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Her Billionaires: Boxed Set (The Complete Collection, Books 1-4)

Page 25

by Kent, Julia

  Yet still she wanted more. Needed them both in her. Rolling over, she chuckled at the sight of the wet spot, bigger than her ass, knowing she’d gushed and not at all shy about it. It had happened once or twice before, typically when she was so blindingly aroused and not looking for it. Squirting found her when it wanted to, and on its terms, and damn if Dylan and Mike hadn’t summoned it.

  “Well, that’s new,” Mike laughed, staring at the spot.

  “Really?” Dylan puffed up a bit. “Never seen that before?” Clearly, Dylan had, and viewed it with his typical assertive self as something he had manifested. Proud of it, even. And damn if he shouldn’t be, with that magic tongue. Mike’s, too.

  Their talk amused her. “I have, you know, in videos,” Mike sputtered, his body stretched out. They seemed to know to wait, to give this a few minutes. Laura pulled back the wet sheet and crawled under, cuddling a pillow.

  “G’night, boys,” she whispered, then pretended to snore. “Thanks for that.”

  Her passage almost cried out in agony, needing to be filled by something other than two wholly inadequate fingers, fingers that had been fine when they were touching her and teasing out the climax but that needed to be replaced by Dylan’s cock, or Mike’s or—


  Both in her, the double penetration right there, moments away, the thought of it sending her into pussy spasms that nearly brought her to orgasm from the mere thought. Dylan climbed on top of her and pulled the sheet back, his cock settling into the cleft of her ass, micro-movements from his hips making him ride her.

  “Sure you don’t want more, Laura?” he murmured in her ear from behind. The groan that escaped her mouth came from another layer of self that was ready, teemed with intent right now, her thick throat the only sign of struggle in her, some part knowing all too well that she would be completely drained of all passion and sex by the time they were done with her.

  Which was her form of nirvana, really.

  No one bothered to make a pretense that they would do anything but double, so Laura rolled herself into a sitting position, completely uninhibited, as if it were routinely part of life to be naked in her own bed, wet spot testifying to an eroticism a few minutes ago she’d never thought possible, while her eyes feasted on the long, lean Mike and the shorter, muscled Dylan, both watching her with expectation and very, very obvious signs that they were eager for her.

  Signs pointing up.

  It was Dylan who gently nudged her to the side and slid under her, positioning her hips over him, guiding her to straddle. Her breasts, pendulous and full, brushed against his chest as she laughed, her hair falling over her shoulder and tickling his chin. His tip touched her clit, an agony she inhaled her way through, the feelings so raw and exquisite she wanted to plunge herself with him.

  So she did. Angling her hips just so, she rode him effortlessly, his rod filling her slick walls and making her cry out to Mike. “You, too!” she gasped, ready for the forbidden once more, but this time completely at her call, at her request, as she opened herself up to them on equal footing. No lies, no secrets, no omissions.

  The bed seemed to tilt slightly to the left, then right, as she felt Mike climb behind her, his hands on her ass and then his voice. “Hey.” Hot breath on her neck, a kiss. “Do you have any lube?”

  “There.” She pointed to the drawer next to her bed. She’d bought a new tube—and cleared out her electronic boyfriends—for tonight. Somehow, he managed to keep his knees in place, firmly planted on either side of Dylan’s legs and her ass, and pulled the bottle from the drawer. In seconds she felt the delicious, wet, slippery warmth of fluid on her ass, her walls clenching with greed for all of him in her.

  “Oh,” Dylan sighed as she tightened. And then Mike’s finger sent an electric jolt through her as Dylan sat up and took her left nipple in his mouth, the combined sensations making her buck against Dylan and start to really fuck him.

  “Tsk, tsk, tsk!” he teased, his words mumbled through a mouthful of her bosom. Coupled with Mike’s finger’s making slow, snail trails along the edge of her puckered ass, she felt swollen and captivated by the anticipation of what was about to happen, to have Mike in her, both holes full, all three joined by her flesh. Mike’s finger slipped past her over-snug hole, the feeling so thrashingly hot she almost came, though Dylan held her still, anchoring her to the bed as Mike prepared to enter her. His oiled-up hands roamed her ass and hips, a playful slap making her gasp finally break.

  “God, Mike, just fill me. Please,” she begged, Dylan reaching up with his lips and fingers to bite and twist her nipples just as Mike centered the tip of his cock over her ass. Tapping at the gates, the feel of him perched on the precipice between in and not-in made her push back a bit, needing him to do this, wanting to be complete with them both.

  Burning, Stretching, Fire. Then—ahhhh...

  Like pouring something warm and enormous in her, she felt her body seize then relent, seize and relent, the dance almost too much, her throat yielding hitched gasps as she worked to hold both men. Mike’s belly pushed against her lower back and ass, his hands on either side of her and Dylan, his balance perfect. It needed to be; one misstep and what was now a tortured pleasure would just be torture.

  Taking Dylan’s mouth with hers, she moved so carefully, Mike following her lead, until she felt them all tighten viscerally, as if nerves and pores and skin and need all pinpointed to the perfect climax. It was just standing there, as if summoned, and Mike pressed his stubbled cheek into her backbone and groaned.

  “Ready?” Dylan said. It really wasn’t a question, his face grimaced with excitement and the barely-held-back release he so obviously wanted. Her body utterly impaled by both men, thoroughly full and ready for explosion, they slowly moved, awkward at first and then finding their rhythm, the power of three bringing them all quickly to the edge, friction and sweat and slick and mouths and everything.

  Her ass burned and hummed, buzzed and clenched as Dylan’s thick rod worked in tandem with Mike’s hands and his mouth on her breasts and hips and then she felt it—that imperceptible roar that came from nowhere and told her she’d soon burst blood vessels around her eyes, scream until her throat ached, and shoot neurons from parts of her that weren’t supposed to have them.

  Dylan’s chest hair was matted with sweat, hers and his and Mike’s dripping into a thin sheen as she caught his eyes in the moonlight, his face dark and ready. “God, Laura, I’m—”

  Tip. She just...tipped, her ass and pussy and body tightening, fingers digging into Dylan’s shoulders then releasing as she drew long, deep scratches, etching some part of her pleasured agony into him, then releasing and grabbing the sheets, ripping them from the corners of the mattress as she howled. Howled. The sound was like a rutting animal and then she realized it wasn’t just her, Mike’s long form pushing against her haunches as he thrust harder, splitting her in two and finding a sweet spot deep inside that made her feel like a dwarf star, imploded and eviscerated, a climax of every muscle and of no unturned sensation.

  Hot cream poured into her; she could feel the spurt, the rush, the bubbling overflow as her too-tight passages strained to accept what Mike and Dylan’s bodies spat out. No one moved too fast or too hard, afraid to cause too much pain, in fear of ruining this sweet, primal moment as they just...howled. Laura’s panting came first, her body going limp like a rag doll, collapsing on Dylan as Mike seemed to finish with one thrust and reactivated her clit, gently pushing it against Dylan’s groin and giving her a shiver of an orgasm that was like a tiny, ice-cold breeze in a heat wave, perfect for a few seconds but never quite enough.

  Mike hissed out his own climax, his hands kneading her back and then tensing, the feel of him deep in her wet and viscous. He, too, rested as if turned to putty, and soon Laura really was in a sandwich. The thought made her chuckle, which pushed Dylan out of her as her laughter engaged her abs.

  Dylan joined her, and soon all three were amusing themselves with chuckles of
comfort, of coming home, of satisfaction and of satiety. This was what Laura had dreamed of all these years. This bliss.

  And nothing more.

  Chapter Four

  Dylan couldn’t wipe the smile off his face. The past few weeks with Laura and Mike couldn’t have been scripted to this kind of perfect. Maybe he was a bit biased, but he felt like he had really aligned the planets or pleased the gods or found the secret to the cosmos that day he’d read her profile, her sweet smile and creamy skin almost climbing out of the computer screen and saying, “You found me, Dylan. You found me.”

  As he sauntered into the fire station and unlocked his locker, he shot Joe, the chief, a look that must have been pretty wild, because Joe frowned and said, “You been hit by the dumb love stick, Stanwyck? Why you smiling like a lovesick dumbass?”

  “Because I am a lovesick dumbass?” Dylan stripped off his Howard Jones t-shirt (man, his brother must have had a lapse in judgment in 1989) and slipped his arms into his freshly-pressed uniform shirt.

  Joe smirked back. “That explains it. The lovestruck part. You’ve always been a dumbass, and no woman will change that.” A couple of guys nearby chuckled and Dylan just rolled his eyes. The banter was part of the job. Joe motioned for him to follow into the chief’s office.

  The station looked like the set of Barney Miller, frozen in 1977 with the exception of Internet service and the computers. Scratched metal desks with cheap, fake-wood tops, battered filing and storage cabinets that were Army green and probably army-issued in the 1940s, or castoffs from the war. The floor was Army-green tile streaked with an off-white marble-like pattern that fooled no one; it was linoleum, cheap, and the second the custodians finished the annual stripping and waxing it was scuffed all over again, making Dylan wonder why on earth they bothered.

  The place was clean as a whistle, though. When there was nothing to do the paramedics and fire fighters all had chore rotation, and Joe kept a tight ship. A veteran of Vietnam and the first Gulf War, he ran the place like a military officer and it showed. Response time was lightning fast, employee retention was nearly 100 percent, and they hadn’t had a new hire in four years. The waiting list to work there was dozens deep.

  Joe closed the door, but didn’t sit down. He pulled out a manilla envelope and said quietly, “Murphy just found out his wife has breast cancer.”

  Cold descended over him. “Oh, shit.” His heart rate shot up. No man should have to go through this. He and Mike had, though, and he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, imagining what Murphy was going through.

  “You know how hard it is, Stanwyck. And Murphy’s dad has Alzheimer’s. His wife’s been taking care of him. They need to hire some kind of caregiver to help with his dad now, and they have the kids... If she gets the right treatment they think they caught it nice and early. We’re taking up a collection, though.” He handed Dylan the envelope and reached for the doorknob. “It’s none of my business what you put in—just give what you can manage. No amount’s too small.”

  You have no idea. “Of course.”

  “Put the envelope in my top drawer when you’re done.” He slipped out, face impassive. Dylan stared at the envelope in his hand, full of 5s and 10s. He’d just been to the money machine that morning and had taken out $300. Reaching into his back pocket he pulled out his wallet and threw it all in there, mixing it in with the 5s and 10s to reduce suspicion. Not that it would help; it was pretty obvious.

  He wondered if there was a way to ask the trust guy to send a bunch of money anonymously to Murphy’s family. How many other guys like Murphy were out there, though? He had fifty million a year coming in, and the station was trying to get a few hundred to help with parking, meals, and babysitting for this poor family struggling with cancer and so much more. The weight of the money rested heavily on his shoulders, a new burden to carry. How could he help people with it?

  Eh. $300 was a good start. He slipped the envelope in Joe’s desk and walked out. What a great place to work. At least Murphy wouldn’t have to worry about health insurance; their coverage was solid. Thank goodness; one less burden for the family.

  It was the perfect job, really. Yet Dylan was thinking about quitting lately. He’d hung on for months after getting the first payment from the trust, not wanting to let go of his life. His old life. That’s what it was rapidly becoming, when he was honest with himself. Unfolding before him was a new life, one filled with more money than he could spend in 200 years, two amazing partners, and a sense of hope and renewal that made him think long and hard about how he wanted to spend his time. Coming to work now had become an exercise in habit, following his schedule and hanging out, working rescues and just doing what he’d done for most of his adult life because, well, that’s what he had done.

  Had. Had done.

  He stopped picking up extra shifts—didn’t need the money. Some of the other guys were thrilled to pick up the extra, making Dylan strongly doubt why he was there. Was he hogging a job someone else could really use? Desperately needed? In this economy, it was no small matter to find decent pay, good work hours, great benefits and a well-oiled machine like the station run by Joe. Another guy (or woman, he reminded himself) who really wanted the job and who needed to earn a living would appreciate what Dylan now considered tossing aside.

  He didn’t need it any more. What had once seemed so valuable was now only important because of the social and emotional ties he had to his fellow coworkers. But even there, he was changing. Never before had he realized how much conversation revolved around money. Specifically, the lack of it. People seemed to bond over it, complaining about high prices (especially gas!), student loans, hard-to-get mortgages, spouses and girlfriends who wanted to spend more, and how expensive kids were to raise. He’d once easily joined them, shouldering a crazy-high car payment and his own credit card bills that testified to his spending stupidity.

  All debt was washed away a few months ago with a check bigger than his ego. Ah, Jill. Only Jill could orchestrate something like that.

  Jill. As his eyes scanned the assignment chart and found his name, he realized he hadn’t thought much about Jill these past few weeks. He wondered what the smile that elicited looked like, for it twisted his cheeks and lips into something unhappily nostalgic, not really pleased but marginally amused. Wistful.

  He wasn’t the wistful type.

  His finger drew a line to what he needed to do. Cook! Ah, nice. That he could manage. A mess of meatballs and pasta and the guys would be full and appreciative. He made the same damn meal every time and no one ever complained. And that was part of the reason he couldn’t leave just yet. When he knew exactly how to act, how others would react, and exactly what to do, it was so easy to check his feelings at the door and just deliver on life’s fixed expectations.

  What he and Mike and Laura had, though? Totally uncharted territory. You couldn’t blame a guy for hanging on to the familiar when so much was uncertain, no matter how wonderful it promised to be.

  He heard the television droning on, some morning show with two female and one male co-host creating reasons to open their mouths. He needed to get started for lunch. Whatever he made needed to be dropped on the spot if an alarm went off and he needed to go on a call, so he reached for the crock pot and started a routine he could almost do in his sleep.

  The bustle of the other guys working the same shift coming in, the outgoing shift leaving, the flash of freshly-showered guys toweling their hair dry as they came out of the locker room, hungry for bagels and cream cheese and whatever they could find— he knew it well. Ten years here and he knew it all.

  Until silence descended, like someone shook a blanket and settled it across the room, smothering the sound and turning it into a muffle. “Hey, Stanwyck! You’re on TV again!” someone shouted. He turned, puzzled. On TV?

  The morning show co-hosts were showing a clip of his appearance in a charity bachelor auction a couple of years ago, shirtless and wearing a fireman’s uniform, a red bow tie aro
und his neck. The guys hooted. “Did you oil your pecs? Holy shit!” someone crowed. Ah, geez. What now? he wondered. Wiping his hands, he abandoned the cooking and walked over to the television to join the curious crowd.

  The clip ended and the camera focused on one of the women, a blonde in her 40s with a perfect, sharp bob and a symmetrical face that looked like a surgeon had crafted it. “Boston’s most eligible bachelor just got a whole lot more eligible! 1.1 billion times more eligible, in fact.”

  The guys laughed and shot him looks. His legs went numb. Oh, fuck. He tried to turn away and walk but he couldn’t, rooted by horror. Mike had been right. Oh, how Mike had been right and oh holy fuck how he wished Mike had been wrong.


  “Records show that Dylan Stanwyck, firefighter extraordinaire, former model, and one of Boston’s hottest bachelors, is the heir to shipping tycoon Richard Matthews’ daughter’s estate. Matthews’ daughter, Jillian, died in 2010 and left Stanwyck, her longtime lover, a trust fund of $1.1 billion, with an annual income of more than $50 million.”

  If the room could have turned into a black hole it would have saved him the agony of living millisecond by millisecond through this. Half the guys were fixated on the television, but the guys he knew best stared openly at him, their faces morphing slowly from shock to disbelief and, unfortunately, to anger in some.

  “Sources confirm that her $2.2 billion estate was split between Stanwyck and Mike Pine, a local ski instructor who recently used his inheritance to purchase the struggling Cedar Mountain Ski Resort. Here’s to the lucky lady who finds her way to either man as the billionaire bachelors become the hottest dates in town and Stanwyck can buy himself many times over now in whatever charity auction he pleases.”


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