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Secrets Room

Page 16

by Kim Faulks

  The effect was gut-wrenching. Blood spurted into the air and Philip rolled onto the ground, howling. Morgan stepped back in, throwing her fist like a street-fighter, catching Jason in the jaw. Rachel watched in both disgust and awe. Morgan was like a savage—one that should be put down.

  “Fuck!” Morgan screamed when Jason sunk his teeth into her arm. Slade must’ve relaxed his grip, because Jason suddenly lunged forward. But, instead of heading for Rachel, he scrambled toward Philip.

  Colton scooted away from the fight. His movement caught her attention and he glanced at her, shaking his head. His instruction was direct and purposeful—stay out of it.

  From where Rachel stood, it was hard to see which body parts were Philip's and which were Jason's as they both flailed—one in mindless rage and the other in self-preservation. Jason took a hit from Morgan, and for a second, it looked as though she had him under control—until he pushed Philip backward.

  Slade grabbed his leg and wrenched him, trying to drag him away from Rachel’s feet, but Jason wouldn’t budge. Rachel shuffled backward until she hit the doorframe to the smaller room. Her heart beat frantically. There was nowhere to go. She couldn’t step into that room—she wouldn’t step into that room. She was stuck, unable to tear herself away from what was happening in front of her.

  Jason growled and lowered his head to Philip. At first, it looked as though he was going to kiss the other man. But at the last moment he dropped his head to Philip’s neck. What looked like a tender moment between the two men became violent. Philip screamed and pumped his hips into the air, trying to dislodge the animal on top of him. Vibrant red filled her vision as Philip’s blood splashed her silk slacks and the sharp, metallic scent of blood penetrated the air.

  Jason lifted his gaze to stare at Rachel. Blood covered his face and dripped onto Philip’s chest, splattering his sweat-soaked shirt. Jason’s eyes were dark, devoid of anything human. Rachel knew in that moment, he’d stop at nothing until everyone in this room was dead.

  The room has done this to Jason. What he saw in there changed him and it’s going to change me, too.

  Rachel trembled. The back of her hand touched the doorframe and she jerked away, her heart hammering at the thought of touching the room. Jason straddled Philip’s chest and dug his fingers into the screaming man’s mouth, prying it apart. Rachel couldn’t look away. She was caught on the sight of Philip’s eyes as they stretched wide from the pain. His screams were now a hiss of air as Jason wrenched Philip’s jaw, tearing the flesh and ligaments apart.

  The sounds of the room disappeared, leaving Rachel to float in a vacuum of silence, tethered only by the chunk of torn flesh and white teeth that sailed through the air to land at her feet. Muffled voices filled her ears, but she couldn’t look away.

  Frantic faces rushed past her and Rachel followed the movement. She spied Dee, standing in the middle of the room with her fist in her mouth, quivering. For some reason the sight struck Rachel as funny. She couldn’t stop a smile from spreading across her face, or stem the tremors in her stomach, as she shook with laughter.

  Rachel followed the woman’s tortured gaze to where Philip jolted and shuddered. She didn’t move to help him… he was beyond anything she could give. What few teeth remained in his head ground against the floor as he jerked and hissed. He was no longer a concern. Jason wasn't even a concern as a massive shadow passed across the ground in front of her.

  Rachel spun and stared toward the smaller room and stared into black, bottomless eyes of the monster.

  Rachel was unable to look away, like a trapped animal. All thought—all feeling—left her, as the monster moved closer. Its huge body filled the doorway and shut out the light. Rachel cowered in the shadow, and for the first time since she woke, she prayed for the light.

  The obscene light in the room made the monster’s body glisten like diamonds. The shimmer was lovely and she fought an overwhelming need to reach out and touch it. The monster stopped and lowered its head. It inhaled her scent, and suckled her soul in great drawing gasps.

  Rachel trembled on the ledge of insanity—held by the monster’s unholy gaze, she felt herself slip closer to the ledge. The black pits of Hell waited, daring her to take that final step.

  In that moment, Rachel no longer cared for money, power, or even survival. All she cared about was fear. The fear of what was to come next. The power of prayer no longer came to her aid. Rachel’s legs trembled, unable to hold her weight. Her knees buckled and she fell to the ground.

  Rachel was forsaken.

  THE ROOM SWAYED AND BLURRED as Colton climbed to his feet. Brutal screams filled the air, making the jackhammer in his head rev even harder. He closed his eyes and touched the back of his head. His fingers slipped in the slickness of his own blood and he winced as his nail found the graze. I’m going to kill that fucking psycho.

  He knew the guy was unhinged. He could see the reaction in Jason’s eyes when he whispered that they were going into the other room. The flicker of fear, like lightning, that rippled across his gaze. Colton could almost smell the bitter ozone. But he didn’t expect the guy to almost fucking kill him.

  There was a way out of this goddamn place and it was hidden somewhere in that room. One way or another, Colton was getting out of here and he was leaving everyone else behind. Someone whimpered. The pathetic sound dragged his attention back to the room and Colton realized the screaming had finally stopped.

  The floor vibrated under his feet, sending a pulse into Colton’s heart, setting the beat to a new rhythm—and then the vibration came again, like steps… like something big.

  Colton opened his eyes to stare at a beast that swallowed the sun and he suddenly wished he hadn’t.

  MORGAN DIDN'T KNOW WHAT CAME out of the room. The word demon came to mind, and for now that word was good enough. An icy breath on the back of her neck sent ripples along her skin.

  Run, the voice whispered. Run, or you’re going to die.

  She tried to argue the reality she now faced—that there was nowhere to run. Then her mind was racing, ticking off actions and their consequences in one simple thought. When it hits me, I get up and fight. I keep on fighting, until I don't get up again... ever.

  She clenched her fists and stepped into a fighter’s stance, one foot forward, centering her balance. Her attention wandered. In that moment, her stomach dropped and her heart raced, as Slade and Charlie filled her mind. She had one purpose now. She'd die protecting those she cared about.

  The demon leaned over Rachel, pushing her whimpering form into the wooden doorway. It snorted, drawing in her scent like a dog. It was an ugly motherfucker, with wide-set, black eyes and a thick nose. Morgan scanned the demon’s body. Its muscles were thick, bulging like overfilled balloons, ready to burst. The fucking thing was big. She licked her lips.

  I’ve seen bigger… Slade’s bigger… he can take it. She jerked as though slapped. Who was she fucking kidding? This thing made Slade look like a fucking five-year old, ready to climb up on Santa’s lap.

  The beast made no move to touch Rachel. Instead, it seemed to like her, taking forever until it straightened and stepped away. Morgan heard whimpers when its black, serpent’s eyes scanned each of them. A whimper to her right caught the demon’s attention, but it was the movement to her left that caught Morgan’s.

  Colton slithered back a step and to the left, placing himself behind one of the women, a bigger girl, Carmen. Morgan hadn’t had much to do with the young woman. She’d kept to herself on the opposite side of the room, sitting with Dee and the others. In this moment, the space between them felt like more than mere steps. Now, with Colton’s cowardly act, Carmen was nothing more than a human shield.

  Bile rose and filled Morgan’s mouth with a sharp, acrid taste. She wanted to spit on the piece of shit. She wanted to tear him from the shadows and throw him to the fucking wolves. The beast stepped closer, sending shockwaves along the floor with each step.

  "What’s happening here? Is this
a fucking joke?"

  Morgan swiveled her head at the sound. The punk she hit forever ago was falling apart. His jerking movements and wild gaze screamed unhinged. She shook her head and shook her finger toward him. Don’t… stop…. He tore his hair, ripping long strands free as he moved forward. Quiet the fuck down…. Didn’t he understand that he’d provoke the thing to react?

  “Why are you doing this to us? Why can't you just leave us alone!" Dee screamed and charged forward with fists drawn, her tie-dyed shirt billowing behind her. Her once-bright eyes were now flat and dull, shell-shocked from this goddamn room. Morgan felt the energy in the room pulse with the glare, urging them to act.

  "Dee. Step back." Slade growled, earning the demon’s stare.

  Morgan’s heart clenched, matching her fist. But Dee wasn’t listening, none of them were. She launched herself at the beast, bounced off, and fell to the floor with a thump. There was nothing Morgan could do to stop what was happening as the punk let out a dry, cracked battle-cry and followed suit.

  The beast whipped its clenched fist through the air, meeting the young guy mid-scream. The brutality of the wet slap bowed his body and the punk flew across the room like an unwanted doll. The demon lunged forward. The ground shuddered, sending the vibration into her boots. The acrid smell of ash drifted to her as the beast roared. The air in the room was stifling, enticing Morgan to act or perish. She breathed deep and clenched her jaw, willing the feeling to pass. The others in the room seemed affected by the energy as well.

  Carmen wobbled and crumpled to the floor, taking Colton with her. Morgan couldn’t tell if the big woman fainted or died from a heart attack. Colton grunted and growled, shoving her body to the side. But it seemed the smug piece of shit was trapped. The beast turned its black eyes on them and stalked forward, eyes seeking and canines ready to shred.

  Someone screamed, "Run!" But there was nowhere to run.

  They were trapped.

  Dee scrambled backward, out of the path of the demon and into Morgan. She reached for the older woman, grabbing her shoulders and lifting, without taking her eyes off the beast. The monster moved toward them, fist raised, ready to strike. Morgan squeezed her eyes closed and tensed, ready to take the blow.

  But no blow came. The beast shoved past her and raged further into the room toward the others… toward Glib.

  “Glib, move!” Morgan screamed over the top of the others’ shrieks, but he wasn’t listening. He was stunned, staring helplessly as the demon headed in his direction. Her heart racing, Morgan shot forward. Slade grabbed her mid-stride, his arms wound around her like cables, preventing her from moving. “Morgan, no!”

  She thrashed in his hold. She had to save Glib, she had to do something. The beast veered left, stooping low to grab the punk who lay against the wall in one swift movement. Morgan tore from Slade’s grasp to run behind the beast, veering toward Glib. The old man couldn’t move. His body trembled and his eyes bulged, unable to look away. She dragged him behind her, and headed for Charlie.

  “You leave him alone!” Dee ran after the beast and punched it in the back. Her helpless blows did nothing but agitate the monster. It dropped the disoriented kid and turned on her.

  Morgan hauled Glib over to the spot in the corner where Charlie stood, herding them back against the wall where she could protect them. She could hear Charlie’s thick sobs, low and soft. Morgan used them to keep track of her movements as the demon smashed against the wall.

  Slade, on the other hand, was too quiet. Morgan risked a glance at him. He was pale, shaking his head as though he was trying to chase the fogginess away. His fit was lingering. He couldn't protect himself. Morgan could only pray he'd get his shit together before it was too late.

  The big girl, Carmen, moaned and rolled onto Colton. He screamed and punched her. Morgan didn’t see Glib move until it was too late. The old man was too fucking nice. He stumbled to Colton’s aid, rolling Carmen’s shoulder so the gutless prick could slide from underneath.

  Morgan could hear the beast moving. She could feel the tremors through the floor, getting louder as it came closer. A shadow devoured her as the monster ran past. But she couldn’t move. She had to protect Slade and Charlie. “Glib, get out of the way!”

  The beast reared over the group writhing on the floor. The muscles on its back bulged and lengthened, hands tearing like claws. Morgan’s heart was in her mouth. She watched helplessly, urging the beast to grab Colton. Not Glib… not Glib.

  The beast snagged Colton’s shirt and tore him free. Glib reacted, stepping in front of the spineless prick, and pounded the beast with weak blows. The demon grabbed him by the throat and lifted the old man. His legs dangled in the air. One shoe slipped from his foot to fall to the floor.

  Morgan watched, her heart in her mouth, as his brown skin darkened and his eyes bulged, before the demon cast him aside and into the wall. Glib’s head smacked into the wood with a crack. He slid to the ground, leaving a bright, red smear in his wake.

  Jesus… Morgan’s gut clamped tight and she lifted her hand to smother her scream. There was no way someone could survive that… no way. She looked at Charlie, who stooped low, her heaves were only a wracking of her body, like Morgan’s her body had run dry hours, or days before. Morgan felt so fucking helpless.

  Glib lay still on the ground for what felt like forever, until his eyes flew open and he jumped up like he’d been shot with a bolt of electricity. He stumbled forward, his gaze fixed on the demon. "Ha! Devil not gonna take me. No, sir."

  Morgan could tell he wasn’t right. He swayed on his feet like a drunk and as he turned, the light shone on the blood oozing from his ears. The beast spun, tracking the movement of the others and Morgan used that moment to make her way to Glib. He didn’t notice her, not even when she placed her hand on his arm and called his name.

  "Glib. Glib, can you hear me?"

  She could feel the demon watching her. Each movement felt as though it would be her last. She glanced toward the beast as she gripped Glib’s arm and gently pulled him with her. Nice and easy. The demon’s black eyes followed her with every step they took.

  “It’s okay. I’m fine, really.” Glib mumbled and tried to pull away.

  She held on, and whispered, "Glib, you need to come with me. You're hurt."

  A deep, pulsating sound tingled the hairs on her arm when the demon growled. The echo grew louder when Glib turned to her.

  "No Morgan, you're not to come with me, lass. You keep fighting." His soft hand caressed her arm. She remembered how badly she reacted the first time he had touched her arm. This time, she didn't flinch. He gently pushed her, urging her to leave his side as he mumbled, "Go on now. You go back over to the other side."

  The calm in his eyes scared the shit out of her, more than the demon. Something in her chest fluttered like a trapped bird and as she reached for him, the demon roared toward her.


  A guttural cry overpowered the demons snarl. Slade barged into Morgan, knocking her out of the way as the beast charged. She caught the impact as Slade rammed into the grotesque body. The beast grabbed him and twisted, throwing Slade to the ground. Morgan scrambled toward him, but Slade rolled and sprang to his feet, facing off against the beast.

  Morgan wanted to step between them. She wanted to take the brunt of the beast’s fist as it swung. To her frustration, Slade led the demon away. A blow caught him on the shoulder. He stumbled, but stayed upright and struck his own blow. His fist connected with the demon’s face. Morgan had never seen a man so powerful. The muscles in his neck tensed, corded from the strain as he fought, not for his life, but for hers.

  She'd never felt so small, so pathetic. The snap of bones gripped her heart. Slade stumbled backwards. As strong as he was, he was still no match for the demon. The beast reared up and bought its fist down on Slade's head. Morgan screamed, watching his legs buckle. His big body fell to the ground.

  The blow was fatal. She was sure of it. Someone rushed the demon, but
Morgan wasn’t watching. She couldn't take her eyes off Slade. He lay there limp, unmoving. There was no rise in his chest. No shuddering of his feet as he tried to move.

  Her washed-out world disappeared. There was only him. Morgan ran and slid to the ground next to him. Stupid… stupid! She wanted to hit him, to hold him and hit him.

  “I would’ve been okay. I would’ve survived.” Morgan wrestled him into her arms and held him against her body as her tears stung hot against her skin.

  She felt for a pulse, for hope... for anything. She found nothing. Her fingers trembled. Screams and shouts churned around her, a hurricane of hurt and screams. She no longer cared about the mayhem around here. Morgan didn't care about anything but the man in her arms. His body lay heavy on hers. His arms flopped back and forward as she shook him, willing the return of his life by her sheer desperation.

  Pain sliced through her chest and savagery welled in her stomach. The agony was overwhelming. She screamed until the blinding light of the room dimmed, and she could scream no more. Morgan swallowed the blood welling inside her cheek, letting it wet her throat so she could breathe.

  With trembling hands, she laid Slade on the ground and pushed to her feet, swaying from the pounding inside her head. Digger and Glib had the demon cornered. Glib stumbled back and forth, providing a distraction so Digger could make a mark or two. The smacks of flesh and grunts of effort were like slaps, each sound pushing her anger toward the edge.

  Morgan launched herself at the demon’s back, screaming like a banshee, as it traded a blow with Digger. She grabbed its head and dug her fingers anywhere she could find. Her nails slipped over slimy skin. The beast’s muscles rippled with each grunt and thrust, reminding her of the filthy dealers who rode her body in exchange for a fix.

  The memory and the sharp smell of rancid flesh hit her like a blow. Her stomach rolled, pushing up. She swallowed again and again, forcing the urge back down. Long strands of the beast’s hair slipped through her clenched fist. Morgan focused and gripped tighter, tensing the fingers of her other hand and aimed for its eyes. The tips of her fingers hit something smooth and moist. They slid and she dug her fingers deeper. Cold, slick fluid squirted against her palm and she was rewarded with a howl.


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