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Indecent Lies (Renegade Souls MC #7)

Page 32

by V. Theia

  “I still wish I’d seen you in that wedding dress.”

  “It was never meant for your eyes, sweetheart. It wasn’t even meant for my body. But you’ll see me in another. One day.”

  Of this she was determined.

  He grinned at her. The kind of smile that was sex and love all rolled up in a perfect Tait package. “You mind if I make a scene, little girl, before I get you out of here, find a hotel and fuck you in every position until you can’t walk?”

  She shook her head, grinning from ear to ear.

  He kissed her neck.

  Sort of sucked it actually and gave her an all over body shudder.

  In a sea of people she once claimed to be so alike, she felt claimed under his attention. Fingers gripped her hip bone tightly and she had to swallow a moan.

  She was getting wetter by the second and that hotel sounded great right about now. She nearly suggested they go up to her old room but didn’t think her parents would survive that trauma.

  When Tait turned his gaze from her, she followed and saw her parents, Ronnie, his parents and all the crowd sneaking glances their way, holding their expensive flutes of champagne and gossiping in hushed whispered behind their hands.

  She couldn’t believe this emptiness used to be her life.

  Now she got more fulfilment going to the corner grocery store and taking walks in the snow and sitting in a crowded biker bar than she ever did from these kinds of events.

  Her family didn’t need to understand how she felt, she didn’t think they ever would, but Poppy was truly and wholeheartedly happy for the first time and content like never before.

  “You see this woman, Ronnie? So fucking beautiful that her smile lights up a room. You lost her, bud. That’s going to be on your conscience forever, knowing you let that happen, knowing you didn’t worship the ground her giddy feet walked on.” Oh, my gosh, she swooned on his lap and tightened her fingers in his hair, her face rested against his jawline, loving him, inhaling him, adoring him and all his lovely words. Tait, it seemed, had a lesson to teach and she was an avid listener. As were her parents who she sneaked glances at.

  “You don’t know how excited she gets to see the first snowfall or how she drags your ass out of bed just so she can tramp around before anyone else can. You don’t know the pride she takes in cooking, even when it’s bad.”

  Hey, she took offense at that, but his hand on her hips told her to shut up so she chewed her smile. Plenty of time later to bust his ass.

  “You’ve never been on the receiving end of her taking your back against badass bikers and standing her ground too. You let her go so you have no clue what makes her cry and laugh or how she looks like a queen sitting in a rough biker bar but so fucking at home too. You fucked up, bud and that shit is on you. But you know, I’m grateful to you,” her heart started to thump.

  Was it too early to rub all over him?

  “Because you couldn’t give a fuck about this perfect woman when you had her, she came to me. To me,” he stressed this and cut a dark glance at her parents too to hammer that point home. “I was a man who didn’t think I deserved something this beautiful—this woman who makes me laugh and gets me to walk a goat in the middle of the night because it makes her happy. That’s where you missed out, Ronnie, and honest to fuck, I’m so glad you didn’t see her beauty, her perfect light. Because she’s mine now, and what you failed to realize, if a woman this awesome runs from you, there’s a reason. It’s a clue to get your ass in gear and chase her down because you’re not giving her something she needs. Wherever she goes, I’ll be three minutes behind her, that’s a fucking fact. So thank you, Ronnie, for being a shit boyfriend, now I get my chance to make her happy and you gotta live with that.”

  Poor Ronnie, red in the face, looking like he wanted to cry into his mom’s chest, didn’t utter a word and probably for the best as he looked at Poppy just once, maybe with regret, she wouldn’t ever know because her eyes were all for Tait as Ronnie slid through the crowd and disappeared.

  It was then Tait stood, and held her around the waist. This time he faced her parents. “I don’t like the way you’ve treated my woman, it’s up to you to fix it. To treasure what you’ve got or you lose her.”

  The foundation of her love for him just kept right on adding brick after brick, growing stronger and monstrously bigger. Poppy could barely contain her happiness and she pressed her cheek into his chest. “I think it’s time to go, Tait,” she told him. “Mom, you know I’m not happy with what you did but I’ll get over it. I’ll talk to you and dad soon.”

  “Only if you don’t pull any shit on her again,” Tait growled.

  “Do you think we’re going to take orders from you, boy? I knew you when you were a child running after your brother’s wife.”

  Poppy hissed at her father. “He’s no longer a child, dad. And that wasn’t cool. Tait loves me, really loves me. He’s not interested in what he can milk from the family name.”

  “He’s a biker,” her father said as if it were an insult.

  “Oh, yeah, he is. The best biker there is.” She bragged and slid her hand into his. “Let’s go.”

  To her mom, Tait directed his next words. Her mom had stayed silent, choosing to let her husband speak for them both as usual. “You will be welcome in our home if you treat my girl well, if not, then don’t bother. That’s on you to decide. I’m her man, I’ll make sure she’s happy, no one, including her parents, will ever treat her less than she is ever again.”

  He turned and led her out of the banquet hall, people parting for them.

  Poppy didn’t look back.

  She didn’t need to.

  Her future was forward with Tait.

  Just as they reached the doorway she noticed vivid red hair and a body poured into a gold halter top dress and she mentally rolled her eyes.

  Of course the redheaded shrew was in attendance.

  Addison Hunt would go to the opening of a cereal box if she thought it would get her on the society pages.

  Tait didn’t stop his gait, but his hand tightened around hers and he cut a side glance and addressed Addison. “Let Mal know I want to see him tonight; we’ll be at the Radisson.”

  That was the beginning and end of his attention on the other woman and Poppy giggled herself pettily as he continued on until they were outside her parents mansion and he had her flattened against a wall, his mouth consuming hers.

  “I’m in the mood to dominate my old lady. Think you can handle that?”

  Electricity shot through her and she raised her hips as if she could already feel him deep, deep inside her. Aching and needing to be filled by him.

  She heard dominate and old lady.

  She knew this term because Roux filled her in on what it meant to a man like Tait.

  It was colossal.

  A meaningful term bikers used for the women that were theirs.

  “I totally belong to Tait Hunt,” she declared, grinning and he grinned down at her, kissed her again, slower this time. She savored his taste even when he whistled over to the valet to call them a cab.

  “Fucking A you do, baby. I belong to you.”

  “It took years, but I’m finally Tait Hunt’s girlfriend.”

  Now she was just giddy as he laughed at her and called her cute.

  “You mean the world to me, Poppy. Only you and the boys know that shit with Malachai. Only you know the shit with Mal and Addison. I want to share a life with you, good and bad, all of it, will you?”

  She bobbed her head. Tears of happiness gathering. “I want to share all your secrets.”

  “Done. Now it’s time to get us to a hotel so I can do some dirty stuff to my old lady.”

  He was hard against her belly, his lips touching hers and she chuckled. “Yay.”

  “Stop being so fucking cute, little girl, or I’ll peel you out of your panties and do you right here against your daddy’s house and show everyone how you love to choke on my cock and soak down your legs bec
ause it turns you on so hard.”

  Talk about tempting the devil who was so, so horny.

  A hot, fast and wet kiss followed. “Love my good girl having a naughty side.”

  She just managed to not be so cute as he put it, but the cab ride was enjoyable.

  What came after that was even better.

  She was Tait Hunt’s woman.

  His old lady and he belonged to her.


  “Change is not bad. It means he earned something he can’t live without.” - Texas

  There was only one reason he would have come down to the hotel bar just after midnight that night, and that was because his woman was dead to the world kicking out her small snores because he’d worn her out.

  He’d worn himself out too with showing her how much he loved her, he’d put his girl to bed thoroughly sated and loved by him.

  He’d crawl back beneath the sheets with her in thirty minutes or less just as soon as he got this over with.

  Texas didn’t smile walking toward the table his brother was at.

  Nor did he offer Malachai a hug or a handshake.

  He kept his hands pushed deep in his pockets.

  There was a time they would have thrown their arms around each other.

  A bottle of Heineken beer already waiting for him.

  How was it he’d fallen so far out of touch with his twin?

  He knew why.

  Malachai was always ambitious to the point he didn’t give a shit about anyone else, least of all the one who he’d shared a womb with.

  Between a rock and a hard place was their relationship for a long time, he didn’t know if there was room to make it better this far in.

  “You could look happier to see me, twin. It’s been a long time.”

  Texas cut him a stare. “That was of your making if you remember.”

  “You’re sounding bitter. I haven’t opened my mouth yet. How’ve you been? I was surprised with your message.”

  “I’m fine, I thought it was about time we did this.”

  “Sounds like you made a show today.” Something like a smile crossed Mal’s face. “Wish I’d seen it.”

  “Yeah, something like that”

  “You look different,” Malachai said. “Happy, I mean.”

  Texas stared across the table and wondered why his twin didn’t look at all like his usual cocksure self.

  Bridges had to start somewhere so he inclined his chin.

  “I am. It took a while.”

  “Is that because of Penelope?”

  “The best part of it is, yeah.”

  “I always thought she was a nice girl. I’m happy for you both. Ronnie is a sniveling weasel; he couldn’t find his ass if he tried.”

  Texas would agree.

  “How’s it going with you?”

  Mal shrugged, nursing his own half empty beer. “I jacked in my case about six months ago, asked the captain for a switch.”

  Suspicious, Texas asked. “Just like that? When for years you’ve chased every MC down like a personal vendetta and now you give it up before you got the stripes?”

  “I wanted my fucking twin back. I lost him anyway. What the fuck do I care what a rancid MC is doing?”

  It was shock that stole his breath.

  And suspicion that made his tongue move.

  Because as he knew, Malachai never did anything without a reason.

  “You’re telling me all this bullshit was for my benefit?” Texas scoffed and sat his frame back in the seat.

  “Believe it. You wouldn’t have anything to do with me, Tait. Remember? When you left the estate.”

  “When I was kicked off the estate, remember the facts correct, brother. Dad didn’t like the direction I was going.”

  “You had no direction, that’s the point. He was holding your place at the firm.”

  “I told him, I told everyone I didn’t want to be an accountant and the ultimatum was if I didn’t, then I was no longer a Hunt.”

  Oh, he was allowed back, occasionally. When his parents wanted to parade their Hunt boys around, to fake the proud platitudes and one-up their friends.

  But he was never their son again.

  “You left,” Mal bit through his teeth. Eyes so like his own were stormy. “You wouldn’t even talk to me on the phone, how do you think I felt about it?”

  “I think you felt just fine, Mal. You didn’t support me. You stood with dad. I was your twin and you backed up every word he said.”

  “Are my twin. You are my twin, Tait, that shit doesn’t just disappear because you do.”

  “I don’t think we’ve been brothers in a long time.”

  The silence rippled and churned between them. The bar was busy, but it was as if the Hunt boys were the only two men there in a fraught stare off.

  “Addy,” Mal announced and Tait felt the weight of that one name. “That’s when it changed between us.”

  “Ancient history.”

  “But it’s not though is it, brother? Not from your phone call last year, or recently.”

  “So which is it, your wife the problem or you screwing over every MC in your path because I dared to go out on my own and not take you with me?”

  He’d hit the nail dead on when Mal’s jaw tightened.

  That was it, wasn’t it? Oh, he was so sure Addison was top of that fucked up list too, she’d been coming between them forever, but it was also because Texas had done something Malachai never could and that was standing up to their father.

  He’d gone into the police force because their father said it was a respected status to hold. Mal then worked his balls off to get to a rank in the ATF, all to please daddy dearest. And the kicker was, their old man was rarely proud of anyone other than his own ego.

  He was probably in a job he loathed, all for nothing.

  A fist hit the table in a rare form of temper his brother usually kept under control. “Brothers, Tait. We are brothers and you left just like that.”

  “You wouldn’t have come with me. You were too far under dad’s authority to think for yourself.”

  “Oh, fuck you. And you’re saying this life is better than the one you had?”

  “Damn right it is. I do what I want, when I want and with who I want, Mal. You wouldn’t have walked through the door with me even if I had asked.” The biggest reason was not their father. “You were already engaged by then, talking wedding menus and honeymoons.”

  “You left long before you walked through the door.”

  That was true.

  He’d mentally checked out of that whole shitshow when he stopped allowing Addison to play him off against Malachai.

  “Wow, you really are cleaning the cobwebs, brother,” Texas half smiled, taking the bottle to his lips.

  He learned a lot from the Renegade Souls, not least of all to recognize when a person had an agenda, even when they went around the whole block first to get there.

  This conversation had been a long time in coming between them.

  Perhaps then they could finally move forward.

  Texas didn’t want this weighing him down for the rest of his life.

  For more than a decade, a divide parted them down the middle.

  They were once closer; it had taken only one girl to split them.

  It was the Yoko Ono effect of Harrison.

  “Go ahead, say it all, because there’s nothing else for you to hold over me, is there? I already lost the club.”

  Mal blinked surprised. “You’re not in the MC anymore?”

  “Like you don’t know.”

  “You fell off the fucking earth, Tait. I didn’t even know where you were for months, your phone was out of service. And I couldn’t get close enough to ask anyone in the Souls where you were.”

  It surprised him that Mal even tried.

  “I told them everything.” Now it was Mal’s turn to show shock. “What you made me do was fucked up, all because you were jealous I had another family who didn’t treat me li
ke I was less than nothing.” Texas held up a hand when Mal geared up to open his trap. “But I was even more fucked up for betraying that family, for trying to protect them in any way I could, even when I knew it was wrong.”

  “I’m your family.”

  “You sure as fuck don’t act like it. You could have been in my life at any time, Mal. Any time, but you never tried, save for a few attempts that always ended up in issuing me a demand to go back home.”

  “Things were complicated.”

  “You’re telling me.”

  Without realizing, they’d fell into matching frames, both of them sprawled.

  Texas ranged his body forward, hands folded on the table.

  “You never would have given me the info had I not blackmailed you.”

  “You don’t say, Sherlock,” he laughed devoid of humor. “I belonged there, Mal. Do you not get that? I found a place that accepted me for me, didn’t want to stuff me into a shape that felt wrong. Look at the way I dress. A fucking tie and vest and none of them looked at me funny for it. Or for the way I speak or didn’t join in when things got rowdy.” Mal sat listening, not sure if he was taking it in but Texas went on regardless. Because it was everything he hadn’t been able to say to his twin in years. “We grew up with military rules, Mal. Do this, don’t do that. Always had to make the family name shine so the stink didn’t show, it didn’t matter if it made us happy. The club wasn’t like that. It was freedom.”

  “And crime. Don’t forget that.”

  “You telling me everything dad does is above board? Fuck that. I know for a fact that deal with the Martellos was not cut and dried. You’ve been paying snitches for years, is that legal, brother? Is that ethical? The club is more above board than your whole department. At least we’re honest about what we do.” What he did, he amended for himself and felt the sharpness of that truth still stinging.

  “It’s all by the by. But now we’re having this frank talk and I hope we leave it better than we came to it. I’ll tell you, Mal, you leave the Souls alone. If it’s true what you say and you’re bored with the MC’s, you keep it that way.”

  A smirk covered Mal’s face. “Threatening me, brother?”


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