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Magic Swap (Hidden World Academy Book 1)

Page 22

by Sadie Moss

  My stomach flutters with nerves and arousal as my fingertips meet the silky skin of his cock. He’s hard already, and as soon as I touch him, I feel the velvet-wrapped steel stiffen beneath my touch.

  Heat floods me as I free him from his pants, and I shift my hips, way more turned on by this than I expected to be. I’ve given blowjobs before, and I don’t hate doing it at all, but I’ve never gotten this hot and bothered before I even got started. Just touching Cross’s dick has my pulse spiking and my breath coming quicker.

  “What are you doing, cupcake?”

  His tone is casual, even slightly amused, but I can hear the rasp in his voice that lets me know how much he likes this. I grin up at him, feeling giddy and powerful and happy.

  “Thanking you.”

  He huffs a little chuckle. “You don’t have to thank me.”

  “I know I don’t.” I run my fingers over the smooth skin of his shaft, gliding over the rounded mushroom head at the top. “Just like you don’t have to help me. Just like you don’t have to go out on a limb for me.”

  “I want to,” he says gruffly.

  “Yeah. I do too.”

  With that, I fist the base of his cock and wrap my lips around it. A new noise rumbles in Cross’s chest as I slide my lips slowly up and down, wetting his entire shaft. I can feel the muscles in his legs tightening, his abs contracting he lets out a low groan.

  I glance up at him, completely enamored by the way he looks right now. He looks a little dazed, almost drunk, his gaze trained on me like he’ll die if he looks away. So I give him something to watch. I bob my head and down, running my tongue over the underside of his cock and swirling it over the head, lapping up the small beads of precum that gather there.

  My clit throbs and my pussy clenches, and I squeeze my thighs together as I hollow my cheeks and suck.

  Cross curses under his breath, and I let that spur me on, moving faster, sucking harder, taking him deeper. He makes another strangled noise, and then…

  It’s like my mouth on his cock is some kind of truth serum. All the words he looked like he wanted to say before but couldn’t quite articulate come spilling out of his mouth, rough and low and occasionally muffled by grunts. He tells me how gorgeous I am, how much he loves that I don’t take his shit, how amazing it is to watch me fight and never give up. He tells me he’s wanted me for so fucking long, and the way his voice goes soft and his hips buck into my touch lets me know he means it. He tells me I’m fucking brave, and fucking strong, and fucking sexy.

  And eventually, he just repeats that one word over and over.

  “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”

  It’s like a chant, like the world’s dirtiest prayer, and I realize I always want to be the one he prays to.

  I fist him in one hand, working my mouth and hand up and down his shaft in a steadily increasing rhythm while my other hand gently squeezes his balls. His spine stiffens and his body jerks, and he lets out one more loud cry.

  “Oh, fuck!”

  Salty cum hits the back of my throat, and I swallow, sucking and licking as he comes in rhythmic pulses. My tongue wanders up and down his shaft as his body begins to relax, his breath coming in staccato inhales and exhales.

  When I glance up, my movement falters.

  Holy shit. That’s one of the hottest fucking things I’ve ever seen.

  Cross’s head is thrown back, the muscles of his neck standing out in stark relief, the strong line of his jaw covered with the slight shadow of a beard. He looks masculine and strong, but somehow, seeing him like this makes me feel powerful.

  Holding onto his thighs with both hands, I finally release him from my mouth. His cock has hardly softened at all, and it rests against his stomach, long and thick and glistening with my saliva.

  “Fuck,” he mutters, tilting his head back down to stare at me.

  “Yeah.” I grin. “I believe you mentioned that once or twice.”

  He laughs, shaking his head as if to clear it. Then he reaches down and hauls me up onto his lap, wrapping his arms around me. I can feel his cock pressing against my core, and I can’t quite stop myself from grinding down on him a little.

  A soft grunt escapes him, and he tightens his grip on me—as if that’ll stop me from moving.

  “That was not what I had planned,” he says.

  “Sorry.” I grin cheekily.

  I wonder what he did have planned. Did he rehearse a speech? Did he stick around today after the others left just so he could tell me how he feels?

  His hands slide down to cup my ass, and this time, he helps me move, dragging me closer to his body so that my pussy rubs against his cock through my panties.

  “I didn’t say I didn’t like it.” There’s a wicked gleam in his eye, and I can feel his cock getting hard again, already getting interested.

  My grin widens. I wrap my arms around his neck, resting my elbows on his shoulders and playing with his messy copper-brown hair.

  “I like hearing you say ‘fuck,’” I murmur.

  He lifts a brow, his eyes shining with amusement. “Good thing, ’cause I say it a lot.”

  “Yeah, I’ve noticed.” I rock against him again, my clit throbbing against the hard line of his cock. I bite my lip as I meet his gaze, my heart fluttering in my chest as I remember the rest of the words that poured out of him. “I like it when you say other things too.”

  Cross blinks, and for the first time since I’ve known him, he looks truly abashed. A faint blush tinges his cheeks, and he clears his throat again. “Yeah, well. You give a guy a blowjob like that, and you’d better be prepared for the crazy shit that comes out of his mouth.”

  I huff a laugh, but before I can reply, his expression grows suddenly serious. “You know I meant it though, cupcake, right?”

  “Yeah,” I murmur. “I do.”

  “Good.” His voice drops to a low growl as he rocks his hips up into mine again. “Because now it’s my turn.”

  “Your turn to what?”

  “My turn to see what kind of crazy shit I can get you to yell.”

  Uhh… okay, I like the sound of that.

  My reaction must show on my face, because Cross belts a laugh even as his sea-green eyes spark with heat. He slides his hands under my ass, lifting me in his arms, and I expect him to flip our positions and lay me down on the bed, but instead, he surges to his feet, striding forward quickly.

  “Um, you do realize there’s a perfectly good bed behind you, right?” I ask, wrapping my arms and legs around him and clinging to him like a baby sloth.

  A second after the words are out of my mouth, my back hits the wall with a gentle thud, pinned there by Cross’s large body.

  “Oh, I’m well aware of that, cupcake. But it wasn’t good enough for what I’m planning to do to you.”

  I swear I can feel my pussy snap to attention. A mixture of adrenaline and arousal floods my system as dozens of dirty images flash through my mind.


  “Yeah.” His tongue darts out to wet his lips. “Now take off your shirt.”

  I hasten to do as he says, letting him hold me up while I tug the shirt over my head.

  “Good. Now the skirt.”

  That’s a little harder to manage, but I undo the zipper and pull it up over my torso and head, then toss it away.

  “Bra.” His gaze moves down to my breasts as he utters the single-word command.

  I purse my lips. “What about you? You haven’t taken anything off yet.”

  “Bra, Gabbi,” he repeats, his voice a low rasp.

  Rough. Desperate.

  Heat unfurls in my belly, and I practically tear my bra off my body, chucking it across the room where it lands on my bedside lamp. All I’ve got on now is my panties, and Cross is still fully dressed—except his pants are undone and his bare cock is sandwiched between us, still grinding against my clit. The rough texture of his jeans and zipper against my inner thighs makes goose bumps spread across my skin and a little shiver of anticipatio
n run up my spine.

  Finally, Cross sets me on my feet, practically leaning me against the wall as my legs threaten to buckle. Then he takes one step back from me, opening up a foot of space between us. Just enough to allow him to undress.

  He grabs the hem of his tight, dark tee and pulls it over his head, and my hungry gaze devours the sight of him.

  Kasian is solid and sculpted, Theo is lean and chiseled, but Cross? Cross is just fucking ripped. He’s got broad shoulders and thick arm muscles that bunch and flex as he hooks his thumbs in the waistband of his pants and shoves them down, kicking his boots off while he’s at it.

  Now all he has on are a pair of boxer briefs that aren’t covering anything. His cock juts out, hard and thick, and I’ve almost forgotten about his last article of clothing already when he clears his throat. My gaze flies up to meet his, and he jerks his chin down toward my panties.

  “Tit for tat, cupcake.”

  There’s a teasing challenge in his voice, and it makes me grin. I hook the waistband of my panties and shimmy them down at the same time he rids himself of his boxers.

  As I kick my panties away, my heart starts beating hard in my chest, anticipation and nerves making my legs wobble again. I want this. Fuck, do I want this. But part of me can’t believe it’s really happening. We’ve danced around this for weeks, and my feelings for this man have been growing, changing, and deepening since the day I met him.

  But like he always does, Cross comes to my rescue without me even needing to ask. He steps forward again, cradling my face in both of his large hands and kissing me—the kind of kiss that feels like a promise.

  When our lips break apart, he rests his forehead against mine for a second, breathing the same air as me. Then he slides his hands over the bare skin of my waist and hips, grabbing my thighs and lifting me into his arms again.

  My back presses against the wall, the smooth surface cool against my bare skin.

  “Hold on to me,” Cross murmurs, lifting me a little higher until the head of his cock breaches my entrance.

  And I do.

  My arms wrap around him, and my legs hook around his waist as he surges forward, impaling me on his cock in one swift thrust. My head tilts back and my eyes threaten to roll all the way back into my head as my body stretches around him and his pelvis grinds against my clit. I feel perfectly full, and my pussy, still so worked up from the blowjob I gave him earlier, clenches around his shaft as he begins to piston his hips, using the wall as leverage as he drives into me.

  I feel small and helpless in his arms, in the best way possible, as he holds me up and fucks me. If he were any of the guys I dated back in the Dull World, I probably would’ve been worried about his arms or legs giving out and him dropping me. But I know Cross would never do that, and not just because he’s physically strong enough to lift me with ease.

  He just… wouldn’t do it. He would never do anything to hurt me. Never let me get hurt if he could prevent it.

  So I don’t worry one bit about falling or being too heavy, and I just let myself get swept away by the feeling of Cross driving into me, of our panting breaths mingling as we both keep trying to kiss one another. His hard, fast thrusts keep jarring our lips apart, but he doesn’t show any sign of slowing down.

  And I don’t want him to.

  This feels too damn good, and it’s driving me toward the cliff of an orgasm so intense I can already feel my toes curling.

  “God, yes, Cross.” I mutter the words against his lips, my back jarring against the wall as he slams into me. “Fuck, yes. Don’t stop. Don’t stop.”

  His lips drop to steal a bruising kiss, and when his rhythm stutters, I wrap my legs tighter around him, undulating my hips against his as I come hard. He follows me over the edge a moment later, riding out the aftershocks of my orgasm with his own.

  We’re both breathing hard, our chests pressed flush together. With a grunt, Cross pulls me away from the wall and carries me back toward the bed. I feel a distinct wobble as he walks, and I yelp, clinging a little tighter to him in case we both go down. But he makes it to the bed, setting me on my back and following me down before pulling out of me.

  He flops onto the mattress beside me, tucking me against him as he lets out a breathless, contented groan.

  “See?” I pant. “If we’d already been on the bed, you wouldn’t have had to walk at all. Not that I’m complaining,” I add with a grin.

  He barks out a laugh, pulling me up so I’m partially draped over his body, then lifting a hand to tuck a wayward lock of blonde hair behind my ear.

  “Well, I’m not usually quite so wrecked after sex,” he admits, a grin stealing over his face. I can feel his heart beating hard under my palm as I rest my hand on his chest.

  “Have I wrecked you?” I ask in a teasing voice.

  His face softens, an expression stealing over his features that I’ve never quite seen him wear before. The hand that tucked my hair behind my ear lingers, knuckles brushing gently over my cheek.

  “Yeah, cupcake. Yeah. You have.”

  Chapter 30

  Over the next week, the guys go all out for me, and I could honestly cry with relief.

  Well, I do cry, actually, in the shower—but don’t tell anybody.

  My professors all tell me they’re so relieved to see me back to performing at my usual level. Bianca says I look like I’m actually getting sleep again.

  I worry that the guys are working themselves too hard, but they insist they’re fine, and they work with me to get everything taken care of. I watch my grades begin to climb back up again, and it feels like I can breathe properly since I first stepped into Professor Barnhouse’s class and realized I’d be called upon to perform magic.

  And then, in the evenings…

  In the evenings, we plan.

  The fae didn’t set us an easy task. Well, to be fair to them, I think King Anzac thought it was a relatively easy favor to ask. But what seems easy to the fae doesn’t quite seem like a walk in the park to us mortals.

  I didn’t have the courage to complain or suggest something else at the time, and now the deal is made and I can’t go back and change it or ask for something different to do. I don’t think King Anzac would be thrilled about that, and I need him on my side.

  The guys gather in my dorm room every evening to discuss strategy, usually with food. They lounge around, Cross on my bed, Kasian on the big comfy chair, and Theo straddling the back of the desk chair or leaning against the desk. As the days go on, I notice that they start to seem more comfortable with one another, their taunts holding less bite, their jokes more jovial and friendly than full of venom.

  I hope this means they’re becoming friends. It at least seems to show that they’re learning how to tolerate one another, which is something, I guess. I wish they could see what I see—how they balance each other out so well. They complement each other perfectly, and I know they could be good friends if they would just let it happen.

  Like Cross, for example. He can be aggressive and abrasive, but he gets to the heart of the matter and doesn’t beat around the bush. Kasian reins him in with gentle but firm directness, while Theo just teases him right back and helps him let off steam that way.

  I hope that if nothing else, this gives them the chance to become something more than rivals.

  Things are still a little unresolved between the four of us. I still want all of them, and I still don’t know what to do about it. I haven’t slept with any of them since the night Cross stayed over at my dorm, and I know they all know about each other, but I don’t quite know where that leaves us.

  All I know is I like having them all in my dorm, settled into what have become their usual spots, as we plan our heist for the fae.

  Oh, yeah. You heard me right.


  This is the “small favor” King Anzac needs done in exchange for building me a better magic generator. So, you know, no big deal.

  Every night as we plan, I tell the guys t
hat they don’t have to help me with this. What we’re attempting is insane, and this isn’t their problem, it’s mine. They can walk away whenever they want.

  And every time I say that, they look at me like I’m crazy or something.

  “Cupcake,” Cross says at one point, “it’s not actually your problem, either. It’s Roxie’s. She made this mess, and she’s left you with no way to clean it up. It’s only fair that we help you out.”

  “But I’m useless to you, even in this,” I point out. “Look at our plans—they rely on you three, not on me! I feel useless, and I feel bad for letting you guys do all the work!”

  “We’re happy to do it, love,” Theo says. “Hey, if nothing else, it’s fun. A lot more fun than homework.”

  “I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that,” Kasian notes.

  “Oh, right, like you love alchemy tests.”

  “Maybe I do. You don’t know everything about me.”

  “I bet he sleeps with an alchemy textbook under his pillow,” Cross says with a grin, waggling his eyebrows. “That’s how much he loves memorizing all those damn equations to recite for class.”

  “Okay, okay,” I say, laughing a little. “I’m serious, guys, you’ve done so much already. I feel like an asshole letting you take this risk for me too.”

  “And we’re saying that it’s not your choice,” Theo says, talking in a firmer and more serious tone than I think I’ve ever heard him use before. “This isn’t your doing. This isn’t your fault. What kind of people would we be if we left you to your fate like this, eh? You get to decide your actions, but we get to decide ours. And I for one am exactly where I want to be.”

  “We just have to make sure we don’t fuck this up,” Cross says with a wink. “And we won’t. We’re the best. Face it, cupcake, you lucked out with us three. The teacher’s pet TA, the guy with the best grades”—he points to himself—“and the guy with all the connections. You couldn’t be more prepared for this if you tried.”

  I suppose it’s true, and I am grateful for their help, so I stop trying to get them to give up being amazing, and just focus in on our plan.


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