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Illusions (Night Roamers) Book Four

Page 8

by Kristen Middleton


  Faye watched as Nikki flew away and was tempted to chase her down and finish her off for good, but curiosity got the better of her. She’d been gone for several hours and wanted to check on Duncan and Ethan. See if they were ready to tear each other limb from limb. She hoped so, and thought about putting them in the same cell, just for shits and giggles.

  She walked through the large rambler until she reached the newly remodeled master bedroom in back, and then pulled out a dress. It was a beige silk Dior she’d picked up the day before. She slipped it over her shoulders and then stepped over to the mirror to examine herself. Frowning at her wind-blown hair, she used her powers to put it up into a curly up-do. She then redid her makeup, this time with mauve colors that complimented her perfect features. She knew that she looked stunning, but Faye also had to admit that the reflection staring back at her was getting old. It was the longest persona she’d used in years, and that wasn’t exactly thrilling for a shape-shifter. Her kind enjoyed their powers to the fullest, constantly changing their images, being whomever they wanted, whenever they wanted. But, she’d gotten so caught up in creating Faye and enjoying the life that had spawned from it, she’d almost forgotten how exciting it was to duplicate others. To complicate their lives by doing something totally outrageous, out of character, or even illegal. So when Ethan double-crossed her and left her to die, she’d vowed vengeance and it had been much easier than she’d anticipated. First, she’d located him in Las Vegas and then drugged him, with the help of Victor, her silent partner, who now owned half of Club Nightshade. His price for going along with her plans. Not only was he now vested in the club, but she’d also promised to keep Celeste in tow and help hide Anne. Celeste, however, was not aware of her involvement with Victor, and had assumed she’d rescued her from her father’s killer. Although Faye knew that Celeste would do almost anything for her, she didn’t think she’d be too keen on siding with Victor. So, as far as Celeste knew, Victor was Faye’s enemy as well as hers. Which, wasn’t too far from the truth. Once Martin returned to Shore Lake, which eventually he would, she would do nothing to stop him from taking Victor down. Victor was a certifiable nutcase, and she wasn’t exactly thrilled about his plans to try and breed lycan vampires. If he succeeded, it would only make his kind more powerful, which wasn’t in her best interest.

  Examining her reflection, she decided to make some changes. Just subtle ones as she needed her employees to recognize her at the club. She stared at her blonde hair and watched as it grew darker. She then made her eyes wider and blue. As she continued with the changes, she realized that she was emulating Nikki’s to a tee, and when she was finished perfecting it, she smiled coldly at her work.

  I’m going to kill you, she thought, resisting the urge to scratch her own eyes out.

  If only Ethan had never met the little bitch, they’d still be together. She had to admit, even now, she yearned for his touch and hadn’t felt it for some time. For years they’d had something special, until Nikki had put some kind of spell on him. Even when he’d been preoccupied with finding his beloved Miranda, he hadn’t shunned or tried killing her with his bare hands. She knew she should hate him for what he’d done. But, the truth was – Faye would give up everything if he’d come back to her. But all he cared about was the wretched, pathetic girl staring back at in the mirror. Even now she could picture them together – Nikki’s hands all over Ethan while he made love to her. His blue eyes staring down at her with love and desire – a look that Faye would never receive from him.


  Unless she became the object of his affection and made him suffer as she had. Smiling triumphantly, she called Godrick on his cell phone and told him to come upstairs.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I left Faye and rushed back to Victor’s cabin. When I arrived, Nathan had left with the car. I pulled out my phone and tried calling and texting him, but received no response. I then went back outside and checked on Drake’s body, which was still lying headless in the snow. Staring down at his corpse, I wondered what he’d meant exactly by “things not being what they seemed.” Of course, he was murdered before he could elaborate.

  Just my luck.

  Still, I couldn’t help but wonder what he’d been about to tell us.

  Was it about Faye? Or my mother? I wondered.

  Frustrated, I flew back to Duncan’s house and then the marina. Unfortunately, they were both quiet. Thinking that Nathan may have gone to search for me at Club Nightshade, I decided to head over there.


  The club wasn’t far from the marina, so I flew and landed in the alley. I then hurried around the building, next to the parking lot, and began searching for his car. When I found the Mustang, I heaved a sigh of relief. Being twins certainly had an advantage – I could almost always predict his moves.

  I quickly ran through the snow and met my first roadblock – the bouncer at the door.

  “You got I.D.?” he asked. He was a large, muscular guy with darker skin. His nametag read Honi.

  I gave him my friendliest smile. “I’m just looking for my brother. I’m not here to drink alcohol or anything.”

  He smiled back. “You still need to be twenty-one to get in, honey.”

  “I am twenty-one,” I lied, staring into his eyes. “You’ve already seen my I.D.”

  His pupils dilated. “I’ve seen your I.D. You may enter.”

  I stepped away from him and turned to go down the hallway leading to the club, when the woman behind the counter called for me. “You need to pay to get in,” she explained.

  Sighing, I turned around and walked back to her. Then, because I was broke, I charmed her into letting me in.

  “Have fun,” she answered, closing her register.

  “Thanks,” I answered, stepping into the main part of the club. As usual, the place was packed with guests drinking, dancing, and groping each other.

  “You looking for someone, too?” asked a voice behind me.

  I turned to find another Roamer staring down at me. He had dark hair, even darker eyes, and his face, although handsome, was painfully gaunt. As if he hadn’t fed for a while.

  “Um, yeah,” I replied without elaborating.

  His eyes scanned the crowd. “Tell me, when did this open up?”

  “End of the summer.”

  He turned back to me. “You’re not from around here, are you? Not originally.”

  “Are you?” I asked, not answering.

  “I’ve lived here. I haven’t been back for a few months, however.”

  “Are you here to feed?” I asked, watching his face as he stared at the undulating bodies on the dance floor. I could tell from his expression that he was struggling with his hunger.

  “Eventually,” he replied, smiling grimly. “Right now, however, I’m trying to locate someone. As are you, obviously.”

  “Who are you looking for? Maybe I can help you. I know most of the people in this town.”

  “My sister. Celeste.”

  I stared at him in shock. “Celeste? I didn’t know she had a brother.”

  “I’m Martin,” he replied, holding out his hand. “And you are…?”

  “My name is Nikki,” I replied, watching for a reaction as I shook his hand, which was much cooler than mine.

  His face lit up. “Ah… Nikki. I should have guessed. My father mentioned that you were quite attractive. He always did have good taste.”

  I gave him a guarded smile. He seemed nice, but that meant nothing. “Well, thank you.”

  “I didn’t realize that you’d been turned. Caleb was trying to protect you from that. That’s what he told me, at least.”

  “Caleb. He actually was, I think. I… I … assume that you’ve heard what happened.”

  “Yes. It’s why I’m here,” he replied, lowering his voice. “A friend tipped me off.”

  “Are you here to avenge your father’s death?” I asked, hoping that he might actually be
an ally.

  Before he could answer, someone began to scream. As I turned to look at what was happening, Martin grabbed my arm, and pulled me toward the shadows. “There are lycan in this place,” he hissed. “I smell it.”

  There was a loud roar from the top of the staircase and I watched in shock as one of the large creatures raced down to the main floor, its muzzle and brown fur covered in blood. It then ran past us toward the exit, turned the corner, and disappeared out of sight.

  Martin released my arm. “Looks like a lot of blood. Someone’s been hurt, obviously.”

  “Looks that way,” I replied, moving away from him toward the hallway. There was a loud growl and then the sound of glass breaking near the entrance. When I reached Honi, he was staring after the creature as it tore off through the snow, looking stunned.

  “You okay?” I asked, touching his arm.

  He looked at me and then back at the broken glass entrance. “What in the hell was that thing?”

  “I… I don’t know,” I lied, as Martin joined us. “A wolf?”

  “A wolf? That thing didn’t look like any wolf I’ve ever seen on the Discovery Channel. Maybe it was some kind of Bigfoot?”

  “It could have just been disfigured,” said Martin. “I’m sure it was a wolf, though. A very big one.”

  Honi still didn’t look convinced. “Wolf or not, someone is hurt in the club. There was a lot of blood on its snout.” He turned to the woman behind the counter, who was also staring at the broken doorway in bewilderment. “Call the police!”

  She nodded, just as a crowd of customers began to pile out of the club, many of them looking frightened.

  “Everyone, just calm down!” hollered Honi, as some of them began to push at each other. “And watch out for that broken glass!”

  Remembering the blood on the lycan’s fur, I pushed my way through the crowd, back into the club, and headed toward the staircase.

  “Wait, there could be more,” said Martin, catching up to me. “Let me go first.”

  “Fine by me. Go for it.”

  He took the stairs, two at a time, and I followed him toward the hallway leading to Faye’s office. When we walked in, the first thing I noticed was the massive amount of blood on the walls and carpeting.

  “Celeste!” gasped Martin, rushing over to her crumpled form. He got down on his knees and stared down at her in horror. Her throat was ripped open and she didn’t appear to be breathing.

  “Martin, I’m sure she’ll be okay,” I answered, noticing that her chest was intact, as well as her brain. I touched his shoulder. “They’ve done worse to her and she’s pulled through.”

  Our eyes met.

  “What do you mean?” he asked. “This isn’t the first time those bastards hurt her?”

  I sighed. “There is this lycan – his name is Victor. He attacked her a few weeks ago, much worse than this, and she survived.”


  I nodded. “Yes and it looks like he may have sent someone else to finish the job.”

  “She needs to feed,” he replied, picking her up. “And I need to get her out of here. The cops will arrive shortly. I suggest you come with us.”

  “No, I’ve got to find my brother.”

  He nodded. “I understand,” he replied. “Well, good luck finding him. I’m sure we’ll meet again.”

  “I’m sure,” I replied.

  He stuck his head out of the office and disappeared before I could blink, with Celeste in his arms.

  I was surprised about Martin. Caleb and Celeste had never mentioned a word, nor did my mom. Obviously, more secrets. I wondered how much Martin knew about Victor and who’d contacted him. As I thought about this, something caught my eye next to Faye’s desk. I stepped closer and my heart sank as I recognized Nathan’s clothing from earlier. They were ripped to shreds, but no blood.

  I heaved a sigh of relief.

  Looking around further, I also found his gun and cell phone on the carpeting. I grabbed the small garbage can, shoved everything into it, and then took off.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Holy crap – I’m a lycan!

  Nathan’s heart and mind were racing as he sprinted through the snow, the taste of Celeste’s blood still on his tongue. He had to admit – the idea of what he’d just done was slightly revolting, but her blood had made him feel invincible.

  Sirens in the distance spurred him forward through the empty streets as his mind tried to wrap around what had just happened. How he’d been getting attacked by Celeste and then had turned the tables on her. Although she deserved it, part of him was still horrified that he’d ripped out the throat of someone he’d once kissed in the same spot. Someone he’d actually started to grow fond of. But, she’d tried to kill everyone in his family, which made the idea easier to swallow. He supposed that if anyone deserved to die, it was her.

  Lycan. Lycan. I’m a fucking lycan!

  The words repeated themselves in his mind as he caught his reflection in one of the storefront windows. He didn’t know whether to be horror-struck or thrilled. One thing was for certain – he’d never felt better, stronger, or faster.

  Move over, Wolverine, there’s a new dog on the block!

  On four legs, he turned down a street corner and ran toward Duncan’s house to find cover. When he arrived, he could tell that the place was still empty. No Duncan or Nikki. Frustrated, he paced around the outside of the house, unsure of how to transform back into his human shape. As he moved by the garage, he smelled something that made his stomach growl. Something mouthwatering that drew his attention. It wasn’t until he saw the rabbit hopping away that he realized where the delicious smell had resonated from. Licking his chops, he leaped toward the small animal, and in less than thirty seconds, devoured almost everything, including its fur and bones. When he’d finished, he felt sated and exhausted. Thirsty, he licked some of the new fallen snow, and then went back behind the tool shed and curled up. Within seconds, he was asleep.


  Nathan woke up several minutes later, to the sound of his sister’s voice.

  “Wake up,” she repeated, loudly.

  Shivering and slightly disoriented, he opened his eyes. “Nikki?”

  “Thank goodness for you it is. Meet me in the house. And, you might want to wash up.”

  He sat up, grateful for the blanket she’d given him, and pulled it in closer. Then, he stared down at his hands, which were red with dried blood. He shuddered.


  I’m a lycan, he thought, this time in dismay. Shivering, he stood up and headed for the house.

  Chapter Eighteen


  When Nathan stepped into the house and met me in the kitchen, I could tell from his expression that he was overwhelmed.

  “You know, don’t you?” he said.

  I nodded. “Yes. I’d just arrived when you bolted out of Faye’s office and escaped. Do you remember anything?”

  “Yes. Unfortunately, I remember everything.”

  I stared at the dried blood under his mouth and on in his hands and it made me want to feed. “You should really go and take a shower. Then we’ll talk.”

  “Okay,” he replied, walking toward the hallway. He looked back over his shoulder. “I’m glad you’re all right. Did you find Duncan?”

  “No. I think Faye is keeping him prisoner, though. I followed her to this ranch and she asked if I wanted to see him.”

  “Oh shit.”


  “I take it you didn’t go inside?”

  “No,” I sighed angrily. “I was too scared. I know she would have either killed me or made me a prisoner, too.”

  “We have to rescue him.”

  I closed my eyes and rubbed my forehead. “Yes, I know.”

  “I can’t believe she’s still alive.”

  “Hopefully not for long.” I stared at him again and it gave me the shivers. He looked like he’d just stepped out of a horror mo
vie. “Seriously, you’re freaking me out. Please go take a shower and get dressed, so we can come up with some kind of plan.”

  “Sure,” he replied, disappearing down the hallway.

  I walked over to the window and thought about Martin. Although he seemed reasonable enough, I knew that when he found out Nathan had been the one who attacked Celeste, he’d come looking for him. It added another person to our list of enemies to avoid and I still had no idea where our mom was.

  Then there was Duncan…

  I felt bad for not trying to rescue him, but the little voice inside my head kept reassuring me that it would have been a suicide mission. That I would have never left that place. Neither would Duncan, if he was even still alive. I should have forced her to bring him outside. Or at least tried harder. At least then we might have had a chance.

  When Nathan was finished with his shower, he stepped into the kitchen and went directly to the refrigerator. He had on one of Duncan’s marina T-shirts and a pair of jeans that looked brand new.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m hungry,” he said, pulling out a package of ham and Swiss cheese, a jar of pickles, and the mayonnaise. He then grabbed the loaf of bread I’d picked up the day before for him, and began making himself sandwich.

  “Are you sure it’s okay to eat regular food?” I asked, watching him make a double-decker sandwich.

  “I have no idea, and frankly, I don’t care. I’m freaken starving and if I get sick, so be it.”

  I leaned over the counter and watched him do something so ordinary, it was almost comforting. His hair was still damp from the shower and I could smell the toothpaste. He definitely didn’t look like someone who’d just ripped out a girl’s throat.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Just thinking that you look so normal, making that sandwich.”


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