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Love All Out - Part 3 (A Stepbrother Romance)

Page 2

by Ward, Alice

  Matt nodded just as the microwave beeped. “That’s a fantastic idea,” he agreed. “I actually can’t wait to see what the third generation will look like, with all of those strong bloodlines mixed together.”

  I stuffed my hands into oven mitts and pulled the meatloaf out of the microwave. “I also want to buy two more studs and a few new mares, really get this place running full steam ahead.”

  Matt pulled a loaf of bread out of the cabinet while I sliced the meatloaf. “That all sounds great to me, but it doesn’t explain why you hired Mason without talking to me about it first.” He pulled four slices of bread from the bag and set them down on a large plate. I put the sandwiches together while he poured two glasses of iced tea.

  “Well…” I hesitated. I looked up at Matt and realization spread across his face.

  “Wait a second… you asked him how much he weighs… you want to raise more than breeding stock, don’t you?”

  I nodded and carried our lunch to the table. Matt brought in our drinks and sat across from me, speechless.

  “You think I’m crazy?” I asked after swallowing my first bite of sandwich.

  “No… no, of course not,” he said, snapping out of his shock. “I’m just surprised. I didn’t think you were interested in getting that involved with racing. You always said it was too time consuming.” Matt stuffed a large bite into his mouth, walked to the cabinets, and returned to the table with a bag of potato chips. He shook a pile of them onto his plate and passed the bag to me.

  “I did feel that way until after the Derby. Now, raising my own racehorses is all I can think about. I know how to train,” I reminded him. I grabbed a handful of chips and rolled the bag shut.

  “I know you do,” Matt assured me. “And now, you have a jockey.”

  “A training jockey, at least,” I said, popping a chip into my mouth. I washed it down with a long drink of my iced tea. “We’ll see what he can do on horseback before we enter him in any races. I have a contractor coming next week to look over house plans. I’m going to get a quote on the barn expansion as well.”

  “Do you have enough money to cover all that?” Matt asked.

  “I did pretty well in Kentucky,” I told him. “It’s not enough for the barn, the house, and new horses, but we still have the Preakness and Belmont Stakes. And if all else fails, the house can wait until the business stuff is taken care of.”

  Matt spun his tea glass in circles on the table and shifted in his seat. “What would you think… about letting me buy in as a partner?” he asked, his voice full of hesitation.

  I was pleasantly surprised by the offer. “You’d want to do that?”

  He looked up at me, his eyes sparkling with excitement. “Are you kidding me? I’d love to! You’re my best friend, Willow. I love working with you. I’d love nothing more than to be partners. I won quite a bit of Derby money myself,” he added with a grin.

  “I didn’t even know you’d placed a bet. Why didn’t you tell me?” I ate the last bite of my sandwich and carried our empty plates to the sink.

  “I didn’t want to say anything until I decided what to do with it,” he explained. He walked to the refrigerator and refilled his tea glass. “I toyed around with the idea of building a house, but I’d rather do this. Like you said, the house can wait.”

  I’d heard horror stories about friendships that were ruined by business partnerships, but I had no such fears about working with Matt. “This just makes everything perfect,” I said as we walked out of the kitchen. “You already treat the horses like they’re your own. You’ve done so much for me. I’ll schedule a meeting with Daddy’s lawyer. We’ll go over the numbers and draw up a contract.” We walked outside and started for the barn.

  “I’m assuming that we’ll be hiring more than just Mason now that we’re expanding the program?” Matt asked as we walked down the driveway.

  I nodded. “With the growth I have in mind, we’ll need to hire three more people. I really liked Harrison and John.” Harrison was in his early forties and had already worked for two premier racing stables. John was twenty-eight and had a degree in equine breeding, just like me.

  “They were definitely the most qualified candidates,” Matt agreed. “They’re both from out of state. It’s a good thing there’s so much room in the bunkhouse.”

  “Yeah, it’s lucky for us Daddy built so many staff cabins,” I agreed.

  “So we agree on Harrison and John. Who’s getting the third spot?” Matt asked as we stepped into the barn’s shadow.

  “Let’s hire the two local guys,” I replied. “I’d rather have too much help than not enough. And that way, we’ll have no problem covering when you and I want to leave at the same time.” I slid open the barn door and the horses greeted us with whinnies and blows. I’d been hesitant to leave them in the pasture after the fences were vandalized. They were all anxious to get outside and stretch their legs.

  “Sounds good to me,” Matt agreed. “I’ll make the calls after we move the horses.” He slid the door shut behind us. “Unless you wanted to make the calls,” he added.

  We walked towards the back of the barn and I shook my head. “You can do it. Once we get the older horses in the pasture, I’m going to start doing some groundwork with Buttercup and Blaze.”

  Matt raised one eyebrow. “Blaze, huh? So you finally named the colt?”

  I blushed a little, remembering the day James had walked into the barn and tried to seduce me. He’d suggested that Blaze of Glory was the perfect name for the colt. I hated him at the time, so I shot down the idea without a second thought. But the harder I tried to top the name, the more I realized his suggestion was perfect.

  “Yeah, I finally named him. His registered name will be Thunder’s Blaze of Glory.”

  “I like it,” Matt told me. We opened the back door, which led out into the thoroughbred pasture. The horses needed no encouragement to leave their stalls. They politely waited for us to open their doors, and then they raced out into the field.

  “I’ll start making calls,” Matt said once everyone was outside. “I guess we’re going to be pretty busy soon. All the more reason for our escape to Denver this weekend.”

  Shit, I completely forgot that we were all supposed to go to the rodeo. Was it really just a few days ago that I agreed to that? There’s no way I’m going now.

  I looked at the ground and pushed dirt around with the toe of my boot. “Actually… I’m not going to the rodeo.”

  Matt sighed. “Look Willow, Lucas warned me that James entered bull riding along with the team roping competition. I know that makes you nervous, but I thought we agreed you need to support him.”

  Terror danced through my body. I hated the idea of James getting back on a bull, but I knew there was nothing I could do about it. I pulled at the hem of my t-shirt and looked at Matt. “I didn’t know he’d entered the bull riding,” I confessed, then pushed at the dirt again. “But it doesn’t matter. What James does is no longer any of my business.”

  “What are you talking about, Willow?” Matt asked, he eyes wide in surprise. “I know he’s been a bit distant since Cole and Renee busted the two of you out for trying to sabotage their engagement. But you seemed pretty determined to make him see things your way. Have you not had any luck?”

  Matt was my best friend and I wanted nothing more than to break down crying and tell him everything. But a little voice in my head told me that the fewer people who knew about what had happened on Eagle Point, the better.

  “No luck at all,” I said with a shrug. “And I’ve decided to give up trying. I’ve done a lot of thinking about it, and I’ve decided that James is right. We can’t date now that our parents are for sure getting married. It’s too much of a risk. There’s too much at stake.”

  “Willow, I know you’re both worried about what people will think…”

  “It’s not just that,” I interrupted, snapping at him, then lowering my voice. “James and I will be stuck with each other for the
rest of our lives. It’s already going to be hard enough. Can you imagine how much worse it would be if we kept dating and broke up a year or two down the road? It would be a disaster. Our parents would take sides… it could split the whole family up. It’s better this way. I know it is.”

  Matt wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on top of my head. “I know this is hard for you. If you ever need to talk about it, I’m here.”

  “I know you are.” I gave him a tight squeeze and then pulled away. “But there’s nothing you can do about it right now. Let’s get back to work.”


  “The new guys seem to be settling in nicely,” Daddy said. He took a long drink of his coffee and set his mug on the table. “I stopped by the bunkhouse on my way in from the pasture last night. We haven’t had so many people living there since before I build the last two cabins.”

  I nodded. “They’re all pretty comfortable though. Harrison said it’s the nicest staff housing he’s ever lived in.”

  “That’s nice to hear,” Daddy replied, with a satisfied smile. “I’m so proud of you, pumpkin. I can’t wait until we go back to the Derby with a horse you own outright.”

  “Matt and I own outright,” I reminded him, giving him a little wink.

  “Of course,” he agreed. “I think that was a smart business decision. Hell, if Matt wants to move onsite, I’d be happy to sign an acre or two over for him to build on. We’ll have our own little commune going soon.”

  “Oh, honey. You know Matt likes to be close to his grandparents,” Renee reminded him as she carried a plate of sausage to the table. “And their little guest house is the perfect size for a bachelor pad.”

  It was Monday morning and Daddy, Renee, and I were gathered in the kitchen. I hadn’t heard from Matt since Friday afternoon and the fact that James hadn’t arrived for breakfast yet made me nervous. I was convinced he’d been gored half to death at the rodeo and was lying in a Denver hospital, stubbornly refusing to let anyone call and alert his mother.

  I took a sip of my coffee and tried to appear casual. “Speaking of bachelors, have you heard how James and Lucas did at the rodeo this weekend?” I asked Renee, trying to sound casual. She carried a tray of biscuits and a large bowl of gravy to the table.

  “They placed first in team roping,” she said, beaming with pride. Then the smile faded as she continued, “And James came in second on those godforsaken beasts he insists on riding. He should be here soon. I just talked to him about twenty minutes ago.”

  As if on cue, I heard the front door open. A few moments later, James walked into the kitchen. My attention was immediately drawn to a large, purple bruise under his left eye.

  “Good morning, everyone,” James said, his voice cheerful and light. “It’s a beautiful day outside.”

  “Good morning, sweetheart,” Renee replied. She pulled a butter dish from the refrigerator and turned to face us. Her eyes fell on the bruise and her smile disappeared. She let out a loud gasp and the butter dish fell to the floor and shattered.

  “Good god, James, what happened to your face?” she demanded.

  James moved to help her with the broken dish.

  “I got tossed and my face hit the bull’s shoulder on the way down,” he explained, keeping his voice light. “I promise it looks a lot worse than it feels.” James tossed the stick of butter into the sink and swept up the shattered glass. Renee grabbed a fresh stick from the refrigerator, her lips pinched in anger.

  “I swear, your bull riding is going to be the death of me,” she told him, her voice heavy with frustration. She grabbed a small plate from the cabinet, set the butter on it, and carried it to the table. She took a seat next to Daddy, put her elbows on the table, and held her head in her hands.

  Daddy put a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Now, now, sweetheart. It’s just a bruise. It could be a lot worse.”

  “It really barely hurts, Mom,” James assured her again. “You don’t have to worry about me. I know what I’m doing.” He emptied the dustpan into the trash and sat down next to me again.

  Renee snorted. “Maybe instead of praying you don’t get hurt, I should start praying that you get hurt just enough to quit.”

  “Look on the bright side,” James told her. “I’m too busy to go to most of the rodeos. You don’t have to worry about me again for months.” He split three biscuits in half, topped each half with a piece of sausage, and covered the entire plate with gravy. I did the same, but with only one biscuit.

  If Renee keeps cooking like this, I’m going to need bigger clothes.

  “James is right,” Daddy said after a large bite of sausage. “We have more important things to worry about than rodeos right now. What time is the security company supposed to be here?” he asked, looking down at his watch.

  “Nine o’clock,” Renee replied. “They want to tour the pastures, see where the fences were let down. They also need to see all the barns and houses, everywhere we might want to stick a security camera. I thought after we show them around, we can all come back here for lunch. We’ve got plenty of sandwich stuff.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Daddy agreed. “I almost hope that the bastard that let down the fences comes back. I’d love to catch him in the act.”

  I looked down at my plate and shoveled food into my mouth. I had a good idea of who was behind the vandalism, but I knew no one wanted to hear it. I had to keep my mouth shut until I had proof that Bradley was behind the sabotage.

  Renee nodded. “The security company assured me that regardless of the package we choose, they can have everything up and running by the end of the week. I’d hate to have the stock get loose again, but it would be nice to catch the culprit and press charges.”

  James ate silently next to me and I wondered if he suspected Bradley as well. We’d only exchanged a few polite words in front of our parents since the afternoon Bradley found us on Eagle Point, and I wasn’t looking forward to changing that anytime soon. But I knew we’d have to talk eventually. We had to come up with a plan to beat Bradley at his own game.

  James cleared his throat. “I have a suggestion that I hope no one will find offensive,” he began.

  Daddy looked at him and raised an eyebrow. “Okay, let’s hear it.”

  “I think it would be best if none of us mention that we’re having the system installed. I know there’s a good chance that some random stranger let the fences down as some sort of prank. But on the off chance that it was someone we know, I don’t think we should broadcast that we’re tightening security. The culprit will be less likely to come back if he or she knows we’re looking for him.”

  Daddy frowned. “I hate to think that someone we know was behind it. But you’re probably right. We shouldn’t let it get around that we’re installing the system. I won’t say anything.”

  Renee and I quickly agreed to go along with the plan and Daddy turned the conversation to racing.

  “Are you getting excited about Preakness, pumpkin?” he asked. “I know I am.”

  My stomach fluttered with excitement as I thought about the second of the Triple Crown races. “I can’t wait,” I confessed. “And Matt and I should have all the new guys trained before we leave on Thursday. I hate leaving them alone so soon, but I think they can handle it.”

  “Actually,” Renee said, grinning. “I’ve decided to stay home this weekend. I knew you’d be nervous about leaving the new guys alone with the stock. I don’t want you to be distracted with worry when you should be enjoying yourself. I’ll oversee things here, and you and Matt can have a good time.”

  I was shocked, but also moved by her offer. “Are you sure? It could be a big day for the family. You should be there, Renee.” I was surprised by how much I meant those words. After accepting that Renee and Daddy’s marriage was inevitable, I’d grown awfully fond of Renee.

  “Thank you for saying that, Willow.” She looked at me, her eyes soft and growing wet. “You don’t know how much it means to me that you want m
e there. But with the trespassing and all the new people on the ranch, I think it’s best if I stay home. I took your mother’s white suit to the cleaners on Friday. Cole told me that’s what she wore when Aces High won Preakness, so I assumed you’d want to wear it as well.”

  “Thank you so much, Renee. You were right. I just hope that the suit fits me after all of this food you’ve been feeding us,” I teased.

  “James and I will fly out Saturday morning,” Daddy added. “I’ll probably come home late Saturday night. I’m with Renee. I’ll be nervous about being off the ranch until the trespasser is behind bars.”

  “Okay… if you’re sure,” I agreed. I mopped up gravy with my last bite of biscuit and laid my fork on my empty plate.

  Daddy looked down at his watch. “It’s a quarter to nine. We should probably head down to the equipment barn and make sure the ATVs are gassed up before the security guys get here.”

  Renee and I cleared the dishes from the table and we all filled travel cups with coffee before heading out to the barn. We walked down the driveway and James’s phone let out a loud chime. Mine did the same a few moments later. I pulled it from the pocket of my jeans and looked down at the screen. My stomach twisted in knots when I saw Bradley’s name next to the text message: Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you. James’s cabin. Tomorrow. Four p.m. Be there or everyone will know your secret.

  I swallowed nervously, slid my phone back into my pocket, and glanced at James. His jaw was clenched and he walked with his hands balled up in fists.

  “Is everything okay, kids?” Renee asked, look at both of us in turn.

  “Fine,” I said quickly. “That was just a good luck message from one of my old college friends. I’ve been getting a lot of them since the Derby.”

  Renee turned to her son and raised an eyebrow.


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