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Triple Pass: An MFMM Reverse Harem Romance

Page 25

by Sierra Sparks

  “I want to know who the hell it is in your bank that works for the Pisano Family,” I said bluntly.

  He was quiet for a moment, as if he was trying to decide what his answer should be. I waited patiently on him, I knew he was scared of me so I didn’t want to push him any further over the edge than he was, that would be counterproductive to what I wanted.

  “Let me explain,” he said.

  He didn’t need to say anymore, I knew instantly that it was him.

  “Don’t we pay you well?” I asked him quietly.

  “You pay me quite well, but you see…..,” he trailed off.

  I stood up to exert my power over him, I was now towering above him, my dominance in full effect. I lifted my hand and folded it in a fist.

  “They threatened my daughter, she’s only thirteen!” he screeched before I could bring my hand down on him.

  I paused in mid motion, halted by his revelation.

  “How long have you been working for them?” I asked.

  “Three months, they have someone in every bank, they were waiting on something but I didn’t know what, but when you called this morning to have your assets moved, I knew they were after you.” He said.

  Three months I thought to myself, that is around the same time Candy came to work at the Casino, it was all some big master plan and now it was unravelling. I started to walk out of the office, I had all the information I needed or so I thought.

  “Stop,” Jenkins said.

  I turned around and looked at him, waiting to hear what he had to say.

  “I wanted to get out of the hold they had on me so I started digging around, I wanted to get some leverage or something that would free my family from them, I found out something, it couldn’t help me, but maybe it can help you. He opened his desk drawer and searched around a bit before taking out a bank issued notepad and throwing it at me.

  I caught it and left the office.

  Chapter 9


  I laid there on my bed for what seemed to be an eternity. How could Mike let them do that to me, it didn’t matter what he thought I did, I was his sister, I guess that didn’t count for shit. Being loyal counted for shit with him, being family counted for less. If I had become ‘godmother’ I would have goons who obviously hated me, those dogs, just thinking about what they did to me made me shudder.

  I checked my phone and there was still no answer from James. He never took so long to respond to me before. Maybe he found out who I was, that would explain it. Shit I needed to get to him, to explain, to tell him how much I loved him.

  But how, how was I going to get out of here, there was no way past those gorillas, if I try to leave and Mikey found out, that would be sure death, which at the moment didn’t seem so bad. My family didn’t want me, my lover didn’t want me, nobody wanted me.

  I dragged myself to the bath, maybe a soak would be good, no not a soak, there’s probably too much damage down there to soak. A quick shower, just to wash them off of me and get my thoughts together.

  My mind raced as I showered, I knew I had to get out of there, but how.

  ‘Come on Candice, think, think.’

  I knew this house better than anyone, I was never really allowed to leave like everyone else, my dad made sure to keep a close eye on me which I hated, but now it was going to save my life. Getting out wasn’t going to be easy with all the goons, but I was going to try, I wasn’t going to let them rape me again, I would rather die, so the chance of trying to escape and getting caught was well worth it.

  I came out of the painful shower and dried my skin slowly, all over my body ached, the water which normally was a delight as it massaged my body felt like a belt spanking me over and over again. I put on a soft navy jumpsuit, thinking that was my best option, it wasn’t too tight to add pressure to my already paining body and the color was right for a getaway.

  I packed a few things and crawled under my bed to my safe, I needed to get all my cash out of the house. I didn’t know whether or not Mikey had called one of his guys at the bank and emptied my bank account, who knew with him. It was better to be safe than sorry.

  Every move I made hurt, my breasts were squished to the floor which made my nipples burn, they felt as though they were on fire. I put the combination quickly in and took out the cash. I stuffed it in my bag and sat on the bed. I was ready, I just had to get out.

  There was one way but it was risky. In my parents’ room there was a door in the bathroom which led to a fire escape. My father had had it installed just in case things went wrong at the ranch and he had to get out. The bad part was, Mikey had taken that room as his when he became boss. Getting in there would be hard.

  I steeled myself as I slowly opened my bedroom door. I opened it just a crack, I just needed to see what was happening outside. Luck was on my side, the hallway was clear, I looked over to Mikey’s room, his usual guard wasn’t there, maybe went to piss or something.

  Cautiously I made my way down the hall, this was a huge I risk I knew but I had no choice. I paused at the door momentarily, long enough to hear loud moans. Seems Mikey was screwing one of the ladies, he always tampered with the merchandise.

  When I opened the door, he was on top pummelling his dick into her. Her legs were spread wide, giving him untethered access and she was raising her hips up and down to meet his thrust. Her face didn’t look happy, not like one face looks when fucking someone you love. Her face was devoid of passion, of feeling. He was getting free admission to her body, but that was it. He slapped her breast hard, they were perfect rounded moulds of flesh, soft and flapped up and down with every plunge. She squeezed them together, readying them for his lashings. He was a rough lover and from the looks of it she had been with him before because she knew.

  I inched my way slowly to the side of the room where the bathroom was. She screamed loudly and drew his face to hers. She had seen me, she was protecting me, while he was kissing her, I crept quickly over to the bathroom and slipped inside. Being kind to the ladies had paid off, she had saved my life.

  I closed the door as softly as I could, though she was keeping way more noise that she was before, trying to mask any noises that I made, I tried my best not to get her caught. I didn’t want her getting into any trouble for helping me. When I was safely inside, I opened the small door that led to the outside. As quickly and as softly as I could I climbed down and headed for the trees.

  Outside was dark and my navy jumpsuit did a good job of hiding me. I tried to stay in the shadows and knowing where those thugs patrolled was an advantage that kept me alive. Every move I made, my body ached, but I couldn’t think about that now, I had to get away, I would cry later. Once I was in the trees, I was safe and I hightailed it out of there. I had no idea what I would do once I hit the highway, but it didn’t matter, I was free.

  Chapter 10


  A quick trip to the Red Oak Casino to meet Dave and Danny Carmilio was the first thing on my list of things to do; word had it that they carried being a twin to a whole new level, whatever that meant. They had a big role to play in my plan; they just didn’t know it yet. The Casino was a modest one, it seemed to be making enough money to keep itself afloat, but not too much money to worry any of the big boys, they weren’t a threat.

  The drive across town was quick and uneventful, traffic wasn’t too bad for once. The air conditioner blasted in my face, it was hot out today, hotter than usual. There in the cool, I began to think about Candy, what a bitch. Thoughts of her tight pussy started to overturn the malice I had for her. My dick started to swell in anticipation. Before it would have been a quick eggplant emoji, or a dick pic to her and that would have been enough to summon her to my suite. Now my dick would have to get used to my hand, because Candy was an imposter.

  Shaking my head, I physically shook any thoughts of her out of my mind. I had to keep to the task at hand. Finding and talking to Dave and Danny, they were the key to everything. With them on board, I would be able
to put the whole shit storm to rest.

  I parked my car, the Red Oaks Casino paled in comparison to the Peacock, never the less, it had a steady stream of traffic, people were going in and out even at this early time in the day. I jumped out of my car and made my way up to the entrance. Two guards were standing out front, they looked brutal, that was one way to tell that the casino offered more than just gambling. I had heard somewhere that they were into the brothel business, now I was sure.

  I guess I didn’t look like the gambling type because they stopped me as soon as I got to the door.

  “What’s your business?” the bigger one asked me in a burly voice. He looked like he was on serious steroids, his muscles bulged from beneath his jacket.

  “I am here to see your bosses,” I said calmly.

  “What’s your business?” he repeated as though I just didn’t tell him what I was there for.

  I could see that this was going to be difficult, more difficult than I had imagined for a half assed casino.

  “Do you know who I am?” I asked still calm, I really didn’t want the situation to escalate, I was here to do business and go home.

  “I don’t give a shit who you are, tell me what business you have here.” He said, getting angry.

  I closed my eyes and let out a sigh, this was something that I wasn’t used to at all, keeping myself reigned in was proving to be quite difficult.

  “Mr. Burnsett, I am so sorry about this,” came an unfamiliar voice, it was soft and slurred.

  I opened my eyes and looked up, it looked to be one of the twin, I couldn’t decipher which one it was, they were identical.

  “Get away from him, do you know who he is!” he shouted at the guards.

  “No sir, I’m sorry sir,” they said as they stepped back from me.

  Stepping forward he introduced himself to me, “Hi, I am Dave Carmilio, it’s a pleasure to have you here, but what brings you to this side of town?” he asked curiously.

  “I need to talk to you, I have a proposal for you and your brother and I hope we can make it work.” I replied.

  “Well that sounds interesting, follow me to my office,” he said, taking his phone out and calling his brother.

  Within minutes we were all seated in a small but comfortable office. The chairs were lush and looked custom made. They both looked at me inquisitively, waiting to hear my proposal. A proposal that I had cooked up, Cal and Chris weren’t one hundred percent on board but they trusted me. Besides I had never let them down before and I wouldn’t now, I just needed this to work. If it did, our business would be safe and so would Candy. Yes I still factored her safety into the equation, though I hated her at the moment.

  “There is a matter that I need dealt with that will be lucrative for us both,” I started.

  “We’re listening,” they said in unison.

  I could see why people said that they carried being a twin to another level, it was as though they were synchronized or something. I personally found it strange and a little disconcerting to be honest.

  In Vegas, you could never be too safe, sometimes I thought that it was safer out in Pakistan searching for Bin Laden. The treachery was real in Vegas, you never knew who was watching or who was listening. We often liked to joke about the walls having ears. I was anal about being safe, the Red Oaks wasn’t a place that I was familiar with so I wasn’t about to take any chances.

  I reached into my jacket and pulled out an envelope, I handed it over to Dave and Danny. I sat there as they read my proposal, watching their expressions, looking to see if they were buying in to it. When they were done, I took it from them, took out my lighter and burnt it, leaving only the ashes in a crystal ashtray which was on the desk.

  We shook hands and I left.

  Chapter 11


  I felt as though I was walking for hours, the breeze was wispy and sweat was pouring from my skin. I couldn’t call an Uber because I wasn’t sure if my card would work so the best I could do was walk into the city. I made sure to stay off of the road just in case Mikey sent his boys out looking for me.

  When I dragged into the musty dank motel, it was really late. The sign was barely flashing, it was in need of repair. Though the bed was small and felt cold to the touch, it was more comfortable than my own, it felt safe. I allowed myself to fall asleep, dreams of James engulfed my subconscious. I felt his kisses on my face as he nuzzled me, I laughed silkily to his soft kisses. Just dreaming about him made me feel safe, I needed to feel safe, my whole world was crumbling and he hated me, I had to make him understand, make him love me.

  Three days passed and I was still holed up in the motel. I wanted to go to James but my body was so sore, I had to let myself recover. My breasts were still sore and swollen, but recovering their natural pinkish hue. I didn’t even want to think about my privates, the soreness was unbearable at times.

  I had to come up with a plan, I needed to see James, he kept ignoring my messages, which definitely meant that he had found me out. I really wished he would have found out from me, I wanted to tell him, it was my plan but everything went awry so quickly that I never got a chance to. If only things were different, he was what I wanted more than anything in the world and I had to at least try. At first he was just a mark, then I got addicted to his huge dick, then I got addicted to him. He is my drug, I need him and I am sure that under all his anger, that he loves me, I heard him say so after all. Love just doesn’t dissipate at the first sign of trouble, granted I really fucked him over, but hopefully he would see past that and see me. A woman trapped in a fucked up situation.

  “Hi James, I really need to talk to you, call me please, Candy,” I left a message on his machine, he wouldn’t return my messages or answer my calls, but that couldn’t deter me from trying to reach him.

  I had to come up with a plan, but what, the casino was so heavily guarded that I knew I would never make it past security so what was left for me to do. James rarely left the casino, everything he needed was there or was brought to him. Never the less, I had to take my chances, I was going to stake out the casino until he came out, even if it took forever.

  I called a cab and waited, they cab driver told me it would be fifteen minutes until he picked me up so I had a few minutes to play with. I tried to think of all the possible scenarios that could take place when I saw James, but they all ended the same way, with him rejecting me. For a minute I thought that it may be best for me to just leave the city altogether, go somewhere new and make a life, lose my name, lose this life.

  When the cab finally pulled in I was between minds, I got in and turned my face, I really didn’t want him to recognize me, you could never be too careful.

  “The Peacock Casino,” I said softly, my head still turned.

  “Whatever you say lady,” he replied trying to catch a glance of my face through the mirror.

  The entire ride was silent, I wasn’t in the mood for talking, my life was shit and that’s exactly how I felt.

  I sat across the street, there was a small park which boasted many trees, people normally used it to have their lunch or sometimes just to relax. It was perfect, I had a good vantage point from it, with the entrance of the casino being directly ahead.

  As the day progressed I began to feel hopeless, I knew it was a long shot but I was trying to believe in fate. Cal and Fantasy left, I saw the valet bring their car around, she was dressed elegantly as though they were going somewhere fancy, but who knew, she always looked that way. Not that she was trying to, but she was just a sexy elegant woman.

  Countless people entered and exited the casino, but no James. This wasn’t working, I had to do something, so I started to walk towards the entrance. Maybe if I kept my head down nobody would notice me and I would make it up to his room. As I stepped into the foyer, I was greeted by Gina, she was a table dancer too, she came running towards me, her face filled with anxiety.

  “What the hell are you doing here Candy?” she asked in a hushed voice.

  “I want to see James,” I replied, tears in my voice, “I’ve been outside for hours waiting on him to come out,” I added.

  “You look like shit, do you know that?” Gina said.

  “I know I do, you have no idea what I have been through,” I said.

  “And I know you don’t want to go through anymore, so if I were you I would leave right now before anyone sees you. Everyone knows who you are and what you have done, Cal and Chris wants your head on a platter,” she said, “and even James,” she added softly.

  Those words cut me like a knife, I knew he would be hurt by what I did but it sounded as though he resented me too and that felt terrible.

  She all but shoved me through the door and the next thing I knew I was back on the bench sitting…waiting.

  I knew I couldn’t give up, seeing him again, even if it was for the last time was worth it, I needed to tell him my truth. So I sat and I waited.

  Chapter 12


  I saw her, she looked like a mess, her hair wasn’t silky, instead it looked like a matted mess on the top of her head. Her eyes looked tired, the shine gone from them and something was terribly off with the beautiful hue of her skin. She looked as though she was beaten, just the thought of that made me grow angry. Something was wrong, but what?

  I went looking for Gina, that’s who she was talking to when I saw her, maybe she knew something. When I found her she was up on a table, so I had to wait. It felt as though her dance was going on forever, not being able to wait anymore, I grabbed her off the table and pulled her to the side.

  “I saw you talking with Candy earlier, why?” I asked harshly.

  “Sorry Mr. Burnsett, am I in trouble?” she said timidly.

  “Just answer my fucking question,” I spewed.

  “Amm…ammm….she was trying to get in here to see you and from all that I have been hearing I didn’t want her to get into any trouble so I told her she was better off getting out of here before she was caught,” she said, “I was just trying to look out for her, she was my friend,” she added.


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