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Mia's Choice_A Reverse Harem Romance Novel

Page 3

by Lucy Felthouse

  The sight, far from embarrassing her, only served to fuel her mischievousness. She grinned and quirked an eyebrow at him. “What’s got you all het up, Alex?”

  He narrowed his eyes at her for a moment, seemingly unable to decide what he wanted to say. Then he cleared his throat, glanced over towards the jetty and, seeing that Aisar was still out to sea, returned his gaze to her and said, “The idea of you getting your arse spanked is hot. I can picture it—those perfect buttocks of yours, naked and bright red with handprints.” He tweaked at his shorts again and mirrored her grin, then winked at Thomas. “Let’s just say, if I received an invitation to join in, I’d readily accept it.”

  Thomas laughed. “Can’t say I blame you. If Mia’s up for it, I am too.”

  “And me three,” came Arjun’s voice from their other side.

  Mia whipped her head around to look at him but said nothing, arousal having rendered her mute. Flirting with Thomas had got her going, then things had escalated rapidly: Thomas talking about spanking her, Alex piping up that he’d love to join in, Arjun echoing him. Her pussy was heavy with need and none of them had even touched her in a sexual sense—though having a back massage, albeit with the aim of putting on sun lotion, wasn’t exactly a turn off. Well, she’d desperately wanted to see the back of the odd atmosphere, and now she’d got her wish, albeit not in the way she’d expected.

  Just then, Elias called out to them. “Hey, guys, are you all set? Jet skis are here.”

  Mia looked at her husband and swallowed hard in an attempt to soothe her dry mouth and throat. If it weren’t for the fact it would wash off her sunscreen, she’d definitely go for a dip in the sea to cool her down. God knows she needed it. But then, with four hotter-than-hot men around, even jumping into an icy plunge pool wouldn’t do much to settle her raging hormones.

  Getting unsteadily to her feet, Mia resigned herself to the fact that she was going to have to wait until later to satiate her needs. Unless the vibrations from the jet ski engine were powerful enough to get her off, she thought with a smirk. There was only one way to find out.

  Chapter Three

  Mia practically bounced along the walkway leading to her bungalow, her mood as buoyant as the seabirds the five of them had been inadvertently terrorising all morning. The couple of hours they’d spent whizzing around on jet skis—which had indeed been delivered in good working order and with full tanks of fuel—had been incredible fun. They’d raced, they’d meandered, they’d showed off, even fallen off a few times. But mostly, they’d laughed. It had well and truly broken the earlier tension, and the event had seemingly been forgotten, much to Mia’s relief. She still didn’t regret bringing it up in the first place, but at least it had been dealt with quickly and cleanly, and the aftereffects weren’t destined to linger over them like a bad smell.

  She opened the door and slipped into her bungalow, then closed it up behind her. It was nothing to do with keeping people out—she’d have flicked the lock if that had been her intention—but she did want to keep insects out of her living space. Especially ones that bit or stung. They didn’t seem to care that she was supposed to be having the time of her life on honeymoon.

  As she padded over to the luxury bathroom, she reached around her back and undid her bikini. She shrugged the straps off her shoulders, then tugged the garment away from her body and dropped it to the floor. Pausing momentarily, she shoved the bottoms down past her hips, shimmied a bit, then stepped out of them. Wandering around naked wasn’t something she made a habit of, but when she was on an island with only four other people, all of whom had seen her naked multiple times, modesty was pointless. She made a beeline for the shower, humming happily, eager to scrub the combination of sun lotion, sweat, and sea salt from her hair and body.

  Moments later, she was in the large shower cubicle with lukewarm water pummelling her from multiple directions. Is this heaven, or what? She stood for a while, allowing the water pressure to rinse the grittiness away, then reached for the bottle of shampoo—a luxury brand, compliments of the resort—and poured a good amount into her hand.

  She tipped her head back beneath the nearest jet to fully soak her hair, then shuffled forward out of its reach and began rubbing the shampoo in, working it into a thick, delicious-smelling lather. She’d only conditioned the previous day, so once she’d washed away the suds, she retrieved the shower gel and flicked open the lid.

  “Help you with that?” came a slightly muffled voice, making her jump.

  She let out a squeak and turned. Alex stood there, still in his swimming shorts, his face and body pressed against the cubicle door, giving him a squashed nose, but providing Mia with an excellent view of his torso, particularly since the surface of the door hadn’t yet steamed up—possibly it wouldn’t given the relatively cool temperature of the water. She looked him up and down, drinking in the highly appealing sight—and conveniently ignoring the amusing bit that was his flattened nose—then nodded. “That would be wonderful. Lose the shorts.”

  “Obviously.” He rolled his eyes, then stepped back from the door, only to shuck off the offending item of clothing, kick it across the room, then join Mia in the shower.

  He carefully pulled the door closed behind him, then advanced on her. Holding out his hand, he said, “Enjoy yourself this morning?”

  She passed him the bottle of shower gel. “Yes, enormously. Did you?”

  A smile lit up his handsome face, and crinkles appeared around his eyes. “Hell yeah. That was a stroke of genius on Elias’s part.” He spun her around, then she heard the squelching sound of the shower gel bottle being squeezed. A millisecond later, he pushed her hair out of the way and smoothed the liquid over her back. “I can’t remember the last time I laughed so much, or so hard. One of the times I fell off was because I was so helpless with laughter I couldn’t hold on anymore. It’s a good job Aisar left us to it—I think he’d have disapproved of some of our behaviour if he’d seen it.”

  “He disapproved of me having a jet ski in the first place,” she grumbled, annoyance flaring once again.

  “What?” His hands stilled. “Did he say something to you? Was he rude?”

  “No.” She pushed back against his palms, silently urging him to carry on. To her pleasure, he did. “I’m sure he wouldn’t have dared to be out and out rude in front of Elias, who had just introduced me as his wife. But he made some backhanded comment about bringing four jet skis, glancing at me as he did so.”

  “And what did Elias say?”

  “I’m not sure he noticed the glance, but he insisted on five jet skis, and that was the end of it. Doesn’t really matter anyway—I got my jet ski, I had my fun, so sod the sexist git.”

  “Yeah.” Alex squirted more gel into his hands and worked them lower, over the base of her back and buttocks. “Who cares if he’s got some stupid antiquated ideas and attitudes to women? Fuck him.”

  She let out a low moan as his long fingers slipped into the crease of her backside and rested her hands against the cubicle wall. “Ahh… I’d rather fuck you.” Aisar and his misogynistic behaviour rapidly receded into the furthest reaches of her mind.

  Alex chuckled and delved deeper, brushing against her pussy lips. “That’s exactly what I was hoping you’d say.”

  She shifted her stance, leaning her head forward and thrusting her backside in Alex’s direction. Glancing over her shoulder at him, she grinned wickedly. “So what are you waiting for? I told you earlier, this afternoon I’m all yours. You should take advantage.”

  “Oh, don’t worry, beautiful,” he purred, gently entering her with two fingers, his smile widening as she moaned again, “I fully intend to. Why the hell do you think I’m here? When a woman makes you an offer like that, you don’t refuse. You damn well take her up on it.”

  Reluctantly, Mia tore her gaze away from Alex and let her head drop forward once more as she gave herself over to the blissful sensations caused by his supremely talented fingers. Already her nipples had tightened
, and in spite of the water gushing over the two of them from multiple directions, she could still feel the wetness seeping from her and coating Alex’s digits. God, she was so horny. Almost involuntarily, she shunted back, eager for more. Good as his fingers felt, what she really wanted was his cock. Her arousal level had been up and down all day so far, and she hadn’t had even the slightest amount of relief—the jet ski had been fun, but sadly not that kind of fun—and it was well past time for that particular state of affairs to change.

  With another chuckle, Alex grabbed a handful of her hair and swept it to the side, then began alternating little kisses and nibbles over the bare, soaked skin of her shoulders and nape. “Fuck, Mia, you are so damn sexy.”

  “Thank you, Doctor. Now why don’t you give me what I need to make me feel better...?”

  “And what might that be?” he played along, then gave the side of her neck a much sharper bite, making her gasp.

  She pushed onto his fingers yet again, driving them deeper. “Cock in me, fingers on my clit. Orgasm.”

  “Sounds like an excellent treatment plan to me. Ever considered a career in the medical field? With skills like that, you’re wasted in estate management.”

  In spite of herself, Mia finally gave in and laughed at their daft wordplay. “Quit teasing, would you? I’m not sure if you’re aware,” she pulled away from him, then turned around so she could look into his eyes, “but if you don’t give me what I want, there are several other willing candidates within hollering distance who can be here within seconds.”

  “Well then,” he replied, giving her a challenging stare, “I guess I’d better get on with it, hadn’t I?”

  “Yes,” she smiled coyly, looping her arms around his neck and tangling her fingers in his wet, dark hair, “you bloody well had.”

  In lieu of a reply, Alex wrapped his arms around her waist and hauled her roughly against him, then bent his head and captured her lips with his. All at once, Mia was delightfully aware of the red-hot, rigid cock pressed to her stomach, and opened her mouth willingly when Alex’s tongue sought access.

  Supremely glad the five of them had long-since dispensed with condoms—Mia having already been on the pill, and all of them receiving the all-clear from the sexual health clinic months ago—she reached for Alex’s cock and pumped it roughly. Gratified when he groaned into her mouth, she lifted her right leg and hooked it around his hip, then attempted to aim the tip of his shaft at her entrance. The height difference made it impossible, but Alex got the hint and shifted his grip lower, beneath her buttocks, and hoisted her up so she could wrap her legs around his waist.

  Holding on tightly, she waited, anticipation thrumming in her veins, as Alex manoeuvred into position. Finally, she felt the blunt head of his cock butting up against her pussy lips and wriggled down to meet it, desperate to have him inside her. A second later, she did.

  “Ahhhh!” Their combined moans of relief and pleasure echoed off the walls of the shower, barely muffled by the noise of the still-gushing shower heads. Mia had the briefest of guilty thoughts about wasting water, but it was banished to oblivion when Alex bottomed out, digging his fingers harshly into her buttocks. Sparks of pain zipped through her, making her pull away from him with a gasp, and her pussy contracted.

  “Fuck!” Alex exclaimed as her internal walls gripped his cock. “Carry on doing that and I’ll be nothing but a two-minute wonder.”

  “Pfft.” She smiled and kissed him. “I know you way better than that, Alex Cartwright. And even if that was the case, I also know you’re perfectly capable of making it up to me in other ways…”

  “True.” He winked, then rearranged her weight on his hands, bent his knees, and began to thrust, his cock stroking deliciously against her nerve endings. “Got to make sure my girl’s happy, haven’t I?”

  “Mmm-hmm.” She leaned in and they kissed again, deeper this time, with open mouths and questing tongues as Alex increased the pace, building up from long, almost languorous strokes to faster, more frantic ones. The pleasure built rapidly, and when Mia sensed Alex’s orgasm was imminent, she slipped a hand between their writhing, gyrating bodies to stimulate her clit, eager to catch him up.

  It didn’t take long—the on-again, off-again flirtation of the day so far had given her a running start—and she rubbed and tweaked the little bud to match Alex’s movements. He pulled his head back, breaking their kiss and making eye contact instead. She knew from the intensity of his gaze that he was close. “Come on, baby… come for me.”

  “You… gonna… come with… me?” his words were punctuated by gasps for air.

  She nodded frantically. “Will… do my… best.”

  Apparently, that was good enough and he shuffled forward so her spine was pressed against the shower wall, then pistoned his hips like a man possessed. Maybe he was. Either way, she enjoyed it, hanging on tight with one arm as she used the other hand to continue stimulating her clit. Any minute now…

  “Mia, I’m—”

  “Yes, yes! Me too!”

  They reached their respective peaks within a few seconds of each other, letting out unbridled shouts and blasphemies as pleasure washed over and over them. Mia pulled her hand from her crotch and looped her arm back around Alex’s neck, clinging tightly to him as her climax waned. Fuck, that was good. I damn well needed that.

  Gingerly, he disentangled her legs from him and carefully lowered her until her feet touched the tiled floor, then slipped his arms around her waist to help keep her steady. “You all right, sweetheart?”

  She blinked to try to clear her slightly-blurred vision, then smiled. “Mmm-hmm—more than okay. Peachy. Perfect. Post-orgasmic.”

  His eyes glinted. “That’s a lot of ps.”

  “Piss off,” she shot back good-naturedly, then laughed. Alex joined in.

  “Another one—that’s my girl. Got to love a bit of wordplay.” He pulled her against him and kissed her forehead. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too. With all my heart.”

  “Glad to hear it.”

  “Likewise. Now, much as I’d like to stay in here with you all day, we should probably get cleaned up—again—and go grab some lunch. Can’t have you wasting away, can we?”

  “I could never waste away when I’m with you,” he replied, his lips twisting into what she knew was a suppressed grin.

  “No?” She frowned, despite having an inkling what was coming.

  “No.” He leaned back, and his face cracked into a full-on smile. “Because I could always eat you.”

  She rolled her eyes and slapped at his shoulder. “Cheesy lines are usually more Elias’s thing than yours!” She retrieved the shower gel and shoved it playfully into his chest. “Come on, Captain Cheese, let’s get cleaned up. Much as I’d like you to eat me, I think your stomach might have something to say if that was your only sustenance.”

  As if on cue, Alex clutched at his belly. His eyes widened, then he let out a bark of laughter. “Think you might be right there. My stomach just rumbled like thunder.”

  Shaking her head, Mia couldn’t help but laugh, too. “Unbelievable.”

  Chapter Four

  Lunch, Mia and Alex soon discovered, consisted of a barbecue on the beach. It seemed Elias was in take-care-of-everything-and-everyone mode today, since he’d organised the whole thing and already stood at the lightly-smoking barbecue, flipping burgers, sausages and pieces of chicken. His Cheshire Cat-like grin made it clear he was having the time of his life. He’d even roped in Thomas and Arjun to help. The former was busy sorting out bread rolls, sauces, and salads, while the latter was playing barman. They, too, looked happy enough with their impromptu roles. All of them were barefoot and dressed in clean shorts, with no shirts on. She herself had thrown on a white sundress covered in a pattern of palm leaves and was also barefoot.

  Mia smiled and shook her head as she took in the scene. What was it about blokes and barbecues?

  “Drink, Mia?” Arjun asked, brandishing a cockta
il glass full of lurid-pink liquid, with a bright yellow paper umbrella poking out of the top, as well as a blue drinking straw. It all clashed rather horribly, but she was thirsty. And besides, its appearance didn’t matter as long as it tasted good and was refreshing.

  “Yes, why not?” she replied, walking over and taking it from him without even bothering to ask what it was—she doubted Arjun would give her anything disgusting. She stretched up and gave him a kiss. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” His brown eyes were full of warmth—a little cloud had formed, so he’d foregone sunglasses for now—and an answering heat bloomed in her belly. God, he really was gorgeous. Suddenly conscious of him being the one who’d been around for the least time and maybe not feeling as comfortable, as settled as the others, she took his hand and casually led him on a short walk along the sand. The others were either so intent on their tasks, or on beer and food that they didn’t notice—or maybe they were being subtle. Stranger things had happened.

  “Where are you taking me?” he asked with a glance over his shoulder towards the rest of the gang. “The food will be ready soon.”

  She took a sip of her drink and squeezed his hand. “Mmm, that’s delicious, Arjun. Thank you. And don’t worry, we’re not going far, or for long. We won’t miss out on the food. I just wanted to check in with you—make sure everything’s okay. We haven’t had any time alone since we arrived.” She hadn’t yet had any time alone with Thomas either, but not only was their relationship rock solid, she knew perfectly well he’d let her know if there was an issue. He might be the laid-back sort, but that didn’t mean he’d keep quiet if he wasn’t happy about something.

  “Glad you like the drink. I was experimenting with flavours. I must be channelling Tom Cruise in Cocktail.” He winked. “And yes, everything’s okay. All of us being together all the time is… interesting, but it’s fun. It’s also giving us men the opportunity to get to know each other better, and to bond. We did spend quite a bit of time together in the run up to the wedding, of course, with suit fittings and whatnot, but there were always other people around, so we had to be careful what we said. Here, of course, it doesn’t matter what we say. We can truly be ourselves. It’s getting to the stage where I feel like I’m on holiday with three of my closest friends, or brothers. And one stunningly beautiful woman, of course.”


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