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Page 57

by Allysa Mkermo

  Once naked, I could only wait for what I had now effectively made sure would come.

  It wasn’t long before I felt strong fingers lightly tracing the still very well-shaped curves of my body. A hand slid between my thighs and, to my surprise, turned me over on my belly, rather than my back. My face now against the brown cloth of the sofa, I saw nothing as I felt the weight of a man shift just above me, the warmth of his body radiating against my back.

  A hot breath caressed my neck, followed by a pair of soft lips. The same hand as before placed a finger firmly at the base of my neck and ran it slowly down my spine, towards what I assumed was its goal, bringing the heat that raged inside me downwards with it. As the finger stopped and the base of my butt, the heat did not, and as the body was lowered on top of me, some of the lines on it sharp enough to be felt even against my back, the fire that now raged in my lower abdomen forced out what felt like a surge of wetness.

  My impulse to turn around and see who it was turned almost irresistible as the man’s body slid down mine, pressing itself against my skin, an impossibly soft tongue following where the rougher finger had run before. As it reached the point where the finger had stopped, a pair of hands found their way underneath my hips and raised them, causing me to instinctively slide my knees under me to support my weight.

  In this position, my face still pressed against the sofa, my ass in the air, and no knowledge of who was sitting behind me, I felt, for the first time in as long as I can remember, fragile. The man behind me had put me in a most vulnerable position, and all control I might have had was now gone.

  At that point, the finger found home.

  It was not gentle, not as you might expect from a first touch, but as I was now, it was far from uncomfortable. The sudden sensation jerked my mind right back to where I was, and to reality. There was nobody else. By now this territory was already marked. I was safe, and judging by the feeling I was now experiencing, in very good hands. The finger, thick and coarse from the wear of constant practice, moved inside me as if it wanted to unlock me and touch my soul, but only for a moment, before it was pulled out of me, leaving in its wake what felt like a fusion between fire and water.

  The hands did however not stop there. I barely had time to register a pair of forearms, as hard as the erections I had just brought to their conclusion, sliding in between my legs, before I was flipped over on my back, my eyes falling on the dark curls above Mark’s face, which was already placed right in front of the temple he was about to worship. As his lips touched me, a shadow fell over my face, and Bill’s lips were pressed against mine. We kissed for several moments before he, almost reluctantly, parted our lips and moved away, a hand tenderly brushing a lock from my face. He almost looked in love. I guess a blowjob can do that to you, from the right woman.

  He moved behind Mark, and more than that I did not see, as a sudden pleasure made me curve backwards slightly, my gaze landing on the roof, which stared back with indifference. I closed my eyes. Mark’s tongue had found the spot, but now that he’d found it, he let it be. His lips went back to embracing mine in one-sided kisses, his tongue putting them together and separating them in what seemed like an endless indecision as to whether to open me up or not, and it felt lovely. His lips caught mine and sucked ever so gently, while massaging them with his tongue, producing little suction-noises that underlined what he was doing.

  It aroused me so much I wanted to take his head and press it against me, but knowing that would not serve me, I grabbed the edges of the sofa, instead, and squeezed them until my knuckles turned white. As Mark kissed, sucked and licked, I began to shake. Sometimes his tongue felt almost coarse, the whole of it dragging slowly across my now so sensitive skin, at other times the hard tip of his tongue lapped me quickly, and then more slowly, in complex patterns that seemed to carry a meaning I did not have the presence to determine. But sometimes, his tongue felt as impossibly soft as it had when it ran down my back. I could not, and would not focus upon what he was doing, specifically, but there was no mistaking when the tip of his tongue found the edges of my entrance, and began to slowly circle it, barely touching.

  The tip moved around and across my quivering opening, before he pushed it inside of me, turning his head so that his entire tongue fit into me perfectly. He pressed his mouth directly against me, and with a sudden coldness, he sucked part of me inside his mouth, quickly warming it again, his tongue still inside me, massaging.

  It was pleasurable, what he was doing, and erotic, but it was not until he put his arms around my thighs, keeping my legs and my hips pinned down, and began to circle my C-spot, that I truly began my climb to ecstasy. At first he would not touch me directly. Then he did, but very lightly, slowly, and only as a stop on his way between points above and below it. Eventually, however, the tip of his tongue stopped. Not for long. As it moved in small, small motions, ever quicker, the reason behind why he was pinning down my legs became apparent. He’d obviously done this before. As my body struggled to move away from the intensity he was putting me through, he only increased his speed and pressure, and my body thanked him for it with another surge.

  I caught my breath as he stopped for a second to suck up and swallow that which I had just produced, and lost it again as he immediately resumed his almost mechanical, but very passionate stimulation of me.

  As I climbed, his grip tightened, and as a smacking noise came to my ears through the sound of blood rushing, I realised it was not only to hold me still. He began to moan into me, creating vibrations that only heightened my pleasure, and as a sensation powerful in a way I had never before experienced began to build up, along a burning line between my head and my vagina, I opened my eyes. As the orgasm rippled through me in violent tremors, lifting me up and holding me down at the same time, my brain registered as if through a haze, how Bill was now slamming into Mark’s ass with the enthusiasm of a teenager.

  Somewhere in my the mists of my pleasure, Mark had stopped, and lifted himself up, for before I knew what was happening, the hands that had before pinned my legs down, now nailed my arms to the sofa, and an erection the like of which I had never before felt was put inside me, deeper than I had ever thought possible, noticeably expanding me, and making me feel more connected with him than I ever had with anything else.

  The dark-haired man wasted no time as he began to rub himself off inside me, the haze that had previously overtaken me now being replaced by something akin to a burning light, as all my senses were enhanced, with breathtaking effect.

  Suddenly, it was as if I could see it all, without opening my eyes. Myself, laid neatly on my back, Mark’s entire length lowered on top of me, his weight carried equally by the strength of his arms and my naked body, as he moved back and forth, his body rubbing smoothly against mine, his hips finishing every forward motion with a thrust, every movement performed with perfect control. I could feel the pressure against my body increase as Mark settled completely on me, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me towards him as he thrust himself into me. Where before I had felt vulnerable, I now felt safer than I ever had, cradled softly in the muscular embrace of a man who knew how to fuck me, as well as if he’d known me all his life.

  I answered his embrace by wrapping first my arms, and then my legs around him, lifting my butt in an angle that made me take all of him into me. The difference was stunning.

  A pair of slim thighs straddled me, and with his knees on each side of my waist, and his firm ass set before my eyes, Bill’s cock obviously found its way into Mark’s mouth, for the moans and gasps that Mark had previously vocalized were suddenly muddled and replaced with gags and wet noises, the voice filling the room now being Bill’s, a voice which despite his slimmer body, was considerably darker and richer than Mark’s.

  As Mark’s pace increased, his arms pulling me harder, and his hips pushing deeper, I could feel what was to come. Suddenly, my stomach contracted and it became difficult to breathe. Pleasure ran through me, starting in my groin and sho
oting out as lines of intensity, all throughout my body.

  My own voice now lifted in harmony with Bill’s, I came. Hard, and as the orgasm took full control of my pinned down body, erasing my mind, powerful tremors ran through me.

  Bill must have reached climax as well, for his movements slowed down, and as he pulled out of Mark with a final groan, and Mark pulled out of me, it became apparent that the orgasm had included everyone.

  As we lay together in the big sofa, Mark completely on top of me, and Bill resting his head on my chest, his legs on the floor, the fingers of my right hand were thoughtlessly tangled in his Bill’s hair, my left hand resting on Mark’s thicker neck. We just lay there, amidst a thick scent of fantastic sex, breathing heavily, all of us with smiles on our faces, and the worries of the world seemed to fade away, with no intention of ever coming back.

  Chapter 3

  “I never caught your name,” I heard as I was leaving, and I stopped to turn to the origin of the voice.

  “Nancy,” I replied simply, and smiled.

  The dark-haired man walked the small distance between us, and extended his arm. I shook his hand. “A true pleasure to meet you, Nancy,” he told me sincerely. “I’m Michael.”

  I raised my brows, amused. “And your friend is…?”

  A blond head came to peak from behind, the man’s lips smiling. “Ben.”

  “A pleasure indeed,” I confirmed. With a final nod I left, chuckling lightly to myself. Reality can get pretty close to the fantasy sometimes, can it not?



  I belong to a broken family, but it doesn’t mean that I am lonely. My family which is composed of only two members, me and my mom, were wealthy. My father left us behind when I was 8 year’s old. It was because I told mom what he had done that summer day, 9 years ago. He had come home with his blonde secretary and the two thought that no one else was home for the day. Little do they know that I had skipped school that day because I wasn’t feeling good.

  I saw them doing the thing that grown-ups always seemed to do. Only this time, it wasn’t mom that Daddy was doing it with. He laid down that blonde secretary of his on the kitchen counter and started to undress her, putting whipped cream all over her body. I felt weird while watching the scene but the feeling only wanted me to watch it more. Daddy had started to lick his secretary’s private part. I was so shocked. I wanted to enter the room and ask him if what he was doing was okay. I took out the phone that mom had given me for my birthday and took pictures of what they were doing. I was going to ask mom what they were doing.

  Mom had dropped the phone when I showed it to her that night after dinner, she started to cry and shout at Daddy. They fought always after that until Mom couldn’t handle it anymore so they decided to get a divorce which was very much a hassle for me as well. I hated my father for leaving us, for that secretary of his. I felt bad because I couldn’t make him stay. Mom was a lot younger than Daddy. Daddy had impregnated her when she was 16, so their marriage had to be a little forced before Mom’s tummy got too big for their wedding. It seemed like my father wasn’t very happy with us after that, because the woman he brought home wasn’t the only girl that I saw him with. Mom was always sad after that because he never thought that my father would do that. That Daddy wouldn’t choose our family.

  It had been a while this year since my Mom had started to smile again. Sometimes she would get a dozen of roses and lots of chocolate that I often wondered where those came from. A couple of months later, I understood that Mom was seeing someone.

  “You’re going to have a new Daddy next year Alexa”, Mom spoke out of the blue while she was brushing my hair.

  “I will?” I looked back at her, unable to believe what she just said.

  “Yep, so you better be nice okay?” Mom smiled at me, continuing to brush my hair. “But…What if he’ll be like Daddy? Leaving us after a while....” I looked down while uttering the words, I didn’t want to hurt Mom by being blunt, I was worried. Having Daddy leave us, not only caused damage for mom but for me too. “Don’t worry… This Daddy is different.” She gave me a pat on the head before giving me a kiss goodnight.

  “Hello Alexa, I’m Leo”, the man that Mom brought home smiled at me. I smiled back at him and greeted hello. Leo was about the same age as my Mom, although I suppose he was younger than her by a year. My mother was about 16 years older than me.

  “I suppose you’ve been taking such great care of your mother hm?” Leo spoke while he sat next to me. I was in the living room, playing video games while my Mom was busy planning things out with the wedding planner that she called over. They were getting married by the end of the year, it all seemed sudden for me, but my Mother’s happiness was one of the things that I considered important.

  “What makes you say that?” I answered Leo without bothering to look away from my game.

  “Well, you hung on this long without being torn apart.” He smiled at me. I got flustered but I kept my cool, not taking my eyes off the game. “You’re a good girl, your mother says so. I hope we could get along just fine.” Leo gave me a pat on the head while I was playing.

  I mumbled a silent ‘okay’ as he stood up to go back to helping with the plans on the wedding. I paused the game and looked at their direction behind me. Leo was good looking, kind and thoughtful. I could sense myself blushing while I adored him. He was indeed an admirable man. “Lucky…” I whispered to myself while looking at my mom. I turned my head towards the game and went back to playing.

  Leo started to live with us. Well, considering that our house was too big for only me and my mother, having Leo around made the house seem a little more lively ever since he moved in. “This is superb!” Mom exclaimed, I could hear the two of them, cooking together in the kitchen.

  “Nah… That’s too much”, Leo disagreed humbly while Mom tasted his cooking. “You think Alexa might like it?” Leo asked mom while stirring the soup he was making. I flinched, gazing upon them by the doorway, hearing them talk about me.

  “Definitely, it’s so great to have you around, I mean, I barely cook, myself”, Mom spoke shyly. “Oh you…We’re a family now…It’s only normal that the man takes care of the girls in the house”, Leo kissed my mother on the cheek.

  Mom turned down the stove and kissed Leo by the lips. I got flustered while looking at them as they shared a passionate kiss. I watched them make out, doing grown up things. I bit on my lower lip, and urged myself to look away but I couldn’t. I was apparently learning a lot of things just by watching them.

  “How’s the soup dear?” My mother asked me while we were having dinner.

  “It’s…good” I avoided making eye contact with the both of them. I was having an awkward feeling with myself, thinking about how I watched them earlier. “Leo made it especially for you.” Mom remarked as she gestured to the soup.

  “He did?” I looked towards Leo’s direction. I knew he did, but I was running out of things to say at the table that I decided to humour my mother and go along with what she was talking about.

  “I sure did,” Leo gave me the same warm smile he always did.

  “Thank you” I looked down and continued eating. I couldn’t handle Leo’s gaze. My heart was beating fast just from looking at him smile at me. I hurriedly finished eating and excused myself to my room. I lied on my bed and looked at the ceiling. I seemed to like Leo, having him as my new daddy was fun. Our little broken family wasn’t this fun until Leo came and patched us up together. I hugged a pillow, and muffled a squeal, remembering how Leo smiled at me while we three were having dinner.


  “I’ll be home by 9:00 pm, you guys take care okay?” Mom bid us bye while she headed for her car and drove off. I waved at the car until it slowly disappeared in the distance. “So, what are you up to kiddo?” Leo wrapped an arm around my shoulder as we headed back into the house.

  “I’m not a kid anymore” I pouted at him. “Well, you’re still a
baby to me” He laughed while ruffling my hair as we sat to the couch. “I’m 18” I defended myself.

  “What did you say baby? I couldn’t hear you over the adorable sounds you were making, you are just so cute” He chuckled.

  “Am not!” I hit him lightly. We put on a game and played together until dinner. It was around 9:30 pm, Mom was still not home which made me and Leo worry. Around 9:45 pm, Leo made a call to my mom. “You were what?” Leo seemed to talk in an annoyed tone. “Couldn’t you just have sent a text or something? I got worried sick!” Leo spoke in a loud voice which made me flinch. He noticed how I cringed and lowered his voice. “Fine, just be home by tomorrow… I’ll take care of Alexa” he hung up on Mom and eased himself on the couch, letting out a sigh of relief.

  “So? Where was she?” I sat next to him while he covered his eyes.

  “She was out with her work buddies, they went out drinking” Leo looked at me.

  “Oh, I see” I leaned on the couch as well. “I don’t understand.” I shook my head while looking at the ceiling.

  “You don’t understand what?” Leo looked at me, pinching my nose lightly. He seemed to have taken a liking in teasing me.

  “How, she’d be out drinking with her buddies. She never drinks out this late, and if she did, we have plenty of drinks in the fridge.” I took off Leo’s hand on my nose, speaking in a serious tone.

  “Aw… Give your Mom a little break. She deserves to be happy once in a while.” Leo played with my hair.

  “You know…it’s funny, you say that but earlier you were as angry as a bull who saw a red flag.” I looked at him.

  “Au contraire little one, but sometimes, it’s better to go along with it than risking something so precious.” He explained to me.


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