was blowing. Wanted it to be you, but you were straight and you never let on otherwise.”

  “You were right, back then. But I’ve come to accept maybe I’m bi or whatever. I don’t know what you call it. But when it comes to you, the only label I can use is love.”

  Holy crap.

  Before Shane could respond, Brig launched himself across the two feet separating them and knocked him to the bed. “Say something, man.”

  A shiver rolled through him as one hundred and eighty pounds of muscular man pinned him to the mattress and declared his love. “God, I love you. I’ve loved you for so long.” Then he reached up, sifted his fingers through Brig’s slightly shaggy dark hair, and yanked him down into a kiss. Less violent than the one by the truck, but no less powerful. He drove past lips and teeth to slip his tongue over his inner landscape. He tasted man, a little mint from the gum he’d chewed earlier, and desire. Fuck he tasted like pure desire.

  Brig reached between them and cupped his dick through the confining denim. He pumped his hips in answer to the silent question. Yes, fuck yes. He shifted his hand up and unfastened Shane’s belt followed by the button and fly of his jeans. Then he broke the kiss, slithered the length of his body, and landed on the floor between his legs. Gaze bright with the years of friendship and freshly exposed love he reached up and jerked his jeans down his legs along with his boxers.


  Brig couldn’t believe this was happening. A growl escaped as he leaned in and swiped the length of his cock with his tongue. Long, thick, and hard as steel, reality far exceeded his imagination. The tip glistened as pre-come dribbled out to creep down the head. Taking a moment to savor the image, to revel in the knowledge all that hardness was for him. No longer able to resist, he swirled around the head and let the salty taste roll over his tongue. Then he popped the whole thing in his mouth and inched his way down the rigid length. Shane moaned and gripped his head tighter as he swallowed all of him. Well, as much of him as he could take. Clearly taking all of him would take some practice.

  “Oh, fuck, Brig.”

  The words drew him back to the man on the bed under his control. Yeah, he fucking loved that. He continued to suck until Shane’s hips bucked up with each down-stroke. He released his dick and rose up. “I wanna fuck you. Wanna sink into your tight ass until I’m balls deep and then I’m gonna fuck you until there is no question in your mind that you belong to me.”

  “Damn, man. How’d you hide this from me for so long?” Shane got up, grabbed the hem of Brig's shirt, and yanked up until the material blocked his view. Then the material disappeared and the hot cowboy in front of him had on way too much clothing.

  “Don’t know. Don’t care. Not hiding anymore.” He unbuckled his belt and kicked off his boots. “Shirt off.”

  Shane didn’t say a word as he ripped his own shirt off over his head, ditched his boots and the jeans bunched around his ankles.

  Brig walked over to his friend’s bag and pulled out the tube of lube he knew was there.

  “How’d you know I had that?”

  “You never really hid it. I never said anything.” He sauntered back toward the bed, lust pushing him to discover everything he’d imagined while love urged him to be careful with the man he cherished. “On the bed, Shane.”

  “Like I’m gonna argue?” He climbed on the bed and stopped in the middle on all fours. His body trembled with what Brig hoped was need as strong as his own.

  What else could it have been after that amazing blowjob he delivered earlier? “On your back. I wanna see your face when I push into you for the first time. When you feel my cock filling you. But, I need you to give me a little guidance here. I’ve never done this and I don’t wanna hurt you.”

  “You ever fucked a woman in the ass?”

  Shit was that curiosity? Or was he maybe a little jealous? “Yeah, I’ve tried it a few times. The ones that were into it seemed to like it.”

  “Then you got this.” Shane grinned and waved him over. “Come on and ride me cowboy. I’ve been waiting a long damn time to feel you inside of me.”

  “Fuck yeah.” He tossed the tube on the bed and crawled over Shane. He snagged his lips in another soul searing kiss and let everything else fade away. This was about love, pure and simple. Nothing else mattered.

  They parted slightly, both breathing heavy. “I’m sorry I took so long to man up.”

  “I shouldn’t have hid who I am from you. Maybe you would have told me sooner.” Shane laid his hand along Brig’s face, “But I’m not sorry I finally said something. No more regrets.”

  “No more. Your mine now.” Brig grabbed the lube and squirted some on his fingers. Kneeling between his legs he slipped one digit past his tight pucker. He worked it in and out until he could add a second. Then he started stretching the orifice until Shane moaned with need.

  “Please. Fuck me.”

  He grunted and kept working his fingers in and out. Then he added a third.

  “God, Brig. Please.” His hips flexed, tried to drive him deeper.

  He let his hand swing down and slap the side of his ass. “I’m the one doing the fucking here. Lesson number one. I’m in charge in here. Can you handle that?”

  A moment of indecision danced across Shane’s face and then he grinned. “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. Now hush up so I can get my dick in your tight hole.” Oh yeah. He knew back in college that Shane had submissive tendencies. Suited him just fine since he was a bit of a control freak. He pulled his fingers out and lubed up his cock. Then he took in the view of that stretched hole, open and ready to receive him and everything felt right for the first time ever. He was right where he was supposed to be.

  On that note, he pressed the head of his cock against the hole and pressed in. Shane moaned as he shoved past the tight ring of muscle and sank into him one slow inch at a time. Face to face they stayed put and stared into each other’s eyes. “Feels better than I ever imagined.”

  “Same goes, now please fuck me.”

  So he did. He pounded into his real life wet dream until the need to come buzzed up through his balls, along his spine, and out through his dick. The tightness gripped him tighter as he spewed and he glanced down to watch Shane shoot all over his stomach. So fucking hot.

  Spent, he collapsed on top of his friend and now lover. “Best sex ever.”

  “Hell yeah. Though I was pretty sure you were gonna bust out some rope at one point.”

  “Who said I won’t?” Brig grinned as he levered up leaving their bodies joined. “I’m pretty sure I’ve got a piggin’ string somewhere.”

  The End

  Mate Me or Hate Me

  Eva Lefoy

  Still reeling from the revelation of her shifter heritage, Casi and her unborn baby are threatened by another pack. As she and Snake grow closer, Liam attempts to claim her for his own.

  “This is really pissing me off, not being able to see you. Alone.” Casi all but growled the last word as the pad of her fingertip traced the arc of Dahlia’s breast, ending at the nipple.

  “Things are different now,” the cat woman explained.

  Her soothing voice should have calmed Casi, but it didn’t. Months of being pent up, guarded by bear shifters and her every move watched closely had begun to take its toll on her sanity. “Yeah, we never have a moment together anymore. I think it’s some kind of plot.”

  Dahlia tossed her dark curls and laughed.

  “They’re fearful of us. They don’t want us to be together.”

  “No, it’s not that, kitten.” Dahlia sighed. “You know as well as I do that the child you’re carrying means a lot to the pack. If anything were to happen to it�

  “But it won’t,” she nodded her head toward the well-armed bears, who were stationed less than a quarter mile away, talking to Liam while she and Dahlia sat on the porch in full view. Feeling naughtier by the moment, she pinched Dahlia’s nipple.

  Dahlia let out a sexy mewl and flexed her back. Always the feline in her showed through, and Casi ate up the sight. After a couple of breaths, Dahlia turned her head so that their lips were almost touching. “Casi…”

  “I’m serious. I can’t stand this anymore.” She sucked in a breath, eyed her captors and resolved to make Dahlia come right then and there. Damn what the males thought. “You’re an alpha, can’t you tell them to go away?”

  “Hardly. That’s not how it works. This is Liam’s pack. He’s the rule maker. If we don’t wish to abide by his rules, we have to leave.” Her soft ripe lips nudged the edges of Casi’s mouth. “You don’t want to leave, do you?”

  Casi groaned at the whisper-soft sensation and pressed her lips to her mate’s. “Not without you.” She mumbled the words and sank into Dahlia’s kiss. Their lovemaking had been hampered by many things lately. Men. Guards. Close quarters. Mates. Pregnancy. Making love carrying an eight pound bowling ball wasn’t as easy as it looked. Besides that, the exhaustion, the heat, and the boredom had left her cranky and anti-social. Only Snake seemed to be willing to take her, and bless him, his persistence did have it benefits. After a good fucking, her mood lifted quite considerably. She idly wondered where Snake had disappeared to, then dismissed the idea as Dahlia’s moan vibrated over her tongue.

  Then I guess we’re staying. Hmm? Dahlia still had the upper hand on the whole telepathy thing. But Casi didn’t mind. She might not share mental abilities with her second mate, but her hands could do the talking.

  She cupped Dahlia’s breast and squeezed, eliciting a high pitched moan. Pregnancy had one thing going for it – the breasts were super sensitive. Casi wondered if she could make Dahlia come by touching her breasts alone. Interested in giving it a try, she pulled back and licked her lips. But before she could lower her head to feast on Dahlia’s lovely skin, the woman stopped her, holding her head captive.

  “You know that if it is Liam’s child, he will want to mate you.” Her gaze searched Casi’s, both questioning and serious at the same time. “He is a consummate alpha, and will want to add your lineage to his bloodline.”

  For the millionth time the words popped into her head, unbidden. It was an automatic answer, one she didn’t even question anymore. “The baby’s not Liam’s, it’s Snake’s.” At Dahlia’s raised eyebrows, she added, “It is. Don’t ask me how I know, I just do.”

  “Or you want to believe it.” Dahlia’s expression had failed to hide elements of pity in her words.

  Hell. Casi sat back in the chair and glared at the porch boards. It seemed she’d spent a lot of time glaring at them lately. She had all their unique spots memorized by now. “Dahlia, let’s not talk about this, okay? What Liam wants shouldn’t come between us.”

  “Oh, it won’t, believe me.” Her dark eyelashes fluttered over her caramel cheek as she closed her eyes and shook her head. When she opened them again, the fire in her gaze was worth waiting for. “But you need to be prepared should Liam approach you.”

  Casi groaned out loud. Liam was approaching them right that second. Shit. Can’t we ever catch a break?

  Liam stopped a few paces from the porch. “Ladies. The council has called an emergency meeting.”

  “What for?” Dahlia seemed genuinely concerned.

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. But we need to be represented. Dahlia, you’ll go with Snake. I’ll stay here and guard our future liege.” He glanced at Casi and then back to Dahlia and held out his hand to help her up.

  “Ah, a trip to the big city. How wonderful.” Dahlia took his hand and while rising, sent Casi a pointed look, as if to say, See? It’s happening already.

  Casi’s throat constricted. Snake would be gone, too. Without his … calming influence… what would she become? “How long will you be gone?”

  “Just overnight. They’ll be back tomorrow,” Liam assured.

  Casi didn’t approve of the look in his eyes one bit. Her gaze lingered hopefully on Dahlia, the slender beauty who had stolen her heart with her grace and peaceful wisdom. But the woman said nothing, only gave her one last look before strolling away with Liam to get ready for the trip.

  Disheartened, Casi slumped back in the chair and glared at the bear guardians. They laughed when they saw her frustration. They always did. “Damn bears. I wish they’d go home.”

  After a while Casi had tired of harassing the bears and gone back inside. Snake had dropped by to say goodbye, rub her belly and promise to be back soon. She wished Snake was there to keep her company for the long night ahead. It wasn’t that she feared Snake being alone with Dahlia. No, she was afraid of only one thing happening. And as she heard Liam’s footsteps on the porch, her heart sank. Damn him, why won’t he leave this alone?

  He entered the cabin and shut the door quietly behind him. His heavy strides echoed across the floor, sealing her fate. When he came up behind her, crowding into her space, she had little choice but to let him. Being the alpha, his rule was law and he could pretty much do whatever he wanted. But Casi had a few rules of her own.

  “Casi.” His low voice rumbled through her like a hot wave leaving sparks behind. His touch on her shoulder an insistent pressure she could not ignore. “Let’s talk.”

  Let’s not, was on the tip of her tongue, but she held it back. Being the alpha gained one the right to be heard at least, and not outright rejected, but Casi already didn’t like where this conversation was headed. Snake and Dahlia are both gone. We’re here alone. He planned this, he had to have. Why was I so stupid that I didn’t see it coming? Dahlia was right, but she warned me too late. Swallowing the turmoil racing under her skin, she merely nodded an assent.

  “The baby,” Liam soothed, his hand smoothing down her arm, “it may in fact be mine.”

  “It’s not. It’s Flint’s.” The words tumbled from her automatically, the denial fast and ready. Odd that she used Snake’s given name, instead of his nickname, she hadn’t meant to… As soon as she realized her defiance, she clamped her mouth shut, but she refused to take back the words. They held too much meaning for her.

  Every night she and Snake drew closer, and despite the fact she’d thought she’d never love him over such a silly ritual as mating, she did. Yes, her and Dahlia were lovers and Casi needed that female connection to keep herself sane in this heavily masculine-ruled world. But her affection for Snake was different. Solid. Comforting. Without a doubt Snake had become her rock, the one person she could turn to and spill her guts without any fear of the consequences. She knew that if she were to agree to mate Liam, Snake wouldn’t offer an argument. He’d bear it silently, quietly, tucking the jealously away to use a fuel in some future battle. In him she sensed a great power, one that lured her with its intensity, making her want more and more of his love.

  Liam, on the other hand, though alpha, bore his authority much too easily in her opinion. Everyone kowtowed to him, even his wife. If Casi could arrange things differently to make Dahlia happier, she gladly would. And though Dahlia hadn’t indicated whether she thought Casi should mate with Liam or not, Casi knew what her answer would be.

  Liam’s sharp intake of breath alerted her he wasn’t pleased with her answer. Glutton for punishment, she forged on. “And even if Flint isn’t the biological father, he and I will still be the ones to raise the baby.” She quarter-turned to look behind her. “It belongs to us. It’s our family.”

  Liam growled. “Family. You don’t understand anything about bloodlines, woman.” He pressed closer, his front to her backside. His erection branded her ass, both menacing and irresistible at the same time. Heat poured off him in a flood, scorching her back, wetting her down between her thighs. “If it is my child, you will mate with me.”

  She spun to
face him. “No.”

  It might as well have been a slap to his face. Liam’s eyes burned red and she feared he might lose control and shift into his wolf if provoked any farther. As it was, his chest and arm muscles bunched under his thin tee-shirt and she could see him struggling with his control.

  “Do you forget I am alpha?”

  “And so am I.” His eyes widened and she hurried to get her point across while he remained temporarily stunned. “Current highest ranking descendent of the founder of this pack’s bloodline. That makes me an alpha too, doesn’t it?”

  He sputtered and backed away, taking that gorgeous body and the heat with him, giving her a moment’s reprieve to come back to her senses.

  God, her hormones were playing tricks on her, because she had to fight the urge to reach out and bring him back. Just being that close to Liam and his alpha powers had her pulse racing and her desire quickening. Where was Snake when she needed him? To prevent her own body from betraying her, she balled her hands into fists and stood still as though fixed to the floor.

  “It… you…”

  Hell, she’d never seen Liam tongue-tied. She had to stifle a laugh.

  He let out a harsh breath and raked his hand through his hair. “You don’t understand.”

  “Oh, I do. I have something you want, but it’s not yours, Liam, and it’s not for sale.”

  He moved so fast, like the first time in the woods. In half a breath, he had her cornered against the wall. “You mated my wife,” he snarled. “Making me the laughing stock of the council.”

  The ire from that meeting bubbled to the surface. Liam wasn’t the only one who’d been insulted in the council chamber. “And as you pointed out, what the girls do in the bedroom doesn’t matter, since it doesn’t result in cubs.” She all but spit at him, daring him to take the bait. Kill her or leave, she didn’t care which, but he’d not get what he’d come for even if she had to scratch his eyes out. “Besides, I was inferior, remember? You didn’t want me.”


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