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Page 15

by Vicktor Alexander

  Jersey let out a loud curse and threw up his hands. “Man! That was my fucking car!”

  “You can buy another car, Jers. You can’t replace, Lucas,” Arizona said.

  Washington hummed. “How very insightful, Zona.”

  “Bite me, Wash,” Arizona groused.

  Washington gasped. “I was trying to pay you a compliment, you little shit.”

  “You were being condescending like I can’t be compassionate.”

  “I was not.”

  “Hey!” Jersey shouted.

  “What?” Washington and Arizona yelled back simultaneously.

  “Can we focus here? What about my car?” Jersey whined.

  Michigan ignored them, all of his attention was centered on his sufletul pereche. He caressed the side of Lucas’s soot covered face, stroking the petal soft skin, willing him to open his eyes and look at him with the brilliant green gaze. Long moments passed with nothing happening. Lucas’s chest didn’t move, his heart beat sluggishly as if tired of the race and Michigan could feel the hot wetness of his tears rolling down his cheeks. He was aware of the very moment his brothers stopped arguing and crowded around him. No one spoke, and Michigan knew that he needed to start CPR on his mate, but his fangs were out and he was covered in blood.

  He turned to look up at Jersey, asking his brother without words to help his mate. Jersey took a step forward just as Lucas inhaled deeply and started to cough. Loud, deep, hacking coughs that caused his entire body to shake. Relief rained down on Michigan soaking his spirit in gratitude and drenching his soul in hope. He rubbed Lucas’s back as he sprinkled kisses over his face.

  “I’m calling Dak and asking him to come and pick us up,” Tennessee said.

  “Why not call 911? They’re gonna have to come because of the trees and the car accident anyway,” Arizona pointed out. Michigan rolled his eyes as Jersey whimpered about his car, instead focusing on Lucas who was still coughing and taking in shuddering breaths, his eyes brimming with tears.

  “Because we have to get rid of Razvan’s body,” Tennessee pointed out. “Once we do that, then we can call 911.”

  “What. Body?” Lucas panted out.

  “Razvan’s,” Michigan said. He turned towards the destruction. “I left him on that tree when I went to save you. I know I tore him up pretty good but there’s still enough of him left to cause problems if the police co—” His words got caught in his throat and he just stared, disbelief coursed through him.

  “How is that possible?” Arizona asked.

  “What the fuck?” Jersey growled.

  “There is no way,” Tennessee whispered.

  “No. Where the hell is he?” Michigan asked. His eyes scanned their surroundings but he saw no trace of the man anywhere. “RAZVAN,” he yelled.

  The man didn’t appear, there was no response to his hoarse shout, the air surrounding them was completely still, and then the wind blew and the sound of evil laughter made its way to Michigan’s ears. He tensed as he looked around expecting to see the hollowed cheeks of his uncle but saw no one.

  He looked down when he felt the tender touch of Lucas’s hand on his cheek. “Can. We. Go. Home. Now? You. Can. Find. Him. Later,” Lucas asked breathlessly, still struggling for breath.

  Michigan nodded his head and leaned forward to kiss Lucas’s forehead. “We’ll take you to the hospital and then we’ll go home.”

  “Thank. You. For. Saving. My. Life.”

  Michigan shook his head and smiled down at his mate. “Don’t talk, just breathe,” he instructed him. Using their mind-link to express himself. Thank you for loving me.

  Thank you for loving me and letting me love you. Lucas’s eyes were filled with love as he stared up at Michigan.

  And thank you both for requiring me to need brain bleach for the rest of my life, Jersey interrupted their conversation and Michigan turned to look at his brother and burst out laughing when he shrugged.

  “Let’s go,” Michigan said and rose, holding Lucas tightly against him as they walked down to meet the ambulance and police cars that raced down the road towards them as well as Dakota, followed by his parents, who had left before them all to take their motorcycles, laptops, and some last minute suitcases to the “Big House,” in his father’s truck.

  Razvan had escaped and that made a rage fill Michigan that caused his limbs to shake, but his mate had escaped death. Lucas was alive and in his arms, coughing, covered in soot and dirt, but smiling up at Michigan with love shining in his gaze. Razvan could wait. Michigan could put his revenge on hold. Right then, in that moment, he was going to enjoy his happily ever after.

  Even if only lasted for the next hour.


  Lucas walked side by side with Michigan down the hospital hallway, holding his hand, a big grin on his face. There hadn’t been a Razvan sighting in days and Lucas was finally starting to breathe easier. They were living in the “Big House” with the rest of the family and though Lucas had worried that it would be too crowded in the mansion there was more than enough space for all of them.

  “Which room is he in?” Lucas asked. Michigan was taking Lucas to meet Scotty Jones, finally. Michigan was always talking about the younger boy with an affectionate gleam in his eye and Lucas had finally demanded to meet him. Michigan had agreed quickly, which had given Lucas a moment’s pause but seeing the way his mate practically vibrated with excitement, Lucas had merely put on a pair of jeans and a soft sweater and gone to the hospital with his man.

  “Okay. This is his room. Now, Scotty is a great kid. I mean, he’s really cool. He likes—” Michigan started rambling and Lucas put his hand up and covered his mate’s lips to stop the flow of words.

  He chuckled. “Mich. I’ve heard about Scotty for quite a while now. You don’t have to get me to like him. He sounds like a great kid. Open the door.” He shook his head. “Jeez. You act as if you’re trying to sell me on him, almost like we were thinking of adopting him or something.” He chuckled softly but noticed that Michigan wasn’t laughing with him. Instead he was blushing. Lucas stopped his amusement and glared at his partner.

  “Michigan?” he asked. He stepped in between his man and the door and narrowed his eyes, pointing a finger up into his vampire’s face. “Do you want to adopt Scotty?”

  Michigan glanced away before looking back at Lucas. Hazel eyes collided with green and Lucas gasped at the yearning he saw burning in the browns and greens of his mate’s.

  “I want us to have a family.”

  Lucas blinked in surprise at Michigan. “Really?”

  Michigan nodded. “I want to have kids. I’ve put money aside for college funds and everything and I think you would be a great father.”

  Lucas bit his bottom lip as he glanced over his shoulder at the closed door. He looked back at Michigan and gestured at the door with his thumb. “And you’re sure you want to start with Scotty?”

  Michigan assented. Lucas grinned at him. “Okay then. Let’s go.” He turned and opened the door stepping inside. He beamed at the frail, tow-headed boy sitting on the bed reading. He smiled at the older woman knitting and looked back at the little boy.

  “Doctor Michigan!” Scotty said excitedly, his voice small. Lucas fell in love right in that moment. This was their son and he knew he would do whatever he had to do to make sure they could adopt them.

  Thank you, my love. The happiness in Michigan’s tone made Lucas want to promise his mate the world, but it was the hope that was shining in Scotty’s blue eyes that really tugged on Lucas’s heartstrings. He stepped forward, nervousness causing his hands to tremble.

  “Hi, Scotty. My name is Lucas. I’m Doctor Michigan’s…” Oh shit. Did he say boyfriend or husband or what?

  “Husband,” Michigan supplied.

  Lucas glanced over his shoulder to look at Michigan and smiled before he returned his gaze back to Scotty.

  “I’m Doctor Michigan’s husband, Lucas. We live in a great big house with a pool and a big backyard.
And Doctor Michigan’s other brothers and their husbands and kids all live there and we were wondering, if we can work it out, do you think you would like to come and live with us and be a part of our family?” Lucas asked.

  Scotty looked back and forth between Lucas and Michigan, his shaggy blond hair flopping in front of his face and hiding his eyes. He brushed his hair back and looked up at Lucas with wonder. “You mean like be your son and you two are my dads?” Scotty asked.

  “If that’s what you want,” Michigan said.

  Scotty’s head bobbed quickly. “Yes! That’s what I want!” He was excited and Lucas laughed, grabbing hold of Michigan’s hand as they looked at the little boy sitting on the bed.

  “Well, we need to talk with orphanage people to get things started but hopefully it won’t take long,” Michigan said. Lucas looked up at his mate and grinned. He shared a smile with the woman seated in the corner then wrapped his arm around Michigan’s waist.

  He may have fought against mating with the vampire, his own past making him struggle against the belief that vampires existed, and he and Michigan had gone through hell and death to finally end up together but they were in love and bonded for eternity. They were also standing at the doorway to a new future. One where they were fathers. Lucas couldn’t wait. Razvan was still a threat, but he was one that Michigan and Lucas would fight.

  Together. Bonded forever.


  § § §

  Washington pulled Tracy closer to his body where they reclined on the loveseat in the downstairs lounge. It was a rare moment in the “Big House.” The house was quiet, everyone having gone to bed or at least having retired upstairs and Tracy’s sisters were both playing on the floor at their feet, ignoring Washington and his sufletul pereche. Which was just how he liked it.

  Tracy was wearing a white sleeveless shirt and a light pink miniskirt, his light brown shapely legs were displayed tantalizingly beneath the hem giving Washington all manner of inappropriate thoughts and he struggled to reign in his thoughts while the girls were in the room with them. Tracy snorted where he lay against Washington’s chest, his hair falling over one shoulder and Washington could imagine bending Tracy over the arm of the couch, flipping up the back of that pink miniskirt and driving his cock into Tracy’s rear as he held the tresses of his man’s thick mane in his fist.

  “Wash,” Tracy moaned softly.

  Washington grinned. “Sorry.”

  The doorbell rang then and Washington rose from the sofa, laying Tracy down on the cushions while he walked out into the entryway to answer it. He heard Tracy behind him, and turned to tell his mate to go back to the couch but stopped himself. He knew Tracy wouldn’t listen, so why bother? He tugged open the door and saw a short Hispanic man standing there. He looked dazed as he stared up at Washington and he stumbled a bit as he stood out on the porch. Washington would have almost thought he were drunk if he hadn’t smelled the coppery scent of blood flowing from his body.


  Washington shook his head. “He’s not here. He’s at the hospital,” he said.

  Tracy gasped. “That’s Alberto. He’s a prep cook from Lucas’s restaurant.”

  Alberto stumbled forward then, right into Washington’s arms. Washington caught him, wrapping his arms around Alberto’s torso, and the silver dagger that was plunged into his back.

  Just as the squad cars from the Lewiston Police Department squealed into the driveway.

  “Oh. Shit.”

  Continued in

  Washington: Book Three of The Sevion Brotherhood


  Vicktor Alexander (everyone calls me “Vic”) is a southern gentleman by day, and a writer and purveyor of steamy, sticky, hot man on man (sometimes on man on man on man on man on man) sex by night. He now enjoys writing about shifters, humanoids, cowboys, firemen, rent boys, fairies, elves, dancers, doctors, Doms, Subs, and anything else that catches his fancy, all sexy men falling in love with each other and having lots of naughty, dirty, man-on-man sex. He is a huge fan of the “happily-ever-after” ending, but while all his characters all ride off into the proverbial sunset, all sexually satisfied and in love (because it’s the least he can do), they all bear the scars of fighting for that love, just like in real life.

  Out and proud, he doesn’t believe that love only comes in one form, one race, one gender and that not only is gender fluid, by sexuality as well. He loves to make people laugh (and guys hot) and when he’s not writing, or rather, procrastinating in writing, he’s reading, playing the Sims 3, talking to his adopted daughter whom I call Chipmunk, seeking the man or men who can handle his crazy, stressful, soap opera-esque life and being distracted from said writing by pictures of John Barrowman, Charlie David and Shemar Moore.

  Find out more about Vic at


  The author acknowledges the trademark status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Amazon: Amazon, Inc.

  Barbie: Mattel, Inc.

  Captain Jack Harkness/Torchwood:

  Comic-Con: San Diego Comic Convention

  Cool Water: Zino Davidoff

  Cordon Bleu: Career Education Corporation

  Crisis: Ravich-Shariat Productions; 20th Century Fox Television

  Dodge Ram: Chrysler Group LLC

  Fiat: Chrysler Group LLC

  G.I. Joe: Hasbro

  Grey Goose: GREY GOOSE Importing Company

  Happy Endings: FanFare Productions; Shark vs. Bear Productions; ABC Studios; Sony Pictures Television

  Harley: H-D Michigan, LLC

  Heineken: Heineken Brouwerijen

  Hennessy: Hennessy

  iPad: Apple, Inc.

  Keurig: Keurig, Inc.

  Kool-Aid: Kraft Foods, Inc.

  Lawry’s: McCormick & Company, Inc.

  Modern Family: Lloyd-Levitan Productions (seasons 1–3); Picador Productions; Steven Levitan Prods. (season 4–); 20th Century Fox Television

  Prego: CSC Brands LP

  Sam Adams: Boston Beer Corporation

  Star Trek: Paramount Pictures Corporation

  Starbucks/Frappuccino: Starbucks Corporation

  The Big Bang Theory: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

  The Carrie Diaries: Fake Empire Productions; A.B. Baby Productions; Warner Bros. Television

  U-haul: U-Haul International, Inc.


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