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Secrets Room

Page 20

by Kim Faulks

  “I don't have time for pathetic little boys,” said the woman who’d been his mother.

  Her words were used as a weapon, designed to damage and to destroy. She wielded them well. The old hurts returned; rejection, fear, loathing himself for wanting her. For wanting any attention, no matter how cruel. “You never did, Mother. You never had time for me.”

  “That's because you're a sniveling, stupid, little boy who can't see what's in front of you.”

  His heart ached. He tried to fight her hold over him, but as always, he was powerless when it came to her. All he wanted was to feel her love, even if it was just a lie. What he’d give to hear one kind word, or feel one caring touch. He held out his hands, warding off her presence. “Please, just leave me alone.”

  “Stop your sniveling, Colton. Are you too stupid to see what this place is?” She snarled, her features turned sharp, hawk-like, and he was her prey.

  How many times had he heard that growing up? You're stupid, you're pathetic, you're weak. Too many to count. Tears ran down his cheeks. He brushed them away as his mother's scolding continued.

  “You have a choice to make, Colton, and you'd better make it fast. Time is running out and you don't want to know what comes next.”

  He stopped listening as the old hurt swept him away. “I'm sorry, Mama. I tried to make you proud of me. I'm trying to be the kind of man you wanted me to be.”

  He took the blame once more. She always had a way of making him feel like a victim, unable to help even himself. No matter how hard he worked, no matter how influential he became, he'd always be worthless to her. He clapped his hand over his ears and tried to stop the sound of her voice. “Get away from me. Stop talking. Stop getting into my head!”

  “Listen to me, before it's too late!” He pressed harder, but no matter how hard Colton tried, he couldn't shut her out. “It's time for you to choose!”

  “Please no more, no more.” He closed his eyes. His whimpers turned into a prayer. But Colton was no man of faith and the dead knew better.

  He could feel her hands on his shoulders. Her fingers dug into his flesh, and she shook him as though he was still a child. His head jolted, gnashing his teeth together. He tasted blood. “Stop pissing in your pants like a goddamn wimp. Remember, redemption is waiting for you. And you'd better hope it takes you, before I do.”

  He kept his eyes closed, squeezing them tight. He could feel his body wanting to let go. It’d been years since he’d pissed his pants, but as he stood there with the sound of his mother's laugher dying away inside him, the overwhelming urge returned. Please no more, no more, Mama. No more....

  Her parting words were a whisper inside his head. “I know I wasn’t there for you when you were a child, but I'm here now, and I'm telling you, it's time to decide. And be prepared for the fight of your life.”

  Colton opened his eyes to find her gone, but her last words stayed with him. Fight for my life. He spun at a low scraping sound to find Morgan dragging the black man across the room to where Jade’s corpse lay.

  The bodies were piling up. Three bodies lay on top of one another in a grotesque display. Colton wasn't going to sit here and wait to join them. He had a choice to make. Kill, or be killed. His choices were so clear now. Why didn't he see this before? There was no way he could get to Morgan without going through Slade. He wasn't strong or fast enough to take Slade out himself and there was only one other person in this room who was.

  Digger wasn't hard to find. The man had hardly moved the whole time they'd spent in the room. He rocked back and forwards. His words were a low mumble, but Colton didn't need to hear them. He already knew what Digger wanted. He wanted his dreams back—so those were what Colton would give him. The room spun as Colton climbed to his feet, but he made his way to where the big man sat. Carmen scowled at him as he neared, but she moved with little more than a glare.

  “I want my dreams back. Please, just give me my dreams back.”

  He sat down next to the big man. “How about this place, huh?”

  Digger stopped the repetition. His dead-pan hazel eyes darted to Colton’s face.

  Colton continued, if only to fill the goddamn void. “So, you believe this crazy kid?”


  “Me neither... me neither.” He glanced at the soldier’s massive hands, noticing a worn, gold band. “So, you’re married, huh?”

  Digger flinched as though Colton had hit him. The soldier's voice turned flat and cold. The rapid change scared the shit out if Colton. “I just want her back.”

  “Your wife?”

  Digger nodded. His words suddenly made sense. “You want your dreams back because that's when you see her?”

  He turned to stare at Colton. His empty eyes were those of a man who could no longer be saved, not by Colton, not by anyone. Colton grinned inwardly. “What if I told you there was a way you could get them back?”

  The sound of the soldier’s controlled breaths filled the air. Colton had to make his point.

  “Think about it for a minute. This place isn't real. I mean, fucking monsters and death everywhere. I've been thinking about this for a while, and so far, it's the only thing that makes sense. We're in a dream, Digger, a fucking nightmare to be exact, and the only way we're getting out of this is if we fight our way out.”

  If Colton was nothing else, he was a born salesman. He could sell sunglasses to the fucking blind if he needed to. The more he spoke, the more traction he found.

  “Think about it. You can't dream of your wife, right?”

  Digger nodded.

  “It's because you're already in a dream. It makes sense, doesn't it? You can't dream in a fucking dream, so the only way out is to end the dream. I'm like your subconscious trying to help you find a way back to your wife. And the only way back is to fight, starting with him.”

  Digger followed Colton's gaze to where Slade loitered near Morgan, close enough to listen to what the ragged group was whispering, yet a few steps back, like the bitch’s hired security.

  “I got no problem with the biker, or anyone else.”

  Colton was losing him. He was losing his goddamn sale. “But you want to get back to her, right? Sitting here, waiting for something to happen, isn't how dreams work. This is your dream, Digger my friend. It's up to you. Fight your way to your wife, or stay here and wait for the monsters to come.”

  Digger’s brow creased as he glared at the biker.

  “How long have you been married?”

  Digger answered without shifting his gaze. “Five years.”

  “Wow, five years. She must have been a hellva woman. I bet she was beautiful. How did you guys meet?”

  “We met in a library. I was... I needed someone to help me pass the test to get into the Army.”

  “And she was the one who helped you, wasn't she?”

  Digger nodded. “But not anymore. My Emily's gone.”

  Bingo. This was too fucking easy. “Man, a woman like that is someone I'd fight for. There isn't anything I wouldn't do to get back to her.”

  Silence. But he hadn't said no and a deal was never over until that time. “I'd fight Hell itself to get back to a woman like that. Women... well, let’s just say I've known a few in my time who never do well without their husbands by their side. Some men prey on lonely women like that.”

  Digger growled like an animal. Jesus, the dude was fucking scary.

  “Not me, man. I'd never mess with another man's wife. But I've known plenty of men who have, and I can tell you, just from what you've told me, it will only be a matter of time before someone tries.”

  He shook his head. “She'd never do that to me.”

  “Most of the time, they don't even know it's happening. These leeches start out as a friend, someone they can talk to, and someone they can rely on. Maybe help fix their car when it breaks down, maybe repair something around the home. And the next thing you know, they’re making a move on your woman and she’s all alone, waiting for you to come home.” />
  The muscles in Digger's jaw bulged. It was time to close the deal.

  “It’s only a dream. He isn't real... none of this is. So, let's crack some skulls, have some fun, and get back home to our women. What do you say?”

  The crease in Digger's forehead deepened. “Why do I have to fight Slade? Why can't he be here to help me, like you?”

  Shit.... “Well, has he helped you? I mean, I don't want to be down on the guy, or anything. But do you see him over here like I am, trying to work this out? There are three kinds of people in this room, those who are by your side, on your side, or in your fucking way. Which ones are they, Digger? Which fucking ones are they?”

  A shrill scream tore through the air. Colton was on his feet, searching the room for the next creature to come at them and watched as Rachel launched herself at Slade.

  Colton spun back to the big man. “Come on!”

  He made sure Digger was moving before he took off. Slade had Rachel by the waist, holding her out from his body while she scratched and hissed like a feral cat. Colton wasn't concerned about her. She wouldn't do much damage to Slade. He was more interested in Morgan, who stood back, hands curled into fists, waiting for the chance to jump in.

  “No, get away from me!”

  Colton jerked his head to the left. Dee was backing up, her hands out defensively. The child-beast was heading towards her, mouth twisted in a hideous smile.

  Jesus. Colton shivered.

  The child-beast snapped her gaze towards him, her razor teeth red and glistening. “Yum, yum.”

  In the corner of his eye, he saw Digger make his move towards Slade, but he couldn't cheer in his moment of triumph. He couldn't tear his attention away from what was happening in front of him. Dee backed against the wall, “Get away from me. Stop! Stop!” She yanked her head towards him. “Colton... Colton, please help me.”

  The child-beast held out her hands towards the woman. “He can't help you now, Dee. You had your chance. You all did.” Her tiny hand covered Dee's mouth, stifling a scream. She swiveled her head. Her bloody eyes fastened on Colton’s. “You better hurry. Time's running out and the beast is coming for you next.”

  Deep, grating snarls echoed as the child-beast opened her mouth wide. Colton was caught on the shine of her razor teeth and the sparkle of her blood-filled eyes, as the beast glanced at him and then lowered her mouth to Dee’s throat. There was nothing he could do to help the woman now. He had to worry about himself. He was getting out of this alive, even if that meant he'd be the last man standing.

  Digger wasn't throwing punches at Slade like he hoped. Instead, he seemed to be helping him, grabbing Rachel as she thrashed, hissed, and clawed. Her screams were for her daughter. The bitch had lost it completely. Colton smirked and stared at Morgan, who stood unprotected. He stepped behind her. “You know, we never really got a chance to get to know each other.”

  She jumped and spun. Her gaze slipped past him, staring at the carnage behind. She returned her gaze to him and took one slow step back. “I know exactly what kind of man you are, Colton. Just stay the fuck away from me.”

  White-hot fire burst inside him. His hands clenched into fists. “It's now or never, Digger. Do you want your fucking dreams back or not!” Spittle flew from his mouth as he screamed.

  It was now or never. The monster was coming. The monster was him.

  Out of the corner of his eye, Colton saw Digger growl and swing a meaty fist at Slade. His shot didn't connect with the biker, but it didn't matter. The ball was already rolling and before long, Slade would be dead.

  “No!” Morgan screamed and leapt towards them.

  That hot fire fueled him. Colton burned. Before she had a chance to do any damage, he grabbed the back of her neck. She kicked. Some of her blows missed, some didn't, but he didn't care.

  Colton held her still while he watched the show. Rachel bounced between Slade and Digger while they fought like schoolyard bullies, neither wanting to land the first real blow.

  “Stop this, Digger. Whatever Colton's said to you is a lie. Look at me. I'm telling you the fucking truth.”

  Digger stalled while Rachel howled. The soldier shook his head. His glazed eyes darted from Colton to Slade. “I don't understand. I just want my dreams back. I need her....”

  Slade threw Rachel off, but like a damned cat, she sprang back to claw him in the face. He hit her in the side of the head and then Digger's fist connected with his stomach. He doubled over and shuffled to the right, out of the soldier’s reach.

  “This is fucking crazy. Why are you doing this?”

  Digger snarled and moved with Slade. “Don't you call me that. I'm not crazy!”

  Morgan tried to wrestle out of Colton's hand. “Digger. Look at me. Colton is lying to you. That's what he does. He killed Jade. She told me herself before she died!”

  Slade nodded, pointed at Colton, and snarled. “She’s telling you the truth, man. Don't ask me to explain how, but I know he killed Jade. I saw it myself. There's some kind of fucking conspiracy going on between this crazy bitch's family and him. I had some kind of vision. It was like a dream, but somehow I know it's real. Like a memory I've forgotten. I went to Colton's house and found a file. It was filled with letters outlining an attack on the president. The President of the United States!”

  Colton could feel life drain away from him. He felt like no more than a shadow. He shook his head and jabbed his finger at Slade. “He lies.”

  “I might be a lot of things. I've never hidden what I've done in my life, but one thing I've never been is a liar.” Slade turned to Digger. “I'm telling the truth here. I found that file when I was sent to pick up a body. The study was trashed and the file lay out in the open. Once I started reading the letters, I knew what this man was... a traitor to his country. So I found a number for the Secret Service and I called them.”

  No... no! That’s impossible... “You're lying. You're fucking lying!”

  Slade chuckled and then groaned. “You know I'm not. I had their number because I was planning on turning over the entire operation, the counterfeiting… everything. All the state runs the club had done, the whole fucking lot for a chance to walk away. I faxed everything I found in your office to them, before you found me.” Colton shook his head, knowing somehow, Slade was telling the truth.

  Slade screamed at Colton. “You care more about being turned in than about what you did to Jade, you sick fuck. Tell them. Tell what you did to her!”

  Time seemed to stand still for Colton, caught between a monster and a lie. There was nothing he could do, nothing he could say that would get him out of this. He glanced at Morgan. She smiled and spat. Her saliva splattered his cheek and dripped from his face.

  “I did it. I killed that fucking bitch! I twisted her head and snapped it like a goddamn twig!” Colton wrenched his head towards Rachel. They all did.

  She laughed and pulled her hair. “I killed her. I killed her and brought the monster.”

  Colton didn't understand at first. Then, he realized he didn't need to. It was a sign. A sign he was on the right path. He cleared his throat, not knowing if his idea would work.

  “She's telling the truth, Digger. I never laid a hand on Jade. I didn't want to upset everyone any more than they already were. I've been trying to keep an eye on Rachel.”

  His voice held sure and steady. He surprised even himself.

  “No. He's lying.”

  Slade tried to counteract Rachel's confession, but the biker had lost ground and Colton could tell by the way the other man grimaced, Slade knew it, too. Slade stopped pleading. Instead, he straightened and reached for Morgan. She pulled against Colton's grip, reaching for him. Their fingers touched.

  Slade's voice was hard and final. “You hurt her and I'll fucking kill you.”

  Slade nodded to Morgan and dropped his hand. This time when he spoke, the biker’s voice shook. “It's going to be okay, baby. You fight and you keep on fighting. I’m gonna be right there… I’m gonna b
e right behind you.”

  Morgan’s hair whipped her face as she shook her head. “Don't do this. Please. Digger, stop this. I beg you.”

  Slade’s vow seemed to deflate Colton. “It won't do any good. Their minds are already made up. This has to happen.”

  “Kill him. Kill him!” Rachel jumped up and down, clutching the child-beast. The creepy kid turned to watch with avid, red eyes.

  Colton’s elation soared with the cheer of the crowd. He was pumped, primed for the finish line, ready to fuck this bitch hard. Mother was right, this was the way, and the end was in sight.

  Morgan whirled to face him. “Stop this and I'll go with you, where ever you want. However you want. I won't make a fuss. I won't fight. Just let Slade go and I'm yours. That’s what you want, isn't it?”

  Colton smiled and squeezed her neck until she winced. He wanted more than just her pain. He shifted his gaze to Slade and then back to Morgan before he growled. “Kiss me.”

  “Morgan. No.” Slade yelled and lunged forward, but Digger's huge paw struck him in the chest, bringing him to an immediate halt.

  She didn't look back at Slade. She stepped closer, until their bodies touched. The tips of her breasts brushed his chest. Her back was straight, her shoulders rigid, while she met his gaze. “Let him go and do what you want with me.”

  His elation died away. “Why’re you so eager to give up your life for him?”

  She shook her head, her voice choking. “If you have to ask, then you wouldn't understand.”

  He didn't understand love or devotion. To him those emotions were no more than sicknesses, mindless diseases to weaken one's spirit. Self-preservation was the only thing that drove Colton. To him, survival of the fittest was more than an evolutionary theory. It was the game of life where everything came into play; strength, character, and mind-set. Colton had considered Morgan to be a worthy opponent, fierce, determined, and independent and now... she was flawed, weak. No different than all the other needy, pathetic women he'd fucked and then fucked over. He glanced at Slade, searching his body, his face, his eyes. What did she see in him?

  Her voice dropped lower, no more than a whisper. “This can be between you and me. Let's go into the other room and leave everyone else out of this.” She shoved her small palms into his chest, herding him away from the others. He stared into her eyes, they were once so determined, so strong... her pupils widened, searching his gaze, and all he saw was fear. He gripped her neck, squeezing until she arched her back and cried out.


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