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Bitch's Night Out (Frank Kurns Stories of the UnknownWorld Book 2)

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by Michael Anderle




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  Series List

  Series List

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Author Notes

  To you, The Fans

  These stories

  would not be nearly

  so enjoyable to write

  without your


  Period. F#cking. Dot.

  Bitch’s Night Out - Frank Kurns

  Stories of the UnknownWorld

  Bree Buras

  Melanie Cisneros

  David Down Under

  Tom Dickerson

  Jennifer Hendricks

  Dorene Johnson

  Lisa Mitchell

  Hari Rothsteni

  Diane Velasquez


  Kat Lind

  Thank you to the following Special Consultants

  for Bitch’s Night Out

  Jeff Morris - Asst Professor Cyber-Warfare

  Supported questions on “Things that go ‘Boom’”

  This book is a work of fiction, All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Sometimes both.

  Copyright (c) 2016 Michael T. Anderle

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

  Cover art by Michael T. Anderle

  Want more?

  Join the email list here:

  Join the Facebook Group Here:

  The email list will be sporadic with more ‘major’ updates, the Facebook group will be for updates and the ‘behind the curtains’ information on writing the next stories. Basically conversing!

  Since I can’t confirm that something I put up on Facebook will absolutely be updated for you, I need the email list to update all fans for any major release or updates that you might want to read on the website.

  I hope you enjoy the book!

  Michael Anderle - Mar 22, 2016.

  Series Titles Include:

  You Don’t Touch John’s Cousin

  Frank Kurns UnknownWorld Stories 01

  Bitch’s Night Out

  Frank Kurns UnknownWorld Stories 02

  The Kurtherian Gambit Series

  The characters who are in this book are drawn from the Kurtherian Gambit series. Fans of those stories have asked to know more about some of the people populating that world. So, we have The Frank Kurn’s UnknownWorld Stories.

  Please see the Author’s page to find all of the titles (There are quite a few!)

  All the best,

  Michael Anderle


  QBS Polarus Two Hundred Miles off Argentina’s Coast

  “What I was told,” said Darryl as he slung his overnight bag off his shoulder, “was that Bethany Anne requested Gabrielle, Cheryl Lynn, Patricia, Ecaterina and Barb gather in her suite here for a conference and no, and I mean ‘no’ guys are invited.” Darryl sat down on the couch in the middle area that been recently renovated to hold a fifth door for Akio since Peter’s room was over on the Ad Aeternitatem.

  “Except Ashur,” Scott called out of his room as he reached across his bed to grab his phone. He spoke a little louder so everyone could hear easily. “She even has two hand-picked female guardians in front of her suite for protection.”

  “What about Peter?” Eric asked from his room as he packed.

  Scott walked out and dropped his bag on a chair and sat down.

  “What about me?” Peter asked as he breezed into the central area carrying his overnight bag. “I was told by Bethany Anne to grab nice clothes and to meet you guys here. Where’s John?” He asked as he sat across from Darryl on the matching couch and put up his feet on the coffee table.

  “Did she call you?” Darryl asked.

  Peter shook his head, “Nope. Did the mind juju conversation stuff.”

  “She’s getting a lot better with that,” Darryl remarked to Peter’s nodded agreement.

  Eric came out of his room, shutting his door, “That room is not for public consumption!” He walked over and gave Peter a fist bump before kicking Peter’s legs off the table, “Mind the furniture, shrimp.” He grumped as he sat next to Peter, crossing his feet and placing them on top of the table.

  “You old Bitch!” Peter remarked before putting his feet back on the table. “Where is the esteemed High Bitch?”

  “Right here, Sophomore, with our Fish,” John said as he walked in with Akio holding his sword. All of the guys raised their eyes in surprise. John had a night bag, but he was also fully decked out in ‘Queen Bitch’ dress with patches and everything.

  “I think I failed to get the memo,” Darryl quipped.

  Akio nodded to the men and sat down next to Darryl, holding his sword.

  “No, no memo was put out.” John agreed, looking down at his five guys. “What I’ve been told - no actually ‘commanded’ - by Bethany Anne was that the Bitches needed a night out. I am to make sure that this group lets out some of our energy and ‘attitude’ and to come back relaxed. Now, you guys know that Bethany Anne just wants us off this ship so we can’t figure out what she’s doing. That’s fine, Gabrielle is there, and so is Ashur. However, she’s right. We need to blow off some steam.”

  John looked at all of his guys, “That would typically mean we go to a bar, but I’m not sure how much that would affect us. While I fully intend to end up in a dive, I think there is only one way to get rid of the pent up aggression I’m feeling.”

  “Well, considering how you're decked out,” Eric said, “I think you believe we need to work out our aggression?”

  “What I’m thinking,” John said, “Is that the best way to get rid of aggression is to fuck up some people who desperately need to be fucked up. So, I’ve had Frank help me locate a few places that need help. Now, we might not make it to all of them, but by the end of the night we will have done some major good, and I’ll start feeling a little Karmic balance restored. If you guys aren’t full up, well, we will just have to schedule it again.”

  Peter grinned as he stood up, “Hell yeah! How are we getting around?”

  John pursed his lips, “Well, six of us, six Black Eagles are available to use…”

  Scott stood up, “God, I’ve needed to fucking shoot somebody. You pussies keep getting the action after the ‘Australian incident’.”

  “Oh, is that what you call running into an ambush?” Darryl said as he stood up.

  “No, I call that being your shield and if you would just appreciate it instead of always trying to turn my self-sacrifice around I’d enjoy it!” Scott grinned as he punched Darryl as he walked past him.

  Darryl rubbed his arm, “Make sure Scott is up front, and he can shield me all the time.” He rubbed his arm a second time, “That way, I can use my size twelves to kick his ass through the door!”

  All the guys chuckled.

  Akio stood back for a second and got Eric’s attention, “What are we doing?”

  “Well,” Eric told him as the two followed, “I imagine John
is taking us by the Armory to find all sorts of personal mayhem devices. There, we are going to make lewd jokes about how long someone's ‘gun’ is. Then, six of the deadliest men on this planet have been commanded by their Queen to go blow off some steam. Now, she might have known what John was going to do or she might not. Either way, John has a list of locations where we can find some very bad people. People who probably need to have an attitude adjustment. We are going to take six of the coolest planes in the world to these locations and have a great time doing very painful things to horribly bad people.”

  Akio asked, “Because this is what our Queen wants?”

  Eric closed the door as the two followed the rest down the hall, “She wants us to get rid of our general bad attitudes about everything. About Michael, about stupid politicians, stupid attitudes that are thrown at us, and horrible people who want shit they had nothing to do with creating. Above all, this is about friends who are no longer with us, and so John decided the best way to help relieve this pent-up anger is to do something righteous with it.”

  “Something righteous with guns?” Akio asked.

  “Of course!” Eric responded as he looked over to Akio and grinned. “Righteousness at the end of a .45…” He looked down at the sword Akio was holding, "And a sword, of course. “

  Eric started humming a recent tune as the guys ahead took a left towards the armory.

  "Righteousness at the end of a .45...a .45..." he continued singing as the two of them followed the others around the corner.


  “No, give me the long one, this short stick doesn’t feel right in my hands,” Darryl quipped.

  Akio smiled, “Here, let me feel it.” Darryl gave it to him, smiling. Akio looked over, “It’s all in the way you handle your gun to get the most bang from it.”

  John chuckled, “Whatever, you two get your damned sticks and any other personal ‘fuck them up’ stuff you want.”

  Dan called out from the second room over, “Anyone want some plastique?” He asked as he came through one of the doors with a lockbox, “I’ll have to open it if you do.”

  “Seriously?” Darryl turned from joking with Akio, “I’ll take me some of that!”

  Dan pulled out his key ring, “God, guys. Seriously, don’t screw me over. Bring back video, ok?”

  “No worries,” John answered, “We have the new helmets with heads-up upgrades that have the built-in video. ADAM is doing an immediate download to Frank. He wants to write a story on it immediately to put out as ‘fiction.' Hey, here are some knives.”

  “Someone is bound to see through that shit,” Eric commented.

  “I’m pretty sure that is the plan,” Peter said as he pulled a few boxes of shells for the shotgun.

  “Why the hell are you taking a shotgun when you have those two beasts on your hips?” Scott asked, pointing to the two railgun pistols Peter was packing.

  “These are accurate to as far as I can see, but they won’t make near the bloody mess a shotgun will up close,” Peter replied, putting the shells into a bag.

  Scott shook his head, “Damned good reason.”

  “Who needs six inches?” John called out before finishing, “Shut-up Akio!” Everyone laughed.

  Then laughed more at Akio’s retort, “I start at twenty-seven inches, John.”

  “I’m out!” Scott called.

  “Out,” agreed John.

  “Ouch…” Eric said, “I can’t play in that park.”

  All of the men looked to Darryl who just grinned, “What can I say? Some things are true about black men.”

  “Fucking liar!” Peter joked.

  Dan called out, “Anyone want grenades?”

  “If you do,” Darryl commented, “remember Mr. Grenade is not your friend, or mine, once you pull the pin.”

  “I want a few explosive incendiaries,” said John, “I want the opportunity to drop them in on someone. That shit just seems funny.”

  “Hey!” called a female’s voice and all of the men turned to see Jean Dukes standing behind them holding a big ass wooden box. She was even straining a little, “I’m not trying to pull the weak woman card here, but someone stop being ‘all-women-are-equal’ and help a girl out!”

  Akio and Peter were the closest, and both grabbed a handle. She let go, “Now, set that on the bench. That’s from Bethany Anne.” she wiped her hands on her pants, “She had me make those up last night.”

  Peter and Akio moved the crate to the bench and Dan walked over. John looked at Dan who shrugged his shoulders, “No, I don’t know either.”

  All of the men piled around the box to see what Dukes had manufactured. John reached over and pulled on the simple master lock, but it held together. All of them heard Jean say ‘Oops’ and reach into her pocket to pull out a key ring.

  Jean was going through the keys when she heard a ‘no worries’ and metal snapping. She looked up to see John moving a broken lock off of the ring and setting it to the side.

  She looked at the man and realized that few people actually understood the power in these guys. Then, she started really looking them all over and decided someone, or many someones, were going to have a dreadful night indeed.

  “Ok, I’m officially claiming Bethany Anne as my Queen….Again.” Peter said as John started pulling out a rifle, “Scott!”

  Scott reached over, and John put into his hands a specially-made tactical railgun rifle. The grips were stipple-textured on both sides as well as having deep-cut grooves, both front and back straps, and a beavertail for prolonged firing.

  “Oh, my. That is long enough.” Akio said as he admired the rifle in Scott’s hands.

  Peter looked back to Jean, “How many shots?”

  “Seventy-five,” she said, “Bethany Anne wanted to make sure you enjoyed your evening. The rifles have three settings. Normal, which will push out the rounds at typical velocities if only a little faster, then twice normal, and ten times normal for when you seriously want to fuck something up. They are coded to your biometrics. So, don’t leave them around, but no one is using them against you. Any Queen’s Bitch can use any gun, but she did have me put your names on each one.”

  Jean looked over to Darryl, who had just received his rifle, “Darryl - she told me to inform you that yours is a quarter-inch longer so your ego wouldn't take a hit.” Jean winked, waved and turned to leave, “Have fun, boys!”

  “God, she even makes size jokes, can there be a more perfect woman?” Darryl asked.

  “Who?” Akio questioned, “Bethany Anne or Jean Dukes?”

  “Yes,” admitted Eric, “To either. Have you seen the way Dukes caresses one of her railgun barrels? If you do, you need a cold shower afterward, I promise.” He shivered.

  John reached in, “Dan?”

  “Yes?” He turned from looking at Eric’s rifle.

  John pulled one more gun from the box, “This one has your name on it, with a note.”

  Dan grinned as he held his rifle, opened the note and read it.

  “Hey!” Darryl said, “Don’t make us ask here.”

  “She says she knows that I’ve got too much to do for tonight, but that she fully expects for me to be free on other occasions should I want to go.” Dan finally supplied.

  John grinned, “Sign you up?”

  “Hell, yeah!” Dan smiled, “I’m up for Bitch’s Night Out, Part Deux when it happens. Count me in.” He handed a smaller box of grenades over to John, “These are for you.”

  “Thanks,” John took the box, “looks like we have a shit load of ammunition in here. I wonder how the hell she was able to carry it all?” John mused and looked back down the hallway where Jean Dukes had disappeared.

  “Interesting,” He thought out loud as his eyes followed where she went.


  QBS Polarus Bridge

  “No, what I am about to tell you, Fred, is based on our relationship going back twenty years.” Captain Thomas spoke patiently, hoping the Commander of the aircraft carrie
r strike force twenty miles away would listen. “I’m about to launch six very small craft, and they are going to go over your position very fast. Don’t be alarmed and for God’s sake, don’t try to attack them.”


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