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Triple Pass: An MFMM Reverse Harem Romance

Page 28

by Sierra Sparks

  “I want my sister,” he said, “I will kill that bitch.”

  “Well that’s not happening,” I replied, she’s with me now.

  “I don’t care who she’s with, I want her, I have a bullet waiting for her, right between the eyes,” he said.

  “I told you, that’s not going to happen, you need to put the gun down,” I said.

  “Give her to me or this bitch here dies, you can choose,” he said.

  “That’s not even a choice,” I replied, “you should have come here with something to bargain with, are you that desperate you pathetic fool?” I asked.

  He looked frustrated now, he knew that Rose didn’t mean a shit to me, and that he had no power. He shoved her away and made a mad dash towards Candy, Rose fell to the floor and a loud cry came from her lips, he had shoved her hard, most likely she had broken a limb.

  I stepped out in front of Candy and reached for my side arm, Mikey launched forward, gun outstretched, he meant to shoot her, he didn’t care if he was shot in the process, his chips were all in, it was her or nothing. And it wasn’t going to be her, so that meant it was going to be nothing.

  He was so accustomed to having others do his dirty work for him, he choked on the trigger, just for a second, but it was enough for me to get my shot off. He was a moving target and I wasn’t in the best location to get a great shot, but it hit him. It hit him square in the shoulder, he went down. He slowed down, his pudgy stomach seemed to be reverberating with the shot, still he lunged forward, firing a shot, with the pain from his shoulder the shot was off and hit the chandelier that was above us. The crystal sprayed us and I shoved Candy out of the way.

  I fired another shot, hitting him in the same shoulder, this slowed him down. He tried to fire another shot but by this time he was in too much pain. Still holding his gun, he gripped his shoulder for a moment before he held the gun to one of our customers’ stomach. He started to back out of the casino, holding the customer for protection. We watched him as he inched backwards, it seemed that he didn’t have a death wish after all.

  When he got on the outside, he let go of the man and ran off, there was still so much confusion in the casino that we didn’t bother to chase him. After tonight I didn’t think he would be back though, he was a desperate man, playing his last hand and he had lost.

  Candy was still on the floor when I turned around. She was crying and in pain, the glass of the chandelier had cut her on her shoulders and hands and she was both scared and in pain. I carried her to our room and ran a bath for her, she wanted me to stay but I couldn’t, I had to speak with Cal and Chris.

  I just didn’t know how I went from not having a love life to having one which affected everyone. Just my luck, nothing was ever easy for me, it didn’t matter how easy going I was or how I tried to keep everything on the down low. It was all over now though and I could concentrate on my job and my woman.

  Chapter 17


  I laid in the tub thinking about Mikey, he was crazy to think that he could outgun James. He was a thug, James was trained, there was no competing. James had saved me again, it was becoming a habit, hopefully it was all over now, hopefully Mikey bled out in a ditch somewhere, that is what he deserved. I really wanted James to stay with me, I was still a bit shaken but I knew that he had to go and try to clean up the mess which Mikey had made.

  The cool water was soothing to the cuts and scrapes which I got from the chandelier glass, this was yet another time my body was hurt as a result of Mikey. I climbed out of the tub and wrapped my towel around me and walked into the bedroom. I felt so exhausted that I didn’t even bother drying my skin, I just got into bed, pulled up the covers and fell asleep.

  When James came in I was already asleep, I only realized he had come in when I turned and felt him. I opened my eyes to see if he was awake. He was, his eyes were focused on the ceiling and he looked pensive, like he was deep in thought.

  “Hey,” I said sleepily.

  “Hey, how are you feeling,” he asked me.

  “I’m ok, I just want to tell you how sorry I am about everything that happened,” I said.

  James sat up in bed, “you don’t have anything to be sorry about, you haven’t done anything.” He said.

  “I know, but I can’t help feeling responsible for everything that happened, I feel like everything happened because of me,” I said.

  “It is all Mikey, everything is on him, from the time he tried to run us out of business, he doomed himself. You did what you had to, he is your family, when I put myself in your shoes I would have done the same for Cal and Chris, I don’t blame you, we don’t blame you. Besides you are with me now, you are one of us, and we protect our own,” he said.

  “Your younger brothers are now the bosses of your family and they don’t have a problem with us and we don’t have a problem with them, in fact we have come to an agreement and our families will be working together from now on, with Mikey out of the way, it is a win-win for everyone,” he added.

  “I just couldn’t believe that it was all over, he had really stepped up and protected me and his interests as well. Without him I knew that I would never have been able to get away from Mikey. I remembered vaguely how I spent years wanting to be the godmother of my family, how I longed to be the boss, all my plans for us to rise to the top. That was until I met James, with James any other life that meant he wasn’t my man seemed like an unfulfilled one, I loved him, every part of him, not just his body but his mind, the way he took care of me, he made me feel like I was the most important person in the world . Being with him completed me, there was nothing else that I wanted.


  “I didn’t think that we would rise to the top this fast,” Danny said, sitting in his new office at White Halo.

  “Me either,” Dave replied, “James did us a favor, too bad we can’t do the same for him.”

  “Yeah too bad,” Danny echoed, “this is just the beginning, when we’re done with them, they won’t know what hit them.”

  “Vegas needs shaking up, time for new rules and new rulers and everyone standing in our way better join us or get crushed!” Dave said.

  “That’s right big brother, they better get out of our way,” Danny said.

  There would be no rest until someone won the high stakes game, betting to claim the ultimate prize – the city of Las Vegas itself.

  Vegas Fantasy: Book Four

  Copyright © 2018 by Cameron Collins; All Rights Reserved

  Published by Juliana Conners’ Sizzling Hot Reads.

  Chapter One


  I clicked my nails against the table, trying to keep myself occupied while Vinny talked to one of his men. It hadn't been long since Mikey was run out of town. Not having to work for that bastard anymore was the highlight of my currently pathetic life. Not that it mattered. Before Mikey left, Vinny had acquired me. Now, I was to find out what he was going to do to me.

  Being a prostitute wasn't exactly a career goal that I set out to have for myself. Yet, there wasn't much of a choice when you considered my homeland. Russia. Cold and distant, just like my parents. I was sold before I had even grown tits and treated like trash.

  And then, Mikey purchased me. He might be a bit more upper class, but a bastard was still a bastard. I can still remember the way Mikey liked to knock me around. The way he'd hurt those poor girls that I was housed with. I tried to protect them as much as I could, but I only earned more beatings for being insolent.

  Some part of me couldn't help it. I was using to being a cold-hearted suka. These men around me though, they were harder. More brutal and with so much more to lose. All they cared about were fucking their women and winning this damned war. Everyone else in the balance was merely a pawn, even me.


  I looked up. Vinny had made his way back to me. He was a short man and one short of temper as well. His face was serious, black hair shortly cropped to his head and blue eyes that could pierce your
soul. He was not a man to fuck with and I made no move to piss him off. I liked having my limbs.

  “Yes, sir?”

  “I have found where you'll be going next. Come.”

  Next? What was that supposed to mean? I'd discussed buying my freedom with Vinny, but it seemed he was turning that offer down. I stood up slowly, trembling slightly as I tucked white blonde hair behind my ear. Picking up my red clutch, I followed behind him to the limousine outside. The door was opened and I slid inside.

  “Where am I going?” I finally got the courage up to ask.

  “You'll be going to a friend of mine. He's trading me something I need for you.”

  “I thought you were going to allow me to purchase-.”

  “You will be quiet!”

  I instantly sealed my lips and leaned back against the seat. It wasn't up for discussion. Tears stung my eyes, but I refused to let them fall and ruin the expensive mascara. A friend. What friend? I knew everyone in Vegas at this point. At least the big casino names. Cal, Chris, Richard and Mikey with his whore ranch. Who was left? Some small name someone that would probably be a sadistic pain.

  “We're almost there.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The limo was stopped and I took the hand of the driver as he helped me out of the vehicle. My blonde hair was pulled up on top of my head, showing off a slender neck and round breasts that were shown off by the plunging neckline. I know my porcelain skin was always gawked at and my bright green eyes were always attracting attention. Hopefully whoever I was going to would appreciate my beauty, because if they didn't what use would I be to them?

  I walked behind Vinny until we were inside of the house. Following him through, I could see how expansive the house was. It was huge. I walked carefully until we were taken into a living room. Vinny pouted to a black leather couch and I sat down carefully, crossing my legs and trying to wait patiently.

  “Vinny, how does this guy know about me? I want to be able to cater to his needs,” I whispered, thinking on my feet.

  “He saw you at The Sparrow with Mikey once, I believe. When I showed him your picture, he remembered you.”

  I had no idea that Vinny even had a picture of me and I didn't want to know what kind of photo it was. Instead, I simply nodded. So, he was going to trade me, but for what? The Marino's were a diverse group, their fingers were in just about everything in this city so it was no surprise that they were really starting to move into the casino business.

  “Sorry for the wait.”

  I looked up and froze. Two men walked into the room. Each of them were in identical dark suits that fit their bodies like gloves, tailored no doubt. It wasn't just their suits that were identical, but their faces as well. Thick, black hair, sharp blue eyes, strong jaws. The only difference between the two of them was that the first man had a stubble on his cheeks while the man behind him was clean shaven. They couldn't have even been thirty yet and here they were, part of an empire. They had to be if Vinny was meeting with them.

  Vinny stood and I followed. “Vanessa, this is Dave and Danny. This is the lovely, Vanessa.”

  I smiled, red lips curling as I shook each of their hands. “How do I know who is who?”

  The man with the stubble chuckled. “I'm Dave and my brother is the one with the baby face.”

  Danny rolled his eyes. “Can we get down to business already?”

  It was clear that Danny didn't care for me. He shot me a clear look of disdain as he sat back down. I kept my head down, willing myself to become invisible. Being disliked in this town could get you killed, I wouldn't give him anymore reason to hate me.

  “About our phone call earlier. I imagine that I will be able to choose the girls and the cut that I get?”

  “Well we haven't-.” Dave started.

  Danny held up a hand. “I don't think so. This might be what Dave wants, but I have my reservations. Why should we allow you to bring girls into our ranch and get a cut?”

  Vinny frowned. “Dave and I discussed this earlier. I want to break into the business, I've noticed the profits. I could set up my own place and make a profit, but I'm choosing to work with the two of you so that we can benefit each other.”

  “And what the hell do I get out of it?”

  “The girl.”

  “I don't want her,” Danny spat.

  Dave cleared his throat. “Danny, I told you, this girl was Mikey's. If we keep her, we have leverage if he decides to try anything.”

  “So, he makes a profit and we take on another mouth to feed.”

  Dave sighed. “Trust me, this is just a trial. Besides, if the girl get on our nerves that badly, we can send her back in two weeks and we still retain the profits. That's the deal, isn't it?” He asked Vinny.

  “That's the deal.”

  Danny seemed to think about it. I kept my head down, fiddling with my fingers. So that was the deal? I was to keep these two entertained while Vinny made a profit off of the girls he'd brought over from Italy? I already knew those girls wouldn't be up to snuff, they were mostly forced and strung out. That's why Vinny could never run them correctly. All the force in the world wouldn't stop an addict from getting high or Od'ing.

  “Fine,” Danny said finally. “Two weeks. She pisses me off or your girls fail to bring in a profit and it's over.”

  Vinny smiled. “Excellent. I'll bring her back tomorrow for you.”

  We stood and Vinny shook their hands. When I glanced up, Danny was still glaring, but Dave was taking me in. I could practically feel him undressing me with those hungry eyes. Swallowing thickly, I quickly turned away.

  “Bright and early,” Dave called as he were heading out and as he said it, my heart sank. What was I getting thrown into?

  The moment they were back into the limo, Vinny let out a loud laugh. He took out a cigar and clipped the end. I picked out the lighter in my bag and held it for him, letting him light it before he blew out a huge cloud of smoke. The sweetness of cherry tobacco filled the limo and I almost got sick. It reminded me so much of my father.

  “I can't believe those idiots brought that. Vanessa, I have a special assignment for you. I want you to seduce Dave, get close to him. Those two together are formidable. Alone, they're just men. I want to bring them crashing to their knees.”

  I held back the sigh. Of course, that would be what he wanted me to do. He never had any intention of giving me to the man, he just wanted me to be his good little Russian spy. I was never going to get out of this constant hell that I called life. Glancing out the window, I watched the world go by as I tried to keep myself steady. I had to get out of this life. There was no other answer. Escape or death and I had no plans on dying.


  The next morning, I was packed up and ready to go. Vinny had picked out a pastel pink dress for me the next day. It belted at the waist and showed off my curvy figure. My breasts were practically popping out of the top. I brushed my hair, keeping it down and letting it fall over my shoulders. Vinny came in as I was finishing up my hair.

  Walking up behind me, he reached up and grasped my breasts. I stiffened, but tried to keep a steady face as I picked up the tube of lipstick and started applying it to my lips tinting them red. It was my classic look and the most well received. I tried to focus on that as his hand went beneath my dress and my breath caught in my throat.

  “Don't worry, I'm not gonna fuck you,” he grinned at me in the mirror. “I want you to be nice and tight for Dave. Once you've been a good girl and come home, then I'll have my way with you.”

  I felt like being sick. If this man ever dared to touch me, I wasn't sure what I would do with myself. It was bad enough that I could feel his fingers rubbing over my sex. He'd refused to give me panties or bra since I arrived. Further humiliation to suffer in a life that brought nothing but humiliation.

  Finally, he seemed to get his fill and let me go. I stumbled forward a bit, choking back tears as my shaking hands tucked my things into my bag. He had a few of his goons get my
things and carry them down to the limo. The minute I slipped inside, I lit a cigarette and blew smoke out of the window. The nicotine seemed to calm me down a bit, but I was still choking on nerves.

  “Those Pisano brother's are dangerous, but then again, you know that.”

  Vinny chuckled as I turned to stare at him with wide, frightened eyes. “P-Pisano's. Vinny, you never said that. You never said-.”

  I shut up the minute he raised his hand to strike me, but I didn't turn away. I didn't back down. He laughed again and lowered his hand as I shook. Bastard! He knew what this was, he knew what this would do to me. I couldn't take another Pisano, not again. Not after Mikey. I still had bruises and scars that had yet to fade, I couldn't go through with this again. The Pisano men were demons.

  Chapter Two


  I couldn't believe I got her. Danny was still pissed, walking around with anger written on his face as he smoked like a chimney. I didn't worry about it too much. Danny had been angry at my choices before, he would get over it this time too. I saw her once and knew that I had to have her. Mikey already had his hands on her, but he could go to hell for all I cared.

  “You just had to go and make that deal. You know Vinny's girls aren't gonna mesh with ours. Those loud bitches are gonna start trouble.”

  “Better for us, right? I mean, if his girls cause too many issues, we'll just tell him no deal.”

  “I'm telling you right now, I don't like it!”

  I sighed. “So paranoid. What am I going to do with you?”

  Danny flipped me off before he settled back onto the couch. A girl from the ranch sat beside him, fixing his drinks and lighting his cigarettes. I've never seen Danny actually be with a girl. He used them like toys or slaves and then you never saw him with them again after he'd thrown them away.


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