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Indecent Lies (Renegade Souls MC #7)

Page 26

by V. Theia

  “Always so wet for me,” he remarked low with a chuckle of pride even as Poppy started to come apart at the seams.

  She was ridiculously wet and always ready for him.

  She felt his hardness nudging her ass and she slid a leg over the back of his thigh, aching for his fullness stretching her wide.

  “Please, Tait.”

  “You like that, little girl? You like me playing with you?”

  Her yes came out as a hiss and no matter how much she bumped him with her bottom, he just wouldn’t put himself inside. Poppy groaned, biting the pillow underneath her, feeling his lips stroke over her neck while he took her over a second time.

  “Fuck,” he grunted, rolling that wet hand up over her stomach to palm her boob and when she turned her head, his lips lunged, eating her slowly with slices of his tongue.

  It felt different to their lovemaking last night which became all consuming.

  This was unhurried, desire building between them.

  She felt his tip nudge her and Poppy almost wept with joy.

  “Wish I could push in raw,” he said almost as if to himself and she jolted. “Never wanted that with anyone until now.”

  Not from shock that he was about to be inside her with no thin latex between them but because she wanted that too.

  “You can,” she whispered.

  He paused. “You taking the pill?”


  He swore again and ran kisses down her throat. “Sounds like you want my baby inside you, Poppy.”

  In the early morning light, she heard him reach over to the nightstand and then the rustling of paper before he was flush against her back again, her leg held high on his waist.

  She couldn’t think.

  Couldn’t speak.

  Because suddenly the thought of herself pregnant with Tait’s babies was breathtakingly achy in her chest.

  The moment he slammed home she cried out quietly and gripped her fingers around the hand he had on her throat.

  He glided slowly.

  “Is that what you’re telling me? You want my raw dick to lose all my come inside you?”

  “God, Tait.”

  “I want to see it dripping out of you,” another hard thrust, this one made them both groan together, “coating the inside of your thighs, ah fuck, baby, I can see it now. I’d paint you like a Picasso. Is that what you want?”

  “Yes,” she cried. It was the only answer.

  She’d get on the pill.

  She’d let him paint his pleasure all over her.

  Just the thought meant that Poppy was washed in pleasure. Hard shudders gripped his cock and pulled Tait along with her.

  His groan in her neck was perfect and before she knew it, she was breathing his name, grasping his hand while he trembled and drew harsh inhales.

  “I love you, Tait,” she had no control over her rogue tongue, “I love you and I’m so happy you didn’t die.”

  He chuckled and looked down at Poppy with his intense eyes before pressing a light kiss to her lips.

  “Me too, little girl.”

  He told her he’d be back before he rolled out of bed to deal with the condom and Poppy was left wondering if he meant he was glad he was alive or that he loved her too.


  “We won’t forget.” - Renegade Souls

  He thought he had another day at least before they turned up on his door.

  He’d just dealt with the cops for the third time, thankfully it was Charlie Timmons and not his deputy dawg who hated the MC’s and wanted them all to go down for every crime.

  That little dipshit would get on well with Malachai.

  With the stuff Charlie was uncovering on the bratva underboss, not just his sex ring, but his contacts in high up government who were now all lawyering up according to the news bulletins, Rider and Texas were home free on self-defense.

  Again, it was mostly thanks to Charlie Timmons, not sure if he cooked evidence or he just smothered the case under Grigori’s culpability, but Texas wasn’t facing jail.

  But then he opened the door to a wall of Renegade Souls boys.

  “A firing squad before I’ve had lunch.” He remarked dryly.

  Tag was the first to chuckle and push his way inside, the others followed.

  “Rider doing okay?”

  He didn’t think it was right that he stopped by his house.

  “Prez is already back at the church table. He told us what you did.” This from Preacher. He stepped forward and whacked/hugged Texas on the back with his massive paws. “Why the fuck didn’t you tell us what you were doing with the Russian?”

  More back slaps followed.

  Texas was lost for words for a second.

  “It was foolhardy at best, suicidal at worst. I didn’t think I could get anything on him at first. Besides, would you have believed me?”

  The silence was answer.

  “Rider said you jumped in front of a fucking bullet for him.” Arson remarked, as he rocked back on his thick soled boots. He had his usual chin length brown hair caught back in a ponytail the same color as his close-clipped beard.

  Texas noticed the guy looked terrible. Like he was on day three of a hangover with a slight shake to his hands.

  “I just happened to be going that way is all,” he claimed and made the guys laugh.

  More back slapping.

  “Fucking hell, Tex, you crazy fuck, you took on the bratva and won, man.”

  He didn’t know how far it would go for him to fix things with his boys, but by the time they all piled out of his place, with an invite to go to the bar that weekend when Rider was feeling up to it, Texas felt good as he closed the front door.

  He did what his body spurred him on to do and that was hunt down Poppy taking her long ass shower as she always did. He dropped his clothes, climbed in beside her and took the kiss he wanted, swallowing her gasp of pleasure into his throat.

  He caught her hand and brought it down to his raging cock, helping her to jack him off. Fuck, fuck, fuck. She was so good with his cock, the thing almost wept in anticipation.

  And he loved her mouth. He could fall into her mouth and be all about her plump lips for days, but she didn’t have long before she had to put clothes on, his Poppy was going out with Roux again, so he made use of the time he did have and devoured his woman until she was a clinging, shaking mess in his arms when he deposited her wet body on the bed after giving her the fuck he craved.

  That night when he picked her up and she climbed into bed, she did it by sliding on top of him with a giggle, ready to tell him about her night, at the same time her octopus hands wandered all over him.

  Texas was not complaining at all.

  Two days later was a whole other story.

  Texas didn’t fully comprehend how neurotic he’d become now that he was in love.

  Yeah, he realized he was in love with that bratty girl who didn’t listen to a word he said most days and just did whatever the fuck she wanted and guess what? He fucking loved it.

  That meant it must be love.

  The danger of Grigori might be over, but it didn’t stop him from worrying about her.

  He was pacing when she came through the door because she was two hours later than she said she’d be, after asking to take his truck so she could do some shopping.

  She was frozen with her teeth chattering like maracas.

  Because he was Texas, he hadn’t sat around waiting for her to come home just because her phone was off. He’d rode around town looking for his girl, sure he’d see her with Roux at least. He even considered calling Axel’s MC to ask for his daughter’s number, but he reckoned that wouldn’t go over well.

  “Christ, where’ve you been, Poppy? Look at you, you’re soaked through.”

  Teeth were shuddering a mile a minute; it was then he noticed she wasn’t wearing her thick coat because she had it bundled in her arms.

  “Help me, Tait. Quickly.”

  That got him mov
ing, assuming she was hurt, he was about to kill someone. But it wasn’t Poppy. She unfolded the coat and inside was an equally cold baby goat, one of those miniature ones.

  What in the world?

  “Where did you get a goat?”

  It was Poppy, he shouldn’t be surprised.

  At least his neurotic worry dissipated now he could lay his eyes on his woman, though her being frozen was giving him an ulcer and he wanted to pour her into a hot bath asap.

  “Some cruel idiot left him on the road. On the road, Tait. Oh, my God. If I didn’t hear his little cries I don’t know what would have happened, but they’re so cold.”

  She was almost crying.

  Of course he moved forward to take the animal from her, she needed something and Texas’ senses were now hardwired to provide for her.

  His hearing kicked in and with a goat in his arms he asked, “they?” Don’t say she had more goats outside…

  She unzipped her pink hoodie and an all-white head popped out. So tiny, he thought it was fluff at first, but it was a kitten. Its eyes were still closed, so it was no more than days old, he reckoned.

  “What do we do? I don’t know how long they were in that box for, Tait. I can’t even think about what would have happened had a car hit them.”

  Seeing her distressed ripped at him and got Texas moving quickly.

  The white and brown goat was small and hardly moving but had steady breathing. Probably just stunned from the cold and hungry.

  “Baby, go and get changed into dry clothes for fucks sake, I can hear you shivering.”

  “I want to make sure they’re okay.” She was cradling the cat to her chest, stroking its tiny head, doing all the shushing and cooing, letting the cat know Texas would take care of them.

  He was glad that one of them had faith in him.

  “I can’t concentrate on them if I’m worried about you having pneumonia. Please go and get changed before I carry you there myself. Alexa, turn the heating up 5 degrees.”

  Her eyes softened and she smiled at him. The one that always got his belly in hot fists.

  “Okay. I’ll be right back.” She told the kitten and placed him on the couch.

  It lay on her hoodie, before she tucked the material around it.

  Then she quickly kissed Texas on his cheek and his heart rolled over too.

  “Thank you for not immediately telling me to take them out.”

  She knew by now he was under her princess thumb and would do anything for her happiness.

  He took her up the mountain so she could ski. They rode around town on his bike because she loved squealing in his ear. He walked around the grocery store while she pushed a cart because it was a new experience. He sat under a blanket on the couch while she ate from a plate of antipasto and made him watch shitty movies.

  Of course he loved her, madly as it turned out.

  Out of nowhere, there was a rattling noise in his heart.

  Of course he’d do anything for her, make her happy, even hold a baby fucking goat.

  He had no clue what to do other than check it was dry and had a heartbeat, it appeared lively enough after a few minutes, but he grabbed his phone and called a number he hadn’t in forever.

  Lawless answered with his usual rusty voice.

  “This is a surprise. How’s the hero of the hour?”

  “How do I take care of a baby goat and a few weeks old kitten?”

  “Sounds like the start of a bad Shakespeare play.”

  Texas laughed some of his shoulder tension away.

  He told Lawless what he knew and in turn, the man who knew everything gave him instructions on caring for a kitten, but first told him to get them to a vet for a check over. Didn’t even question why Texas’ woman had the animals.

  Biker old ladies, as he knew, were always revered, even if they did crazy shit.

  So that’s what he and his girl did and three hours later, both animals had the all clear, they had enough stuff to take care of them on the back seat to last them a few days.

  He expected them to be kept in the clinic, but there he was, carrying a five pound pygmy goat against his chest up the flights of stairs with Poppy cooing to the kitten.

  “They’re so cute, aren’t they? And so good, this little one hardly mewled at all. I’m so happy they’re not sick.” Poppy trailed behind him.

  “You realize we live in a top floor apartment, Pops.”

  “I know. But they have plenty of space.”

  His apartment was big. But not big enough for goats and cats.

  He could tell from the look on her face that she’d already claimed them as hers.

  He had bupkis chance of getting out of this.

  “They’ll shit everywhere.”

  “We have a litter tray for this tiny baby,” she kissed the white cat’s head and snuggled it close until Texas felt a pinch of jealousy. “And I can take the goat out for walks, we bought a leash, Tait.”

  He snorted a laugh. “That’s not going to look weird at all.”

  “So.” She bristled, offended, looking gorgeous and fuckable. “He’s so cute, Tait. Can we keep them? I promise they’ll be good.”

  He had no chance.

  “I can’t be a biker with a fucking goat,” he tried.

  He heard the pleading and longing in her voice and the glassy eyes and he was done.

  He sighed and moved further into the living room, he set the goat down and it immediately started prancing or whatever the fuck goats did.

  By the end of the night, Texas cooked dinner, Poppy fussed over the two new houseguests and they now had names.

  Glenn Coco the goat. And Baby Snowbell the cat.

  He was not going to live this shit down.

  It was during the night, after several rounds of heavily intense sex, that Texas woke and the bed was empty.

  About to climb out to find out where his girl was, he nearly collided with her on the floor. She was half laid next to the biggest dog cushion they could find. “Glenn Coco was crying,” she whispered.

  The goat was in her lap fast asleep.

  His lips twitched and he went down to his haunches. “Baby, you can’t sleep on the floor.

  “Just for tonight until he settles.”

  “No, absolutely not. Put him on the cushion, he has the blanket.”



  “Oh, fine. Bossy. Go and check on Baby Snowbell.”

  They were already feeding the kitten every few hours as it was. She was curled up in the cushioned crate they’d fashioned together.

  “She’s asleep, now can we go back to bed? I’m wiped.”

  She curled into his arms a few minutes later. The goat giving off little bleats.

  “Swear to God, Glenn. Go to sleep.” He warned quietly.

  Poppy giggled alongside his neck.

  Texas grinned into the dark.

  He had a bleating goat.

  A meowing cat.

  And a giggling woman.

  Life felt good, at last. Real fucking good.

  “Tait…” fingers crawled around his belly, tracing his navel and his skin heated as he got the sense his little girl was after something. “I’m not tired now…” she whispered.

  He groaned and rolled her beneath him.

  Deciding instantly that he could go another hour without sleep.

  His woman was needing him. He’d die without sleep before he put anything before her.

  “Tell me you love me,” he issued gruffly.

  “I love you.”

  He grinned in the dark. “Gotta be quiet, Poppy,” he warned, pushing her legs open to make space for him, “can’t wake the kids.”

  She giggled into his mouth, which soon turned into a luxurious moan he gulped down when he fed her his tongue.

  Then gave her a slow fucking, long enough that they were both tired the next day.

  But happy too.


  “Atonement comes in all c
olors.” - Texas

  There was no way to guess that Texas would have the talk with her while she was sipping a daiquiri in a busy biker bar that night.

  They were there on the invite of the Renegade Souls men.

  “We should talk. You and me, it’s a thing, Poppy.”

  Honest to Goodness, she would have agreed to headbutting the beautiful lady bartender if his hand went on moving around the back of her neck in the way he was doing.

  Sighing dreamily with her eyes on him, she smiled up at Tait.

  “I thought all the sex meant we already were. You mean I’ve been sleeping with a non-committed boyfriend all these weeks? For shame, Tait.” She mocked a gasp and he grinned slickly and brought his hand around to roll his thumb pad on her lips.

  She immediately nibbled that thumb and heard him hiss.

  His eyes started burning like two stars, making Poppy giddy inside.

  After all these years of hoping—wishing, longing for the boy she could never have.

  Here she was with Tait Hunt and she was nibbling on his thumb while his gaze was full of sex.

  “Tait Hunt is my boyfriend,” she whispered, just to hear herself say the words.

  And what did the man do?

  He threw his head back, burst out laughing then buried his face in the side of her neck.

  “Maybe one day you’ll call me Texas.”

  “Is that what you want?”

  He was playing with a lock of her hair, twirling it around his finger as he pulled her closer, rubbed his nose along hers and rasped. “Maybe when I’m planted inside you.”

  Oh, wow. She went hot all over.

  “Well you are a hot biker, so maybe I should. Sometimes.”

  He bent in and touched his mouth with hers.

  “I might throw tantrums sometimes,” she chewed her lip, better he knew all the good Poppy with the bad Poppy from the onset, she thought.

  He echoed a laugh on her lips. “Penelope, you told me to get out of my own house, you forced me to take in a goat and a kitten, you burn bacon and you want sex when you’re in a bad mood or tired. I know all about those tantrums already, baby.”

  “I didn’t exactly force you! You love Baby Snowbell and Glenn Coco, right?”


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