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Incubus Bundle

Page 3

by Alex Jace

  Sebastian had honestly been surprised by how badly Kit wanted him. His worst-case scenario had been that Kit genuinely wouldn’t be interested in him, in which case there would be no fun playing games with him. But Sebastian had gotten lucky. Kit was so shy, so delightfully wanton, teasing him one minute, fleeing the next. Introducing him to new pleasures was an intensely satisfying experience. And now Kit slept, defenceless. In his bed.

  Sebastian caught himself stroking his hair again, stopped himself. The incubus was a plaything. A nothing. Here to serve and obey him. He told himself that several times until it made sense again.

  “I’m just taking my time,” Sebastian said. “Getting him prepared. He’ll be ready soon.” Ready to be deliciously and ruthlessly fucked while Sebastian bound his soul forever.

  “Sooner would be better.”

  Sebastian knew as well as Dane did that Kit would be coveted by any sorcerer. Most would be willing to kill Sebastian to take Kit. “I’m ready for that.”

  Dane rolled his eyes. “Not what I meant. This one’s going to be trouble, I can see it already. He’ll wind you around his little finger.”

  “Oh, I know. Believe me, I know.” Sebastian couldn’t help smiling.

  Because he was looking forward to every minute.


  “Good morning, kitten.”

  Kit’s heavy eyes fluttered open, everything a blur, then sank shut. It was too much effort to wake up; he could barely open his eyes. He snuggled deeper into the warm arms wrapped around him, the cosy duvet draped over him, not wanting to move. He was so comfortable he could have dozed forever.

  A deep chuckle rumbled through the hard chest beneath his cheek. “Kitten?”

  “Stop calling me that,” Kit grumbled, half-heartedly. He rubbed his cheek against the chest he was trying to sleep on, enjoying the warmth, the steady heartbeat. Kit could not remember ever waking up like this before. Held. Protected. Safe.

  One finger lifted his chin, and Kit forced his sleepy eyes open. He found himself staring into an intense blue gaze that stopped his breath; his stomach tightened, his throat went dry just from that one look. He was twined around a scorchingly hot man who was awake and smouldering at him. Black hair, blue eyes, powerful frame. Wicked smile. The man was all too familiar.

  Kit froze. He now realised who he had snuggled into so trustingly.

  Sebastian. Sorcerer. His captor. The man intent on claiming him forever as his incubus servant. And Kit was now draped all over his delicious, hot, muscular body.

  Kit must be out of his mind. Because he was feeling the traitorous urge to lick this man all over. He wondered what those muscles would taste like under his tongue. Whether they would contract when he licked them.

  “Sleep well?” Sebastian’s eyes crinkled at the corners with amusement. Maybe he could tell Kit was currently fantasising about him.

  Kit said nothing. In truth, he’d slept better last night than he ever remembered; as a fugitive, he’d never got a decent night’s sleep. Ironic that he had slept so soundly in the arms of the man who was most dangerous to him.

  If he admitted that he liked sharing Sebastian’s bed Sebastian might never let him out of it. Kit wanted to stay, but reluctantly retreated to his own side of the bed. It was cold.

  No, it wasn’t his side. He couldn’t afford to think like that. He wasn’t staying here in bed with a sorcerer, it was too dangerous. If he ever gave in—if he let Sebastian claim his body, his magic, his soul—he was facing a lifetime of enslavement. As an incubus, he would be Sebastian’s plaything, his servant, his source of power. Not an equal. Not even a person.

  No. No part of this world was safe for him.

  “Covers off,” Sebastian said. “I want to look at you.”

  Kit shrank under the duvet. He was naked beneath it; he did not dare expose himself. He could not let this situation get any more intimate. He was barely resisting Sebastian as it was.

  “Behave,” Sebastian warned. One word in that steely tone could crumble Kit’s resolve so easily. Kit could not understand how Sebastian made him want to obey.

  Slowly, reluctantly, Kit drew the covers off himself, exposing his naked body to Sebastian’s hungry eyes. Kit had to fist his hands so that Sebastian wouldn’t see them shaking. The heat that kindled in Sebastian’s expression stole Kit’s breath; it was the lazy appreciation of someone looking forward to a delicious meal. A prize to be tasted, savoured, enjoyed. Kit quivered, pleasantly terrified.

  “Oh, you are beautiful.” Sebastian’s voice dropped to a growl. “All sleepy and tempting. I’d like to keep you like this for days. Naked in my bed.” His hot eyes dragged slowly up and down Kit’s body. “I could do all kinds of things to you. I know you’re inexperienced. You need to be taught some lessons.”

  Kit couldn’t seem to breathe under that gaze; his chest rose and fell in rapid gasps. “Sebastian…”

  “What would you like me to do to you?” Sebastian had a wicked gleam.

  “I don’t want…” Kit clutched handfuls of the sheet beneath him, dying to cover himself again. This was too vulnerable, too intense. It was too dangerous to want Sebastian this badly.

  “Tell me what you want,” Sebastian coaxed. “Anything you like. I’ll make it good for you. You remember how much you liked yesterday.”

  Kit had been trying desperately not to think about yesterday, and now the memory hit him afresh. The slow seduction, the searing kiss that had shaken him to the core, the intense experience of giving his first blowjob. Sebastian pinning him, kissing him, biting him.

  At that point Kit cracked. He was so hot he was burning up; his need for more consumed him. He reddened as he whispered, “Please kiss me.”

  Sebastian chuckled. “You are so cautious. That’s only the start of what I could do to you if you asked. If you dared.”

  Kit reddened even more. “I like it when you kiss me.”

  “I can tell.” Sebastian had a knowing smile. “Come here.”

  Kit sneaked closer. Part of him purred as he settled back into Sebastian’s warmth. Sebastian dropped a hand to palm his ass boldly, squeezing, dragging him tight against him. Kit caught his breath, suddenly pressed up against Sebastian’s hard body while Sebastian cupped his ass. Kit’s heart beat hard in his throat.

  Sebastian looked at him like he wanted to eat him. That blue gaze scorched him. “Shut your eyes.”

  Kit shut his eyes obediently. In the dark, there was nothing but Sebastian. And Sebastian kissed him.

  Sizzling heat sparked between them and Kit melted immediately, clutching at him, trying to drag him closer. Sebastian got a rough grip on his hair and angled his face just right to kiss him deeper. Kit could not get enough of this kiss and the quick sting as Sebastian bit his lower lip only made it worse; Kit heard himself make a small pleading sound.

  Sebastian rolled him easily beneath him. Kit gasped at the sudden weight of Sebastian’s hard body on top of him. It felt startlingly good—steadying him, grounding him. Kit shifted slightly, needing pressure against his cock, and Sebastian dipped his head to growl in his ear, “Keep still.”

  Kit froze. He would do pretty much anything Sebastian asked in that deep, sexy voice.

  “You’re always so eager. Wanting me to let you come. Well, you’re not going to rush me this time. I’m going to take my time with you.” Sebastian slid down his body, hot skin sliding over hot skin, making Kit moan aloud. “You liked being bitten?”

  Being bitten felt so good and yet so shameful. Kit wasn’t supposed to enjoy such a primal show of dominance. He was afraid that if he said yes, Sebastian might genuinely hurt him—and worse, Kit might like it. But the temptation was too great. “Yes.”

  “Good. I thought a little pain would do it for you. It reminds you that I’m in charge.”

  Kit thought about denying it, but there was obviously no point. Sebastian could read him like a book. It didn’t seem fair.

  “Let’s see what else I can do for you.” Sebastian
began teasing his nipples, licking, then biting, while Kit arched and gasped beneath him, hot jolts of pleasure going through him. Sebastian captured his nipple in his teeth and bit down, harder and harder until Kit was clutching at him. Sebastian moved to his other nipple and did it again, and Kit could only beg him for more.

  When Sebastian pulled away Kit made a sound of protest. Sebastian licked the sting left by his teeth and made Kit squeak. “Hmm, you like that too, don’t you. I think once you’re in my bed permanently, I might experiment with you a little more. I think you’d enjoy more pain.”

  Kit fidgeted, hoping for more. Sebastian slid one hand enticingly up Kit’s inner thigh. “Sure you don’t want me to finger you? Maybe even fuck you? You’d like that. Coming under me. Squeezing me nice and tight.”

  It was a delicious, forbidden thought. Kit was so tempted, but then terror struck as he remembered what he stood to lose. He twisted away. “No. Don’t!”

  “Oh, no, you don’t. Come back here.” Sebastian recaptured him firmly and settled him against Sebastian’s body. “It’s all right. I won’t do that if you don’t want. Just tell me what to do to you next.” Sebastian bit his earlobe, a sweet spark of pain that made Kit moan.

  Kit bit his lip, terrified of his next request, but the shameful urge was undeniable. “Can I… can I go down on you again?”

  Sebastian threw back his head and laughed. “Oh, you are perfect. You liked that blowjob, didn’t you. You want my cock in your mouth.”

  Kit tried to pull away, embarrassed, but Sebastian took a firm grip on the back of his neck. “You’re not going anywhere. You little tease. You can suck my cock like you asked. And if you’re very good, I’ll let you come.”

  Kit slid eagerly down Sebastian’s body; he had been trying and failing not to crave this. Sebastian had tasted so good last time. Kit had loved the feel of him on his tongue. It had been pure, sinful submission, kneeling at his master’s feet, being made to please him.

  Sebastian rubbed his cock against Kit’s face; Kit moaned. Even that brief hot contact was unbearable. He tried to take Sebastian’s cock in his mouth, but Sebastian’s grip tightened on the back of his neck. “Slow down.”

  “Don’t want to.” Kit tugged half-heartedly against his grip. He could barely think of anything except getting Sebastian into his mouth.

  “You’re so impatient. Lick me. Slowly.”

  Kit licked him. Slowly. The first taste of his cock drove Kit crazy; Sebastian’s dominant grip on him only made him more eager to please. “More,” Sebastian said, his voice tautening, and Kit nuzzled eagerly into his cock, licking and tasting. Sebastian’s hand flexed on the back of his neck and Sebastian pushed into his mouth with a grunt. Kit’s eyes fluttered shut and he moaned again at the intense sensation, the hot slide of that silky skin over his tongue, the thick length that filled his mouth.

  He let Sebastian take control the way they both liked, thrusting into his mouth, setting a rhythm. Kit sucked frantically. “Oh, that’s good,” Sebastian said in a rough voice. “You have a sweet tongue. When I keep you I’ll make you suck me off every morning before I let you out of bed. Teach you your place.”

  Kit could not deal with this. He was going to combust at any moment. He made a strangled sound, and Sebastian tugged him around so that Sebastian could wrap his hand around his cock. Kit came immediately, helplessly, at the first stroke of Sebastian’s hand, the first hot pulse of Sebastian’s come in his mouth; his pleasure surged over him in a wave. He clutched Sebastian in desperation as he swallowed Sebastian’s come.

  He was so dazed afterward that he barely noticed Sebastian tucking him back into his arms. A warm sense of wellbeing filled him. Sebastian’s stroking fingers in his hair made him happier still. Sebastian whispered praise to him, telling him how well he’d done, how well-behaved he’d been, and Kit glowed.

  When Sebastian finally unwrapped his arms from around him and slid out of bed, Kit made a wordless sound of complaint. He’d been hoping they could stay there forever.

  Kit stayed under the nice warm duvet, watching Sebastian dress, the flexing and tautening of all those hard muscles. He wished Sebastian would come back to bed.

  As the warm feeling wore off, Kit became sadly afraid of what would happen tomorrow. Sebastian had challenged him to resist his seduction for three days; if Kit made it to the end of tomorrow without begging Sebastian to claim him, Kit could go free. He would have to leave. All by himself. And all these feelings Sebastian was busily waking inside him wouldn’t go back to sleep.

  Kit pulled the duvet up to his chin. His throat ached and he had to swallow hard. He did not want to be banished into the cold again. But he did not see any way to remain in Sebastian’s bed.


  “Wake up,” Sebastian said, for the third time.

  “Hmm?” Kit lifted his heavy head from Sebastian’s shoulder; those breathtaking green eyes fluttered open. He was extraordinarily beautiful, with his lean body, his sharp features, his soft, stubborn mouth. His sleepiness only made him more tempting. Sebastian could easily take him back to bed.

  Kit had been very quiet today, wanting to cuddle into his arms, only stirring when he wanted Sebastian to kiss him some more. Sebastian had brought him into the library with its dark wooden panels and shelves stuffed with books, which Kit had seemed to like yesterday, and let him doze in Sebastian’s arms.

  Sebastian gave him a gentle shake before he nodded off again. “You need to get ready for dinner.”

  “I do?” Kit blinked his sleepy eyes.

  Sebastian rubbed his thumb along his mouth and the soft lips parted reflexively. Sebastian had a sudden flash of what they felt like around his cock. “Stop distracting me,” Sebastian told him, though it was Sebastian’s own fault for thinking about that sinful mouth. “Dinner. Tonight. I’ve invited some friends so I can show you off.”

  Kit stiffened. “Other sorcerers?” He seemed to have a healthy fear of them; incubi were so rare, so prized as servants, that any sorcerer would want to take Kit for his own.

  “Yes. Quite a few of them. It’s a tough crowd, I have to admit. You don’t survive as a sorcerer by being gentle.” Sebastian ran his fingers through that warm copper hair, the shade of an autumn leaf. Kit looked so decadent, slightly tousled, his eyes heavy, his mouth bruised. Everyone who looked at him would know Sebastian had been playing with him. “A word of warning, kitten. If anyone discovers you haven’t yet been claimed, they’ll take you for their own. And as wary as you are about me, you definitely do not want a different sorcerer, trust me on that. Just pretend you’ve already been claimed. That means stay close to me. And obey.”

  Tonight’s dinner was a gamble, of course—there was always the chance that another sorcerer would steal Kit away forever. But the risk was part of the fun. Sebastian was looking forward to flaunting his prize, knowing he was making everyone jealous. An incubus represented pure submission, a slave who lived to give pleasure, a source of magic who could be captured for his sole use. Kit was a sorcerer’s dream. And he would soon belong body and soul to Sebastian.

  And Sebastian had another motive for tonight’s dinner. He had planned a little demonstration to show his wayward incubus what he was missing out on. Sebastian was confident in his own powers of persuasion; Kit wouldn’t even last until the end of the demonstration before begging to be claimed.

  By sunset the local sorcerers slipped out of the night like shadows. They gathered in the dining room, with its gilded portraits, its table set with the gleam of silverware and the sparkle of glasses. The other sorcerers were not friends exactly, nor were they truly rivals. Each had his own little corner of the sleepy English countryside; nobody interfered with anyone else’s territory. Sebastian stayed on civil terms with them for everyone’s safety. He had no desire for this situation to descend into feuding and violence. And from time to time he enjoyed the company of people who weren’t afraid of him.

  The party turned out to be every bit as fun as Sebastian had a
nticipated. His guests were full of envy for Sebastian’s new plaything. They looked Kit up and down in a way so slow, so hungry, it was as intimate as a touch. Kit hid behind Sebastian.

  Sebastian ruffled his coppery hair. “It’s all right, kitten. I’ll protect you.”

  Kit swallowed, his expression revealing fear, and rubbed his cheek into Sebastian’s palm. He really was adorable.

  After dinner the sorcerers talked. Kit served the wine at Sebastian’s order. Kit filled Sebastian’s glass with a splash of rich red wine that cast a firelit reflection across the tablecloth; Sebastian stroked the back of his wrist slowly with one finger. Kit’s hand trembled and he spilled the wine with a short gasp.

  “Clumsy,” Sebastian said. Everyone laughed. Kit bit his lip. Sebastian loved to watch those green eyes darken with desire. The slightest touch could make Kit melt for him.

  One of the guests looked at Kit with the lazy heat of a predator. “How did you manage the ritual to summon him? We’re still working out the details.” Every sorcerer wanted an incubus of his own. Learning to summon one was a lifelong project.

  “I had a good incentive.” Sebastian let his eyes linger on Kit, who reddened on cue.

  “And you claimed him during the ritual?”

  It was the classic method of capturing an incubus. Draw a summoning circle, call it into a human body, then fuck it. Once mastered, the incubus would be his servant forever. “I taught Kit his place, yes. He liked it well enough.” Kit went scarlet.

  Everyone laughed again. It was well known that an incubus was incapable of not liking it. Whatever its master did to it, it craved.

  “Are we here just to admire your little treat, or may we sample him?” asked another guest.

  Sebastian quite liked the thought that once Kit had been claimed once and for all, Sebastian might share him around. Let them all have a taste. They would find Kit as intoxicating as he did. And he had a sneaking suspicion that Kit might enjoy being shared. “Not tonight. I’m still teaching him his duties. I wouldn’t want to alarm him. Perhaps another time I’ll serve him up on a plate.”


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