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All I Want Is You (Forever and Ever Book 1)

Page 9

by E. L. Todd

  “At least I’m not a pussy. If you love Skye so damn much, why don’t you just tell her? Be a man and be honest.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “She’s not just some girl I can avoid and never see again if it goes south. She’s in my family. If it gets awkward, our relationship will never be the same. And if I thought there was a slight chance she felt the same way, I wouldn’t hesitate. But I know she isn’t into me. It would be a suicide mission.”

  “Then. Move. On.” He slammed his palm onto the table. “Start dating and fucking. You’re never going to get over Skye if you spend the weekend with her in a presidential suite and cuddle with her all night long.”

  He had a point. “It was a bad decision…you’re right.”

  “Of course I’m right. Now call up Jasmine and have a beer with her.”

  “I don’t know—”

  “If not her, someone else. I’m not trying to get all mushy-mushy on you, but you’re a catch, man. You’re going to school to be a doctor, you’re ripped, and you’re good-looking. I see chicks check you out all the time, eye-fucking you. You have your pick of the crop. Now start taking advantage of it.”

  As vulgar as Slade was, he had a good point. I’d wasted so much time on Skye, someone I would never have. She was just a friend and she would always be a friend. “I guess…”

  “You should invite Jasmine to the Halloween party.”

  “No…I don’t want to give her the wrong idea.”

  “Then you should pick up someone at the Halloween party.”

  “We’ll see how it goes…”

  “Now back to your costume…this is what I’m thinking. How about a rabid hippo?”

  I didn’t understand what went through Slade’s head sometimes. “No.”

  “How about a blimp?”

  “A blimp?”

  “You know, those big balloons that float in the sky.”

  I gritted my teeth. “I know what a blimp is. Why the hell would I be one?”

  “No one else is going to be that.”

  I turned my gaze back to my textbook. I had too much to do to entertain his craziness.


  After my lab, I went to Manhattan Grub to get dinner. I usually went every Wednesday night as a tradition. The smart thing to do was to avoid Skye, but of course, that was impossible.

  I walked inside and spotted her at the register. “Hey.”

  “Hey.” She gave me a beautiful smile. Her white teeth were perfectly straight, and her lustrous brown hair framed her face. The strands reached her chest, long and silky. Her blue eyes caught my attention, like they always did.

  Ugh…why did she have this affect on me?

  “The usual?” she asked.


  “You never change.”

  She didn’t know how true that was. “How’s business?”

  “Slow. During lunch hour, the line is out the door.”

  “Maybe you should close in the evenings.”

  She shrugged. “A lot of college kids can only work at night. My dad considers it working charity.”

  “Good man.”

  “I know.” She turned to make the food.

  “Skye, you didn’t charge me.”

  “Cayson, you’re family.”

  “No, I’m a customer. Now charge me.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You’re annoying.”

  “So are you.” I put a twenty down.

  She took it then handed me my change. “Coming right up.”

  “Make something for yourself and join me.”

  “I’m supposed to be working.”

  I smirked at her. “You call this work?”

  She grinned then made my food. When I saw her make another, I knew she was going to eat with me.

  We sat across from each other in the corner. Her hot dog was covered in chili, cheese, jalapenos, onions, and relish.

  “That looks good,” I said.

  “It’s on the secret menu.”

  “What’s it called?”

  She thought for a moment. “The Sky High Dog.”

  “Naming a meal after yourself? A bit cocky.”

  “You’re cocky,” she countered.

  I smirked then sipped my soda.

  “How was lab?”


  “You’re always short with me when I ask about school.”

  “Because it’s boring. And frankly, you wouldn’t understand it.”

  “Cockier.” She gave me a firm look.

  “I wouldn’t understand all your business lingo.”

  “Touché.” She ate half her hot dog in just a few bites. Unlike most girls, Skye didn’t order a small salad with a side of dressing. She ate like a real person, and as a result, she had real curves. She had a small belly and noticeable hips, but she was gorgeous because of it. I loved her body. The first time I saw her in a swimsuit I almost came in my shorts. “So, what are you going to be for Halloween?”

  I still had to figure that out. “Not sure. You?”

  “Zack wants to come as Batman and Wonder Woman.”

  God, that was cliché. “Do you want to do that?”

  “Not really. I wanted to be Beatrix Kiddo from Kill Bill and have Zack be Bill.”

  God, she was killing me. She was the coolest damn chick in the world. “And he didn’t want to do that?”

  “He said he hates that movie.”

  What the hell did she see in him? “I think you guy should keep brainstorming…”

  “At least we have ideas.”

  I watched her eat the hot dog, sinister thoughts coming into my mind. “Maybe I’ll be a wiener.”

  She laughed. “So you’ll be wiener boy?”

  “And you can be wiener girl. It’ll be perfect.”

  “That would be awesome. I would love that.” She sighed. “But Zack would kill me.”

  “Why?” I sipped my soda and stared at her.

  “He’s just…never mind.”

  “You can tell me anything, Skye.”

  “He’s just a little threatened by you.”

  He should be. “He thinks you’re into me?” Damn, I wish that were true.

  “No…he just gets jealous that we spend so much time together.”

  “Would you rather us not spend time together?” Please say no.

  “Of course not. He can deal with it. I made it clear if he had a problem with you, then he should just walk away. I won’t put up with his bullshit.”

  The aggression in her voice told me they had this discussion several times. “Well, that means a lot to me.”

  “You’re family. No guy will ever be as important unless he’s my husband.”

  “Do you see him as your husband someday?” I sipped my soda again so I could hide my anxiety.

  “I don’t know. I’m too young to think about marriage.”

  That was a firm no. Thankfully.

  She finished her hot dog then moaned. “That was so good.”

  “You know your way around a kitchen.” I wiped my mouth with a napkin then tossed it aside.

  “So, what’s Slade going to be?”

  I rolled my eyes. “A tattoo artist.”

  She cocked an eyebrow. “How’s he going to manage that?”

  “I don’t know. He’s going to dress like himself.”

  She laughed. “My cousin is a weirdo.”

  “You think you’re any different?” I teased.

  She grinned. “I guess not.”

  “So, was Zack pissed we stayed in the same room together?”

  “Of course he was. But he kept his mouth shut like he’s supposed to.”

  I was glad Skye didn’t put up with his bullshit. She was too strong to let a man control her. And she was too independent and smart.

  The bell rang overhead when the door opened, and Zack appeared.


  As soon as his eyes landed on mine, a scowl deepened on his face. He didn’t like me and he didn’t bother hiding it. I
didn’t bother hiding it either. He came to our table, his shoulders becoming tenser with every step.

  “Hey, baby.” He leaned down and kissed her, rubbing it in my face.

  She ended the embrace quickly. “Hey. What are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to see you. I know you get off soon.”

  “Yeah. Time flies when I’m not working.” She laughed at her own joke.

  Zack sat beside her and put his arm over her chair, claiming her.

  I felt sick to my stomach.

  “Baby, can I order some food?”

  “Sure. What do you want?”

  He glanced at the menu. “The number two.”

  “Seven bucks.” She held out her hand.

  “You’re going to charge me? I’m your boyfriend.”

  “So?” She glared at him. “This is my father’s business, not mine.”

  He sighed then gave her the cash.

  Skye took it then headed to the register, leaving us alone.

  Zack immediately threatened me with his eyes. “You can fool everyone else but you can’t fool me, asshole.”

  I kept my silence.

  “If you think following her everywhere she goes and stalking her is going to win her over, you’re wrong. She’s mine and I’m not letting you take her away from me. If you continue to piss me the fuck off, I’ll bash your face in so hard you won’t be recognizable.”

  “I didn’t realize I threatened you so much.” I leaned back and stared him down, not blinking.

  “I’m not threatened by you,” he snapped.

  “Sounds like it. And I’d love nothing more than for you to throw a punch. Believe me, ripping you apart, limb-by-limb, would give me nothing but satisfaction. And you know what the best part would be? To watch Skye leave your ass for touching me.”

  Fire burned in his eyes. He clutched his hand and made a fist, and it shook on the table.

  “Let’s be real here. You’ll never compete with me. And every time you try to fight me, you push her further away. You’re digging your own grave, man.”

  He clenched his jaw, telling me he didn’t have an argument against that. We both knew I meant more to Skye than he ever would. I was her family, her best friend. I would always be more important until the day she said I do. “She’s going to realize it eventually. And what do you think will happen then? She’ll turn her back on you and ignore you, trying to get away from you.”

  “That would never happen.”

  “Then why don’t you just tell her the truth? Huh? What do you got to lose?”

  Seriously, this guy was a dick. What did she see in him? “Skye doesn’t feel anything for me. She sees me as a friend and a brother. Telling her would change nothing. And even if she did, you should stop questioning her left and right. If you knew her better, you would know how ethical and trustworthy she is. She’s not a cheater and she’s not a liar. You really should calm the fuck down.”

  Skye came back to the table and put the hot dog down. “No onions, right?”

  Zack didn’t look at her. “Yeah.”

  Skye sat beside him with her clipboard in hand. She made a few notes.

  Zack continued to stare at me, probably wishing he could strangle me and get away with it. I wished he would so Skye would leave him.

  Skye glanced at Zack. “Are you going to eat that?”

  He finally snapped out of his trance. “Yeah…”

  I couldn’t stand to be around him a second longer. Skye didn’t even seem happy with him. He didn’t make her laugh the way I did. They didn’t have an openness to their relationship, a playfulness. It was stern and serious, almost gloomy. “I have to go.”

  Skye caught the anger in my voice. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah. I just remembered I have an assignment due tomorrow.”

  “Oh.” She knew I was lying. “Okay.”

  “Night.” I walked away without waiting for her to say it back.

  When I reached the door, I heard Skye speak to Zack. “Did you say something to him?”

  “No,” he said.

  “Because he seemed pissed about something.”

  “I don’t know. And I don’t give a shit.”

  I walked out and shut the door, feeling the anger in my limbs.


  Slade came to my door, looking like he did every day. “You like my costume?”

  “What costume?”

  “I’m a tattoo artist. I said that already.” He sighed in annoyance.

  “Well, it’s the cheapest costume in the world.”

  He looked at my costume, confusion spreading on his face. “Are you…Buzz Lightyear?”

  “No. I’m a laser tag soldier.”

  “Oh!” He nodded his head in approval. “It’s not quite as cool as a dinosaur but it works.”

  “Since I’m not five, the dinosaur costume never would have been cool.”

  “That’s debatable.” He stepped inside my apartment, uninvited. “You ready?”

  I put my vest on then grabbed my plastic gun. “Yep.”

  “Now let’s talk about our game plan.”

  “Game plan?”

  “You’re getting laid tonight.”

  I rolled my eyes. “If I want to get laid, I will.”

  “I have a feeling I’m going to have to give you a push. The women are going to be all over us. I’m telling you. You’ll have your pick of the crop.”

  “We’ll see…”

  “Let’s head out.” He spotted a bag of candy on my counter and snatched a few pieces. “Expecting trick-or-treaters?”

  “There are a few kids in my building.”

  “What a nice guy,” he said sarcastically.

  We left the apartment then drove to Trinity’s house a few blocks from campus. Uncle Mike bought her a house because he didn’t like her being so close to other people. Uncle Sean was protective but Uncle Mike was worse. Much worse. It had a security system and video surveillance. It was a little over the top.

  The streets were flooded with cars. Every curb was taken, so we had to park a few blocks away.

  “A lot of people are here tonight,” I said.

  “We know a lot of people.”

  “Her house is going to be demolished.”

  “Nothing Uncle Mike can’t fix with the change sitting at the bottom of his pocket.”

  After we parked, we headed to the house. The bass from the music thudded loudly, and the front of the house was decorated for Halloween. Spider webs covered the bushes and skeletons were forked into the lawn.

  “So spooky,” Slade said sarcastically.

  We walked inside and met the smoke from cigarettes and bongs. The music was louder, heavier on our ears. I didn’t recognize most of the people, and it didn’t seem like Slade did either. We walked until we reached the living room.

  Conrad and Roland were both holding beers, checking out the girls in the corner. Each girl wore a slutty bunny costume. They weren’t even original. They wore black lingerie with pink ears. They had perfect bodies and nice racks, but they weren’t unique.

  “Hey.” Slade joined the guys. “We got some talent here tonight.”

  I came by his side and looked at Roland. “Hey, man.”

  He fist pounded me. “Have fun with my sister this weekend?”

  I shrugged. “It was alright.”

  Everyone knew I was in love with Skye, even her brother. I never admitted it, but I didn’t need to. They all knew. It was a miracle Skye didn’t know. Like I said, she was blind.

  “Was my dad there?”

  “Yep. He was a bit of a celebrity.”

  “When isn’t he?” Roland drank out of his red cup. “What are you?” He eyed my outfit.

  “Laser tag soldier.”

  “Cool,” he said with a nod.

  He was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. “And what are you?”

  “Nothing. I’m too cool to dress up.”

  Conrad was in jeans too. “Everyone knows Halloween is just
a night where girls can dress like sluts and other girls can’t talk shit about it. And it’s a great way for us to determine who really has the nicest body.”

  Slade nodded. “Word.” He eyed the bunnies in the corner. “And it’s a tie.”

  Roland smirked. “All I have to do is say I’m a Preston and the girls come to me.”

  “All I have to do is show off my tattoos,” Slade said. “Girls think I’m dark and dangerous.”

  “And reckless and stupid,” I added.

  Trinity came to our group but I hardly recognized her. She was wearing blood red panties and a matching push-up bra. Her blonde hair was curled, and red horns sat on her head. Five inch red heels made her almost as tall as us. “Hey there.” She put her hands on her hips and kept her shoulders back. She eyed Slade, watching his reaction.

  Slade’s eyes widened while he stared at her. “Uh…”

  Conrad was the first one to react. He almost spit out his drink. “What the hell are you wearing?”

  “My Halloween costume,” she snapped.

  “No, you’re wearing slutty lingerie,” he snapped.

  “So, the girls you were checking out in the corner can dress like this but I can’t?” She glared at her brother.

  “Put on some clothes. Now.” Conrad clenched his hand so hard he dented his cup.

  “No.” She twirled a strand of hair then looked at Slade again. I wasn’t sure what she was expecting out of him. A silent conversation passed between them.

  Conrad pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Fine. I’ll just take a picture and send it to Dad. I’m sure he wants to know what his whore of a daughter is doing.”

  Her eyes smoldered in demonic fire. “Don’t even think about it.”

  Conrad held the phone out to take a picture.

  She hissed then grabbed his wrist, trying to yank it away.

  Slade and I stood back, staying out of the line of fire. Roland sipped his glass, looking indifferent.

  “I’m a grown woman and can do what I want,” Trinity snapped. “You can’t just tattle on me every time I do something you don’t approve of.”

  “You’re wearing underwear in public,” Conrad snapped.

  “How is it any different than a swimsuit?” she challenged.

  “Because we aren’t at the damn beach.” He yanked his phone away then took a picture.

  “I will never forgive you if you send that to Dad!” She was practically hysterical.


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