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The Healing Mendez (Vitrian Secrets, #1)

Page 14

by Dele Andersen

  “So, it is not a rumour,” the girl studied the man and continued. “You think someone planned it all,” Wanda said, reading his expressions.

  “Yes, I believe someone sent the demons to them. I don't think it was a coincidence that they got attached. Many Vitrians lived in the city, but we were the only ones attacked.

  “The Fortress has existed in peace since then, believing that the prophecy given was for a different Fortress, not this one. However, a lot of the adults here carry so much pain from the past.” He went silent, and Wanda noticed there was something on his mind he wanted to share, something that caused him pain from the past too. He stopped and turned to her just as they got to the edge of the stairs.

  “Your father died while trying to save one of the children. He died while he was at it, but demons attacked them.” Wanda watched as Bathe's face turned gloomy. She had never known him to be like that. She never knew he had such a deep feeling about her dad. She felt stupid, having hated him in the past when he had shown up at their house. She had thought he only came because of her mum.

  “And, I am sorry about his loss.” Bathe looked extremely sad.

  “It's okay,” Wanda waved it off.

  “You don't know, do you?” Bathe asked, and Wanda looked up to see the seriousness in his eyes. She had suddenly begun to like him with the way he defended her when he spoke to Alexis. She prayed as she stared, wishing he wasn't going to say something that would make her hate him for life. Or make her thoughts about him being the bad guy around, come back and haunt her.

  “I was supposed to be there to prevent it,” Bathe looked down. For the first time since Wanda had known him, he was baring his emotions. But hearing that Bathe could have helped her father or prevented his death was more painful than all she had been feeling. “Marcus wasn't supposed to go alone the night he died. He invited Xavier and me to go along with him, but I turned them down.”

  “You what,” Wanda unwittingly raised her voice. She got annoyed and rushed down the staircase to the common area of the Praying hall.

  Bathe caught up with her quickly. He held her back, and instantly Wanda let out her anger speaking loudly in the empty hall. "You should have been there. Why have you been coming over to ours? Does my mum know? Why...why are you telling me now?" Her eyes had turned red.

  Bathe allowed her to rant for a minute. “Your mum doesn't. If I tell Sofia, I will break her heart further, and by the way, I swore to protect you, Jason, and your mother. When Xavier called me to tell me about your dad's death, he made me swear to protect you guys. He told me it was the last thing Marcus wanted from me.”

  “That's why you've always been around,” Wanda muttered painfully in a low tone. The name Xavier continued to resonate in her head. “What about Xavier? I heard Alexis saying yesterday that he was dead.”

  “Yes, he's dead,” Bathe replied after a pause, and again Wanda saw that his expressions changed like he didn't want to say more. “Xavier was able to call me just before he died.” Bathe had his tone frothed with melancholy, but his face carried no conviction of what he said. “We were three good friends; your dad, Xavier, and me. We dedicated time to Praying and following the laws of the Vitrians. I want you to know that regardless of what you overheard, no demon is getting anywhere near you. I will protect you.” He paused, looked around to make sure they were alone, and then spoke quietly, trying to gain Wanda's confidence. “I need to get you to a safe place.”

  Wanda looked surprised at his words. What he said sounded like the Fortress where they are was not that safe. Wanda stared at him in confusion; the words he used also had connotations of what pervaded her mind for some time that Bathe knew more about the demons that had been after her and Jason. She became worried, but then she thought, “how could he have faced the grayish-white demon if he had sent it or knew about it?”

  She took in a deep breath. Everything seemed muddled, and she still had the impression that Bathe wanted her out there. A part of her wished she could object to going out to battle the rebels and the demons, but she decided not to; this was what she wanted. She wasn't doing it because of anyone else; she was doing it for her brother and her mum. Jason needs healing, and the rebel would only listen to her because they want her.

  “Okay,” she said after observing him in silence for a while, trying to make her mind up. “How do you plan to handle the demon, the one that attacked us two days ago ... if we happen to meet it again?” She watched Bathe look up towards the big entrance to the hall as they heard some cars honking. “I heard you explaining that its' strength was unusual.”

  “I'll take care of that.” Bathe's voice was full of confidence. “Remember I had no fighting weapons but my Praying Méndez the last time. If we do meet it again, I would like to see how it would survive the Necatus, knives, and arrows that we would unleash on it.” They heard more noise from outside and looked towards the door. “I think the others are here. We should get going.”

  She looked at him, “Was I stupid to have forced my way into this?” She began to have cold feet.

  “No,” Bathe touched her on the shoulder. “I would have done the same.” He smiled, encouraging her that she had made the right decision. “And remember, stay with me, and you will be safe.”

  They stepped outside, and Wanda saw the pile of jeeps. Ten of them all with jet black colour, which shone so bright, she knew the paint and colour were not ordinarily; something about the paint looked like there was silver in it.

  Some of the people going on the journey were hanging around the jeeps, chatting, and waiting for the others. Most of them were adults Wanda hadn't seen before.

  “Wait here,” she heard Bathe. He walked away towards one of the jeeps where Alexis, Nathaniel, and six other adults were; three of them women and two men. The last person wore a red robe with a hood; the hood covered the person's head. Wanda wondered why anyone would wear a robe in the summer's heat. They had a big map on one of the jeep's bonnet, and they planned the trips as they studied the map.

  “Are you nervous?” Petter suddenly appeared behind Wanda.

  “No,” she put her hands in her pocket like she was cold from the weather. “I'm only not comfortable with everyone gazing at me.”

  Petter smiled. “Well. you're The Chosen. What do you expect?”

  “That's what I hear. It doesn't mean it makes me comfortable when several eyes are set on me like I'm an alien to peruse.”

  “C'mon Wanda. Have some courage.” Petter smiled.

  “Where're all the teenagers? I saw them in the Praying hall this morning.”

  “Oh, most of the adults are well trained. The Praying hall is where most of the young ones meet up.”

  “But why aren't they here – Why aren't they going with us.”

  “No parent would sit down while their children go out to battle and probably die while at it.” Petter had said the word die before he realised it might have been too heavy for Wanda. “Sorry, I didn't mean ...”

  “No, it's okay,” Wanda answered. “Who's that guy flicking a penknife in his hand and looking straight at me?”

  “That's Erastus, Becky's older brother. He just arrived. Their dad asked him to come over,” Petter answered. “I hear he is a killing machine and he's only twenty-one, I think. He's the youngest adult here.”

  “Who's their dad?” Wanda turned to observe Petter briefly before turning back to Erastus, who kept staring with disdain towards her. She wondered if he felt the look made him cool.

  “Nathaniel, he was seated in front of Becky yesterday.”

  “I could have easily guessed. Becky and Erastus kind of follow his expensive and wealthy way of dressing.”

  “Oh, they are,” Petter confirmed, “one of the wealthiest Vitrian families. And by the way, you, Becky, Charles, and I are the under eighteens here,” Petter responded.

  “Just the four of us?”

  “Yes,” Petter looked towards Bathe, Alexis, and the other elders who had started dispersing from their
brief meeting. “That is one of the Vitrian things. The elders place their children in right positions. Nathaniel called Erastus to come back home from his school in England to be part of this historic 'field trip' - as they call it. Becky got the instruction to train you, 'The Chosen.' Charles is allowed to join the journey even though he's not an adult, and I can easily guess they all would ride with their fathers for protection so that they wouldn't ride with you.”

  Wanda could hear the tone of displeasure and possibly enmity in Petter's voice. She knew he was an orphan, and she could see even on his face that he wasn't comfortable with the advantage and the edge his mates have over him because his parents were no longer around.

  “You don't have to worry about that, Petter,” Wanda encouraged him. “You are more brilliant than them all, I am sure.” She reminded him he had been the best student in class for some consecutive years running, and then she remembered their cozy incident yesterday, which Becky mentioned.

  “It doesn't work like that here at the Fortress - inequality is highly encouraged,” Petter continued to grumble. “So, it's all about who likes you and the position or places you are sent to when you are young that defines if your future is bright or not.” He waited, looking away into oblivion. “Whatever we’re offered, children like me have to obey; otherwise, life will be tough and finished for us..”

  “Wanda,” Bathe called, breaking off Wanda’s thoughts and her desire to discuss what Becky said. She turned to see him and Alexis a few steps away from her. She walked towards them while Petter followed closely. Immediately they got to Bathe; Wanda looked up into Alexis’ eyes and saw that he was staring towards Petter.

  “Excuse us,” Alexis said to Petter, and before Wanda could object, Petter vanished expeditiously. She wondered why Petter quivered in front of Alexis. She recalled their meeting at the House when Petter barely spoke throughout their discussion in the conference room.

  “Here, I forgot to give you this.” Bathe brought out a shrunken Praying Méndez from the denim jacket he wore on his black short sleeve shirt.

  Wanda stared at the shirt and noticed it had thin stripes of shimmering lines running parallel from top to the bottom of the shirt. She realised how overwhelmed she must have been while inside the training hall for her not to have noticed the silver on the shirt.

  “This Praying Méndez has a powerful tracking device embedded in it,” Bathe explained, holding on to the Méndez. “Should we be separated, we all can find you anywhere you are as long as this is with you.”

  “Becky has decided to ride with you,” Alexis added, smiling sheepishly. “She's sorry she said those words to you about your dad and would like to make up for them, though her father didn't like that she was coming with you instead of him.”

  “Becky?” Wanda was shocked knowing how bad their training session went. Bathe mumbled some words to show his disapproval that Becky would be riding with them like Becky was going to spoil his plans.

  “Okay,” Wanda said after pondering, she took the Méndez from Bathe. “I guess we are leaving now.”

  “Yes,” Alexis answered. “Bathe, please get everyone ready in their different cars.

  Bathe walked away, and suddenly without Wanda noticing when the person left where she was by the jeep, Wanda realised the person covered in a robe was standing beside her. She felt a cold chill go down her spine at the unanticipated appearance.

  “Definitely a strong and unique presence of The Chosen in her,” Wanda heard a woman say through the pulled up hood.

  Wanda wondered what she was talking about when the woman pulled off her hood. Her eyes were gray, her facial skin as flawless as one could imagine — no single spot or blemish. Her hair was very long and gray, but the blond in it was still visible, revealing she was in her late fifties. She spoke with a slight Eastern European accent that made Wanda wonder the country she was from or where she grew up.

  “Are you sure Ventress,” Alexis asked for confirmation. His eyes carried intense excitement and disturbance at the same time.

  “Ventress,” Wanda spoke even before she realised it. The name struck a bell.

  “Yes,” the lady replied, looking at Wanda.

  “You're the head of the Medical hall.”

  “Yes, my girl.” Ventress smiled at Wanda. “I've been swamped, trying to resuscitate your brother.” Her eyes showed no sincerity in what she said. She was as straight and cold, looking like a snail.

  “Thanks,” Wanda felt awkward as she observed the eldritch looking woman. Everything about her looked too perfect, and it gave Wanda an uncomfortable feeling.

  All at once, Ventress touched Wanda's arm. The touch electrified Wanda's body. She could feel something unexplainable passing from Ventress' body and searching hers. Like a tiny jolt of electricity running amok in her body.

  “I will destroy the rebels,” Wanda involuntarily found herself repeating what she could read from Ventress' mind. “I vow to burn their demons, to burn that which killed my father, with fire never seen before. This is my oath - I swear it.”

  Ventress let go after a few seconds, and Wanda took a deep breath.

  “Yes, I'm sure Alexis,” Ventress said, and Alexis' eyes widened in amazement, but Wanda was looking at Ventress, so she didn't see Alexis' reaction. “More than I have felt in any other child in fifteen years.”

  “What just happened?” Wanda asked.

  “You swore a blood oath to destroy the rebels and their demons,” Ventress smiled, a smile so cold it worried Wanda that there was something she should dislike about Ventress.

  “Blood oath?” Wanda echoed and looked at her arm, where Ventress had held onto her. There was a tiny dot of blood on her arm. She realised Ventress must have had a pin-like object somewhere in her hand when she touched her. “I don't even know how to fight, so how am I going to destroy demons.”

  “Oh, you know how to fight my girl,” Ventress said, “it is in your blood. When the time comes, your 'Chosen Experience' will come, and your powers will manifest. You can avenge your father’s death on the rebels and the demon that took his life.”

  Wanda only stared at Ventress, she did not understand what she meant, but she liked the last statement and wanted to get back at the rebels and the demon that was involved in her father's death.

  “Oh, my father! That I will surely avenge,” Wanda replied, not minding the oath she had made. She looked at Alexis while holding her left hand to the position in her right hand, where Ventress had touched. “I need to know the Healing Méndez is all you need for Jason to get well.”

  “Yes. Jason would be fine when we have the Healing Méndez,” Ventress said coldly with no flicker of expression on her face.

  “But you need the Healing Méndez,” Wanda turned back to Ventress to confirm it was what they needed to heal Jason.

  “Yes, Wanda,” Alexis responded, looking deeply serious. Since Wanda had stepped into the Fortress, she hadn't seen him that focused. “Your brother and so many lives depend on you returning with the Healing Méndez. I have doubled the people going with your group because there are children among you. You have to return within the next forty-eight hours and come back with the Healing Méndez.”

  “What about if the rebels would only release the Healing Méndez as long as they keep me with them.”

  “Here,” Alexis said as both he and Ventress smiled as they had prepared for her question. He passed a piece of item wrapped inside silver linen cloth to Wanda. “Hold this. Don't show it to anyone. Not Bathe, not Petter, not Becky. People are feeding the rebels information in the Fortress, and I don't know who. Keep this with you as an extra tool against any demon that Bathe or the others can't overcome or in case the rebels don't want to release you. Only open it as a last resort when needed. Any demon would bow at its glow, providing more Vitrians time to come to your aid.”

  “Okay,” Wanda nodded as she collected the item. It was small, even in her hands. She put the silver linen cloth in the pocket of her jeans. The object insid
e it was hard. She could feel the hardness through her jeans.

  “The journey today would be short,” Ventress added, and Wanda wondered how she could know that. “The Healing Méndez is golden in appearance with the Vitrian symbol on it on every side. You can't miss it.” Ventress said and then walked away.

  Wanda watched her as she walked away. She was still feeling the tiny jolts in her right arm when Bathe shouted her name to get her attention. She turned back to see that Alexis was already by the jeep he was riding in. The people outside had all stepped into the jeep they were riding in, and their engines were already running. She walked up to Bathe's jeep and they commenced the journey.

  About half an hour into the journey, Wanda finally paid attention to the discussion going on in the car. The car she was in was filled up by, Becky, Petter and Bathe who was driving.

  “You really should have allowed someone else to drive,” Petter whined.

  “You're all children I would have only allowed an adult,” Bathe answered. He continued to look straight ahead as he drove on the uneven mountain road path they were on.

  “Well, you should have allowed some of the other adults then,” Becky included rather than putting three children and yourself in a car.

  “This is my team, so you are all my responsibilities,” Bathe had no sound of remorse in his voice. “I would rather have you guys ride with me than anyone else, and besides, that's why we are the second vehicle on the convoy.

  Petter, who was seated next to Bathe in front, looked down into the valley as the journey continued. They were driving at the rough edges of the mountain. “How many minutes more?”

  “Another half an hour or a little more I'll guess,” Bathe replied.

  “It's quite far.” Becky squinted.

  “Would you expect the rebels to hide any of their locations close to the Fortress, would you?” Bathe asked.

  “No, they wouldn't,” Becky answered and then looked towards Wanda. She and Wanda stared at each other for some seconds.


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