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Page 29

by Allysa Mkermo

  I felt insanely full. It was a very simple feeling. I felt both free of any duties, leaned back to enjoy the pleasure, and at the same time I was busy focusing on the overwhelming sensation of the cocks that were being passionately drilled into me.

  The men grunted and started to come, one by one. I felt Tom’s thick, hot liquid on my tongue before anything else. Still in the process of swallowing, I heard Roman let out his final moan before he came as well, still deep inside of me, and Matt didn’t take long before he joined in, a creamy sensation building up in me before I felt the warmth overflowing both my pussy and my ass, the sperm running and dripping down my legs.

  I felt like I was bursting, exploding with the most intense and long orgasm I had ever experienced. My lower abdomen pulsated crazily and I kept trying to catch my breath as tiny moans were slipping out between my lips and Tom’s still pumping cock. Even though I forced myself to steady my breathing, I couldn’t.

  I felt myself emptied, as the men pulled out of me, before laying me on the ground so I could start to come back, my used pussy still on display. I was spent, and I needed to relax and enjoy my well-earned orgasmic bliss.

  I opened my eyes, fluttering my eyelashes, and took a deep breath in the steamy room, air pumped with sex.

  The night had turned out to be even better than I ever expected.

  Chapter 3

  On our way back home, Jack and I sat in the back seat, bodies pressed together, as one of his hands played with my hair in soothing motions. He was leaving soft trails of kisses all over my cheek, which was probably still a distinctive shade of crimson, my post orgasmic state leaving me both relaxed and exhausted at the same time.

  My body still felt hot when we got home and went to bed.

  “That turned out just fine, didn’t it, baby?” I heard Jack mumble in my ear just as I was drifting off to sleep.

  “Mhm,” I hummed sleepily. “Just wonderful. Splendid.”

  He chuckled lightly and brought his body closer to mine, holding me tight against him.

  “I will be playing poker again, you know,” he told me, and had I been able to see he face, I’m sure I would have seen that characteristic smirk of his complemented by a playful wink.

  “You better,” I responded.

  I began to drift off to sleep before another thought hit me.

  “Make sure to put me up again, yeah, baby?”

  When he nuzzled in my neck I knew this night will get the reprise it very much deserves.


  Chapter 1

  The day after I turned eighteen, I had a doctor’s appointment scheduled for a work physical. I was starting my very first after-school job at a small advertising business answering phones in the afternoon and completing small assignments for them in order to gain experience. I guess they needed proof from a doctor that I wasn’t the typical drugged-out teen—but they didn’t know my mother, who rarely ever let me out of her sight. I was eighteen, attending a very prestigious all girls’ school, and not allowed to date. Not even a group date. Nada. My mother even monitored my home computer so that she always knew what websites I was visiting. She swore men were the devil and the internet would only tempt me into sex and get in the way of my academic focus. That’s the only reason she was allowing this after-school job. It would look good on my college application. I was eighteen and never-been-kissed, and I thrilled at the thought of getting away from my mother at my new job, at least for a few hours.

  When she pulled up to the doctor’s office, I was surprised that she didn’t park, but pulled up to the front entrance to let me out.

  “You’re not coming?” I asked.

  “I’m sorry, I can’t. I have too much work to do for this big presentation at work tomorrow.” She tugged some strands of my long coppery hair behind my ears, the same color as hers. “I need to run a few errands so I can work on it when I get home. It’s going to be a late night. And you’re a big girl. I think you can handle yourself.”

  My heart leapt at the small bit of freedom. My mother always came into the doctor’s office with me. She even went into the exam room so that I didn’t get a bit of privacy. I’d never been able to ask my doctor any private questions I may have had with my mother right there listening. During my teen years as my body developed, whenever they asked her to step out for privacy, she’d refuse and say that I preferred it that way so that I would feel “safe.” You never know what might happen in a doctor’s office, she’d warn me.

  She was convinced I’d be molested the second she left the room. It drove me crazy. A girl had questions she’d prefer not to ask in front of her mother, but I’d simply nod my head and let my mother stay. It was too much trouble to argue with her. Last year at my annual check-up, my mother watched me undress and balked at the fact that I’d shaved off all the dark curly hairs on and around my vagina. I hated how it got in the way during my period, and it showed beneath my bathing suit whenever we had to do laps in the pool during gym class. She wasn’t happy about it, but what I did for personal grooming was one of the few things she couldn’t control.

  She gave me my insurance card and the forms I needed to have filled out for work. I jumped out of the car, feeling very grown up.

  At the front desk, the clerk checked my info and informed me I’d have a new doctor today. “Holly, you won’t see the pediatrician today. She doesn’t do drug testing physicals or STD scans. The doctor you’ll be seeing today is Dr. Bradley.” She gave me a comforting smile. “He’s just moved to our office from one of the top clinics in Seattle. You’re in very good hands.”

  I nodded and went to take my seat in the waiting room. Anyone who was from outside of my small Ohio town was impressive to me. One day I hoped to get out, and I admired anyone who’d managed to do so. I was very nervous to see a new doctor though, a new male doctor at that. But then I grinned, thinking of the fit my mother would have if she found out. As much as my heart fluttered at the thought of a male doctor seeing me in nothing but a gown, it also felt like an act of rebellion somehow, and I loved that.

  Shortly after, I was ushered back to the exam rooms. An older nurse with a kind face and plump figure took my weight and height. She nodded and said I was perfectly proportionate. I had worried about it, because I gained weight recently, but it seemed to have all gone to my breasts, butt, and hips. My stomach was flat, and legs were toned from my years playing soccer on the girls’ team at school.

  The nurse led me to the little white exam room. I took a seat in the chair, and the nurse handed me a clean, folded cloth gown. “Strip down to just your panties and bra. The doctor will be right in,” she said. I turned my head, feeling my cheeks flame. I was getting more nervous by the second. I took a breath, telling myself to get a grip. If the thought of undressing gave me a panic attack, how would I handle the doctor actually examining me? Touching me? The thought left me flushed. Perhaps if I’d ever been allowed to accept one of the many dates several boys had asked me on in the past couple of years, I wouldn’t be as nervous around a male doctor.

  The nurse left and I did as she asked, peeling off my leggings and my long knit top to reveal pale blue cotton bikini underwear and a pastel yellow bra. The bra lifted my full b-cup breasts nicely, with a little yellow bow sewn into the center. I put on the ugly cloth gown and realized that it tied in the front like a robe. I tied it tight and sat on the crinkly paper on top of the exam table, crossing my bare legs and admiring my sparkly blue toenail polish.

  The loud knock nearly gave me a heart attack. The doctor knocked twice and then entered without waiting for a response. I nearly fell off the table when I got a look at him. He was the hottest doctor I’d ever seen. His wavy black hair had just a bit of silver creeping into his trim sideburns. He was a lot taller than me, and the firm planes of his muscled chest were displayed nicely beneath a red button-up shirt and black-and-gray striped tie. He was easily more than twice my age, but his beautiful amber eyes shined with a youthful gleam. Black slacks
completed his ensemble, and I couldn’t help but notice how they firmly hugged his backside. I quickly averted my gaze, embarrassed by my own thoughts.

  “Holly,” he said, looking at the file folder in his hands. “I see you’ve just had a birthday. Happy birthday, sweetheart.” He held out his hand. I felt like a sophisticated, independent woman as I took it. His grasp was firm, and it lingered on my hand as he looked deep into my wide gray eyes. “Looks like you’re eighteen. All grown up, my dear.”

  I nodded shyly. “My mother might disagree, but thank you.”

  “Is Mom here today? Is there anything you would want me to discuss with her?”

  I blinked, puzzled. “Why would you need to discuss anything with her?”

  “Well, some of my patients who are your age ask me to discuss various options of birth control with their parents. I take it as a sign that they aren’t mature enough to be sexually active when they have mommy do it for them. It’s a little test I like to give.” He smiled, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes.

  “Well, I came here by myself,” I said, as though it were ridiculous for him to think otherwise.

  “Sounds good,” he said, sitting on his stool with a casual, relaxed posture. He crossed his legs so that his ankle rested on his other knee. I gulped at the bulge in his crotch area. He paused and followed my line of sight. When his golden-brown eyes met mine again, his smile disappeared. I could swear a shadow passed over his gaze then. Something primitive and dangerous. “What can I do for you, Holly?” he asked, his voice low.

  “I…um…I need a physical for work.” I cleared my throat, my heart pounding at the sudden tension I felt. Perhaps he felt it too. It wasn’t a bad tension, but something exciting and new to me. “I have a form for you to fill out. I need proof that I’m not on drugs.”

  The doctor smiled. “I’ll sign your paper without a urine test, Holly. You don’t strike me as the type.” He gave a low, rumbling chuckle.

  “Wh-what? Is that legal? How would you know?” I demanded. “What if I am the type?” I had a bit of an attitude at that point, feeling suddenly bold. Did my naïve innocence show so obviously?

  “Are you?” he asked darkly, his eyes narrowing. I looked away, suddenly regretting my decision to be a little brat. He got up swiftly and closed the gap between us. Dr. Bradley took my chin in his hands, forcing me to meet his eyes. I gasped at the unexpected contact and the way it warmed my skin instantly. “Are you on drugs, Holly?” His eyes bored into mine, the ends of his smooth lips curved up in a sly smile. I bit my bottom lip.

  “No,” I breathed, my heart racing at his proximity. “I’ve never even smoked. I wouldn’t have the chance if I wanted to. My mother won’t even let me out of the house unless it’s for school. Or this new job,” I said, not quite sure why I was confiding in him.

  “Looking at you, I can see why she’s cautious.” His hand moved from my chin to my hair. He stroked his fingers through it, and I shivered at how good it felt. “You don’t want to take anything that isn’t good for—” he paused and raked his eyes slowly from my breasts to my painted toenails, “—that young, pure body of yours. If you go out and party and do drugs with friends, some rough boy would no doubt take advantage of a sweet girl like you.”

  I licked my lips at the thought. How wrong was it of me if I didn’t think being taken advantage of by some rough, hot guy sounded all that terrible? In fact, the thought of being taken and handled made a wetness form between my legs. I clamped my thighs together, ashamed at my body’s odd reaction.

  Chapter 2

  “Open your gown,” Dr. Bradley said. The tone wasn’t exactly mean, but he’d said it in such an authoritative way that I didn’t think to question or disobey. He was a doctor, after all, and his job was to examine me. With nervous, shaky hands I untied my robe. I left it closed, and the doctor opened it gently and took in my pale breasts, almost glowing like round orbs in the fluorescent light. His eyes traveled down my flat stomach and settled on the pale blue cotton panties. I gasped when his hands gripped my knees and spread my legs apart. I was mortified at the wet spot that showed through my underwear.

  “Didn’t mean to startle you,” the doctor said. He closed my legs and patted my lap nonchalantly. “Just giving you an overall visual check. Everything looks completely normal, Holly.”

  He took his stethoscope and brought it first to my back, asking me to breathe in deeply. Then he brought it around to my chest, his fingers gazing the tops of my breasts as he moved it around.

  “Your heart is beating rapidly,” he said.

  “Is it?” I gulped. I knew it was. The way his fingertips dipped inside my yellow bra as he checked for my heartbeat sent my adrenaline pumping.

  “Is there a reason you’re nervous today? Something on your mind you need to talk about?”

  I shook my head.

  “Are you sexually active? Do you need birth control? STD testing?”

  I shook my head again. “I’ve never had sex, Doctor. I’ve never even kissed a guy…I—” I cut myself off abruptly. I always said way too much when I was nervous. “I’m on the pill though. My mother got me on it when I had terrible cramps and horrible acne.”

  “And your skin looks lovely,” he complimented. “If not a little flushed. A lot flushed,” he said, grinning. “I want you to take this medicine for me, Holly.” He produced a small peach pill from a bottle in his pocket. I lifted my eyebrows at him. “Drugs are okay when they are prescribed by your doctor, of course.” He laughed. “This is a sedative to help you through the exam. I can’t get accurate readings when you are so nervous your heart is doing summersaults, can I?”

  “I am pretty nervous,” I admitted.

  “This will lower your heart rate to normal and calm you down a bit,” he said. “No nasty side-effects.”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “Sure.” Before I could take the pill, he placed it in my mouth, his fingertips lingering on my tongue. I swallowed the tiny pill dry, feeling excited by his finger in my mouth. His index finger brushed across my lip, and he pulled it down a bit. “Lovely girl,” he murmured. The wetness in my crotch increased. What was wrong with me?

  “I’m going to leave you for about twenty minutes. The pill is fast-acting, but it will take at least that long for you to feel the effects. In that time I will have your forms filled out and my signatures in place. Then all that will be left is the routine exam, which won’t take too long at all.”

  “Okay,” I said, taking a deep breath. I nodded and smiled, trying to force the butterflies to settle.

  He was at the door when he turned and told me in that same authoritative voice, “Remove your bra and panties for the last part of the exam, Holly.”

  His slick smile looked dangerous as I gasped. Then he was out the door, closing it quietly behind him.

  I checked my phone. Mom had sent a text telling me she’d be a bit later than she thought, and that I was to wait for her in the main waiting room. Always telling me what to do. What else would I do besides wait for her?

  I got up to remove my underclothes. I stood in front of the mirror that was at my shoulder height as I unhooked my bra. My breasts bounced slightly as I set them free. I placed my hands on myself, massaging absentmindedly while avoiding the nipples. Touching them always felt uncomfortable—they were so sensitive.

  I removed my underwear and folded them neatly. My private area was soft and smooth. I’d just shaved that morning in the shower and used a scented lotion on myself to avoid razor bumps. Sometimes lotioning myself down there felt just as strange as the sensation of my clothing rubbing against my sensitive nipples. I had never…touched myself for a long while. Never felt what the girls in my class sometimes talked about. Whenever I did try touching myself, just to see what it felt like, I began to feel warm and strange down there, almost like I might pee on myself. I didn’t understand it, and part of me was too embarrassed to keep going, so I’d always stop.

  I paced the room a bit, then sat down on the exam tab
le once again. I soon started feeling a bit sleepy. I started feeling so sleepy in fact, that I had to lie back on the table. I did feel extremely calm and…good. Nothing about the drowsiness made me panic. It felt so…nice. Not like my head was heavy and I yearned for sleep, but a smooth, cloudy drowsiness. Like floating. Everything felt peaceful. I was at one with this world and this exam room. I didn’t care one bit that I was naked and my gown was open. I absently ran my fingertips between my breasts and down, down to the smooth skin of my pubic bone.

  I felt a hand on me before I heard the doctor come in. He must have entered the room without a sound, because when I looked up, he was standing at the end of the table. The door was closed behind him, and he was smiling a gorgeous smile. He spread my legs wide open on the table, drinking me in. He could see everything from that angle.

  “You were touching yourself, Holly,” he murmured as he looked me up and down. His eyes lingered at my breasts. They were rising and falling slowly with my calm, even breathing. “Do you do that often?”

  I shook my head, grinning a bit. I knew this was a time to feel ashamed and embarrassed—a man was looking at me in the most intimate way, and my butt, breasts, and vagina were fully exposed to him. But he was my doctor. Everything was fine, I told myself. Just lovely. I grinned wider. “I don’t really touch myself. Not like that,” I said. “I don’t see the point.”

  “Well, you are in luck, Holly. That is what I am going to help you with today. I’m going to teach you your body’s natural healthy sexual response system. We have to make sure you are working the way that you should be. It will only take a few minutes, I believe. You are quite wet.”


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