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Indecent Lies (Renegade Souls MC #7)

Page 34

by V. Theia

  “Little girl, blowjobs for a week are at stake, I play to win.”

  She laughed at his cheek but used the momentum when he lifted her from the ground to push him over into the snow, but of course, Tait held her waist and took her down with him. She fell in a clumsy heap on top of him, laughing like a loon as he used a glove hand to protect her head. “Didn’t know I had a cheater in my bed,” he grinned and something lovely happened to her stomach when she saw it.

  The same as it did with each new smile he gave her.

  “Oral sex prizes go both ways, Hunt. I want to win too.”

  Before she knew it, she was rolled beneath him in the snow and his mouth was devouring hers like he was a barbarian in the desert and he’d just found a free vending machine.

  She swallowed his manly sounds as they drove down her throat.

  Her beautiful man looking at her with wickedness in his gaze.

  Oh, how she loved him.

  They’d had a perfect three weeks since arriving back home.

  Freedom was beautiful looking at her with his blue-blue eyes.

  Paradise was even better when he used his hands on her body.

  “You saying I don’t eat you out enough, Poppy? Once a day isn’t enough when I pry your legs apart and taste my favorite candy, you crave more of my mouth?”

  She was breathy when she answered. “Always,” taking her glove to the side of his face, she stroked down his strong jaw.

  It was unreal that this beautiful biker was hers completely.

  “There’s those eyes I love.”

  He smiled down at her. “You love my eyes, baby?”

  “I love them on me, how they love me and the way they turn heated when you want me.”

  “Poppy,” he growled, resting their foreheads together. “You’re asking to get fucked again and if you dare exclaim yay right now, I’ll get between your legs in the snow.”

  They only just made it down to their chalet.

  Best mini vacation ever.

  Weird to think that she first came to Armado Springs…. Or near there anywhere, stupid Uber driver, in a wedding gown and utterly miserable with only a hope of a future, and just a couple of short months later, she was here in the arms of her man, the happiest she’d ever been.

  Life was funny like that.

  Sometimes it delivered you places you never thought you’d go, to people you assumed you’d never have anything in common with.

  She loved the state and most of the people. Roux and Tait most especially and she’d love to stay there, but if Tait decided that he was over Armado Springs, then she’d happily pack her shoes, goat and kitten and follow him anywhere.

  The location didn’t matter. The man mattered a lot.

  She felt a giggle of pure joy bursting from her a hundred times that day while she frolicked frozen in the snow and watched how happy he was too.

  He was a different man the day he came to rescue her.

  Sad, grumpy and lonely.

  Her Tait had been lost.

  He proclaimed himself a liar more than once but it wasn’t that, she knew.

  He was a man who would always do right by those he loved, no matter how much it hurt him.

  He was happy, she could see that and he loved her.

  Wow, loved by Tait Hunt. One of the infamous Renegade Souls bikers.

  He was going to be a biker at heart forever, she knew this and so, her mind was busy while they played together.

  While they loved all day and all night long, well past Tait falling asleep wrapped around her, Poppy got to thinking… how hard would it be anyway to get her man back being besties with his biker buddies? Couldn’t be too hard.

  He was happy. But she wanted her man happier, he deserved it.

  That’s what she’d do.

  She’d love him, make him happy and try to reform their band as best as she could.

  The bikers might still slightly terrify her, but Tait loved them so they couldn’t be all bad.

  Love her biker.

  Make her biker happy.

  It was an excellent plan and one Poppy Astor would see through to the end.

  She was a runaway bride who’d found her destination.

  “Go to sleep, little girl,” he rasped quietly next to her ear, squeezing his arms around her before slipping his hand down into her panties.

  Her man was so delicious and indecent, she could hardly stand this euphoria.

  Poppy grinned and snuggled in.

  Two years and a few months later

  A lot had happened in the last two years and Poppy wasn’t a bit unhappy about any of it.

  It took a lot of reassurance from Tait to make her okay with the fact that she didn’t want a career.

  Modern women were supposed to want it all.

  Poppy wanted Tait and their idyllic life which meant spending a lot or all of their time together and she wanted their fur babies and other babies if they ever came along. She didn’t want to spend 16 hours out of the house where she was too tired to give any of her attention to Tait. She was fortunate to have her own money, plus Tait never let her pay for anything.

  Being a modern, fortunate woman, she was schooled by her friend Winter, meant she could decide what she wanted to do and if that was to be a kickass housewife and mom, then that’s what she should do.

  She took that advice, because Tait didn’t even wait five months before he wifed her good and proper in a gorgeous intimate little ceremony. But then something happened a few weeks into marriage and they built a career together quite by accident. Tait decided he loved fixing up the apartments downstairs. Flipping houses seemed to be a brilliant idea. Poppy dealt with the business side while Tait took on the physical labor.

  It was perfect really.

  In total so far they flipped six properties.

  They made money and they were happy doing it together.

  “Baby, you good?” She heard behind her and she brought her head out of the closet.

  God, that first hit of him even if it had been just a few minutes since she last saw her husband and it made her brain all squirrely.

  Tait was a tie man.

  He wore them and a nice pressed shirt with his leather and denim most every day.

  She thought it made him badass and distinguished at the same time.

  Today’s tie was the color he’d worn for their wedding. Aquamarine blue.

  Seeing it made her want to jump his indecent bones just like she did on their wedding night.

  That was after he’d fucked her over his bike on the ride to their hotel.

  Life was good.

  Things were better with her mom.

  She saw her more than her dad, he couldn’t help but see how well Tait took care of Poppy, but he was also a stubborn Astor and wouldn’t admit that this was her life and she was deliriously happy with it.

  Nothing much changed sadly for Tait’s parents, they never reached out to him and Tait said he was fine with that. It was their loss they were missing out on their fantastic son.

  “Hmm. You look good.” She smiled and rolled up off her knees to go to him.

  She couldn’t get all the way close to his chest as she liked, not with Valentina already snuggled in her place on him. His hand holding her by her little frilly butt.

  Swear to goodness, seeing a man doting on his infant daughter made any woman’s ovaries spasm. Smiling knowingly, he dipped his head and tapped their lips together, lingering as always. “You’ve got that hungry look, do I need to go and put Val in her crib for thirty minutes?”

  She was mama of the year because she absolutely would have said yes just so Tait could sort out all her aches and urges, but Valentina, as she was prone to do, knew how to command a room.

  Even at a year old, born on Valentine’s Day, a baby made completely from their love, she was a diva in the making.

  She screamed. She hardly slept. She was an attention hog, especially for her doting daddy and they fell in love with her big baby b
lue eyes and endless giggles every single day. She slapped hands on Tait’s face and babbled, to which her husband answered her seriously. “Already told you, Val, there’s no boyfriends until you’re fifty so you can stop talking about it, and even then they gotta pass a Hunger Games trial to get over my doorstep.”

  Poppy chuckled, laying a soft kiss on her baby girl, before scooting to finish getting ready for the party.

  Their baby girl was absolutely planned.

  They tried hard enough for two solid months; her man was an absolute champ to the cause.

  Their marriage was not so planned.

  It came about one night when they were deliriously in love, Poppy was tipsy, wrapped in Tait’s arms as usual and they were walking home. Tait did as he always did and pushed her up against a wall, mauled her mouth with his tongue and got this look in his eyes that even now, Poppy got mushy thinking about it. He smiled and said, “My name is worth shit, but I want you to have it, Poppy.”

  It was the best proposal ever. And the one she waited for her whole life because it meant something. It came with love and promises of forever. With Tait, she got the hot man and all the other bells and whistles that came with a man like him.

  She got the fairy tale ending by marrying the first and only boy she’d ever loved.

  They were heading to the Renegade Souls compound for a family get together.

  The wine and cases of beers were already packed in the trunk.

  Long story short, she’d reconciled with Zara several weeks after settling into life with Tait when they decided to make Colorado their home. Zara was completely forgiving and welcoming. They were friends now, but Poppy was still a little intimidated by the MC queen and was better friends with Winter. They hung out several times a week, dinners and coffee dates, seeing as how Snake and Tait were buddies.

  When Tait got Valentina in the car, he came back for her.

  There was snow on the ground still and he liked treating her like gold.

  She was just five months pregnant with their son Beck, but if anyone asked Tait, he was sure she was in danger of tripping over even the smallest things.

  She loved his attentiveness.

  She loved that he dealt with her hormones like a man going to war.

  Steely determination and an unbreakable back.

  He fucked her any time she wanted it, and he wanted her just as much.

  As soon as his roughened hands were on her, they went up in flames.

  “You wearing those massive panties under this fuck hot dress, little girl?”

  She nearly swayed, lust drunk halfway to their truck.

  They were big, plain cotton panties she loved to keep her belly warm.

  She grinned up at him, chewed her lip. “Maybe.”

  “Fuck,” he grunted and palmed the front of her neck, tipping her head back so his mouth could get at hers, wet and deep, with a lot of Tait tongue.

  Tait loved getting into her big pregnancy panties. Maybe she wore them on purpose under her blue fitted wrap dress under her puffy parka coat.

  “I’ll get one of the old ladies to watch Val for a bit and we can sneak off in one of the back rooms.” He told her.

  It wouldn’t be the first time they’d had sex in the clubhouse.

  She wouldn’t have believed anyone had they told her two years ago that being around hard and dangerous bikers would become one of her favorite places.

  But her man fit with them and she fit with Tait, so she made it work.

  She got to know them all and learned they weren’t so dangerous and scary after all.

  After what happened with Arson last year and also Lawless who was still serving his five years prison sentence, it brought Tait closer again with his boys.

  They all came over regularly and grilled meat, watched the game, doted on their screaming diva too.

  “Is that hand on my bottom looking to get laid, Tait?” She asked, batting her lashes at him. She saw his eyes flare.

  “I own you, don’t I?”

  Oh, my god. He knew what that did to her. Now she was really wet and in need of a change of her big panties.

  “Tait,” she whined, burying her face in his chest.

  He groped her butt some more and dropped a kiss to her neck.

  “Who owns you, little girl?”

  “You do.”

  “Then you know I always want to get laid. Gonna spread for me soon?”

  God, he was so indecent. She loved it.

  He deposited her in the passenger seat, kissed her hard and fast, leaving his glorious taste in her mouth and then she glued her eyes to his frame as he rounded the front of the truck.

  He was long in gait and lean all over with his defined muscles.

  She knew every inch of his body and was extremely turned on by everything Tait, but especially just watching him be a man.

  So much change in the last two years.

  He was happy.

  And his twin was miserable but making his way to being good again and that started by serving his wife with divorce papers. No one was more surprised than Tait.

  It helped to build some of their rift that they were still working on but they welcomed his twin in their house on the infrequent times he came to town.

  Across the console, as he started the engine, his hand came to her inner thigh and stayed there as he sent her a smoldering grin. A promise of what was to come once they reached the party.

  She laced his fingers, hardly able to keep still.

  Damn pregnancy hormones. But nah, it was all Tait.

  She was wildly in love with her biker made husband.

  And nothing would ever change that.

  She’d married the boy of her dreams. The man who gave her endless love, bought her ice cream sandwiches, rubbed her feet and fucked orgasms into her at an alarming rate.

  “Love you, Pop.” He said with a wink as if reading her mind and they set off.

  She loved every inch of him.

  Oh, yeah. And the love of her fricking socialite life looked amazing wearing his Renegade Souls leather cut with the patch on the front that said ‘Treasurer’

  As Tait was fond of saying. Life was sweet.

  And getting more biker sweet by the day.

  The End

  More to come from the Renegade Souls MC in 2020.


  For my tribe, I couldn’t do it without you. You make my words shine. You read first drafts that are so pants I hide under rocks from embarrassment and yet you are so full of praise and encouragement. I love your dedication. Thank you so much!

  My author friends, AJ and Jessica Ames. Some days our silly or ranty chats keep me going lol. Thank you for being awesome ladies and I adore your books!

  A special mention for Leigh Lennon who always seems to get it out of me who the next biker will be. Stop using your wizardry for evil!

  Biker babes, I do this for you. Thank you from the bottom of Lawless’ soulless heart…and if you don’t have your pitch forks out for me yet, I just want to say…. TRUST ME. *lol*

  Also by V. THEIA

  Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Series:

  Dirty Salvation

  Preacher Man

  Tracking Luxe

  Hades Novella

  Filthy Love

  Finally Winter

  Mistletoe and Outlaws Novella

  Resurfaced Passion

  Intimately Faithful Novella

  Taboo Love Duet:

  It Was Love

  It Was Always Love

  From Manhattan Series:

  Manhattan Sugar

  Manhattan Bet

  Manhattan Storm

  Manhattan Secret

  Naughty Irish Series:

  Naughty Irish Liar


  Website: HERE

  Author Facebook: HERE

  Readers Group: HERE

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