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Illusions (Night Roamers) Book Four

Page 2

by Kristen Middleton

  It was frustrating.

  Feeling like a fool, I clenched my jaw and told myself that Ethan deserved whatever Drake had dished out to him. That if he was dead, it was well deserved. As if reading my mind, Drake smiled at me.

  I looked away.

  “Yes. I picked it up from the mortuary on the way out here. It’s hard to believe that this is all I have left of Anne,” said Victor, looking grief-stricken.

  I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying something hateful, as did Nathan, who also looked infuriated.

  “On the contrary,” replied Pastor Sherman. “You have your memories, your children, and nothing will take that away.”

  “You’re right,” said Victor. “Still, it’s hard.”

  “It is. Just remember, that I do make house calls, so if you ever need to talk…”

  Victor nodded in appreciation. “Thank you, Pastor Sherman. I will keep that in mind.”

  “Good. Now then, do you need a hand with the urn?” asked the pastor.

  Victor shook his head. “No, I can carry it. We’re going to the lake, correct?”

  “Yes, it’s what you requested over the phone. These are the twins, I take it?” he asked, smiling at us.

  “Yes. Our children, Nathan and Nikki,” replied Victor, smiling like a politician trying to win votes.

  Biting my tongue, I forced my own smile. “Hello.”

  Nathan stuck out his hand. “Nice to meet you, sir.”

  “Hello, Nathan. Nikki,” he nodded toward me as he shook Nathan’s hand. “It’s certainly nice meeting you both. Unfortunately, it had to be under such dire circumstances. I’m so sorry for your loss.”

  “Thanks,” we both replied in unison.

  The pastor nodded and then his eyes moved back to me. His smile faltered. “Are you okay, child? You’re so pale...”

  “No,” I replied quickly. “I’m fine. I mean, I guess I’m a little sick to my stomach at the moment,” I said, glancing toward Victor, who was studying me as well. “You know, with everything going on, and all.”

  “Of course,” he replied. “This is a very challenging time. But, rest assured, your mother is in a place of love and peace. We are the ones suffering Not her.”

  If only it weren’t true, I thought. She had to be suffering under Victor’s care.

  Pastor Sherman continued. “Yes, she’s with the Almighty. Speaking of which,” He looked up at the clouds rolling in. “I think we’d better move to the lake and begin the ceremony.”

  “Good idea,” replied Victor.

  The pastor began walking toward the other church members. “Yes, let’s do this now. I hear we’re going to be getting hit with a nasty snow storm later.”

  “I heard something about that too,” replied Victor. “It looks like everyone is here. Except…” He turned to me. “Where is that boyfriend of yours, Duncan?”

  “He has some business that he has to take care of,” I said. “Something in town.”

  Drake shook his head and sneered. “Business so important that he couldn’t attend his girlfriend’s mother’s funeral? What a wanker.”

  “I would have to agree,” said Victor, looking troubled. “And I do hope that whatever business he is involved with, doesn’t get him into trouble.”

  My eyes widened innocently. “Now, what kind of trouble could he possibly get into?”

  “I’m not really sure,” he answered. His eyes darted to the pastor, who wasn’t paying attention, and he lowered his voice. “But, in our world, trouble is always lurking around the corner. That’s why I always stay one step ahead of it.”

  “Always, huh?” I asked.

  “Indeed,” he said, his eyes boring into mine. “That’s why those who cross me do not win. Ever.”

  “You mean like Caleb and Celeste?” said Nathan.

  “Exactly like Caleb and Celeste. So, keep that in mind.” He turned and began walking away. “We’d better follow Pastor Sherman, to pay our respects.”

  “Yes,” said Drake. He held out his arm to me. “If you’d like, I’d be happy to assist you to the lake. You’re obviously a little undernourished and could use a strong arm to support you.”

  “Drop dead,” I replied, brushing past him. “Wanker.”

  “Your sister is so damn stubborn,” said Drake. He turned to Nathan and lowered his voice. “And really needs to learn who her allies are.”

  Nathan scowled. “Like you’re an ally.”

  “Oh, friend, more than you know,” he said under his breath before he walked away.

  Chapter Three



  Duncan surveyed Victor’s property before approaching the cabin, and it appeared relatively quiet. He flew to Nikki’s balcony and snuck inside.

  As he sniffed the air, he could tell right away that the cabin was empty of lycan. Relaxing, he slipped into the hallway and made his way to Anne’s old room. When he opened the door, he found her king-sized bed stripped bare, and the walk-in closet empty. Next, he checked the rest of the cabin, which also showed signs that the place was being abandoned – the furniture was covered with sheets, the electricity had been shut off, and the refrigerator was empty. He opened up the cupboards, which were also bare.

  Not even dog food, he thought wryly. Yep, Victor has definitely ditched this place.

  Chuckling to himself, he searched through several drawers in search of forgotten or discarded mail, but found nothing. Everything, but the furniture and kitchenware had been cleared out. Frustrated, he walked out the back door and was about to fly away, when he noticed the brown garbage bin next to the garage. He raised the lid and pulled out a large, white plastic bag from the top, grimacing from the horrendous smell.

  “I can’t believe I’m digging through that asshole’s garbage,” he mumbled, his stomach roiling in protest.

  Most of the items inside of the bag were empty food containers and random junk mail. As he dug further, a torn envelope caught his eye. He pulled it out and found that it was addressed to Victor. There was nothing inside of the envelope, but the return address definitely interested him.

  It was Club Nightshade’s.

  He wondered what kind of dealings Victor had with the club, and decided that it was worth checking out. He quickly finished his search of the trash bin and then headed toward the club.


  Nightshade was closed when Duncan arrived and apparently wouldn’t open until four p.m. With Faye gone, he wondered who was actually running the club.

  He walked around the building and noticed that there were a few cars parked in the parking lot. The employee entrance at the back was locked, so he decided to check out the terrace above. Not seeing anyone, he leaped into the air and landed on the rooftop, where he noticed an open stairwell leading inside of the building. Once inside, he found a hallway that led to the penthouse apartment, which, to his luck, was unlocked.

  Not sensing anyone inside, he walked through the extravagantly furnished condo. From the white leather furniture, plush mauve carpeting, and feminine décor, he assumed it had to have been Faye’s. Then, when he walked into the chic master bedroom, he noticed a large nude portrait of the shape-shifter on the wall and shook his head and chuckled. Only a vain woman like Faye would have a picture of herself, in the buff, facing her bed.

  Still grinning, he turned around and came face-to-face with the dead woman herself.

  Her eyes glittered darkly and she smiled. “Boo.”

  Chapter Four



  The guard left him beaten and exhausted in the cell after hours of torture. Because of Faye’s twisted mind, however, he was allowed to feed on the girl. The blood worked quickly, and in no time, his wounds were healed and his mind became clear. Which brought his thoughts to Nikki.

  What had Faye done?

  The last memory of Nikki was in the casino, when both he and Duncan had been monitoring Nikki as she tried to lure in the lycan. Obviously, that had been the fir
st mistake. He should have never allowed her to be used as bait, even if it was to find her family. Then, he’d been distracted by a woman who looked exactly like Miranda. Only, it had turned out to be Faye. A shape-shifter he’d destroyed back in Shore Lake. Or thought he had. She’d injected him with something and that was the last thing he’d remembered before waking up as a prisoner in her chamber of horror.

  I should have beheaded her, he thought tugging on his chains again. Like a damn zombie.

  Shifters were a deadly lot, and apparently, draining them of their blood wasn’t enough to destroy them. It had been a costly mistake. One he wouldn’t ever make again.

  As he brooded about this, the dungeon became alive with the sound of violence being inflicted upon someone else. Unfortunately, they were out of eyesight, so he couldn’t see much of anything.

  “You like to give punches, huh?” growled Godrick from somewhere deeper in the dungeon. “Well, how do you like taking them?”

  There was a loud grunting noise, and it sounded to Ethan that the other prisoner hadn’t taken it well.

  Godrick laughed. “How about a couple more?”

  The prisoner said something and the guard swore at him.

  “Knock it off. Both of you. Put him in the cell across from the other one, Godrick,” snapped Faye.

  “Will do,” replied Godrick. Then his voice hardened. “Come on. You heard what she said. Fight me any more, and I’ll cut off your feet and drag you inside.”

  “Do what you have to, Godrick,” said Faye. “But don’t kill him. Not yet.”

  “As you wish. Dammit, knock it off,” snapped Godrick as they stepped into view. When Ethan recognized the other captive, his eyes widened.

  Faye came up behind them and smiled at Ethan. “Good. I’m glad you’re awake. What do you think of our newest pet?”

  Ethan didn’t reply.

  She tilted her head. “Oh, come on now. I’m sure part of you is tickled to death that he’s here.”

  “Duncan, where’s Nikki?” he asked hoarsely.

  At the sound of his voice, Duncan turned toward him and their eyes locked. “Ethan?” he asked, incredulously.

  “Where’s Nikki?” he repeated.

  Duncan scowled. “Like I’d tell you or anyone else here. In fact, you can all go fuck yourselves.”

  “Pretty bold words from someone who should be on his knees and begging for his life,” said Godrick, shoving Duncan’s arms into the restraints.

  Duncan struggled, his one hand still free, but the goliath guard slammed him against the wall so hard that it echoed. “You think you’re a badass, donut boy?” he growled, his eyes bulging as he got into his face. “You’re nothing. I could squash you like a pastry.”

  Duncan spat into Godrick’s face and then slammed his forehead against his skull. There was a loud crack, and even Faye cringed.

  The guard howled, stumbling backwards, but quickly regained his balance. He flew at Duncan and grabbed him by the neck. “I should kill you!” he roared, his face red.

  “Enough,” said Faye. “Restrain him and then we’ll go search for Nikki. I think it’s time all three of them had a reunion. Then, afterwards, I’ll let you do whatever you want to Duncan and the girl.” She turned back toward Ethan. “Anything.”

  Ethan glared at her.

  “You touch her and I’ll kill you,” said Duncan.

  Godrick smiled cruelly as he shoved Duncan’s wrist into the restraint and locked it. “Good luck with that.” Then he pulled his fist back and slammed his knuckles into Duncan’s nose.

  Duncan grunted in pain as blood poured out of his nostrils. But, just as soon as it started, his immortal body clotted the flow. He licked some of it from his lips and smiled coldly. “That all you got?”

  “Oh… there’s plenty more,” replied Godrick, before kneeing him in the groin.

  Ethan watched as Duncan gasped and his legs buckled. The shackles on his wrists prevented him from dropping to the ground, and all he could do was hang in agony until his body recovered.

  “Is that what you’ve resorted to, Faye?” said Ethan, staring at the guard with contempt. “Hiring a pussy buffoon who can only fight when his opponent is unable to defend himself?”

  Faye smirked. “I’d keep my mouth shut if I were you.”

  “Why? Because your chicken-shit, homely guard might smack me around a few times again, being that I’m handcuffed?”

  “You want some, too?” growled Godrick, stepping out of the other cell and kicking the door closed behind him. “I’ll give it to you, loudmouth.”

  Ethan snorted. “If I was free, and it was a fair fight, the only thing you’d be giving is your life. To me.”

  Godrick clenched his jaw. “I’d still kick your ass with my hands tied behind my back and you fully healed.”

  “Only in your dreams, needle-dick,” replied Ethan.

  “Drop it,” ordered Faye as Godrick advanced toward Ethan’s cell, his face the color of beets. “I said we have things to do.”

  The guard, clenching his fists, froze. “This isn’t finished, though. Nobody talks to me that way.”

  “Especially those who are tied up,” said Ethan. “And at your mercy.”

  “Ignore him,” Faye warned, turning around.

  “Mama’s boy,” taunted Ethan.

  Godrick’s chest began to rise and fall rapidly he was so furious.

  Faye rolled her eyes and began walking toward the exit. “Godrick. That was an order. Don’t ignore it or you’ll be sorry.”

  The guard’s shoulders drooped. Mumbling under his breath, he ignored Ethan and followed Faye out of the dungeon.

  Ethan turned back to Duncan, who was studying him. “Is Nikki okay?”

  He laughed coldly. “Really?

  “What do you mean, really?”

  “Why do you even care?”

  “Why wouldn’t I?” he countered.

  Duncan’s face darkened. “You’re unbelievably fucking crazy, you know that?”

  He shook his head and sighed. “You have no idea of what’s really going on here, do you?”

  “I guess not. Why don’t you explain? You know, make up some more lies. Try fucking with my head.”

  “Come on, Duncan, I haven’t lied to you. I’ve always been straightforward.”

  “As straightforward as a circle.”

  He clenched his jaw. “Look, I know you think you know what’s going on, but you’ve been misled. And it’s not by me. In fact –”

  Duncan laughed coldly. “You just never stop, do you?”

  Ethan’s lips thinned. “Shut up and listen to me!”

  “I’ve listened to you enough. We all have. But not any longer. Shit, I trust Victor more than I trust you.”


  “Yes, you know – Nikki’s psychotic stepfather? The one who howls at the moon at night? The guy who used to write your checks… until you betrayed him. Hell, Ethan, you’ve betrayed everyone.”

  Ethan’s eyebrows shot up. “What in the hell are you talking about? Used to write my checks? And how in the hell could I betray a guy I’ve never met?”

  Duncan shook his head in disgust. “Incredible. Look, just drop the act. Obviously something odd is going on here, but as far as I’m concerned, you’re right where you belong.”

  Chapter Five



  Even though I knew the service for our mother was a hoax, it still brought tears to my eyes. I missed her smile, her hugs, and even the way she yelled when Nathan and I argued. I even missed the way she chided me about being paranoid and always telling me to “chill the hell out.” Ironically, this time I really did need to chill. I had to be extra cautious around Victor and act like I believed that she was really gone, in hopes that he’d let his guard down so we could figure out where he’d hidden her. I really didn’t believe that Duncan would find her back at the cabin. Something told me that he’d moved immediately after he claimed she’d committed suicide. He had
to have known that we’d never take his word.

  During the service, I noticed Drake staring openly; I could tell he was attracted to me. There had been a time when I’d have felt flattered, but now that I knew he was a devious prick and worked for Victor, I couldn’t have cared less.

  At the end of the funeral, Victor opened up the urn and then emptied it into the lake, claiming that “Anne would have wanted it that way.”

  “Boy, for someone who was never around, you sure knew her better than us,” commented Nathan.

  Victor played it off well, however. “I know, son. And I’m sorry that my job took me away from all of you so much. It was hard for me, too. It’s even harder knowing that I’ll never see her again.”

  Nathan rolled his eyes and I shook my head. Growing up, all I could recall was their constant bickering and her misery. They’d never had a normal, loving relationship and she’d only stayed with him because she’d felt trapped. At least that’s what she’d told us. Now his arrogance and cruelty made sense, and I was relieved that the maniac hadn’t actually killed her or even us.

  When it was over, Pastor Sherman asked Victor if there’d be some kind of reception in honor of mom.

  “I wish we could have thrown one,” replied Victor as the snow began to fall. “But, unfortunately, I’ve been called away for work. My flight leaves at five, so I didn’t think to arrange anything.”

  “You’re still flying with the snowstorm that’s expected?” asked Nathan.

  “You know, they might end up cancelling some flights,” replied the pastor, staring up toward the sky. “I heard that we’re supposed to get five to eight inches of snow.”

  “I’m not too worried about it,” said Victor. “The worst of it isn’t supposed to hit until after my flight leaves anyway.”

  “I hope you’re right,” he replied as we walked back toward the church. “But, something tells me we’re going to get dumped on, regardless.”


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