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Triple Pass: An MFMM Reverse Harem Romance

Page 32

by Sierra Sparks

  “You can’t trust a bitch, Dave. I told you,” he said. “Girls are trouble. All of them.”

  There was a silence of tension.

  “You’re right,” I conceded at last.

  “Damn right,” he gloated.

  Without hesitating, I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him over. “I told you that you were right. If you keep fucking with me, I’m going to beat your ass.”

  He tore himself away from me with a look of disgust. “Alright,” he said. “Alright. We’re done here.”

  I looked at Vanessa and then to the door.

  “Go,” I commanded.

  She didn’t have to think twice. She was out the door, quick as a vixen. I wondered if that was the last time I’d see her alive. There were so many things that could go wrong. Vinny could suspect something and kill her. She could fail to do her job and the punishment for that was death. She could run off into the night and try to leave Vegas, but there was no doubt Danny would send someone after her then too.

  “I’ll send some of our guys to watch her,” I said. “If she doesn’t go through with it, they’ll let us know.”

  Danny nodded. “Maybe you’re not as soft as I thought.”

  Even though I wasn’t feeling any sense of happiness, I laughed. I laughed out of all the anger and frustration I felt, and all the pressing thoughts of Vanessa’s deception. I assured myself that I’d never be fooled again.

  Danny left the room but I remained. His cocky, arrogant display rubbed me the wrong way. I could tell he was glad that Vanessa and I were through. In our younger years we were best friends. We didn’t hate Mikey at the time but we were closer to each other than we were to him. I couldn’t help but wonder if he was jealous to some degree.

  I kept berating myself for not listening to Danny and the others who warned me about Vanessa. I’d alienated my brother by losing my mind over a girl – a prostitute, no less. Maybe things would go back to the status quo once Vinny was gone and Vanessa was put in her place.

  I didn’t even like what I suggested for her punishment. It made my skin crawl to think of her being with another man. Somehow I needed to talk Danny down. Maybe I could convince him that Vanessa learned her lesson.

  It occurred to me that she may never trust me again. After everything my brother and I did to her, she probably wouldn’t forgive me. She called me a monster. I suppose I really was a monster, but I didn’t want to be a monster to her. There was the softness again. It was the weakness of love that made everything come down to this anyway.

  I exited the room and closed the door behind me. I had to divorce myself from the idea of love. I’d go back to the one night stands and the same old same old, and that would be it. My resolve was getting over it, but her beauty lingered in my mind.

  How could I ever get over her?

  Chapter Nine


  It seemed to take forever to convince Vinny that the Pisano brothers sent me back like damaged goods. I told him over and over that they weren’t satisfied, and I blamed myself because I knew that’s what I had to do. Vinny was naturally angry at my failure.

  I told him that I hadn’t found anything out. That made things worse. He hit me a few times and then told me his ideas of what he was going to do to me in his bed that night. I swear I nearly puked.

  Dave and Danny tasked me with poisoning him like I was some kind of hit woman. I didn’t forget how Dave tried to rescind my punishment. He really did love me, and I was confident in saying that I loved him too. Even so, he would forget me sooner or later as I faded into obscurity along with all the other working girls. I didn’t have any qualms about killing Vinny. I was damned if I did it and damned if I didn’t do it, anyway.

  I stood in the kitchen in a red, modernized version of a calico dress. Vinny had me covered up like he was ashamed of me. I tugged at the neck and wished my breasts had some room to breathe. I was used to the sexy outfits and this wasn’t even close.

  He walked up to me and sniffed my hair. I had to pretend that it didn’t make me sick. I gave him a sweet smile.

  “Let me make you something to eat,” I suggested. “I believe you can come up with another plan to get what you want. We can discuss it over dinner.”

  Vinny shook his head. “I’m not gonna let a dumb blonde cook my meals. Why would I do that when I can get my fill at a gourmet restaurant?”

  I kept calm. I knew I just had to spin it a different way. “It’s more like a role play. I’ll be your slave who cooks and cleans and then you can fuck me all night long.”

  He looked pensive. I could tell he was tossing the idea around in his mind. I knew he’d had his way with a good few women, so to spice things up with a role play probably interested him. It wouldn’t be just doggy style and spanking, it would be that plus the enhancement of being characters. We’d be master and servant.

  Finally Vinny gave in to the idea of the fantasy. “I’ll bite. Let’s do it. Show me how the Russians cook, give me some of that goulash.”

  I didn’t press my luck by telling him goulash was Hungarian. I hadn’t been told whether or not arsenic had a flavor but I decided it was in my best interests to make something spicy that would hide any taste I didn’t know about.

  My parents never taught me how to cook. They didn’t care about me or bringing me up with any skills. I was used to dinner being given to me. I had to make an entire dinner without giving away that I wasn’t good at it or making something that tasted like shit.

  There weren’t many ingredients in the cabinets. Vinny really did go out to eat more than anything which meant that groceries weren’t a priority. The prime time for dinner was three hours away. I could get in some shopping without missing it.

  “It looks like I’ll have get some things from the store, Master.” I softened my voice on purpose to sell the idea. “I hope that’s alright with you.”

  Vinny seemed to really like being called ‘Master’. He had a real glint in his eyes like this sparked his mind and not just his dick. He pulled out a bit of cash from his wallet and handed it to me. I folded it and slid it into the single pocket on the dress I still thought was hideous.

  “Be back soon, slave girl,” he intoned. “I’ll be waiting.”

  I didn’t realize I was holding my breath but I let it out gently so as not to express the state of my nerves. I gave him another saccharine smile. “I’ll be back before you know it, sir.”

  He smacked my ass but I didn’t flinch. Before he could do anything else, I moved out of the kitchen and out of the brothel. I hated to be seen in public with the clothes Vinny had me wearing. I didn’t have a choice though, so I held my head high as I walked through the red light zone.

  The grocery stores on the seedy side of town were questionable but I didn’t expect to be assaulted in one of them as a patron. I knew how to talk to shady characters anyway. I hardly knew anything else.

  I had a black eye and a cut on my lip thanks to Danny. I covered everything up in natural-looking makeup but I wondered if anyone could tell. Even if they could, I’d just be another battered tramp in the eyes of everyone who frequented these places.

  I made my way into a corner deli and kept my head down. The less I acknowledged anyone else there, the better. I picked out what I thought might taste good together based on my own experiences. I’d gone to fancy dinners many times and felt confident in my choices. In the back of my mind I knew that if I made mistakes then the whole plan would fall through.

  Spices were key, but I didn’t know much about them. I picked up some hot sauces made from foreign peppers and prayed Vinny liked a kick to his meals. I went to the register and to my relief the cashier wasn’t a talker. I was able to get in and out without any kind of fuss.

  As I walked back, I began to think. I was raised in whoredom and learned to put aside my distaste in favor of pleasing the purchaser. So, why did I dread the notion of having Vinny’s cock inside me? Not even something lower like a handjob or blowjob mad
e me any less uncomfortable. Even beyond anyone else I’d ever been with, I felt he was the sleaziest of all.

  Vinny was just a snake in the grass. Even Mikey didn’t have the same quality of disgusting. I wondered if someday I’d throw Dave in there as well. I felt bad for that thought. He really fucked me over but I couldn’t lump him with those complete bastards.

  I hated myself for admitting my original intentions to him more than I hated myself for falling in love. I should have kept my mouth shut. I could have been happy! With Dave I would have been set for life, and with someone who cared for me at that. It was more than someone like me could ever ask for but it was all gone.

  Even with Vinny gone, I wouldn’t be free. I was destined to the lowest of the lows, forced to do any and all depraved acts. I called Dave a monster because he was the one who suggested it. It was something Danny might have come up with himself if he’d been left to it. It was no kind of reward, it was punishment for my crime.

  It struck me as ironic that I never knew any secrets about anything the Pisanos were planning until after I confessed. If Dave just had a little more patience with me, I could have explained it all. I wish I knew what was going through his mind. I guessed it was in the fact that he laid it all on the table for me only to find out that I was a seductress bent on exposing a murder plot.

  If it that was true and his were the actions of a scorned lover then maybe I could forgive him. If I’d been in his shoes, I would have probably reacted the same, albeit if it really was me I would have tried to be more understanding. I was warned of the inherited Pisano temper and now I knew it well.

  By the time I came near a conclusion to my inner monologue, I was back at the brothel with my sacks of groceries. I walked in through the back and set everything on the countertop. The kitchen was small for however many workers were meant to eat in there. Vinny was sat at the table making clock noises.

  “Tick tock, servant girl,” he said. “I’m hungry.”

  I hid my sighs. The pressure was on from the beginning, but in a flash it hit me that I didn’t have the vile of arsenic I’d been given. I stood petrified. Panic set in as I tried to mentally retrace my steps. I could have left it anywhere.

  Then I heard Vinny’s voice. “Looking for something?”

  I whirled around to see him slowly waving the fucking bottle back and forth like he was trying to hypnotize me with it. My eyes widened and I was nearly paralyzed by fear. His reputation meant that no one crossed him, but I never had a choice in the matter. Even being at the bottom of the tier in the Pisano whore house was better than losing my life.

  “I can explain,” I yelled. I hadn’t meant to raise my voice but I couldn’t help it. I was in deep trouble.

  Vinny rose from the table and spat in my direction. “You bitch. You thought you could poison me? Stupid whore.”

  I couldn’t choose between fight and flight. Any input I may have had was lost and my instincts failed me. Vinny was going to beat me to death and dump my body in the Mojave, I knew it. As he approached I could only watch. He grabbed my wrist with almost enough force to break it.

  I didn’t mean to scream but the bloodcurdling cry rose from my throat anyway. Vinny smacked me hard. A trickle of blood dripped from my nose. It wasn’t broken but it could have been if he hit me with full strength. I didn’t know if he was holding back or if he hadn’t had the leverage for a full throttle attack.

  It didn’t hurt at first but eventually it began to sting. I hoped that would be the extent of it but I was so wrong. The black eye Danny gave me was bad enough already, but another blow to the face exacerbated it. I couldn’t stop myself from crying even though I knew my weakness would only empower him.

  My resolve was low but I didn’t want to be another Vegas causality, missing until my headless torso was found in the desert by someone who wasn’t even looking for me. Would anyone even bother going to the police to report my disappearance? Probably not.

  That’s where I got my strength. The thought of fading from the memory of everyone I’d ever had the pleasure or displeasure of meeting was haunting. Even Dave would forget me eventually. I had to do something or my existence would have been for absolutely nothing.

  I head-butted him and immediately regretted it. It almost sent me reeling, but it was worse for him because he hadn’t expected it.

  As I regained my senses, I took off. I stumbled out the door, once again shedding uncomfortable stilettos and tearing holes in my pantyhose with every step. Dave and Danny must have had someone watching me, and I hoped that maybe they’d save me. It was a baseless wish but I had to cling to something.

  Vinny pursued me for a quarter of a mile but lost steam. I heard him flinging curses into the twilight as I outran him. Once he spread the word to his lackeys I’d have more to worry about. In the moment I was just glad that I hadn’t died by his hand. I slowed down only to catch my breath.

  I had to be careful. The Pisano manor wasn’t far away and I couldn’t turn back to take the long way around or I’d risk running into Vinny again. If I kept quiet and moved quick then they wouldn’t see me or bother me. At least that’s what I told myself.

  The back of the house wasn’t fenced in but there was a large pool with inviting water. I kept my walk casual so that I wouldn’t be noticed for running like a madwoman.

  Echoing voices hit my ears and I recognized one of them. At first it sounded like Dave, but when I turned to get a look, I saw that it was Danny. He was talking to somebody I swore I’d seen in the past, but I couldn’t recall any exact memory.

  At first the words sounded like fragments, but I tuned in to listen.

  “He’s a pussy,” Danny was saying. “I’m through with it. If we’re running Vegas there’s no room for weak bastards like him.”

  “Dave’s good as gone. Everyone’s on board to get rid of him. The boss says it’ll only be a few more days before everything’s in place,” said the other man.

  I gasped. They were planning a hostile takeover. I knew Danny was slime, but I never thought he’d betray his own brother. I stopped to think against my best judgment. I thought about Dave and how I felt about him. I didn’t want him to die and even further than that, I still loved him. I had to tell him about what I’d found out.

  They were still talking.

  “Alright,” Danny said, cracking his knuckles. “Sounds good. I can’t wait for that rat to get what’s coming to him. Send my regards to Mikey.”

  “Will do.”

  That name lit a fire in my mind. Not only was Danny having Dave killed but he was working with Mikey to do it. Together they were formidable enough to take over the city. That cinched my idea of telling Dave. Even if he didn’t believe me, I could say that I tried.

  I started moving again but not for long. My toes pushed an empty beer bottle and send it careening into the side of the outdoor bar. It wasn’t overwhelmingly loud but somehow I kicked it hard enough to shatter it.

  “Fuck,” I whispered.

  Danny made a beeline towards me, yelling something I couldn’t hear or process. I ran, and he ran after me. He pulled a gun from his jacket pocket and fired at me. I zigzagged but I was still nearly hit by the bullets.

  I didn’t expect a collision but I barreled head first into the man who’d been speaking to Danny. I knocked him over but I couldn’t get up. Pain engulfed my leg and I let out a horrible scream. I couldn’t tell if it was broken, but I had bigger things to worry about.

  Danny caught up, grinning like a cat who caught a canary. He aimed his gun at my head and I prepared to beg for mercy. He laughed and said, “Well, well. If it isn’t Dave’s little whore. Aren’t you supposed to be offing Vinny?”

  I could barely talk through my pain. “He caught me. I couldn’t do it.”

  “I guess I can put Vinny on the back burner for now. I’ve got bigger plans, and maybe you can be a part of them.”

  “If you think I’m going to help you kill Dave, you’re wrong.” I glared at him.

>   He kicked up dust in my face. “Oh, so you really do love him, huh? Even better.”

  “No, I don’t –”

  Danny wouldn’t let me get my words out.

  “Shut up, fucking bitch. Love or not, you’re a game changer. If all else fails, we’ve got the object of his affection for leverage,” Danny sneered.

  I couldn’t stop my pained groans over what I knew was a serious injury. Now I was a pawn in Danny’s game – and by extension, Mikey’s too. The gun at my head kept me compliant. There was no getting out of this by myself. They were going to use me to get to the man I believed I loved.

  “Pull her up and take her to the shed,” he said to the unnamed man. “I’ll be there soon. Feel free to do what you want to her, but don’t kill her. She’s our toy, and Mikey’s going to want to see her again.”

  “Sure thing.” The man gripped my hair and began to drag me towards a rundown shack where the pool equipment was stored.

  I broke down. I moved along as best as I could with my leg in intense pain. I felt ill. I almost wished that one of Danny’s shots killed me, but I decided I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction.

  The henchman threw me inside and I landed hard. More pain coursed through me and I shut my eyes. Even though the situation looked bad, I was determined to make my escape.

  I was going to tell Dave. I promised myself that.

  These secrets would save him… and maybe our strange love, too.

  Chapter Ten


  I spent my time with some other girl in order to get my mind off Vanessa. It didn’t feel as good or right as it did with her but I had to stop brooding. I wanted to get rid of the weakness that Danny accused me of having. Soft didn’t suit me, he said. Maybe I’d find my will and strength in the feelings of anger I held towards the very woman I could have seen myself with forever.

  I didn’t even know the name of the whore in my bed. I must have worn her out well enough, since she fell asleep post-coitus. Instead of letting myself sink into dreams as well, I was up spending time with all these tormenting thoughts. If you asked me a year ago, I would have said I’d never fall in love.


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