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Page 44

by Allysa Mkermo

  “Incredibly sensitive,” Owen agreed, stroking himself as he watched my reaction. I made eye contact with him, knowing that my face was screwed up into a lewd grimace of intense pleasure that was almost painful. “Jesus.” He stepped over and pulled my mouth over his cock, thrusting gently into my mouth. Cameron and Ray continued to torment my breasts, and I whimpered into Owen’s cock, careful to keep my teeth back. I flicked my tongue against his head as it slid into my mouth and stared up at him. His hands found my cheeks, pressing against them to make a tighter fit as he fucked my face.

  It was too much. I pulled away from him and pushed away the hands on my tits.

  “Not so rough,” I panted, massaging my nipples with my palms.

  “Sorry, sorry,” Cameron apologized.

  “They’re just so fucking sexy,” Ray said, apology not quite reaching his tone as he continued to stare.

  “Valerie,” Owen said softly, holding his hands out. I let him pull me to my feet, and Cameron slid my panties down to the floor. “We’re going to have to fuck you now,” Owen continued in that same soft voice. I felt my breathing pick up all over again. “We’re going to fill up all of your holes, and make you beg for more,” he said, burying his face in my neck and dragging his teeth against my skin. A surprised gasp turned into a moan on its way out of my throat.

  Ray and Cameron both filled their hands with me. Cameron gripped at the meat of my thigh while stroking his other hand lightly across my ass. Ray ran a finger down my stomach to greet the wet heat of my pussy, leaking as it was finally touched. The finger swirled around my clit, and I had to wrap my arms around Owen to remain standing. I almost cried out as Ray teased my opening, still not going inside.

  “Would you like to be fucked now, Valerie?” Ray said, still teasing me with that finger.

  Chapter 3

  “God yes,” I moaned. “Please. Now.” I don’t have to see their faces to know that they’re smirking at each other, and at me. I didn’t care. I couldn’t. I had been so easily reduced to my basest needs.

  “Okay. But first we have to get you ready. Have you done anal before?” Ray said, pressing into me ever so slightly.

  “Yes,” I groaned, impatience building. I rubbed myself against the teasing finger, trying to maneuver it inside of me while still trying to savor the feeling of being teased. “Yes, I know how it works.” My hips bucked at the memory.

  “All right then,” Owen said. He gently peeled me off of him, and all the teasing hands pulled back. My breathing was all hot and erratic as I supported my own weight again.

  Owen took a seat next to Cameron, and they talked me through the next step. I was standing, leaning over to pleasure both Cameron and Owen as Ray addressed my needs. I gave a shuddering groan of relief as his tongue found my seeping cunt. He licked over my clit slowly, deliberately, pulling absolute ecstasy out of me. I turned that gratitude to the men before me, dipping down over Owen’s legs to tongue his balls while both my hands pumped away at both of their dicks. I felt Ray scoot forward to the edge of his seat to get better access to my holes. I tried to resist grinding against his face, but I couldn’t resist. I pressed back against him, moving my mouth to lick around the line of Owen’s dick head.

  I started to use the inside of my lips when Cameron gently pulled me away from Owen to focus on him instead. I complied, swirling my tongue around his shaft and pressing his cock all the way to the back of my throat. I pulled away as my gag reflex kicked in, and Ray took advantage of the moment. He stiffened his tongue and plunged it into me, and I couldn’t suppress a sharp cry. Cameron hurriedly pulled my mouth back over his member, shushing me playfully. Owen let one of his hands trail over my breasts, flicking one of my piercings. I bobbed over Cameron’s dick in time with Ray’s licks, until the tongue left me. I almost demanded to have it back, but Cameron’s hands held my head fast, forcing me to continue my pace.

  Ray seemed to be growing impatient behind me, and suddenly plunged a finger all the way inside my pussy. The surprise of it made me yelp, but I didn’t even get to enjoy it before it was gone again. Ray’s tongue reappeared, this time against my asshole. The naughty thrill of that sent a shiver through my entire body, heightened by the finger re-entering me and starting a slow rhythm of its own. I lightly dragged my teeth over Cameron’s shaft, savoring his satisfied groan. With that, I returned my attention to Owen, letting my hair brush over his legs before he wrapped all of it around one of his hands. His other hand went back to grope at my tits, focusing less on my piercings and more on the full roundness of them. Ray’s tongue circled and teased my ass, and a second finger entered my pussy. I sighed my pleasure, turning my head to rub Owen’s dick head into the soft skin of my cheek. He groaned at the pressure, pushing me away.

  “I’m too close,” he said. He brushed a trail of saliva from my chin, and I allowed myself to spread my legs further apart. The slight shift changed the angle enough to give Ray access to my g-spot, but he only teased it for a moment before sliding his fingers out of me.

  “Ready?” he asked, slick finger brushing against my asshole. I suddenly remembered that we were barely even started, that there was still so much more in store.

  “Yeah,” I said, my voice a quavering thing. I braced my hands against the seat, ready to accept his finger into my ass. The thought of that sent new fire southward, and I leaned back, taking his finger slowly, millimeters at a time. My breath came out as a hiss as my muscles adjusted. The feeling, both alien and familiar, was something to ground myself with. It distracted me from everything else: the rocking of the train, the heavy breaths tearing out of my mouth, the reeking smell of sex that had been growing since the wine.

  He couldn’t have had more than two knuckles inside before he started pumping into me, kneading my ass muscles into place to be fucked. Small mewls started punctuating each of his motions, and Cameron pulled my soiled mouth to his, letting me drown my sounds into his tongue. Ray stopped moving and told me through touch to spread my legs even further. I complied, still caught in Cameron’s kiss. Cameron released me and Ray started again, plunging deeper into me. Owen took a kiss of his own, and I moaned into him, lost to the pleasure of need and desire.

  “Okay girl. Come here,” Ray said after what felt like an eternity. In my lustful haze, I wanted to turn around, climb on top of him, and just ride him until neither of us could hold anything back, but his hands on my waist pulled me to him.

  Behind me, Ray guided me to sit on top of him, his cock sliding easily into my pussy. I rocked against him, grateful to finally have someone inside. I rolled my hips, and Ray let out a low chuckle.

  “Careful now. I just need you to get me good and wet, okay?” he said. I looked over to Cameron and Owen, who were both watching, captivated by my open display of lust. I understood, letting Ray slide out of me with such ease that we both groaned. I was so wet, the complete lack of friction was intoxicating. I shifted my weight to allow him to reposition, lowering myself to sit atop him, his dick pressing against my asshole with the slightest amount of pressure.

  “Here we go,” Ray murmured. His hands slid down to my thighs, and I nodded. I lowered myself further, taking him in slowly. He panted at the sensation, the tightness of it, and I tried by best to relax my muscles. It was almost painful—almost. I felt so full already, with him in my ass. I could hardly imagine anything else fitting inside of me. Ray’s arms wound themselves beneath me and hooked under my knees, pulling my legs open wide. He was grunting with every twinge of my muscles. I could feel every single one of them contract and try to fight his presence. I took big, gasping breaths, forcing my body to relax. Owen and Cameron both stood, coming over to touch my body in awe. Owen took the seat beside Ray, running a hand over my stomach and leaning over to take my nipple into his mouth. I couldn’t hold back the ecstatic cry that tore out of me. Cameron covered my mouth with one hand, and his other gripped his shaft. He dragged his dick head across my soaking pussy, and I rocked into it as best I could in my confine
d position. Cameron pulled his hand away, gesturing for Owen to stand. With one foot up on the seat and my head to the side, there was just enough leverage for Owen to get his dick into my mouth, which he did eagerly. As I licked him, panting around his shaft, Ray shifted beneath me, getting ready for Cameron to enter me.

  And God, when he did, I saw sparks. The feeling of Cameron’s dick sliding inside, stuffing me completely…it was so powerful.

  “Jesus, it’s so tight,” he murmured, a lusty growl in his voice that sent me completely over the edge. I came from the feeling of his cock sliding over Ray’s, separated by just a thin layer of skin inside of me. My entire body spasmed, and Ray moaned beneath me, unable to do anything but feel my muscles clench against him in waves of sensation. My body squeezed so hard that Cameron slipped out of me and I sprayed my come all over him. I couldn’t believe how long it lasted, glad to have Owen’s cock to gag me as I came down, squealing and moaning.

  “You ready to go again?” Cameron said, desperation clear in his face.

  “God yes,” I mumbled into Owen’s flesh.

  “Thank Christ,” Cameron sighed, sliding back into me all at once. Ray was still holding me up, and he manipulated my body, dragging my hips back and forth. He was close to coming, I could tell. His breathing in my ear picked up, and he was making small grunts, building up to a powerful climax.

  “Goddamn,” Cameron said, thrusting faster and faster into me. I was still leaking come around him, felt it squelching out of me as much as I could hear it.

  “Ahhhh,” Owen groaned. He had the only angle to really watch me getting fucked, and it was finally time. He grabbed a fistful of my hair to hold my head still as he came. I let my mouth fall open, tongue hanging out to catch the first drops of semen. The rest sprayed across my face.

  It must have been the sight of it that was the final straw, my face covered in come. With a mild, “Fucking hell,” Cameron pulled out of me, his hand quick to finish the job. He sprayed more come over my chest and stomach. With one final grunt, Ray came too, blowing his load up in my asshole. The sensation of that was completely unexpected, though I should have realized that I would be able to feel it.

  For a moment, we were all still, focusing on our breathing. Then Ray lowered my legs. The shifting of his still-hard cock in my ass had me squirming, suddenly keyed up again. I knew I didn’t have the energy for it, though. I felt completely spent, and definitely didn’t want to know what my face looked like. Splotchy, probably, and covered in come.

  “Ah, here,” Owen said, grabbing an undershirt from where it had fallen under one of the seats. After I had climbed off of Ray, he quickly wiped down my face and chest.

  “Thanks,” I said with a bashful smile. He handed the shirt to me, and I held it to my seeping asshole, not surprised to see Cameron wiping himself down with a shirt of his own. I had squirted all over him. I felt a laugh building up, and quickly swallowed it down.

  “Goddamn,” Ray said, finally having regained his ability to talk. “Valerie, Christ. You are some kind of incredible.”

  I tossed him the damp shirt so he could wipe himself off. “Likewise, gentlemen,” I said, finding my panties and pulling them on before I could get any more self-conscious.

  It didn’t take long to straighten ourselves up, and we sat back where we had been sitting not so long ago. It felt like ages, like time had stood still while we were sharing that encounter, but it was over now. The problem was that I didn’t know how to return to the easy conversation that we had shared before, and the silence that had started to grow felt far too uncomfortable.

  “You know,” I said, instantly getting the attention of all three men. “I think I really needed that.”

  “Well shit, I don’t know if I needed it then, but what am I supposed to do next time when I do need it?” Cameron said, and I couldn’t tell whether or not he was joking.

  “What the hell,” I mumbled, reaching for where my purse had been shoved at some point. I pulled out three of my business cards, handing them over. “We live in the same city. Just fucking call me.” They all laughed at that, reaching for their own business cards to hand to me.

  “And, listen, Valerie,” Owen said, trying to cover up a smile. “If you wanted to be something more than just a glorified secretary, you could come and work for one of us.”

  Cameron picked up the joke easily, adding, “Yeah. I mean, you’d be ‘just a secretary,’ but I think you’d enjoy yourself. The job comes with a great benefits package.”

  He gestured towards his penis, a huge grin on his face. I held a straight face for as long as I could, but I couldn’t help but laugh. And just like that, we resumed the easy sort of conversation we had shared before. There was still plenty of time left before we arrived in Boston, but the company couldn’t get too much better.


  Chapter 1

  I found myself incredibly nervous today as I got myself ready for my doctor's appointment. I had just graduated college, busting by ass to make sure that I got into a decent job to start tacking my student loans. In that time, I had landed a job at a local clinic, as the head receptionist that helped check patients in. But I knew the stigma; if I didn't have an absolutely flawless body, I would come across as a frumpy old hag that didn't care one fig about my patients. And my body had been far from perfect at graduation; late night snacking, and stress eating for four years will do that to you. So, after graduation, I did my best to work my ass off – literally – and it definitely showed. After months of dieting, exercise, and doing yoga stretches to ensure I was as pliable, fit, and flexible as possible, I had done it, I had achieved the perfect, perky youthful body that I had always wanted, and the one that would definitely give the best of impressions when I started my job.

  All I had to do now, before I started working there in a few weeks, was get a physical exam. It was a standard procedure, and I wasn’t worried about it; I had done the utmost to ensure that I was incredibly healthy now. I had even scheduled it plenty of time in advance so that I could still enjoy a few more weeks of my vacation before starting out at my new career. A few more weeks of perfecting my young, virile body even more than it already was. I was positively giddy with excitement.

  When I arrived at the doctor’s office, I was incredibly impressed with the reception area that I was going to be working at; it was a warm, red room with plush furniture and an awesome looking desk that I would get to work behind. As I sat and waited, my excitement for my new job grew as I looked around the place, finding more and more reasons that this was going to be a great start to my life outside of college. The current receptionist, who was on her way to another job, was everything I had hoped, and worked not to be; a stumpy, stuffy stick in the mud that was stuffing donuts into her face and being rude to the patients that were waiting. No wonder she was being replaced, I thought with a scoff.

  After a few moments more of waiting, I was handed a cup to take my drug test in, and shown where the bathroom was. Though I had taken care of that relatively quickly, I paused a moment when I looked into the mirror; it was a full length one, facing away from the toilet. Finished with my business and my hands thoroughly washed, I stood and turned to face it, inspecting my reflection with an appreciative hum. I slowly ran my fingertips over the generous, perky swell of my breasts before taking one in each hand and slowly squishing them together and enjoying the friction that it caused.

  Of all the weight I've lost, and how tight my body had become all around, my breasts and rear had remained lusciously full, but had grown much perkier. I pressed my thighs together as tightly as I could while standing to tamp down on the heat that began to sluggishly pulse at the junction of my thighs. I licked my lips as I thought of all the men that would soon be at my beck and call, and how easily I could have my way around the work place as a young, incredibly attractive desk receptionist. There were certainly benefits to being back in shape, I thought to myself with a grin.

  I was so absorbed with my
reflection, and with the way that I was working my breasts that it took me several long moments to realize that I had taken entirely too long getting back to the woman that I would soon replace. I darted outside with my test and handed it to her, ignoring her snarky comment about how long it took me. It's not like we were ever going to work together, after all. I sat back down and waited for my name to get called again so that I could be taken back for my exam.

  I didn't have to wait long, thankfully, and I was soon shown to a small private exam room that was just as nicely painted and designed as the waiting room, with soft blue walls and warm brown tile. I sat on the edge of the freshly-papered exam bed that the nurse that showed me in was kind enough to freshen up for me, waiting for my doctor to arrive so that the exam could begin. As I waited, I looked around the room a bit, appreciating the few paintings that were hung on the walls and enjoying that it felt more like a guest room with medical equipment rather than a cold, unfeeling exam room; the room was cozy, if sparsely decorated. As I looked around, I noticed that all of the medical supplies and tools were neatly stored in their proper places, though there were very few pieces of machinery that would be common in a doctor's office. A box of latex gloves lay on the counter next to the sink beside a toiletry cup of sorts, filled with pens, examination tools, and a throat and ear inspector. The one machine that was in the room, blood pressure, temperature, and eye exam machine, was plugged into the wall nearest the bed I was perched on, but otherwise, there was little else to note about the room.


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