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Sexy to Go Volume 3

Page 13

by Unknown

  Smooth long fingers caressed her side, and Casi sighed dreamily. For long minutes, they simply explored each other’s forms. Her own breath even and deep, Dahlia’s almost a purr. Enough sunlight slipped through the windows to give them a good view of each other’s body. The delicious curves of the woman’s breasts and hips beckoned her kisses. But first, she would claim her luscious mouth. Her lips met Dahlia’s softly, tenderly and Dahlia kissed her back.

  At Dahlia’s soft purr of approval, she melted into the puma shifter’s supple limbs. Their tongues swept together, their arms circling each other in an easy embrace. Casi wanted to purr as well. The two of them fit together so nicely, as if they’d been made for each other. She opened her eyes and gazed into Dahlia’s slitted pupils. The heat in them made her dizzy, drove the heat between her legs higher. “I’ve missed you,” she murmured.

  I know.

  She should have been shocked that yet another creature spoke to her inside her head, but Dahlia’s soothing tone didn’t seem foreign. In the short time she’d known her, the woman had become a part of her. One she didn’t ever want to let go. Wrapping a leg around Dahlia’s she squeezed herself closer to the shifter’s beautiful golden brown body.

  I’m glad you came back. I’ve missed you too. Dahlia’s mouth cascaded over hers, tasting of blatant desire and promises. Casi went wetter as she dug her fingernails into Dahlia’s shoulder blades and they moaned into each other’s mouths. The unspoken understanding between them deepened. They were more than acquaintances. They were lovers.

  Behind them, the door to the cabin swung open. She knew without looking that Liam stood there. His alpha male energy radiated over them in a tense, heavy wave.

  Dahlia smiled against her lips, silently telling her it was all right. Not sure whether to believe it, she pulled her head back but not her body. They lay completely entangled. She could not move if she’d wanted to.

  In a few short steps, Liam crossed to the bed. He sent her a glare, then laid down behind his mate. He was naked as well, his tall erection twitching between his legs.

  Dahlia closed her eyes at his touch, but kept her hands on Casi. In fact, she pulled her closer. A soft growl issued from the alpha, but Dahlia paid him no mind. Her hand guided Casi’s down her belly to her moist juncture. As Casi’s fingers slipped inside her lips, she purred. Returning the favor, Dahlia’s hand slid between them and into Casi’s wet folds. Both of them moaned at the contact. Behind Dahlia, Liam groaned with desire, then parted her thighs with his hands, entering her.

  Dahlia’s sharp intake of breath had her rocking into those long talented fingers. Her clit throbbed at the deeper touch, and she panted, covering Dahlia’s mouth once more with her own. Soon, they flexed against each other following their own rhythm. Lost in the moment, she didn’t hear Snake enter the room. When the bed dipped, and he lay down behind her, Liam growled. As Snake’s arm slid around her middle, she opened her eyes and looked at Dahlia, and was gratified to see her return the same sentiment she was feeling.

  Yes, the men are here, but I am still here with you.

  Sadly, as Casi was beginning to comprehend, the men ruled the roost and demanded their fair share of the love play. To be honest, she didn’t mind Snake participating, but Liam was another matter. She hadn’t liked the way Liam treated Dahlia the first time they’d met, and didn’t care for his approach. On top of that, jealousy burned in her heart. Dahlia should be mine and not his.

  Shock tore her mouth away from Dahlia’s. At the same time, Snake’s cock pierced her channel. His gruff entry tore a cry from her lips. But Dahlia’s hard pinch on her nipple turned up the heat, reminding her of her other lover. She clenched around the invading cock and pressed against the woman in front of her, finding heaven on earth. Each skin-on-skin rub of their bodies made her wetter, until she dripped around Snake’s length, moaning for more of Dahlia’s firm caresses.

  She gave as good as she got, too, reveling in Dahlia’s hoarse cries until the throaty mewls drew her to a fever pitch. She needed to make Dahlia come, needed to feel her, needed to be a part of her. But she lingered on the edge for long minutes, until Casi could stand her wavering no more. She brushed her lips to Dahlia’s neck, and hungry for her flavor, licked her.

  Yes. Take me. I am yours and you are mine.

  Unable to resist her need to claim Dahlia as her lover, Casi opened her mouth and bit.

  Dahlia quavered into orgasm on a wail, dragging Casi with her. The taste of Dahlia’s blood in her mouth electrified and magnified every sensation. The orgasm raced through her veins, filling her with a super-heated force. Soon she was drowning in Dahlia, awash in Dahlia, and yet she owned her. Had claimed her. Their duo release left her moaning and breathless, senseless.

  Behind her, Snake was the next one to fall over the precipice. Each time he drove inside her, he let out a desperate groan. They grew louder and louder, until he too, convulsed. Holding onto her hips, he spent his seed deep within her. She opened to him automatically, giving him room to fill her completely. She quivered around him, unable to stop as he drove her close to the edge once more.

  Liam held out the longest, whether as a show of superiority or sheer willpower and stubbornness, she wasn’t sure. But the effort he took to hold back must have been enormous. When it finally hit, his release careened into them with the force of a tidal wave. His sharp thrusts shook the bed. His fierce roar crackled through the air around them, splitting her eardrums.

  His grinding scream spurred another from Dahlia, and she followed, Snake groaning into another ball-tightening ejaculation behind her. All three of them, it seemed, fell equally under Liam’s power. Even her. Finally their communal orgasm tapered to a close. She risked a glance at the alpha’s face and found him staring her down. His gaze was jealous as he wrapped an arm around Dahlia and rolled her away to the other side of the bed.

  Clamping her teeth, she refrained from making a stink because she had no other choice. Exhaling, she collapsed into Snake, who held her tight for a few seconds, before sitting them both upright. She got the sense he was uncomfortable lounging here in Dahlia’s room, and respected his anxiety. After all, he’d nearly fought her mate. When he whispered, “Let’s go,” she did not argue. Nodding her assent, she scooted off the bed and they went out the door.

  Out in the light of day, stark naked, they made their way across the porch. About halfway down, they heard a gravelly, angry roar. They both stopped. Snake spun around, and his gaze snagged on her lips. Remembering biting Dahlia and the taste of her blood, she licked them self-consciously, but not before Snake’s eyes widened.

  He bent low, one hand gripping the rail. “Oh shit. You bit her?”

  Casi nodded. “She’s mine now.”

  Snake paled and began to turn in a nervous tight circle. “What? You mean you mated her? Shit. Oh fuck. Shit.”

  Don’t have a heart attack. It’s okay, really. She wanted to reassure him that Dahlia wouldn’t let anything happen to her – or likely to him – but the next instant he was pulling her away from the cabin and they were running, running through the woods as far and as fast as they could go.

  To be continued….

  Next month: Casi’s brash actions have serious repercussions for Liam. When the foursome is called before the shifter Supreme High Council questions are asked … and others answered.

  See what other hot things Eva has cooking up!

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  Author Bio and Contact:

  Eva Lefoy writes and reads all kinds of romance, and is a die-hard Trekkie. She’s also terribly addicted to chocolate, tea, and hiking. One of these days, she’ll figure out the meaning of life, quit her job, and go travel the galaxy. Until then, she’s writing down all her dirty thoughts for the sake of future explorers.

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  Gettin’ Lucky with a Leprechaun

  By Jocelyn Dex

p; Desmond knocked back a shot of Irish whiskey and slammed the glass down on the shiny wooden tabletop. Where was she? He hadn’t been able to get the auburn-haired beauty out of his mind since the first time she’d jogged past his portal.

  Most humans were subtly repelled by the portal—a necessary protection measure—but not her. As she’d approached, she’d slowed, coming to a stop, looking around as if sensing something before finally carrying on. After the second day, he’d decided to follow her, see what she was about. He should have moved on, should have relocated the portal, but the more he saw of her, the more he longed for her.

  She’d eaten dinner at the pub every night at five o’clock sharp, but she was late tonight. Okay, only ten minutes, but he wasn’t known for his patience. When he wanted something, he wanted it now, and he definitely wanted her.

  Finally, she stepped inside, her hair swept atop her head in a ponytail, her sumptuous body hugged by jogging clothes. Small breasts and a full ass that begged to be bitten—oh the things he’d imagined doing to her.

  As she was about to pass him, she stopped, looked at him oddly for a moment, then smiled. His breath caught in his throat as the smile transformed her face into a picture of loveliness that befuddled his brain and instantly hardened his dick.

  By the time he regained his senses and opened his mouth to speak, she’d already moved on, sitting at a table to his right. What the hell was his problem? He was no timid boy who was dumbstruck by beautiful women.

  He chanced a glance her way. When the waiter approached, she waved off the menu and ordered “the usual”. The waiter lingered a little too long for Desmond’s liking and he had to fight the urge to body slam the guy. It was ridiculous. He hadn’t spoken a word to her yet, and he was already experiencing possessiveness. He shook his head and pulled himself together. It wasn’t time for hesitation, it was time for action.

  He stood and strode to her table. “Excuse me.”

  She gazed up at him, surprise in her pale but striking blue eyes. “Yes?”

  “Have we met?” he asked. What he wanted to say was, “Come with me and let me pleasure you senseless,” but figured he should at least introduce himself first.

  His dick twitched when she boldly looked him up and down and he hoped she was imagining doing with him any of the things he’d been fantasizing about doing with her.

  “I was wondering the same thing. You seem…familiar. But I don’t think so.” Her smoky voice caressed him, sent shivers straight to his balls.

  “Good.” When she crinkled her nose and scrunched her eyebrows, he quickly explained. “I’d be ashamed of myself if I’d forgotten meeting such a beauty.”

  A blush crept up her cheeks, but she laughed and said, “Is that your usual pick-up line?”

  “I assure you, it was no line.”

  She studied him for a moment as if trying to decide if he was full of shit or sincere. “Well, then, thanks.”

  “Very welcome. Mind if I join you?”

  “Um,” she looked around the room and he feared she’d say no. He didn’t know what he’d do then. He definitely should have planned this meeting better. But finally, she said, “Sure, why not?”

  Relieved, he pulled out the chair across from her and sat. The waiter came over and asked him if he was ready to order and Desmond didn’t miss the clipped tone and disapproving look on the guy’s face. He ordered fish and chips and turned his attention back to her.

  “I’m Desmond.”


  Electricity sparked when their hands clasped. She must have felt it too because for long moments they sat there gazing at one another, hands still intertwined in midair.

  The waiter broke the spell when he set napkins and utensils on the table. Desmond reluctantly let go of her hand. Sky cleared her throat and sat back in her chair.

  “So,” she said, “do you do this often? Eat with random strangers, I mean.”

  He couldn’t tell her she wasn’t random, that he’d been watching her, wanting her. How creepy would that be? It would surely scare her away if he did and that was unacceptable. He shrugged and smiled. “It depends on the random stranger. You gave me a good vibe.”


  Good Lord! Butterflies swarmed Sky’s stomach as she gazed at the hot hunk of man across from her. When she’d first seen him, she’d stopped short. She’d never seen anyone quite so drool-worthy in person.

  His bright, emerald green eyes mesmerized her and that body—wow. The deep green button down he wore did nothing to hide broad and muscled shoulders on what had to be a six foot frame. She’d like to sink her teeth into those shoulders as he ravished her. When he’d asked to join her, she’d been shocked, had wondered if someone was playing a joke on her. And that Irish accent was the icing on the sexy cake.

  She hadn’t been lying about him seeming familiar. She was certain she’d never met or seen him before—how could anyone forget him—but a feeling of familiarity had overcome her. It was as if some sort of mystical air surrounded him—if such a thing existed.

  She fingered the rim of her water glass. “You have a pretty good vibe yourself. Are you new in town?”

  He nodded, a dark, wavy lock of hair falling over his forehead. “Relatively. How about you?”

  She had to fight the urge to lean across the table and twirl that lock around her finger. “Nope. Not new. So, did work bring you here?”

  “You could say that.” A cryptic smile curved his lips. “Married? Kids?”

  “Nope. Just me.”

  Relief shone in his eyes, an intimidating, yet brain melting hunger quickly replacing it. That look alone made her heart skip, breath hitch, thighs clench.

  “I can’t believe no one’s claimed you yet.”

  “Claimed?” Her body warmed at the thought of him claiming her. Oh, she could just imagine how incredible that scenario would be.

  The waiter brought their food, asked if they needed anything else, and stalked away stiffly. Sky knew he had a crush on her, but she’d never done anything to encourage him. She just hoped he didn’t get weird because she didn’t want to quit eating there.

  “What about you?” she asked. “Married? Kids?”

  “No. I’m all yours.”

  The seductive lilt of his voice heated her blood. She’d swear her heart stopped beating. Considering they’d just met, she should probably be wary of his boldness, but instead she was totally turned on. Her throat suddenly dry, she sipped at her water before answering. “Hmm. What will I do with you?” Even though she’d tried for a casual tone, she was pretty sure she’d failed.

  He winked. “I’m up for whatever you decide.”

  Good Lord. She needed to tame this down. Not trusting herself to speak, she took a bite of her sandwich. Thankfully, he followed her lead and started on his food.

  The conversation was light and comfortable throughout the meal, but the way he looked at her was as if he was ready to pounce, to feast on her instead of his food. She barely held back a moan at the images that invoked.

  When the waiter brought the check, Desmond grabbed it.

  “No,” she said, “you don’t have to do that. I can pay.”

  He looked truly insulted. “What kind of man would I be if I didn’t pay for your dinner? Think of it as a thank you for great company and an enchanting view.”

  Wow, he knew how to work the charm for sure. “I…” she started to argue, but when he pulled a gold coin from his pocket and laid it on top of the check, her mouth dropped open. Was he serious? Their dinners combined couldn’t have cost more than twenty dollars. Didn’t he know the market value of gold? “Is that real?” she blurted out.

  “Of course.”

  The waiter stopped to collect the check, his eyes bugging. “Um-I-uh. I don’t know how to make change for that.”

  “It’s worth roughly two hundred dollars. Keep the change.” He said it as if it was nothing, as if he hadn’t a care in the world about money.

  The waiter only hesitated
a second before snatching the coin and the ticket and scurrying off.

  Was Desmond trying to impress her? He didn’t need to whip out expensive coins for that. She’d been impressed at first sight. Still dumbfounded, she asked, “Did you rob a bank or something?”

  He quirked an eyebrow. “Do I look like a bank robber?”

  What he looked like was a delicious treat and the longer she was around him the more she wanted to eat him for dessert. “Maybe. I’ve never met one before. You might be my first.”

  He leaned forward, a conspiratorial look on his face. “I’ll have to get to know you better before giving all my secrets away.”

  Yes please. “Okay. I’m free tomorrow if you are. Same place and time?” She wanted to crawl under the table when he frowned. Surely she hadn’t misread his interest, but maybe she’d been too eager.

  He reached across the table and took her hand. She barely suppressed a sigh. Such an innocent touch but so much power behind it.

  “Absolutely. It’s a date, but I was hoping you’d invite me to your place for whatever.” His gazed bored into hers. “Now.”

  Oh wow. Oh crap. She’d like nothing more, but what kind of idiot would that make her? She didn’t know him, had only met him forty-five minutes ago. He could be a serial killer or a bank robbing serial killer.

  As if reading her thoughts, he gave her hand a squeeze before letting go and sitting back in his chair. “I admit my intentions are not saintly, but I assure you I mean you no harm.”

  Was this guy for real? She had no idea what to say to that. Obviously a bank robbing serial killer wouldn’t admit to wanting to harm her, but would one admit to not having saintly intentions?


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