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Illusions (Night Roamers) Book Four

Page 16

by Kristen Middleton

  Nikki and Duncan stepped out of the house. He was free from the restraints, but still looked a little dazed.

  “So, you ready to head to Vegas?” asked Martin. “To find your mom and help kill Victor?”

  “Yes,” replied Nikki. “But Duncan needs to feed. He’s really weak.”

  “So am I,” replied Ethan. “I think we should all take care of that before we do anything else.”

  Nikki’s eyes flashed angrily. “You are not coming with us, Ethan. We certainly don’t need your help.”

  Before he could reply, Martin spoke up. “Actually, Nikki, we could use all the help we can get. I’m sure Victor is heavily armed with both men and weapons.”

  “I don’t care, I don’t trust him,” she said, clenching her fists. “Just like before, he could turn on one of us in an instant.”

  “No, I would never do that. Nikki, I explained to Duncan what happened… that I’ve been locked away in Faye’s prison for the last month. Tell her, Duncan.”

  Duncan’s eyes met his. “To be honest, I don’t know if what you told me is true or not. This could be another game of yours.”

  “Yes, and we all know how good you are at playing those,” said Nikki, putting her hands on her hips.

  Ethan wanted to grab her by the shoulders and shake her until she listened. “Nikki, Faye turned herself into me and tricked you. I swear to God, I would never hurt you. You have to believe me.”

  The contempt in her eyes cut him to the core. “There is no way that she could have pulled all of that off, Ethan. She didn’t know all about…”

  His eyes narrowed. “All about what?”

  “I don’t know… everything. Look, it doesn’t matter. You’ll never trick me again. I won’t fall for you lies, so don’t waste your breath.” She then grabbed Duncan’s hand. “We’re going back to the marina to feed. We have a supply of blood in the refrigerator. Martin, you’re welcome to join us before we head off to Vegas.”

  “I’d appreciate that. I could use a lift myself, and… we should check on Celeste and Nathan anyway,” he replied.

  “Exactly,” she said, and then without another word, she leaped into the sky, along with Duncan, and they disappeared.

  Martin shook his head and gave him a wry smile. “You’re right. She’s a stubborn one.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “Like I was saying, if you love someone, you need to fight for them. Looks like you’re going to need to pull out all the artillery with this gal.”

  “And what if it means hurting someone else?” said Ethan.

  “You mean, Duncan?”

  “I guess I do.”

  “Do you really care if he gets hurt?”

  Ethan wanted to say “no”, but instead, he sighed. “In a way, I guess I do. He’s been good to her. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to feeling a little guilty.”

  “Well, I guess then you’re going to have to sort that out for yourself. The important thing, however, is to make sure she knows the truth.”

  “But how, if she won’t give me a chance?” he replied, exasperated.

  “Find a way.”

  “Just find a way, huh?” Ethan laughed humorlessly. “I guess I’ll just have to, won’t I?”

  “Yes, you will,” said Martin. “And then, once she believes you, it will be up to her to decide who she wants. Not either of you two.”

  I just hope it won’t be too late by then… thought Ethan.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  When Faye arrived at her home in Las Vegas, it was quiet.

  Almost too quiet.

  She let herself in through the sliding glass door in the back, slipped into the white robe she’d brought along, and went in search of Victor. She found William first.

  “Faye,” he replied, looking worried. “I take it you heard?”

  She smiled coldly. “Yes. Why do you think I’m here? Where is Victor?”

  “He’s in the den. He’s been trying to call you.”

  “Really? I haven’t heard from him,” she replied. “So he hasn’t tried hard enough.”

  “He’s not alone,” said William as she headed toward the den.

  She didn’t bother asking who Victor was with. She was too angry to care.

  “Speak of the devil,” said Victor, as she flung open the door and stormed inside.

  Faye was about to tell him off when she noticed the figure seated behind her desk.

  “Kane,” she said, staring at the good-looking man. In his thirties, he was tall, with dark brown hair and green eyes. As usual, he was impeccably dressed in an Armani suit – this one a dark mocha. She felt a wave of dread slice through her. If there was one person who made her leery, it was him. “Is it really you?”

  “In the flesh,” replied her brother. “Well, in this particular flesh.”

  She plastered on a smile. So far he was being cordial. “You look good. As always.”

  “Yes I do. Nice of you to notice, by the way,” he replied with an arrogant smirk.

  “You’re welcome,” she answered, smiling back the same way.

  He glanced at Victor, who looked like he was on the verge of having a meltdown, and then turned back at her. “Let’s cut to the chase, Faye. I hear we are having a problem with the Roamers in your neck of the woods?”

  “Are we?” she answered. “Because from what I’ve gathered, Victor is the one we’re having a problem with.”

  “Bullshit,” snapped Victor. “I don’t think you even know what’s going on.”

  “I know that you’ve put a hit on Celeste,” she replied accusingly.

  “What is with you and that girl?” said Kane, his face dark.

  “We’re friends,” she replied sharply.

  Kane snorted. “Friends? Faye, what in the hell is wrong with you? She’s a Roamer. You’re a shape-shifter. She’s beneath even the lycan.”

  Victor grunted. “I guess I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  Faye ignored him. “Victor promised me that he’d leave her alone. We made a deal.”

  “All deals are off,” said Victor, running a hand across his forehead. “Anne is gone and she’s had a miscarriage. As far as I’m concerned, I want all of those vampires in Shore Lake taken out.”

  “What do you mean she’s had a miscarriage?” asked Faye, her eyes wide.

  “I found a bed sheet in the tub. Obviously, she was trying to wash it out, but I could still smell the blood. She took off, knowing that her life would be in jeopardy. Now, I want them all destroyed. All of them except Nikki.”

  “Why her?” said Faye, disgusted that Nikki was always the center of everyone’s agenda.

  “Her eggs will hopefully be stronger than her mother’s. Dr. Shepard is going to try impregnating her with lycan sperm. Maybe as early as this evening, if we can catch her alive.” He looked at his phone. “If I could just get Drake to call me back. He’s supposed to be keeping an eye on her.”

  Faye sighed. “He won’t be able to. He’s dead.”

  Victor scowled. “What do you mean, he’s dead?”

  “I killed him. He was screwing you over, Victor. He set up a meeting with Nikki and Nathan when you left town. I heard the conversation.”

  “Oh, so, you killed him? Without bothering to consult with me?”

  “It had to be done,” she replied. Her face lit up. “Victor, forget about Nikki and forget about Drake. You can use Celeste as the donor.”

  He waved his hand. “She’s been a vampire for too many years. Her eggs will have dried up. Nikki is my only chance.”

  “Fine. Look, I’ll help you catch her, but I want you to call your dogs off of Celeste.”

  Victor tapped his index finger against his chin. “It’s too dangerous. I don’t trust Celeste. In fact, I was told you were entertaining her brother, Martin.”

  She forced a smile. “I wasn’t entertaining him. He showed up unexpectedly.”

  “I know of Martin,” said Kane, who’d been listen
ing silently. “He’s going to want revenge. He’s probably searching for you right now, Victor.”

  “Precisely why we need to kill both him and his sister,” he answered. “Along with the rest of them. Including Nathan and that bitch, Anne. If I don’t get rid of all of them, they’ll just continue causing trouble.”

  Faye sighed. “Very well. Kill them all if you really want to. I was planning on leaving Shore Lake for a few weeks anyway. But, I certainly won’t help you with Celeste.”

  “You don’t have to,” said Victor, standing up. “Your brother is giving me a lift to Shore Lake and I’m planning on taking care of business myself, with my pack. We are going to rid that little town of those leeches once and for all.”

  Faye turned to Kane. “So, that’s why you’re here?”

  He shrugged. “He called and offered half of Club Nightshade if I’d fly him back to Montana immediately.” Kane looked at his watch. “Which reminds me, my pilot should be arriving shortly. We should get to the airport. Victor, round up your guys and we’ll head out.”

  “You’re giving up your half of the club just so that you can fly out there now?” said Faye, staring at Victor incredulously.

  “If we wait too long, they’ll disappear with Nikki and my plans will be shot. I can’t waste time. You want a lift?” he asked her.

  “No,” she replied. She needed to find Celeste quickly, and then meet Ethan back at the club.

  “Why are you so uptight about this?” asked Kane when Victor left them alone. “Why do you care so much about the Roamers?”

  “They’ve been useful, Kane. More useful than the lycan have ever been.”

  “I don’t know about that,” he replied, smirking. “I now own half of your club, because of a lycan.”

  “Just don’t murder me to get your hands on the other half,” she answered dryly. She knew that Kane would just as soon kill her than be business partners.

  His eyes widened. “My dear Faye… how could you even go there?”

  “Don’t play me for a fool, brother,” she said, walking toward the doorway. “I know how you tick, remember?”

  He leaned back in the chair and gave her a menacing smile. “As I do you. By the way, say hello to Celeste for me.”

  She stood up and walked out, not even bothering to answer. Instead, she left the house and flew back to Shore Lake to meet the man she loved. She just hoped he wouldn’t mind bringing Celeste along on their honeymoon.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Anne was tired by the time she made it back to Shore Lake. She landed in the woods, near Victor’s cabin, and approached it cautiously. When she stumbled upon the dead body next to the garage, she sucked in her breath.


  No wonder he wasn’t calling Victor back…

  She noticed his head lying several feet away, and shuddered. She had no idea who had killed him, and didn’t believe it was any of Victor’s men. Not when Drake worked for him. She wondered if it was Nikki or Duncan.

  Sighing, she turned around, flew up to the balcony, and stepped inside. Glancing wistfully at the bed where her daughter had once slept peacefully before all of the craziness, she went to her old bedroom and removed the bottom drawer from the dresser. Under it, she’d taped an envelope with several one-hundred dollar bills. Money she’d been saving for an emergency. Sighing in relief, she pulled it from the drawer and stuffed it into her jacket. She then did a quick search of the house, not even quite sure what she was looking for. As she was leaving the kitchen, someone rang the doorbell. With her heart beating frantically in her chest, Anne charged up the staircase, back to Nikki’s room, and peered over the edge of the balcony, but couldn’t see anything. When, she heard the voices coming from the other side of the house, she was elated.

  “This was a bad idea,” said Nathan sternly. “What if Victor’s guys show back up here?”

  “Relax,” answered Celeste. “It’s obvious they aren’t around. Besides, they would have invited you in with open arms now that you’re one of them.”

  “Very funny,” he replied dryly.

  Anne flew over the balcony and landed next to her son.

  “Mom?” gasped Nathan in disbelief.

  She threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly. “Nathan, oh, my God, I’m so happy to see you,” she choked, her eyes full of tears.

  He squeezed her back. “This is… I can’t believe it. We’ve been trying to find you. How did you get away from Victor?”

  “It wasn’t easy, let me tell you.” She pulled away and looked into his eyes. “Are you okay? Where’s your sister?”

  “She’s somewhere with Martin, Celeste’s brother.”

  Anne glanced at Celeste and gave her a frigid smile. “Celeste.”

  Celeste’s smile was also forced and frosty. “Ah, hello.”

  Nathan looked back toward the road leading to the cabin. “Mom, how did you get here? Did anyone follow you?”

  “I doubt it,” she replied. She then went over everything that had happened in Vegas, leaving out the part about the miscarriage.

  “But, what about the chip?” asked Nathan. “They must know where you are. We need to get moving!”

  “Actually, I removed it myself,” she answered, exposing her stomach. She rubbed her index finger over the area she’d dug it out. “Wow, the wound had already healed.”

  “You removed it yourself?” he repeated, looking shocked. “I thought you hated deep cuts, with all of the blood and stuff?”

  “Obviously I’ve gotten over being squeamish, and in more ways than one,” she answered, dropping her shirt back down.

  “Where is Victor?” asked Nathan.

  “Probably trying to find a flight back out here.”

  “He’s probably alerted all of his lycan buddies. We’ve got to get out of here before they find you,” said Nathan. “My car is parked over on the side. Come on, Celeste.”

  Anne followed them quietly to his Mustang.

  He opened the door. “Sorry, Celeste, but you’re riding in the back, obviously.”

  “Obviously,” she replied, getting inside.

  “Um, can I talk to you for a minute, Nathan?” asked Anne.

  He glanced at Celeste and then closed the door. “Of course, mom.”

  They stepped a few feet away from the car, and Anne hugged him tightly again. “I am just so happy to see you, honey. I don’t want to ever let you go.”

  “You’d better loosen up if you want to keep seeing me,” he replied hoarsely.

  “Sorry,” she said with a sheepish grin. She released him and stepped back. “I forget how strong these arms are now.”

  “No worries. Uh, so, I suppose you’re wondering about Celeste?” he asked, nodding toward the car.

  She pushed her bangs to the side and nodded. “Of course I am. I have to say, I’m a little surprised to find you together after everything that’s happened.”

  “Me too,” he answered. “But, someone has to babysit her.”

  “And why are you babysitting her?”

  “Because Martin, her brother, was going to help us rescue you and kill Victor. They needed someone to stay with Celeste.”

  “I heard about Martin from Caleb. He’s dangerous too, but nothing like her.”

  “He seemed pretty reasonable. He definitely wants to avenge his dad’s death.”

  She sighed. “Well, to be honest, I think you, Nikki, and I should just forget about Victor and leave this town. Tonight.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “Forget about Victor? How can you say that? We need to take him out.”

  She rubbed her forehead. “I’m just so tired of all of the violence and the death. And I certainly don’t want to risk your lives anymore. Facing him again would be doing just that. Nathan, we just need to get as far away from him as possible, and start a new life.”

  “He’s going to keep searching the globe until he finds you, mom. Especially because of that baby. He seemed pretty obsessed with
creating his own little army of jacked-up lycan.”

  She touched her stomach and smiled sadly. “About that… there is no baby. Not anymore.”

  His face fell. “What happened?”

  “I lost it. Tonight. It’s why I left. If he would have found out, he’d have killed me.”

  He hugged her. “I’m sorry, mom. I’m sure you wanted Caleb’s baby more than anything, now that he’s gone.”

  She blinked away the tears. “I did, but… I will always have you and Nikki. You’re my life and mean the world to me.” She pulled back and looked into his eyes. “And that’s why we need to disappear. As soon as we find your sister.”

  “It might not be that easy. She’s won’t leave without Duncan, and right now, he’s being held captive by this shape-shifter named Faye.”

  Her eyes widened. “Faye Dunbar?”

  “Yeah. We thought that crazy bitch was dead, but she somehow survived, and is still causing a lot of problems. She’s the one who killed Drake. Did you see his headless body?”

  She looked back toward the garage. “Yes. So, Nikki is trying to rescue Duncan at the moment?”

  “Nikki and Martin. He’s helping her.”

  She bit her lower lip nervously. “We need to go to them. I need to go to them. Do you know where they are?”

  He snorted. “Not really. They’re in North Dakota somewhere. Look, let’s just go back to Duncan’s house. Like an idiot, I left my cell phone back on the charger there. We can call her and tell her the good news.”

  “Okay,” she replied and looked back over to the car. “Are you sure we can trust Celeste?”

  “No, but I can handle her.”

  “Right,” she answered dryly.

  “No, seriously, mom. Uh, there’s something I need to tell you.”


  He ran a hand through his dark hair and laughed nervously. “I don’t know how to even say this…”

  “You’re a lycan now.”

  His eyes widened. “How did you know?”

  “They have a distinct scent. When I was hugging you, I thought that maybe it was just my clothes that I smelled. Living with a house full of them for the last few weeks, their scent gets everywhere.” Her eyes bore into his. “Are you certain that you’re really one of them?”


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