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Wolf's Captive

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by Selena Cross

  Wolf's Captive

  By Selena Cross

  © Copyright June 2013 JK Publishing, Inc.

  All cover art and logo © Copyright June 2013 by JK Publishing, Inc.

  All rights reserved.

  Edited by M. L. Hill

  Artwork by JK Publishing, Inc.

  Published by JK Publishing, Inc.

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  Table of Contents

  ~Chapter One

  ~Chapter Two

  ~Chapter Three

  ~Chapter Four

  ~Chapter Five

  ~Chapter Six

  ~Chapter Seven


  ~Books by Selena Cross

  ~Excerpt from Their Runaway Mate

  Chapter One

  Sidney finally let out a sigh of relief as she crossed the threshold of her rental cabin and dropped her bags. Two whole weeks all to herself. No work, no clients, no nosey neighbors, and most of all—no Brian. After finding him in a compromising position at their joint accounting firm with his assistant, she booked her vacation and took off without looking back.

  Truth was, she knew they weren’t working out long before that, but she couldn’t bring herself to end it. They had been together since college and had opened the accounting firm together a couple of years back. Even then, they never really moved in with each other and Brian had never proposed marriage. It was more a relationship of convenience for both of them. But as Sidney got older, she was realizing she wanted something more. Apparently so had Brian.

  Sidney left her bags at the door for a minute and crossed the one room cabin to flop on the cozy looking queen sized bed. For the second time since she’d arrived, Sidney let out a loud sigh and closed her eyes. She smiled as she took a deep breath, taking in all the natural smells of her surroundings. She loved being out in the middle of nowhere. She really wasn’t cut out for the city, but it was where the work was, so that’s where she had to go. But for two whole weeks, Sidney could put all the noise and nasty smells of the city behind her, and just immerse herself in nature.

  Sidney suddenly hopped up and clapped her hands together giggling excitedly. She was so happy right now. She felt so free for the first time in a long time. She couldn’t wait to start hiking. As a matter of fact, she decided there was no time like the present to start doing just that. She stood and walked over to pick up her luggage. She flung it on the bed and opened the largest bag that held her clothes, and dug out her hiking pants, shirt, and boots.

  Dressing as quickly as possible, she took off her slacks and dress shirt, and changed into her hiking clothes. She didn't bother to change her underwear or bra, they were practical and comfortable so she saw no need. Besides, she was miles from anywhere, so it wasn’t as if someone was going to see her mismatching undergarments. She slipped her boots on, pulled her hair into a ponytail, grabbed a bottle of water and took off.

  Sidney had been walking for what seemed to be a half an hour when she began to hear running water, like a stream. She picked up her pace to get to it faster in hopes of just sitting and resting while she took in the scenery. She started to push through a thick bush, which had been the only thing between her and the stream and stopped dead in her tracks. Not twenty feet in front of her stood the most beautiful man she had ever seen in her life, to top it off—he was naked.

  She gulped as she took him all in, from his strong beautiful feet, to thick muscular calves and thighs. She swallowed hard as she came to his long, thick cock that seemed to be getting bigger as it got hard under her heated gaze. She struggled to pull her eyes off the most beautiful cock she’d ever seen to take in the most lickable six-pack abs to bitable pecks, stopping at the most breathtaking face she had ever laid eyes on. Beautiful, full, kissable lips, square chiseled jaw, long strong nose, stunning blue eyes, and dark, silky-looking hair that hung down to his shoulders. He seemed to be looking straight at her, but as she met his eyes, she realized he hadn’t really noticed her at all. He appeared lost in thought.

  To the right of them, Sidney heard something crunching leaves. Mr. Sexy heard it too because he looked over to where the noise came at the same time she did. Standing on the other side of the stream was a large white wolf. Sidney swallowed a scream as terror ripped through her. She looked sharply toward the man again to see that he didn’t seem at all concerned with the white wolf’s appearance. Sidney looked back at the wolf to find a tall, leggy, blonde woman standing in the place of the wolf.

  Sidney took a minute to register the woman had been a wolf just a few seconds before and as she did, she watched the woman cross the stream and kneel in front of the man. Without even a word, the woman took the man’s cock into her mouth and began to suck on it. The man’s head dropped back and his eyes squeezed shut. Sidney found herself both aroused and disappointed. She wished she were in place of the wolf/woman, but considering the woman was much more beautiful than Sidney, she doubted it would ever happen. For one, the woman was tall and slender—where Sidney was just shy of five foot four and a size fourteen. The woman’s breasts were large but firm looking—where Sidney's were moderately sized. The woman had a tight well-muscled ass—where Sidney’s ass was probably her largest asset.

  Sidney gulped down air and licked her dry lips as she watched the man’s expression of ecstasy. She felt her panties grow damp as she whimpered with need. Sidney closed her eyes and was about to turn away from the very erotic scene in front of her when someone wrapped their very large arms around her, pulling her to their hard body, and placed their large hand over her mouth. Sidney tried to kick back to fight off her assailant, but, when her heel connected with the man’s shin, he just tightened his hold and growled menacingly in her ear. His free hand slid to wrap around her throat as he leaned down toward her ear.

  “Don’t move or I will snap your neck right here?” Sidney shivered but otherwise kept perfectly still.

  Tears stung her eyes as the man pushed her through the bushes toward the man and woman she had just been watching.

  “Alpha, look what I found.”


  Joshua had come here to get away from the Pack for a bit and think through his situation. As Alpha of his Pack, he was expected to pick a mate soon, but he didn’t find himself wanting to choose anyone in his Pack. He had already lain with a number of the females in his Pack, but he didn’t have a desire to have one that he would want to lay with for the rest of his life.

  He knew he would have to make a decision soon, but he was holding off as long as he could. He didn’t know what he was waiting for, but felt he needed to give whatever it was some time to make its self-known.

  He had just changed from wolf to man at the edge of the stream and was considering taking a small dip when a light scent floated toward him on the breeze. Flowe
ry with an undertone of vanilla, it made his mouth water. He turned toward the direction the scent came from but couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary. He was just about to walk toward the scent, when Alana broke through the brush on the other side of the stream.

  She changed in to her human form and stared down at his groin, licking her lips. He looked down at what she was looking at and realized that his cock had become painfully hard. It stood erect and seemed like a compass needle pointing directly at the area the scent came from. He turned to Alana and glared.

  'Leave me, Alana,' Josh said through their telepathy, 'I did not come here to be chased or bothered by you.'

  She ignored him and came across the stream to him.

  'Alana, I’m warning you. Leave now.'

  'But, Alpha, you seem to be very uncomfortable right now, and I would like to relieve you.' She swayed toward him then dropped to her knees.

  'I don’t need your help, Alana…' Before he was able to say anything else, Alana had wrapped her lips around his cock and begun to suck.

  Even though he really didn’t want Alana anywhere near his cock, he was uncomfortably aroused and just the suction of her mouth made everything he was thinking about saying slip away. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back while he took in a deep breath, inhaling the sweet scent that seemed to be getting stronger as it lingered through the air to him. He tried to picture whomever it was that could smell so good, considering he knew it definitely wasn’t Alana.

  Alana was beautiful in the traditional sense. Tall, slender, large breast, and long blonde hair, but Joshua could barely bring himself to be attracted to her. He had used her to take the edge off every once in a while but that was all. She really had nothing more to offer him. He liked his women to have a little more substance to them and he preferred a woman that had a few more curves than she did.

  He knew most of the pack males thought he was crazy for not wanting Alana as a mate, but she was shallow and conceited. She would not make a good she-Alpha to stand by his side and rule the Pack. He didn’t feel as if any of the females did.

  He tried to focus on the suction of her mouth and imagine it was someone else. Someone with soft curves to contrast his hard edges, long brown hair, soft silky skin….

  “Alpha, look what I found.”

  Josh growled at his Beta as he turned to look at him. Alana didn’t seem to notice the Beta’s presence and continued to suck his cock. Or perhaps she did, it was well-known throughout the pack that Russell, his Beta, had feelings for Alana. Alana was conniving enough to do things in front of Russ to make him jealous.

  When Josh looked at Russ, he noticed what he was referring to. Standing in front of Russ, with Russ’s hand wrapped tightly around her throat, was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. He looked at the woman from her toes to her face. She wasn’t beautiful by present human standards, only because she had a few more pounds than was socially acceptable, but those lush curves only called to Josh and made him want to take all the time in the world exploring them. Thick, but firm looking thighs encased in denim jeans, wide flaring hips. Moderately sized perky breasts, definitely a handful, which was fine for him. Josh didn’t like women that were really top heavy, like the woman who presently had her lips wrapped around his cock. The woman’s lips were full, dark pink, and at the moment, her bottom lip was being abused by her even white teeth. Josh wanted to pull the abused flesh from between her teeth and lick the pain away. Her eyes reminded him of green emeralds and they were surrounded by thick, long lashes. Her light brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail and his hands itched to pull it free and grasp it between his fingers.

  Their gazes collided and in her eyes, he could see she was very terrified about what was happening. But, underneath the fear he could see something else. Something that made his blood heat and his cock get harder—desire.

  Her eyes left his and looked down to the middle of his body. He looked down and remembered Alana was still attached to him, trying to suck him dry, like a damn leech. He grabbed the back of her head and pulled her back with force, “Enough, Alana. I said I didn’t want you here.”

  He looked back at the woman and saw the look of confusion on her face. She must have been there when Alana showed up. She wouldn’t have heard their telepathic communication so she wouldn’t have known that Josh told Alana he didn’t want her.

  He looked at his Beta’s hand wrapped around her throat and growled low in his throat. His fierce gaze met his Beta’s eyes, 'Take your hand off her throat.'

  'But, Alpha, she witnessed Alana change from her wolf form. She cannot be allowed to leave.'

  'And she won’t be. That's no reason to try to choke her. I will deal with her.'

  Grumbling, Russ reluctantly loosened his grip on her throat. As soon as his hand left her neck, her hand replaced it, rubbing it, obviously trying to rub away the pain. The flesh was red and would probably bruise soon. The thought of it made Josh want to rip in to his Beta. But, why? Sure she was beautiful, and everything he had fantasized about having, but that was no reason to feel so protective and possessive over her.

  “Who are you?” Josh commanded. He smelled her fear get stronger and immediately regretted his abrupt tone.

  “I-I um…I am renting the cabin about a mile back that way,” she stuttered. Her voice was like the sweetest song as it washed over him.

  “I didn’t ask where you came from. I asked who you are.”

  She swallowed and Josh tried to suppress a groan as he watched the motion of her throat. He would love to watch her swallow his cum while she was sucking his cock. She still didn’t answer him.

  “Answer him, bitch,” Russ said from behind her.

  Josh found himself rushing toward his Beta, ready to attack for his forceful and brutal behavior toward the woman. At the last minute, he stopped and refrained from progressing further. He tore his eyes from his Beta to look back at the woman to see she had blanched and looked as if she were ready to scream. He realized his advancement must have scared her.

  “My-my-my name is Sidney.” He could see her shaking intensely.

  “Sidney,” Josh tried to use his most calming tone. “You don’t need to be afraid. I am not going to harm you.”

  Josh heard a scoffing sound behind him where he had left Alana kneeling on the ground. He turned around and glared at her.

  'Watch your step, Alana. I will not tolerate your insubordination.'

  Alana immediately bowed her head in submission and cast her eyes to the ground. He turned back toward the woman and looked over her body again. When he got to her face again, he could see a slight blush come to her cheeks. Apparently his perusal had affected her. He inhaled deeply and scented the definite hint of her arousal. Lavender and vanilla assailed his senses, making him burn with need inside.

  Oh, yes, he was definitely going to keep this woman and take his time doing with her anything and everything he could think up.

  He walked up to her and tore her from Russ’s grip. Russ seemed reluctant to let her go, but relented after a second of looking into Josh’s eyes. Then he did the same that Alana had and bent his head casting his eyes to the ground.

  The little bit of skin on her arm that Josh touched felt like the finest silk. He couldn’t help but rub tiny circle patterns on her skin, while he looked at her up close. He wondered if her entire body felt this soft and couldn’t wait to find out.

  Looking into her eyes, he spoke in a low but commanding tone, “I will not harm you. However, you have seen too much to be let go. You will come with us.”


  Sidney was about to pee her pants. She wished she had decided to wait to go for her hike. At his words she tried to struggle out of his grasp, but his grip just became tighter and then she felt the other man pressing in from behind her.

  “Back,” the man holding her said, and the man behind her moved back. Then the man holding her looked back at her, “Do not struggle with me, Sidney. You will not get free and I
don’t want to end up breaking my word and hurting you.”

  Then he looked at the man behind her and to the woman still kneeling behind him. “Russ, Alana, go back to the village. I will escort our guest back myself.”

  The woman named Alana stood, “Alpha, why must we take her back at all? We should just kill her now and be done with it.”

  The man they called Alpha turned quickly, dragging Sidney with him. “Do not question me, Alana. You will not like the answer you get.”

  His tone was icy and when Sidney looked at the Alana woman, she was looking down at the ground again. “I am sorry, Alpha.”

  “You have been very disobedient today, Alana. Don’t think it will go unpunished.”

  Sidney wondered who in the hell this guy was and why these two seemed to cower at his presence.

  “On second thought, Russ, go to this woman’s cabin and retrieve her things. Make sure there is no trace that she was even there.”

  Sidney shook when he said this. She knew that she was going to die now. It was just a matter of time.

  “Alana, you will go back to the village and prepare my room for our arrival.”


  “What did I say Alana!?” the man yelled at her. “Go now or your punishment will be much worse than it is already going to be.”

  The woman bowed and shifted back in to the white wolf. Then without even looking back, she took off the way she came through the woods.


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