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The Accidental Dragon

Page 24

by Dakota Cassidy


  * * *

  EVERYONE had gathered around the incubator back at Tessa’s cottage, the egg safely returned to it as they waited, its rocking motion driving them all out of their minds.

  Nina paced restlessly alongside Mick.

  Darnell sat with Carl and Frank at the semi-restored breakfast bar that had been temporarily patched, his arm around their shoulders, their eyes heavy from lack of sleep.

  Marty and Wanda busily knitted booties, their fingers moving at the speed of light as they peered over at the incubator from time to time from their places on the couch that Arch had replaced while they were gone.

  Arch sat on the floor, putting together the last of the baby items Katie, Jeannie, Phoebe, Mara, and their husbands had brought over and set up, having had enough faith to believe they’d all return.

  And Tessa waited, stroking the baby’s toes, bonding with it, gasping with delight when three fingers poked through the shell after four hours of doing absolutely nothing.

  Nina stopped her pacing and stood over Tessa’s shoulder, running her finger along the shell with a smile, tickling the bottom of the baby’s heel. “C’mon now, baby dragon. Auntie Nina needs some love. How can I buy stuff for you if I don’t know what you are? So what’s it gonna be, peaches, tea sets or baseball bats?”

  The egg responded to Nina in the way all animals and small, helpless creatures did. It cooed softly, rolling toward her cool palm.

  Tessa giggled. “I think we’re in it for the long haul, huh, Auntie Nina?” Turning, she looked up into Nina’s eyes. “Have I said thank you?”

  Nina nodded, her eyes avoiding Tessa’s. “Yeah, yeah. You scraped and bowed and all that crap almost the entire way back to the portal. Unless you were busy breaking my damn eardrums with that fresh hell you call singing.”

  Tessa put a hand on her arm, locking eyes with Nina’s. “Don’t joke, Nina. Not now. This is too important. This baby wouldn’t have made it without you. We wouldn’t have made it without you. I know you don’t like hearing that. I know it makes you uncomfortable to hear someone praise you. But I don’t care. Thank you. Thank you for literally going to Hell and back to help us. I won’t ever forget it. Not ever.”

  Nina’s beautiful face didn’t change, but her eyes, they smiled. “You bet,” she murmured.

  Gulping back more tears, Tessa turned back around to the incubator. “As for this little one, it’s clear we’re in no rush, and Katie did say it could take up to twenty-four hours—or not. So we wait.”

  “Which means the new parents must rest for the oncoming deluge of nighttime feedings and diaper changes,” Arch scolded with a smile, screwdriver in hand. “Now, off with you both to rest. Should my precious decide to come out and play with us, I shall wake you both posthaste.”

  Mick wrapped his arms around Tessa’s waist, strong, secure. She leaned back into them and sighed, at peace. “He’s right, you know. I feel like we’ve been up for a week straight. Let’s grab a nap,” he said.

  She twisted in his arms to face him, her body molding to his, so happy she didn’t have to hide how she felt anymore. “I could use a nap,” she teased against his ear as he carried her toward her bedroom.

  “You two keep the roller coaster of love down in there. I won’t have you scarring my peaches before the poor thing learns how to defend itself,” Nina warned on a chuckle.

  Both Mick and Tessa chuckled, too, as they slipped into her bedroom and closed the door. Mick dropped to her bed, also miraculously clean and smelling of fresh laundry detergent. He patted the spot beside him, which she gratefully took.

  “We’re going to be parents,” he said, winking at her.

  Tessa nodded. “We are. Which means we need to think about names. I was thinking, boy or girl, we call it . . .”

  Mick looked at her, taking her hand in his. “On three?”

  Tessa nodded with a grin.

  Mick counted out, “One, two, three . . .”

  “Noah,” they both said in unison.

  Tessa’s smile got wider. “Yeah. I think he’d like that.”

  Mick nodded his dark head. “I think so, too.”

  “Know what else I was thinking?” she asked, rising from the bed to stand in front of him.

  “What’s that?”

  “I was thinking that as new parents, it’s our duty to do what parents do—because I hear they don’t get to do it often.”

  “Sleep?” he teased, pulling her toward him by the front of her T-shirt.

  “Exactly. So help me get out of these clothes so I can get into my jammies, would you?” she asked, cradling the top of his head to her chest when he lifted her T-shirt and nibbled at her belly.

  Mick nipped the bare skin, pushing her shirt above her breasts. “You don’t sleep naked? I figured you as a naked sleeper.”

  She lifted her arms over her head as he pulled her shirt over it, leaving her breasts exposed, her nipples tight and needy for his tongue. “Did you? Not true. It’s cold here, buddy. Is that going to be a problem for our sex life?”

  Mick’s hands went around her waist, his tongue slashing at the undersides of her breasts, creating a hot pool of lust between her thighs. “Nope. When I’m done with you, you’ll never want to wear a nightgown again.”

  Her head fell back on her shoulders when Mick wrapped his lips around her nipple, circling it with his tongue, tasting it, tugging it to a sharp peak. “So what you’re saying is, you’ll keep me warm at night?”

  He took her hand and put it between his legs, rubbing the palm of it along the ridge of his hard shaft. “I think I’ve got warm covered.”

  “Remember you said that when my feet are ice-cold, Malone.” Tessa’s fingers reached for his belt, unhooking it before popping the button on his jeans.

  Mick lifted up from the bed, sliding his underwear and jeans off while she rid herself of her sweats.

  Then it was just them. Naked. In the moonlight streaming in from the window. Together. And she couldn’t believe he was actually hers. Mick Malone was hers—forever.

  She walked into his arms, sliding her hands over his chest, running them over his belly until she found his cock, thick and hot. Tessa stroked him as she knelt in front of him and spread his muscled thighs wide.

  She didn’t bother to tease and torment—she needed him, needed him to make love to her, fill her, touch her everywhere. She swooped her head downward, sliding her mouth along his length until he was completely in her mouth and his hiss of satisfaction rang out.

  Trailing her tongue along the silky surface of his cock, she took him in long passes, licking, nipping, kneading his thighs until Mick’s fingers were in her hair, pulling her away and tugging her upward.

  Their lips met on a sigh, a sigh of completion, a sigh of years’ worth of pent-up longing. Her moan was soft when Mick parted her flesh and dragged his fingers over her clit, making the aching bud swell with need.

  Sliding up his body, Tessa drew him downward to her core, and Mick went willingly, letting his tongue slip inside her and swipe her desperate flesh. She rocked against him, cupping the back of his head, savoring the white-hot press of his tongue against her, moaning softly as she felt the sharp sting of orgasm.

  It wasn’t like it had been in the barn, with both of them so nervous. This time it was slow and sweet, a lazy river of completion.

  Mick held her thighs until she slumped against him, her legs weak. He slid back to his position on the bed, kissing her skin along the way until he was seated in front of her again.

  Their eyes met, their hands entwined, their breathing shallow and choppy. He was so insanely beautiful. So sculpted and hard, so much man, her heart tightened. “I love you, Mick Malone,” she said before seating herself on his cock, biting her lip to keep from crying out at the pleasure he brought when he entered her.

  Thrusting upward, enveloping her in his embrace, he whispered, “I love you back, Tessa Preston.”

  And they rocked, finding their rhythm, learning more abou
t each other, discovering, becoming one.

  Mick’s mouth went to her throat, nipping at the tender flesh as he thrust upward, easy, slow, and the spiral of desperate need turned to a simmer, a reflection of her emotions.

  His hands smoothed over her hips, stroking, rocking inside her as her hands kneaded his back, soothing the tense muscles until she felt him stiffen, felt the pulse of him inside her.

  She brought his mouth to hers, capturing it and slipping her tongue inside. She wanted them to be connected on all levels when they came.

  As their climax collided, rose up, synced, Tessa fought tears, scrunching her eyes shut from the perfection.

  Mick groaned into her mouth, still rocking, still holding her close.

  Falling back on the mattress, she grabbed the top of the blanket from the head of the bed and pulled it over them, snuggling into Mick’s chest and closing her eyes with a sigh of bliss.

  Safe, happy, and most of all, never without Mick again.

  * * *

  A light rap on the door five hours later had them scrambling to find their clothes.

  “Hey, lovebirds, hurry it up in there. I think peaches is about ready,” Nina whispered.

  Tessa’s heart began to throb with excitement, pounding so hard in her chest it was hard to focus on getting her clothes on.

  Mick grabbed her up in a hug, scooping her off the floor. “You ready, Mom?”

  She grinned, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. “Are you, Dad?”

  He grinned back. “I don’t think we have a choice,” he said, sliding her to the floor and swatting her butt.

  Tessa grabbed his hand and pulled the door open to find everyone gathered around the incubator. Her breath caught in her chest. These were the people who’d made this moment possible.

  They were the people she’d turn to for advice, for help, for a shoulder to cry on. At this very moment, as they all waited to see the baby, it occurred to her that this was her family now. They were as invested in her as she was in them. This was where they all should be. Right here. With her and Mick.

  But before she joined them, Tessa sent up a silent prayer to Noah. Thank you. I love you. Always.

  A crack of the shell whispered in her ear, making her pulse race again. Nina pulled both her and Mick toward the incubator as everyone parted to let them see.

  The egg rolled, restless and moving quicker than it had been last night. The cooing from within the shell became stronger while more of the shell fell away.

  No one spoke. No one moved. Everyone’s hands were clasped together in a circle when Tessa glanced at their faces over the incubator. Nina, her eyes shiny. Wanda, her hair perfect again, her eyes wet. Marty, clinging to Wanda’s hand, joy in her expression.

  Carl and Frank, hovering, anticipation on their faces, Carl’s crooked grin in place. Frank’s watery blue eyes extra watery.

  Darnell, in the middle of it all, holding Nina’s hand in his big paw and pressing it to his chin, with Arch on the other side of her, his arm entwined in hers.

  And Joe-Joe, at Nina’s feet, curled around her ankles.

  This—this was how everyone should be born. Into a room full of love and support—into a room full of acceptance.

  And then the final pieces of the shell began to fall away, and the miracle bloomed from within the confines of the golden egg. Arms pushed through, chubby, perfectly pink arms. A tuft of hair was next, dark as night like Mick’s, silky under the incubator’s light.

  When the last piece of shell broke, a gummy mouth appeared first, open wide and screaming, and everyone cheered. “It’s a girl!” Nina said, throwing her arms around Arch and Darnell.

  Tears began to fall from artfully made-up eyes, and smiles wreathed even the hardest of faces.

  Mick pulled her close when Tessa reached inside the incubator, brushing the shells from their daughter, Noa. She couldn’t find words for this kind of instant love, for the sweet feel of Noa’s skin, soft and peachy. She couldn’t move past the lump in her throat at the perfection of her daughter’s hand, reaching for hers and squeezing it for the first time.

  She was at an utter loss for anything but the sweet squeeze of her heart, the intense, almost overwhelming joy of this moment.

  Nina draped a blanket over Mick’s chest as Arch scooped tiny Noa out of the incubator and handed her to him.

  When she finally looked up at Mick, her heart swelled again. He cradled Noa in his arms, close to his heart, his eyes wet. He looked at Tessa and shook his head as Nina pressed her chin against the top of his shoulder and smiled down at the baby. “I . . .” His jaw tightened, and she knew that words were just as hard for him. “Thank you,” he whispered, hoarse and thick.

  Tessa stood on tiptoe, reaching for Nina’s hand and pressing a kiss to Mick’s lips, tears splashing down her face. “No. Thank you.”

  Noa squirmed against her father’s chest, her tiny legs kicking outward, strong and healthy.

  And then Noa let out a howl. One that had everyone laughing and hugging, Mick and Tessa included.

  It went something like this: “Rawrrr!”

  Seven Months and Thirteen Days Later—Nine Utterly Implausible Paranormal Accidents, Two Brand-New Dragons, a Baby Dragon, Three Doting, Constantly Interfering Aunties and Their Whacky Family Members, a Manservant Grandfather, One Not-So-Bad-After-All Minion Who Sounds Like Winnie-the-Pooh and Loves Living on the Fringes of Hell While Singing Broadway Show Tunes, and a Vegetarian Zombie-Slash-Babysitter Extraordinaire attended a barbecue on an unusually warm fall day in honor of the prettiest baby dragon ever . . .

  Mick handed Noa over to Nina the moment the vampire laid eyes on the baby, not even bothering to deny her. He smiled when his daughter threw her chubby, awkward arms around Auntie Nina’s neck and planted a gummy kiss on her nose, sucking it into her mouth like she did everything she could get her hands on.

  “Oh, my goodness, it’s my peaches!” Nina cooed, nuzzling Noa’s neck. “Who loves this baby girl? Who?” she asked, pulling something from her pocket.

  Tessa smiled, knowing what Nina had. Yet another toy Noa didn’t need but would end up with anyway because Auntie Nina spoiled her rotten.

  Noa bounced gleefully in Nina’s arms, tugging on her hair, her toothless smile wide with adoration for her aunt the vampire.

  Tessa loved when everyone gathered here in their backyard like this. They tried to do it at least twice a month, and in the process, she’d met Katie’s grandmother Teeny; Greg’s mother, Svetlanna; and Nina’s grandmother Lou.

  Add in Katie’s assistants from her veterinary practice, Kaih and Ingrid; Phoebe’s assistant, Mark; Jeannie’s girlfriends, Betsy and Charlene; Guido the Witch Doctor and his new fiancée, Astrid, and it was a full house.

  She loved sitting under the big oak trees and spreading blankets under them, watching everyone just be together while music played and laughter grew rich in the air.

  She loved cooking, for everyone who could eat, that is, and swapping recipes with Arch and Jeannie. Loved the laughter that ensued—loved when Nina and Sloan fought over touch football and Keegan and Heath had to break them up while Sam, Clay, Shaw, Harry, and Greg snickered behind Sloan’s back.

  She loved that Darnell and Frank had become such good friends and Darnell was teaching Frank how to live his life as a good minion without getting caught. She loved that both of them came to read to Noa once a week without fail—sometimes sharing a meal, sometimes just swinging on the hammock Mick had installed over the summer.

  She loved that Carl babysat for them, taking Noa on long walks in the backyard so she and Mick could have an adult night out. She loved that she and Mick had learned to fly together.

  Whoever said that the Mile High Club was overrated sorely underestimated dragons’ nookie—in flight.

  She loved that they were teaching Noa to fly, too. Her wings had popped out the first week after her birth, and everyone said they were the spitting image of Tessa’s. She didn’t love that it was a helluva lot har
der to keep track of a baby who could fly—especially seeing as Noa wasn’t even walking yet—but she wouldn’t change it.

  She loved that Arch insisted Noa know him as her grandfather, and was teaching her how to cook before she could even walk. She loved that every single husband of every single woman in the group had come to help Mick put the addition onto her small cottage.

  She loved it even more that with so many paranormal men in the mix, it had only taken seven hours and twenty-two minutes, by Wanda’s stopwatch, before Noa had her own bedroom and Mick and Tessa had a bathroom fit for a king.

  She loved that Marty, Nina, Wanda, Katie, Phoebe, and Mara insisted that their offspring, Fletcher, Mimi, Charlie, Hollis, Alistair, and Daniel, along with Penny, Skyped together with Noa no less frequently than once week.

  Sometimes, even Casey and Clay’s perpetual teenager, Naomi, joined in, haughty adolescent disdain and all. Their chats had strengthened Tessa’s sense of family, strengthened the decision to give Noa people in her life who weren’t just like her, but people she could always trust, people who would love her no matter what.

  It was always chaos, but Tessa loved it all with every breath she took.

  Nina held up a book made of thick material that squeaked when she pressed the middle of it and handed it to Noa. “This is for you, fairy princess. It’s all about how my snugglebunny came to be. On this day, seven months and thirteen days ago, your mommy plunked you right out into my hands. Go, Team Noa!”

  Noa nabbed the book in her chubby hands, jamming it in her mouth to gum it, making everyone laugh.

  Nina laughed, too, sweeping Noa away, taking her to where Carl and Joe-Joe and the other children sat by the swings.

  Tessa sighed with happiness. Their lives were so blessed. The day had turned out perfectly. She turned her face up toward the waning late-September sun. “Who woulda thunk it, huh, Malone?”

  Mick gathered her in his arms, fitting her to him as he had so many nights since they’d become an official couple. “Thunk what?”

  “That all of this would come from swallowing some dragon scales? That you and I would have a baby and be getting married next month. That we’d meet all these people who’ve become such a huge part of our world?”


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