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Page 24

by Allysa Mkermo

  I knew that my mom wouldn’t be upset, or at least hoped she wouldn’t be upset. However, even after learning her secrets, I wasn’t positive that she would be okay with me sleeping with my stepbrother.

  She opened the door and stopped. She looked at us both, we had both gotten our clothes on, but I knew the look on my face was anything but calm. “Oh hey Jake, you came back. I thought that was your truck out front. Do you mind helping with the groceries too?”

  “Yeah sure.” He stuttered and looked at me.

  My mom left the room and he began to follow her. He gave me another look and I shrugged my shoulders. I guess she must be okay with it, but I had at least expected her to say something.

  I followed them out of the room and went to grab a few bags from the back of the car. My mom grabbed my arm and pulled me back. She studied me closely and seemed like she was going to say something. She stopped though when Jake came back outside to grab a few more bags.

  “Look Sally.” Jake started to say.

  She stopped him though, “We’ll talk in a few minutes. Let me put these things away first though.” She said.

  She walked past us and back into the house.

  “Is she mad?” He asked me.

  “I can’t tell. She seems more shocked than anything, I think. But, sometimes there is a quiet before the storm.” I admitted.

  I was beginning to wonder if she had simply been so drunk that night she told me the stories. Maybe they were all made up. I had never asked her after that night about it. The fact was I was embarrassed to ask her about it more.

  Part of me had been excited thinking I could easily sleep with Jake and she would have no reason to be upset at me. Another part of me had been wondering if I was insane, I was thinking of doing something so wrong. Now I’d gone and done it, and wasn’t even sure if I was in serious trouble with my mom or not.

  I guess if she was really upset she would have sent him away right when she came to my room. My mind began going back and forth wondering what my mom was thinking. My nerves were on end and I only wanted to know that I wouldn’t be banned from ever seeing Jake again.

  I could tell after just one session in the bedroom that I was addicted to him. I wanted nothing more than to feel him inside of me again. But the next time I hoped he wouldn’t wear a condom. Now though, my mom could make it near impossible for me to see Jake. Unless she was okay with it, man I wish she would just talk soon.

  I sat down at the table across from Jake and looked at him. He had offered to help her put things away and she refused.

  “Do either of you want something to drink?” My mom yelled from the kitchen. They were the first words she’d said in a good 20 minutes. The air could have been cut from the tension before that.

  “Yeah sure, I’ll take some of that amazing sweet tea.” Jake said. He smiled at me. I looked at him with a question, but he only smiled.

  I wasn’t sure why he was smiling, I was still so nervous. All I could think was that mom would come into the room and tell me she was sending me to live with my grandma. That would mean that I would be half the country away from Jake, and it would make me sad.

  She brought in the drinks and sat down at the table. She looked between the two of us, still not saying anything.

  “Mom, please. Enough of the silent treatment, say something already.” I finally blurted out.

  “Did you do this before?” She asked.

  “Do what?” Jake asked.

  “You know what I’m talking about. I could smell the sex in the air, I’m not dumb.”

  “No ma’am that was the first time.” He looked at the table.

  “Lisa was this your first time having sex ever?” She turned and asked me.

  “Yes mom. I told you I’ve never had sex before. Please don’t make me go live with grandma. I really like Jake a lot, and I don’t want to be away from him.” My words tumbled out of my mouth.

  “Why in the world would I send you to your grandma’s?” She asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Honey, I’m not upset, I’m just shocked. Honestly, when Jake first got here I could feel the sexual tension between the two of you. I thought it meant you most likely had slept with one another before. But I wasn’t sure, and then when he left instead of staying, I was really confused. I came home, and found you two together. I thought you were trying to hide your relationship from me, and you know I hate lying.” She stopped and took a big swallow of her tea.

  “So you aren’t upset about it?” I asked.

  “No why would I be upset. Jake is a good boy, and we brought him up right. I just don’t want you hiding things from me. Tell me did you use a condom?” She asked and looked at him.

  “Yes ma’am.” He answered. But his face was still showing the truth behind his shock. “So it’s true what Lisa said about you and your stepbrother?” He finally whispered.

  My mom laughed loudly. “So I wasn’t imagining that night I let out those secrets!” She shook her head. “Yes it is true. We’ve been meeting up for quite some time now.”

  “Wow.” He shook his head as he let it sink in more.

  “There is no reason not to enjoy someone that you know is safe to have sex with. What I mean is that you already care about Lisa and she cares about you. Just like I care about my stepbrother and he cares about me. We would never break each other’s hearts, and I’m pretty sure you and Lisa would be the same way.”

  “No ma’am I would never hurt Lisa.” He admitted.

  I smiled at him sure that I was not only attracted to Jake, but even in love with him. I had to wonder if there was a world where we could be a couple.

  “I would never hurt him either.” I stated too.

  “My only suggestion to you two is to keep using protection. Unless you don’t care about the consequences. Than by all means don’t use a condom. I personally hate those things. You know if you get on the pill Lisa it would mean he wouldn’t have to use one.” My mom suggested.

  “Yeah let’s get you on the pill. How quickly can we get that for her?” Jake asked.

  “Well we could get her a prescription today.” My mom laughed. “Do you think you all could wait to have sex until this afternoon?”

  We both looked at each other and shook our heads yes. “If it means I can have sex without a condom later, I’m game.” I said.

  He smiled at me and said, “Well I could always please you in other ways until then!”

  My face turned red as I thought of his tongue again. I can’t wait until later on when I have those pills!


  Chapter 1

  Smoke was billowed from the cracks in the hood as I pulled the old Chevy Corsica into a dirt parking lot. It was the only establishment I could find on this lonely stretch of highway. I hadn’t seen anything for miles and thanks to the flat desert stretching out before me, I couldn’t see anything else on the immediate horizon. This was my only option.

  I had questioned whether my beat up old car could make the trip to Las Vegas, even tried using it as an excuse not to join my two best friends for a wild weekend of partying, but they convinced me in the end. They always convinced me to do crazy shit.

  I shut the car off as I parked a bit crooked, too preoccupied staring at the dingy bar as I tried to figure out if it was open or closed - there was an annoying lack of signage. It was nearly 2am, the chances of catching anyone here was slim. I checked my cell phone and wasn’t the least bit surprised that I didn’t have service. This place was in the middle of absolutely nowhere!

  Well, there was no point sitting here wondering, I decided, climbing out of the steaming, hissing little car. The hinge creaked as I forced the worn out door open. Maybe they had a land line I could use to call a tow truck or something.

  On my march to the building, I chastised myself for not being patient and waiting to head out until morning. I almost had, but I was so excited to get away for a while, that I had left right after work. I hadn’t even swung
home to get everything I wanted. I’d brought my single travel bag with me and just left it in the trunk so I could get on the road a bit sooner. It was only a few hours to Vegas, my shift had ended at midnight and I knew for sure that Shannon and Gina would be partying until the wee hours of the morning anyway! So it really had seemed like a great idea.

  When I reach the door, I can finally see the sign, which reads “Steele’s Bar” in plain letters. There’s no business hour posted, but that doesn’t surprise me in the least. I reach out to grip the knob and much to my relief the door isn’t locked. I let out a breath that I didn’t realize I’d been holding and step carefully inside.

  The lights are dim, but it’s brighter than it was outside and I have to take a moment to let my eyes adjust a little before I continue through the entryway into the barroom. “Hello?” I call, my voice floating through the quiet establishment.

  “We’re closed!” Comes a gruff response, just as I catch sight of three bulky figures seated around the bar.

  “Yes, I’m sorry, I’m not here for a drink,” I start to explain, coming further into the room. The three men, bikers judging by the tattoos and leather cuts, all turn to look at me. I’ve never seen three hotter men all in one spot before in my life and the sight of their rugged, gorgeous bodies makes my mouth go dry. Maybe a drink wouldn’t be such a bad idea, I think, trying to collect myself.

  “M-my name is Kristi,” I press on, fighting not to stare, “and my car broke down. Is there maybe a phone I could use? I couldn’t get any cell reception outside…”

  My eyes betray me, roaming over each one in turn. The first is broad shouldered, with bare, muscular arms like tree trunks. He adjusts his position, causing his biceps to ripple beneath chocolate skin and I immediately feel a wave of heat rush through my core. The man standing beside him is just as alluring, though not nearly as thickly built. He’s tall and lean and I imagine every bit as ripped beneath his tight, black shirt. The third makes me blush, his green, smoldering eyes roaming down my body and I’m sure he’s undressing me with that hot gaze.

  I can smell them all the way from here. The scent of spice, leather and smoke hangs like a thick fog in the air between us. It’s such a tantalizing aroma, I can’t help but want to press my face against their skin and breath in that heavy musk like it’s a drug.

  They exchange a glance and for a second I’m afraid they won’t help me. “If there’s no phone, I can pay for a ride to Vegas, I’m meeting friends there. Not that I expect a handout or anything!”

  The second man starts to nod, stepping closer to me. The way he moves has me spell bound, so smooth, but with an obvious power burning beneath every action he makes. “Good, ‘cause we’re not a charity,” his voice is like molten chocolate, hot and slick, it takes me a minute to work out what he’s saying. “If you want a ride, we can give you one, a damn good ride…”

  I feel my cheeks heat up and a rush of wetness gush between my legs. “Oh,” I struggle to find words, “well, thanks, thanks very much. I can give you some gas money and—”

  “No, babe, keep your cash,” the dark-skinned man says, his voice a growling purr. “We’ll give you a ride, if you give us a ride.” There’s no mistaking the innuendo this time, not with the way his deep, dark eyes fall down my body.

  Another warm gush, this time soaking through my red lace panties. Were they propositioning me for sex? Or was I daydreaming? I was no prude, I’d fucked men before, but there were three of them and one of me, I couldn’t even begin to imagine how that was going to work. I opened my mouth to tell them fuck no, but then I heard Shannon’s voice in my head, telling me to live a little. That’s what she always said to get me to give into their wild schemes and it worked every time.

  No, that’s not fair, I think, they’re not even here, they’re not allowed to influence my decisions! Especially not over something like this. But, oh man, just looking at those three stunning bikers has me squirming on the spot. I can’t help but wonder what their cocks must be like. Three glorious, hard dicks, all wanting me… I’d be crazy to say no to this, out of my flipping gourd!

  “Well, pretty thing,” the third says, his green eyes still boring into me, peering into my deepest, darkest, dirtiest thoughts. “We got a deal or what?”

  “I don’t even know your names,” I stall, my head and pussy warring with one another.

  They smirk and grin, exchanging another glance. Green Eyes speaks again, “I’m Max, that’s Seth,” he indicates the taller man standing closest to me with a tilt of his head, “and that’s Roman.”

  “Now, stop stalling, babe,” Roman rumbles, folding his massive arms across his broad chest. “Deal or no deal?”

  Chapter 2

  Licking my lips, I feel my ability to reason with myself rapidly evaporating. “Yeah,” I blurt after a second, nervous and excited and confused all at the same time. “Yeah, deal. Whatever you want, I just need a ride or something.”

  Satisfied with my verbal agreement, they don’t waste anymore time. Seth and Max approach me first, the latter stepping around behind me. I jump a little as he put his hands on my hips, guiding my ass back so that he can rub his stiffening cock against it. Seth takes a different approach, running his strong fingers through my hair and tilting my head back so that he can deliver a crushing kiss. He bites and sucks on my lips, making them red and swollen, his hot tongue plunging forcefully into the cavern of my mouth. I feel a hand roughly grab my tit, seeking my erect nipple and pinching, twisting, tugging. Roman was standing at my side, taking the opportunity to grope me while his friends were grinding me between them.

  I feel overwhelmed by all of the attention and start to pull away, but Max whispers hotly in my ear, “easy, baby girl, easy, we’ll take good care of you…”

  A large hand punctuates his words, sliding beneath my thin top to tease my smooth belly. The fingers coyly sneak beneath the waistband of my short skirt, hinting at what’s to come. This, coupled with Max’s reassurance, makes me relax again and I succumb once again to the three of them.

  Seth reaches up beneath my skirt, rubbing a finger along the outline of my moist lips through the soaked fabric of my panties. I let out a sigh, squirming as he teases my wanton pussy. His other hand, the one that had been rubbing my stomach, slips around to my back, his fingers trailing up to the clasp of my bra. I feel the lacy garment tighten against my breasts as he fiddles with it. Then it goes slack, marking his success. Roman pulls the shirt over my head, allowing Seth to draw my bra away. He discards it carelessly on the floor, but I don’t care.

  I lose track of Roman as I’m consumed by Max and Seth. Behind me, Max begins undoing my skirt, while Seth slides a finger beneath my lace panties and flicks the tip over my swollen clit. They coordinate again, Seth’s hand leaving my aching wetness as Max tugs the tight skirt down my hips. Next my panties follow, as a hand grazes my warm ass cheek, giving me goosebumps. I step out of the little pile of fabric and kick it aside, leaving my black high heels on.

  The sound of a zipper calls my attention, drawing my gaze to where Roman is standing. He pulls his massive cock out of his pants and begins to stroke it, his dark eyes fixed on my firm, naked body. The thought of him trying to stick his giant meat into me sent a shiver down my spine, a shiver of fear and desire. He grins as though he can read my thoughts. My pussy gushes again, leaking hot droplets down my inner thighs.

  A finger sliding between my soaked folds surprises me, jerking my gaze back to Seth, who is once again playing with my sensitive clit. I can feel Max’s hot breath on my neck and shoulder, his mouth and tongue caressing my skin. I whimper as he roughly nips the moist skin, but the little scrape of pain only heightens my pleasure. His hands glide to my breasts, fingers rolling and pulling at my nipples, while his cock, free of the confines of his cargo pants, presses along the crack of my ass. From the corner of my eye I can see Roman just standing there, like a hungry predator, preparing to pounce, his large hand roaming the length of that mighty shaft…
  I lean my head back and moan, letting myself get lost in the whirlwind of sensations and possibilities. So many things were happening to my body at once and then there were all the things that might happen, churning around in my hazy, sex clouded head. I’d never had one man want me this badly, but now there were three of them. Three rock hard cocks aching to use me. Oh, how that thought makes me quiver!

  Seth’s fingers plunge into me, wiggling and stroking my soft walls. I can’t help but release another throaty moan, feeling my skin flush as the heat of an orgasm starts to bubble in the depths of my belly.

  “Go on then,” Max whispers in my ear, biting the tender cartilage until I yelp, “cum for us.”

  Flexing my hips as Seth pumps his fingers in and out of my dripping tunnel, it doesn’t take long at all for me to obey. My mind goes blank and all I can do is ride Seth’s hand, oozing juices down his wrist.

  I’m still groaning, my pussy twitching with the final waves of my release, when Seth pulls away. He steps back, confusing me for a moment, until I feel Max bending me over. Immediately I know what he’s trying to do and adjust my stance so that my legs are spread a bit further apart. He grabs my hips, bending his knees a bit for better access. The head of his cock rubs up and down, from my clit all the way to my asshole. I jump as the wet tip slides over my pucker, but much to my relief it doesn’t stay there.

  Seth grabs a handful of my hair, guiding my mouth to his thick, hard dick. I stare at it for a moment, knowing full well what he wants, but I need a minute to admire that glorious shaft. I reach out and run my finger lightly along the underside, making him shiver and causing a drop of precum to seep onto the swollen head. Unable to restrain myself, I greedily lap the bead away with my tongue and then take as much of his cock into my mouth as I can. I wrap my hand around the base to steady it and start to noisily suck him off.

  Roman joins Seth in front of me, grabbing my free hand and placing it on his throbbing wood. I don’t hesitate, I pump his meat, part of me hoping if I do it well enough, I won’t have to take the massive cock in my pussy. I’m not sure I could!


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