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Dangerous Delusion (O'Connor Brothers Book 6)

Page 20

by Rhonda Brewer

  The cheering crowd started to move off, except the members of his family that were moving toward the stage. His heart sank when he didn’t see Lora. He frantically scanned the crowd for a glimpse of her or Hulk.

  “She went to the pub with Emily and Kristy. They had to use the ladies room.” Marina must have seen his panic. “Starting to wish I had gone with them.”

  “We can stop into Mom and Dad’s on the way home. I’m sure the boys are asleep by now and won’t ruin our plans.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

  Marina playfully slapped her husband on the chest, but it was clear she was all in for whatever James had in mind. Nick smiled because for a moment he could see a picture of himself with Lora swollen with his child.

  “You guys were great as usual.” Stephanie hopped up on the stage and wrapped her arms around John.

  She grinned as she whispered something in her husband's ear. John's eyes practically rolled into his head as he snatched her hand. He was halfway up the beach before he called back to everyone.

  “Yeah, I’m going home,” John shouted as he towed a giggling Stephanie behind him.

  Since their house was right across from the beach, it only took seconds for them to make it to their front door. From the look on his brother's face, Nick was pretty sure they weren’t going home to sleep.

  “I’m so ready to curl up in bed and go to sleep.” Billie placed her hands on her back which made her swollen belly jut out further.

  “The firefighters are going to put all the equipment in the truck for us. I'll take you home and give you a nice massage.” Mike wrapped his arms around her from behind and splayed his hands over her belly.

  "I will love you forever if you do that." She sighed and rested her head back against his shoulder.

  “I’ll get the truck in the morning.” Aaron jumped down off the stage and wrapped his arm around the woman he’d picked up at the pub a few nights before. “I’ve got plans too.”

  At one time, Nick could see what Aaron found intriguing about the woman, but since he'd met Lora, women like her didn't even turn his head. The only woman he wanted was Lora. Before he could hurry off to meet her at the pub, several phones went off at the same time. Nick, Mike, James, Marina, and Aaron all pulled out their phones.

  “Oh my, God. Emily’s water broke,” Stephanie shouted as she and John came running back to the beach.

  “Keith said Lora and Kristy are back at the pub with Hulk. Bull had to drive them to the hospital because Keith had a few beers.” John had the phone to his ear.

  “Are we all going to the hospital?” Billie grinned.

  “Someone should call the Health Science maternity ward and let them know they're about to be invaded by the O’Connor family.” One of the firefighters Nick knew from school chuckled.

  Ernie Marsh was one of Mike’s oldest friends and grew up in Hopedale. He shared an apartment in St. John’s with Mike and another friend for a few years. That was until Mike met Billie and moved back to the small town.

  “Hey, Nick.” Nick turned around to the soft voice behind him.

  “Hey, Sunny.” He smiled at the young teenager that worked at the grocery store.

  “You guys were great tonight.” She smiled and nodded at all the band members.

  “Thanks.” Aaron winked at her.

  “I was wondering if one of you guys could do something for me?” The smile faded from her face.

  “Sure, what’s up?” Nick asked.

  “Well, I do house cleaning for Mr. Batten. He lives on Knob Lane.” She explained.

  “Okay, that’s the same road Nick’s girlfriend lives on.” James nodded.

  “I’m worried about him. I was supposed to drop by there last week, and I did, but he didn’t answer the door. Which is odd? I tried to call him but there was no answer, and I’ve dropped by every day since. His curtains are all closed but the lights are on, and I can hear the television. I know sometimes he just ignores me when I knock but…” She sighed. “I’m just worried….” She trailed off.

  “I can check on him on my way to the hospital. I need to stop by the pub and pick up Lora.” Nick put his hand on her shoulder. “I’ll give your grandfather a call when I get some information.”

  Mr. Lawton the pharmacist was her grandfather, and Nick knew his dad could get in touch with the man if he had to. Nick knew Mr. Batten but didn’t know a lot about him.

  “Thanks. Mr. Batten has no family that I know of, and he can be a cranky butt, but I’ve grown fond of him and would hate if something happened to him.” Sunshine’s eyes filled with tears.

  “We’ve got this.” Aaron winked at her. “Let’s go make fun of Keith.”

  “I thought you and me were going back to my place.” The blonde whined.

  “Sorry Jocelyn, my brother’s wife is having her baby.” Aaron grinned.

  “Seriously, you would rather spend the night at the hospital than in my bed.” Jocelyn stepped back with pure shock on her face.

  “Not that I’d rather do it, but family is first.” Aaron seemed annoyed at her attitude.

  “Well, I guess I’m going home alone.” She stomped off mumbling to herself.

  “Oh well, guess I won’t be getting any tonight.” Aaron shrugged his shoulders, but if Nick wasn’t mistaken, his brother looked almost relieved the woman went off in a huff.

  “Maybe there’ll be a cute nurse at the hospital.” Marina winked at Aaron.

  Nick sent a text to Lora to let her know he was on the way to the pub to pick her up. When she didn’t respond right away, he figured she was lost in conversation with Kristy. He sent a text to Hulk to let him know.

  Since most of the families’ vehicles were parked in the pub parking lot, the group strolled up Beach Street and turned on to Harbour Street. Marina and Billie hurried ahead. Apparently, the babies caused havoc with their bladders.

  Mike and Ian were teasing Aaron about losing out on his roll in the hay when loud screams had them all running toward the pub.

  Billie staggered out of the door just as the rest of them got to the steps. Her face was ghostly white, and Marina stood against the outside of the door trembling.

  “I think… Oh, God…. I think he’s dead.” Billie bawled as Mike wrapped his arms around her.

  “Who?” John shouted.

  Nick and Aaron ran up the steps with John and Ian behind them. Aaron yanked open the door. The sight that greeted them made Nick’s heart feel like it stopped.

  “Fuck,” Ian pushed by them and fell to his knees next to Hulk’s motionless body.

  “Is he…” Nick couldn’t finish the statement.

  Hulk may not be blood-related to him or his brothers, but he was unquestionably part of the family. Ian held up his hand and pressed his fingers against Hulk’s neck.

  “I got a pulse, but it’s weak.” Ian ripped open the front of Hulk’s shirt. “he’s not breathing. Get a bus here.”

  John was already on his phone as Sandy moved Marina and Billie away from the doorstep, along with anyone who wasn’t police.

  As much as Nick complained about it on stage about having to wear his weapon, he was glad to be holding it at that moment. Aaron carefully edged into the diner with Nick close behind. The whole time they searched Nick prayed they’d find Lora and Kristy hiding somewhere inside.

  With each shout of a room being clear, his heart sank. Nick made is way to the exit when the blare of the ambulance roared as it pulled in front of the pub. When Cory and Steve exited the pub section and shook their heads, Nick’s stomach lurched, and his body trembled.

  He moved out of the way of the medical personnel that entered to work on Hulk. Ian continued to help them, but Nick couldn't concentrate on anything they said or did.

  “Someone has to call Bull.” Marina had her arms wrapped around Stephanie.

  “I’ll call him.” Sandy’s voice cracked.

  She seemed to be doing her best not to fall apart, but out of the whole family, she was probably closest to the men t
hat worked for Keith and Bull. She’d known them before the business home base was moved back to Newfoundland.

  “We’ll find them, bro.” Aaron squeezed Nick's shoulder as he walked up to him.

  “We don’t even know who this fucker is,” Nick growled.

  “When I find this bastard, I’m going to beat him within an inch of his life.” Cory stomped around his truck and punched the side of it several times before John stopped him.

  “When this is over, you and I are going to have a long talk, but right now get your head out of your ass. We need you to help us find our cousin and future sister-in-law.” If anyone outside the family heard John, they’d say he was calm and collected, but Nick knew his brother well, John was about to lose all control.

  Nick turned and braced his hands against a truck behind him. He took several deep breaths trying to keep himself from completely losing his own control. Not only was the love of his life missing, but his cousin as well.

  “What the fuck happened?” Kurt and his father ran into the parking lot.

  “Lora and Kristy are missing and Hulk…” James stopped.

  “He was shot.” Steve appeared next to James.

  “Someone took my daughter?” Kurt growled.

  “And Lora.” John reminded his uncle.

  “What do you know?” Kurt’s voice calmed into a deep rumble.

  “Only what we just told you,” John explained.

  Before Nick knew what happened, he was on his knees with his head against the bumper of the truck. It was hard to breathe, and it felt as if someone knocked the wind out of him. He needed to get himself together, but he couldn’t control his breathing.

  “Here, bro,” Ian held a paper bag in front of Nick.

  “Wha… don…” Nick gasped.

  “You’re hyperventilating. Breathe in and out into this bag to get that under control. She needs you, bro.” Ian held the bag up to his mouth. “That’s it. Slow that breathing down.”

  Nick felt like a complete idiot as he watched everyone around him. He was a fucking cop for Christ's sake. He needed to get himself together for Lora and Kristy. Losing Lora wasn’t an option now that he found her. No. This bastard wasn’t going to take her away.

  He pushed Ian’s hand away. Making eye contact with his brother, Nick nodded as they watched the ambulance speed out of the parking lot.

  “Let’s get to work,” Nick shouted when Ian helped him to his feet.

  "That's the brother I remember," Ian said as he gave Nick a supportive slap on the back.

  He carefully filled the plates with food and counted as he tried to calm his frustration. Getting the two women into the house had been a struggle, and the pregnant one kicked him in the shin.

  She wasn’t long calming down when he slapped her again. The feel of his hand slapping against her skin aroused him, but he couldn’t allow her to do that to him.

  His love was more cooperative, but he didn’t like the look of fear in her eyes. He tried to soothe her to let her know he wouldn’t allow them to take her again, but it didn’t help.

  Now both women were in his treatment room. They had to be deprogrammed. The first thing was to rid them of all the possessions they had from their captive lives.

  He’d let them settle a little before he’d attempt that. After all, one was pregnant, and he would be a father. He grinned as he thought about having a baby to raise. He’d resigned himself that the little girl wasn’t an infant, and her room was completed, but now he had to build a nursery for his new child.

  Sure, the baby wasn’t his by blood, but he’d been blood-related to his father, and that was hell. He was nothing like his overbearing father.

  He’d made a few mistakes by trying to replace his love with those other sluts, but that wouldn’t happen anymore. He had his love, and someone to give him a child. His life was complete.

  He placed the plates of food on a tray with a couple of bottles of water. He needed to go back and clean up his mess at the old man’s house. Before he left, he needed to make sure his love and the other were not hungry or thirsty. They’d grow to appreciate his effort.

  “I’m coming, my beautiful ladies.” He smiled as he pulled on the ski mask and made his way down into the basement.

  Chapter 27

  “You don’t have any idea who this guy is, do you?” Kristy whispered as the man left the room.

  “No. I don’t recognize his voice, and we can’t see his face but there is something familiar.” Lora glanced around the room.

  “Do you have any idea where we are?” Kristy walked around the small room, but Lora didn’t know what she was looking for.

  “Not a clue.” Lora sighed and wrapped her arms around herself. “Do you think…. Hulk?” Lora shivered.

  “I wish I knew.” Kristy’s voice cracked for the first time since they’d been shoved into the room with pillowcases over their heads.

  The crazy bastard said he didn’t want them mentally telling people where they were. If it wasn’t apparent before that this man was insane, that statement had confirmed it. Lora was scared to death, and Kristy was in danger as well.

  “I think he’s coming,” Kristy whispered as she grabbed Lora’s hand and they both sat on one of the beds.

  The room was about twelve by twelve and didn’t appear to have any windows. There were two single beds on one side of the wall as well as a small fridge in the corner. There were two doors, but one led to a small bathroom with a sink and toilet. The only way out was the door he'd pushed them through. Lora heard several clicks letting her know the entrance was very secure. There was no chance they could break out through there.

  “Are you okay?” Lora asked Kristy who was squeezing her hand so tight it started to hurt.

  “Me? Sure. I’m locked in a room with you because some crazy ass man who thinks he’s saving us. Other than that; I’m just peachy.” Kristy was trying to make light of the situation, but Lora found it hard to see any humor.

  One click, two clicks and then a third. The door opened, and they heard him call from the opened door.

  “My Darlings, I’ve got some food here to tide you over until I get back. Please stay back from the door. I don’t want to have to hurt you, but I will, if I have to.” His voice sounded as if he was having a casual conversation with an old friend, and Kristy looked at Lora as if to say ‘is this guy for real?’

  He entered the room, and Lora hoped he had lost the ski mask, but he still had his face hidden. He removed his jacket and Lora could now see the man’s build.

  He was a few inches taller than her, but not as tall as Nick. He wasn’t skinny, but he wasn’t overweight either. Lora didn't see any visible tattoos or scars on his arms, but she just couldn’t shake the feeling that she knew him.

  “Now I don’t want you to worry. I will be back in the morning. There’s enough food here to get you through the night as well as water.” He turned and glanced at them. “I would never leave without making sure you are okay.”

  It looked as if he wanted them to acknowledge what he deemed to be ‘taking care’ of them. What were they supposed to do? Say thank you for the food and keeping us locked up in a room.

  He pulled a bag from his shoulder and tossed it in the middle of the floor. Both Lora and Kristy stared at it as if it would blow up in their faces.

  “I’ve brought you some night time clothes as well as bathroom supplies.” He backed toward the door. “I’ll see you at lunchtime tomorrow.”

  “Th…thank you.” Lora forced out the words as the bile rose in her throat.

  It turned her stomach to thank the man, but she certainly didn’t want to piss him off before she and Kristy figured a way out, or Nick found her.


  Lora swallowed the lump in her throat as she thought about the man she loved. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that he’d move heaven and earth to find them.

  “You’re very welcome, my love.” He smiled as if she’d gave him the biggest gift in the world.<
br />
  Lora wished she knew who he was. If she could find out why he thought he was saving her, maybe she could reach him in some way.

  The door closed behind him, and the three clicks sounded like the loudest noise in the world. Lora didn’t have time to panic over it because Kristy jumped to her feet and was knocking softly along the wall, but Lora had no idea why.

  “I’m not staying locked in this fucking room until he comes back from God knows where,” Kristy whispered as she continued along the wall.

  “I don’t think we have much choice.” Lora stood up and started to do the same thing, but she wasn’t sure what Kristy was doing.

  “There's no way that a house has a room this size with no window. Even if we are in the basement, there has to be some window here somewhere. This is all new drywall, and you can smell the fresh paint.” Kristy glanced around the room.

  "Are you saying he built this room to keep us locked away?" Lora's blood ran cold to think this guy planned to keep her prisoner.

  "Look at the way this room is laid out. He's been planning this for a while." Kristy turned, and Lora knew at that moment they needed to get out of there and fast.

  Lora continued to knock up and down the wall in the same way that Kristy did. It all sounded the same to her, but Kristy seemed to be concentrating as if looking for a specific sound.

  "How will you know if there's a window?" Lora asked.

  "When my dad renovated the house we grew up in, he was looking for a window they'd boarded up years before. This was how he found it," Kristy whispered.

  Before they were halfway around the room music filled the air. Lora loved classical music, so she knew the song. It was Scarlatti Sonata in D minor. Most people probably heard the song more than they realized because it was often used as hold music.

  “Oh, hell no.” Kristy groaned.

  It was not that the music was loud, because it was actually at a very soft volume, but the song could be annoying when you heard it over and over.

  “Maybe he thinks it will keep us calm.” Lora watched Kristy pick up a fork from the tray the man had left on top of the small fridge.


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