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Triple Pass: An MFMM Reverse Harem Romance

Page 22

by Sierra Sparks

  “Alana, who is he?” I had to keep digging.

  “I have known Pedro all my life. We grew up next door to each other in the same neighborhood. On his turf his word was law. When I was old enough to start dating, word got out to Pedro and before I knew it, boys and men would cross the street if they saw me coming, just to get away from me. Pedro had threatened almost every man in town.”

  “Why does he have your son Alana? Is he the father?” I asked holding my breath.

  “God no. Alejandro’s father is an American. We met the summer I had just turned 18. He was much older than I was and wasn’t intimidated by Pedro. He didn’t even know who Pedro was.” she explained.

  The breath I was holding left my lungs loudly. What a relief to hear.

  I didn’t know what I could have done if Pedro was the boys father.

  “Where is Alejandro now?”

  Her sobs became louder. “Mexico. Pedro took him there two days ago. He is likely with his family.”

  “What does he want in return for your son?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Alana, what does he want, what has he told you to do?”

  Her eyes grew sadder and her head dropped to look at her hands in her lap.

  “He told me I needed to learn more about your airplanes. He wants to know which hangar is yours, how many planes you have and how big they are. He also wants your flight schedules.”

  Her voice was barely a whisper. She was battling internally about what was asked of her. You could see it in her eyes and hear it in her voice.

  I grabbed her cheeks with both my hands and raised her eyes to mine. I needed to see her eyes when I spoke my next words to her.

  “Alana, do you have feelings for me?” my eyes were searching hers while I spoke.

  She stared into my eyes for what seemed like an eternity before answering me. There was a lightness showing in her eyes like a curtain had just been pulled open to let the sunshine in.

  “Yes” She breathed. “I hardly know you. I didn’t even know who you really were until this morning. I can’t stop thinking about you and how you make me feel. You make me feel like I am the most beautiful woman in the world”

  “That is because you are” I said leaning in to kiss her mouth.

  “Christopher, I need to do everything Pedro says to get Alejandro back. If I mess this up, he will kill him and then me.”

  “I will protect you Alana. I will protect you and I will get you son back. This is what we are going to do.”

  Chapter 11

  I hadn’t seen Christopher for almost two days. Our time in his hangar was bittersweet. It was as though a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. When he told me what he was planning and what I needed to do, I had my doubts, but if it meant getting Alejandro back I would do anything.

  Our meeting was in a couple of hours. I was standing in my apartment deciding on which dress to wear. After some deliberation I decided on a ruby red pencil line dress that Pedro had generously given me the funds to buy.

  It was truly stunning and fit me as though it was tailored for each of my curves. I was going to save it for a special occasion, but tonight may be as special as I ever get to see.

  I had just finished putting the cap back onto my lipstick when a loud knock resonated at my front door.

  I grabbed my clutch and adjusted myself one last time in the mirror before walking out of my apartment.

  When I opened the door Pedro stood there staring at me. His eyes glued firmly to my breasts.

  “Fuck Puta, I am going to take my time peeling you out of that dress tonight.” He hissed.

  He has never actually told me he was going to touch me until now. It made my skin crawl. I knew if things did not go completely as planned tonight that he would no doubt rape me and then kill me.

  Tonight, no matter what the outcome was going to be, it was going to be the end of a life one way or another for me.

  I pushed passed him and closed my apartment door. He grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him.

  “Never treat me like that Puta. Do you understand?” his eyes flashed with anger. I could tell he was more geared up than normal.

  “Sorry Pedro”

  When we got into his car Antonio sat in the driver’s seat and some other goon I had never seen before sat beside him.

  The night was a little cooler than normal causing a chill to run through me.

  “Ah, I see you are just as excited as I am” Pedro said grinning while he reached up and pinched my nipple.

  I instinctively went to slap his hand away, but he was quicker than I was. He grabbed my wrist and twisted it causing me to scream out in pain.

  “NEVER deny me what is mine.” He threw my hand down into my lap and rested his hand on my upper thigh just below where my dress sat. He was rubbing his hand closer up my thigh towards my sex. I was cringing as I tried to close my legs.

  “I said never deny me Alana. Open your legs” he spat.

  Tears started to collect in my eyes, but I obeyed. His hand travelled farther up until he was touching my clitoris with his thumb. His hands were rough and jerky. It was like an inexperienced high school boy touching a girl for the first time.

  “Hey hombres, look at this pussy” Pedro said pulling my legs farther apart.

  Both men turned and looked at my naked sex.

  Pedro continued to rub slow circles over my clitoris until he seemed bored and rammed two of his fingers into my vagina. There was no moisture from him touching me causing me to scream in pain.

  “You like that Alana? I know you like it rough.” He was grunting now as his fingers kept thrusting into me.

  Tears were pouring over my cheeks. This was the closest I have ever been to being humiliated. And the men in the front seat kept glancing back to look at my exposed body.

  “Hey Juan, you want to feel this?” Pedro asked the man in the front seat.

  “No thanks man. Looks like you have your hands full.” All three men erupted in laughter. Pedro was still thrusting his fingers inside of me when we pulled up to the Sparrow.

  He took his time removing his fingers. He put them to his mouth and sucked on them.

  “He is right Puta, you do taste like Honey” his face was only inches from mine, I could smell my musk on him.

  Antonio opened the car door and I stepped out into the lights of the Casino.

  “Fuck sakes, take her to the bathroom and get her cleaned up” Pedro hissed at Antonio.

  We walked through the Casino towards the bathroom. I kept my head lowered the whole time. There was no reason to look up and have to deal with peoples questioning stares.

  I burst into the bathroom and grabbed a handful of paper towels. I wet them under the faucet and walked into a stall locking the door behind me. I immediately began to scrub myself. Inside and out trying to get Pedro’s touch off of me.

  When I was done I walked to the sink and reapplied what little make-up I had on.

  The door to the ladies room flew open and Pedro walked in.

  “Let’s go Puta.”

  I followed him out and down the hall towards the high stakes room. When the door opened my eyes were drawn instantly to Christopher. I felt safer with him there. I knew he was going to protect me.

  Beside Christopher sat Cal and another man I didn’t recognize.

  “Ah, Pedro you made it this time.” Cal rose from his chair and walked towards us with his hand outstretched.

  “Cal, you remember my associates, Alana and Antonio? And the big idiot over there is Juan.” Pedro said shaking Cal’s hand.

  “Alana, my dear. You look as lovely as ever.” Cal smiled and raised my hand to his lips.

  “Mr. Wyatt, a pleasure to see you again so soon.” I spoke as confidently as I could manage.

  “Alana, go get the men some drinks.” Pedro ordered.

  I reluctantly removed my hands from Cal and walked toward the bar.

  Chris came to stand right beside me. “Alana” h
e whispered “Are you alright?”

  I shook my head slightly.

  “What happened?”

  I shook my head slightly again.

  “Talk to me Alana! Did he hurt you?” Chris’s voice was desperate.

  I nodded.

  “Did he touch you?” Anger was seething from him.

  I nodded again.

  “Alana, hurry up with our drinks!” Pedro bellowed.

  I turned from the bar carrying four drinks in my hands.

  “Everyone please take a seat. I would like to get started.” Cal announced. “Alana, please sit at the head of the table. It would be delightful to see what Pedro is offering in the flesh.” He pulled out a chair for me beside Chris.

  I sat and kept my eyes down.

  “Now Pedro, what do you have to offer us?” Cal asked.

  “I believe my associate outlined the original proposition. That hasn’t changed. I will supply you with enough women to satisfy your customers and in return you will turn a blind eye and allow me to move my product and money through your Casinos.”

  “Sounds pretty one sided to me. What is in it for us?” Chris spoke.

  “Mr. Bryan, I am glad you could attend. Call this the first step to making millions of dollars” Pedro crooned.

  “With all due respect Pedro, we already have millions of dollars. How can you possible expect us to make millions more by allowing your whores and drugs into our establishments?” Chris countered.

  I looked up in time to see a sick smile spread across Pedro’s lips.

  “Because Chris, you are going to fly my drugs in from Mexico and you will be rewarded with a very generous percentage.”

  “Wait a second. When did Chris’s fleet come into the deal Mr. Suarez?” Cal raised his hands as if to put a stop to the conversation.

  “When he started fucking my property” Pedro spat at Cal. “You see gentleman, I never cared about filling your casino with my women. That was just an added bonus when our dear friend Richard left town so willingly. As it turns out, I was only ever interested in the ability to move my product quickly and in large quantities. This provided an interesting opportunity for us all.”

  I watched Chris’s face closely for any sign of emotion, but he had a true poker face. I imagine he has spent his fair share of nights around the table practicing his tells.

  “Interesting opportunity Mr. Suarez, but I am afraid I am not interested in moving your drugs.” Chris stated.

  A cruel laugh escaped Pedro’s throat. “I thought you might say that Mr. Bryan and that is why I made alternate arrangements. My terms are simple. At this moment I have a crew of men standing 250 feet from your hangar at the airport. They have been instructed to blow everything you own to pieces if I don’t receive the answer I want.”

  “How do you know where my hangar is?” Chris’s eyes settled on me.

  “Oh dear, I forgot to mention that my associate Alana has been very useful at gathering information on you Mr. Bryan. She was very forthcoming and happy to be back in my arms after her brief affair with you.”

  “Alana, is this true?” Chris looked at me with eyes filled with hurt.

  “I’m sorry Christopher.” I whispered

  Pedro’s laughter continued to fill the room.

  “What is it going to be gentleman?” Pedro asked.

  “The answer is still no. I will not have my planes flying your dirty drugs into my country.” Chris said.

  I watched as Pedro pulled out his phone and pressed a button. Moments later we felt the Casino floor vibrate. You could hear screams rising from the Casino floor.

  “Jasper, head out to the floor and calm the people down. Let them know it was just a mild earthquake.” Cal ordered.

  Chris’s phone started ringing. He stood up and walked away from the table. I could hear him swearing and telling whomever was on the other end to check the hangar and get the fire department out there as soon as possible.

  Pedro was still laughing manically.

  Chris walked over to me and grabbed me by the shoulders ripping me out of my chair. Pedro’s laughter increased as his fingers dug deeper into my arms.

  “You BITCH!” He roared as spit covered my face “What hangar did you tell him?” he was shaking me as he yelled.

  “Looks like I won’t need to kill you after all Puta.” Pedro said through his laughter.

  “TELL ME!” he yelled louder. His face was red and his eyes ablaze with anger.

  “Twenty – Twenty-nine” I sobbed. “I am so sorry”

  He loosened his grip and a slow smile spread across his face. “Twenty-Nine?” he asked me calmer.

  “Y-yes sir” I choked out.

  Pedro was still laughing from his spot at the table and almost missed the moment when Chris leaned forward and his lips crashed down on mine. He was gently rubbing my arms where he had squeezed them while his tongue roamed my mouth hungrily.

  “What the fuck?” Pedro finally spoke.

  Chris released me and protectively placed me behind him.

  “Mr. Suarez, I believe you have a little bit of a problem. The hangar you just blew belonged to Vincenzo Marino. Perhaps you know him? Maybe, maybe not. Either way you just blew up his storage hangar and he isn’t all too happy about that as he had a very collectible aircraft coming in tomorrow and now he has no-where to store it. Lucky for him I happen to have a few spares that I graciously offered up while I build him a brand new one. Seems to me, you now owe me a very large sum of money.” When Chris finished speaking, his eyes were ablaze. The fake anger he portrayed towards me moments earlier was nothing compared to what his true emotion looked like.

  “You stupid BITCH! You betrayed me? You will never see your son again! He is dead Alana, DEAD!” Pedro yelled while trying to reach me around Chris.

  “Sit down Pedro.” Cal ordered.

  “You don’t tell me what to do. Nobody tells me what to do.” Pedro spat.

  “Alejandro is on his way back to Vegas on one of my private jets as we speak.” Chris smiled at Pedro.

  “Liar! You could never get close enough to him in Mexico.”

  “That is where you are mistaken. Juan, come here my friend.” Cal gestured for Juan to join him at the table.

  “Yes Mr. Wyatt.” Juan spoke.

  “Please tell Pedro here your last name.”

  “Reyes. Juan Reyes”

  Pedro’s mouth fell open and a look of utter surprise crossed his face.

  “It would seem you recognize the name Reyes? Yes, well we did as well. When you started gathering some attention the last few months we decided that it best that we keep a closer watch on you. Juan here came to us months before you did with a proposal. And really it was one we could hardly refuse as the mutual benefit was so grand.” Cal was speaking and he was almost giddy with excitement. “My men have been planted heavily throughout your organization for months now Pedro. Even in Mexico. Did you not find it odd that these heavily trained Mexican men needed work? I thought for sure that a man with your history would have done his homework. Imagine my surprise when you didn’t. You left Alana’s son with a man named Jose Valdez. Jose has been on my payroll for over a year. Your whole family in Mexico is dead Pedro. Your neighborhood has been taken apart from the inside. The Reyes family willingly stepped in to run your turf. Everything you have is gone.” I watched as the words sunk in.

  “Antonio, call Samuel. NOW!” Panic had etched his face. I have never witnessed Pedro Suarez panic.

  Antonio started dialing and held his phone to his ear. “No answer sir” he said.

  “You can try everyone you know Pedro, they are gone. All of them. The Reyes family does a wonderful cleaning job.” Chris told him.

  The door to the room burst open and a squat little man in a very expensive suit walked in followed by four men.

  “Ah! Vinny!” Cal said excitedly as he rushed to the door to greet his guests.

  “Cal. Would have been better if this were a poker night” Vinny said while sh
aking Cal’s hand.

  “True, but it’s not all play, come in, please meet my friends!”

  “Pedro, I would like you to meet Vincenzo Marino. A dear friend of mine! We go back how far Vinny? 20 years?”

  Pedro just sat in disbelief as he started at Vinny Marino. I would have given my soul to the devil to know what he was thinking. I wonder if he knew he was going to die.

  “So this is the fuck that blew up my hangar.” Vinny looked at the little Mexican sitting before him.

  “Fraid so.” Chris spoke. He had moved me to his side and placed his arm around my shoulders.

  “Well fuck, now I gotta mess to clean up on a Friday night when I should have my cock buried in my mistresses’ ass.” He snapped his fingers and the four men filled the space behind Pedro and Antonio. Both men were grabbed by their shoulders out of their chairs and drug into the middle of the room. I watched as they were each beaten within an inch of consciousness before being drug out of the casino through the back entrance.

  “Thanks Vinny, I owe you.” Chris said while shaking Vinny’s hand.

  “You do, but I think the jet we decided on is fair payment.”

  “Excellent choice I might add.”

  Vinny clapped Chris on the back and walked out.

  I was left standing with Chris, Cal and Juan. I was exhausted and collapsed into the closest chair and started sobbing. There was no damning my emotions this time.

  Chris immediately fell in between my legs and wrapped his arms around me.

  “It’s over Alana. He can’t hurt you anymore.” He whispered.

  I heard the door click and when I looked up I realized that Cal and Juan had excused themselves from the room.

  “You gave him an airplane?” I asked through tears.


  How can I ever express the fullness and beauty of life when you know that you and your family are safe?

  Pedro mysteriously disappeared the same night Alejandro was back in my arms. His women and drug supply all belonging to the Reyes family now. Such a massive shift of power for my small town. In a way it will be for the better as the Reyes are known for their compassion and family values. Pedro lost that along the way. There was a time when he valued family more than money.


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