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Exploration (Galactic Neighborhood Book 3)

Page 9

by Alexander Elliott

  Though the house slaves in Yarmew’s palace knew almost nothing about the sex slaves living virtually next door, the occupants of the harem were well informed about their sisters. Well, they had been until Birmew was punished and replaced following Claire’s death. That horrible night was still fresh in their minds and frightened them badly.

  The last death among them was years ago, right after they were brought here to service the Sub’ords. Four women died on the same night, whether by accident or design was impossible to say. It seemed likely the incident on board ship was covered up. If so, the Sub’ords were unaware human women could not withstand Silestri mating. That they knew it henceforth was without question, and there were no further deaths until very recently.

  Their numbers were now reduced to twenty women, left to service an ever-changing number of Silestri males. One good thing came about as the result of Claire’s death; the Sub’ord who killed her was never seen at the harem again. Knowing they were not entirely disposable brought some small measure of solace to the slaves. Ultimately it changed nothing about their conditions or treatment, but it seemed even the powerful Sub’ords understood no replacements were forthcoming. The women often wondered why their numbers were not added to from the supply of house slaves, but apparently the initial group of twenty-five were some sort of one time ‘gift’ from Yarmew to her faithful servants.

  The loss of Birmew as their guard and keeper was an additional burden for the slaves to bear. He was the only Silestri to treat them kindly, and was the closest thing to a friend they had on this alien world. During his benevolent term he provided information, taught them the Silestri language, and did what he could to protect them from abuse by the Sub’ords. It was his attempt to protect a still-healing Claire which ultimately spelled his doom. As a group, they were forced to watch as he was beaten, castrated, and then dragged unconscious and bleeding from the room.

  Nothing of his ultimate fate was known, and they assumed he was dead. With Birmew gone, a new overseer was brought in to guard and guide the slaves. He was there to prevent any mischief or escape attempts, and to ensure they kept to the schedule assigned by his superiors. The slaves were tasked with cleaning the service rooms, the large reception salon, and their own quarters, as well as serving everything from full banquets to individual meals. They were quite used to the routine by now, of course, but it was proving difficult to work with someone other than Birmew.

  The new guard was not cruel, but he spoke harshly and treated them as simpletons who needed direct guidance. In order to preserve their advantage, the women did not reveal their considerable knowledge of the Silestri language. The new guard, whose name they did not know, was forced to explain what he wanted in the very simplest of terms. It only reinforced his belief the humans were stupid beasts and apparently good for only one thing.


  Since Silestri preferred to both hunt and mate after dark, the women did not end their day until very late, and normally slept in until the midday meal. The room they shared was quite large and divided into quadrants, each containing a low platform fitted with a comfortable mattress. Each ‘bed’ could easily sleep ten, but usually only held four to six on any given day. Sleeping arrangements were fluid, based on who desired company, warmth or sex.

  They long ago gave up control of their own bodies to the Silestri, but maintained real intimacy with each other out of practical need and as a show of kinship in their bondage. A few professed no interest in sex of any kind, or preferred to pleasure themselves privately, but no one was condemned for sharing themselves with someone else. Many of the Sub’ords preferred group matings, requiring the women to at least tolerate the intimate contact now demanded of them.

  Glynnis White, one of Exploration’s trained medics, now served as the senior officer among the sex slaves, and was jokingly referred to among themselves as ‘The Madam’. She woke before the others and slipped down to the floor at the end of her platform to work on her poetry. It was a harmless mental exercise she used to cope with the reality of her existence and it helped keep the darkest thoughts at bay. She was trying, unsuccessfully, to think of a word which rhymed with ‘beloved’ when the guard began pounding on the locked door. Next came his usual morning insult, a growled curse which translated roughly as “wake up, stupid whores”.

  The women ignored his comments, but got up quickly to get ready for the day. Stretching and yawning, they made their way to the huge attached bathing room which contained several stools and sinks, large mirrors, and an open bay shower. Off to the side were three oversize bath tubs for washing or soaking as needed. The women greeted each other warmly with smiles and got down to the business at hand. By the time their guard opened the door sometime later, they were expected to be freshly washed and dressed for their assigned roles during the first part of the day.

  Glynnis gathered the other four ladies who were to join her for duty this morning. In a rotating schedule, five of the women were ‘on-call’, ready to service any Sub’ord who might happen to arrive this early in the day. It was a fairly rare occurrence, but they must be prepared or face severe punishment. Their clothing consisted of a sheer white gauzy wrap with a small modesty flap between the legs. They wore no jewelry, makeup or perfumes, and were forced to undergo head to toe depilatory treatments. Bare skin, not found on Silestri women, was a primary attraction for Silestri males.

  The other fifteen slaves were allowed to cover themselves in a loose-fitting smock of sturdy tan material, and leather slippers. They would be tending to the chores which awaited them each day until the meal at dusk, after which they would bathe again and don the sheer outfit required for servicing.

  Once the door was unlocked and opened, all the women were escorted to a plain dining room where the table was set with large quantities of food and drink. The slaves served themselves, enjoying whatever was available. It was wise to eat a generous portion, as the next meal would be hours away, assuming the Sub’ords did not arrive earlier than usual and upset the schedule.

  Their diets were carefully monitored, making sure the slaves did not gain any unsightly weight. The Sub’ords demanded trim, muscular bodies and it was to everyone’s benefit not to disappoint them. After breakfast, the slaves split up into two groups. Their guard remained with the larger group to supervise chores, while an older Silestri named Vezmew came to collect the on-call slaves. He escorted Glynnis and the others to the main reception salon, where they would remain until needed or until the evening meal.

  The salon served as the first point of contact between the Sub’ords and the slaves. Here they could enjoy a refreshing drink if desired, or simply choose the slave or slaves they wanted and retire to a service room. In the evening the salon was a very busy hub of activity, but at this time of day there was no one around and therefore nothing to do. The women had access to a large bathing/changing room and were allowed to talk or play simple table games, but were still expected to serve at a moments notice.

  Vezmew checked on them at regular intervals, and they stood with heads bowed when he entered the room. Sometimes he spoke, other times he examined their scanty clothing or sniffed them repeatedly. Occasionally he inspected the room and supplies to make sure things were ready for the day. When he was satisfied and left the room, the women resumed their activity. It was normally a very long and dull afternoon, but still preferable to chores or servicing the Sub’ords.

  Vezmew, for all practical purposes, was their pimp, as he supervised both the slaves and the males who used them. It was his responsibility to make certain the Sub’ords were supplied with everything they needed to enjoy themselves. Often, he was called upon to recommend a particular slave if the Silestri was not a regular visitor. It was also his job to instruct the males in what type of contact was allowed and what was not, with the authority to have someone removed if they did not comply.

  The slaves themselves were always under his watchful eye, of course. If a coupling were particularly rough, he decided if or
when she was to retire for the evening. Usually this meant excessive bleeding, bruising or swelling, which the Silestri found unattractive.

  The servicing rooms were closely monitored while in use to make sure the rules were being followed, and for the most part he took very good care of the slaves under his charge. After each servicing, the women were required to wash thoroughly in the attached bathing suite, put on a fresh outfit, and return to the salon. There was no enforced limit on the number of Sub’ords a slave would service, and it varied greatly depending on several factors.

  Some encounters were simple and quick, while others were more lavish affairs which included things other than sex such as a meal or massage. Group couplings often lasted for hours, with fresh slaves introduced during the brief Silestri rest periods. When a Sub’ord was ready to be serviced, Vezmew would pull the chosen slave or slaves aside, briefly explain what was required, and send them to the proper room.

  Long afternoons in the salon were usually filled with simple card or table games which could be picked up and stashed away in a hurry. The Silestri were not known for engaging in such activities, but Vezmew allowed the slaves to play as long as it did not interfere with their true purpose. When Birmew was still with them, he provided the supplies they needed to create game boards and decks of cards. They were crude, but served their purpose well and provided the women hours of entertainment.

  At the moment, the slaves were playing a hand of poker, and Glynnis was holding three aces in her hand. Just as she was about to lay them down, a soft chime alerted them to the imminent arrival of one or more Sub’ords. Quickly, they gathered up the cards and put them in a small corner cupboard. Any minor flaws in appearance were hurriedly corrected before taking up their positions along the wall, backs straight, heads down.

  Vezmew opened the door, glanced quickly at the slaves, and escorted two Sub’ords into the salon. Glynnis could not see who they were, but based on the lack of detailed instructions given, they were apparently regulars. Vezmew invited them to recline comfortably on the couches, and then took up his post near the door. A moment later, the command to approach was given. All five slaves drew near, faced the Silestri, and fell to their knees with heads still bowed. Again, on command, they raised their heads but did not make eye contact.

  Glynnis was relieved to see two of her favorites, a bizarre if not somewhat accurate designation. They always came in as a pair, and demanded a group coupling with at least four slaves. Based on their informal banter during previous visits they were scientists of some kind, and apparently worked together on various projects. They were ‘favorites’ of hers because they were careful with their claws and were not unnecessarily rough during sex. As a slave, she could hardly ask for more, and it was much easier to endure servicing them than many of the others.

  Glynnis did not know their names, as such information was never provided. Still, she recognized them by their sash badges, body markings, and the unique cadence of their voices. At first glance, all Silestri males looked the same, but over time, the slaves were able to tell the differences between them. These two were relatively young, muscular, and still unmated. As with most of the Sub’ords, they were inexhaustible during sex, and experienced multiple releases during each servicing.

  Glynnis worked with these two a number of times, and she was now familiar with their preferences. She heard a rumbling purr coming from the both of them when they saw her face, since they knew she would provide them with an enjoyable visit. Glynnis felt an undeniable spark of satisfaction, followed by guilt that she should find any type of pleasure from her demeaning servitude. It was a common conundrum which she studiously ignored, and never once shared with her fellow slaves.

  The young Sub’ords rose from their couches to inspect the slaves, who remained kneeling on the floor. Circling each one, they sniffed the women thoroughly and ran soft furry paw/hands over exposed skin, careful to keep sharp claws sheathed. The slaves both heard and felt them purring softly, exchanging an occasional growl or comment. Finally, they beckoned Vezmew and explained which slaves they preferred and what they wanted before retiring to their assigned service room.

  The women remained on their knees while Vezmew carefully explained in simple terms what services were required. He asked if they understood, and after a silent nod of the head, rose to join the waiting Sub’ords. On the way to the room, Glynnis quickly filled in the other three women on what they would need to do.

  Two hours later, the Sub’ords were finally sated, and all four slaves were sore and exhausted. One at a time, they slipped out to bathe quickly before returning to the room. Each male was stretched out, face down and eyes closed, on one of the narrow padded benches the Silestri used instead of a bed. Each was being worked on by two still-naked slaves; one to massage and one to brush their thick sleek coats. Not every Sub’ord enjoyed this type of activity, but these two always insisted on it following sex.

  Glynnis and the others didn’t mind, as it was an easy task and gave them time to rest before their next encounter. The other benefit was this pair liked to converse as they relaxed, acting as though the slaves were not even present. Like their sisters in the palace, focused listening was the primary way they gleaned information from the Silestri. Sometimes, like today, what they heard turned out to be very unpleasant indeed, and it was all they could do not to react in horror and get themselves killed.


  Though Glynnis and the others made every effort to hide their feelings, Vezmew could see their unshed tears and detect a change in their pheromones. He questioned them carefully, trying to determine if they were injured or subjected to any proscribed behavior. Glynnis assured him they were simply worn out from the vigorous session, and were in need of food. He accepted her explanation, and since it was time for the slaves to eat, escorted them to the dining room.

  There, he instructed the guard to give the four of them a few extra minutes of rest after the meal, before bringing them back to the salon. The other women gave them curious looks, but without any privacy, their questions would have to wait. They all ate heartily, knowing it could be many hours before they were given their next meal. The conversation was more subdued than usual, but for appearance sake they kept up the fiction nothing was amiss.

  After the meal, the four slaves were led back to their quarters to rest while the other women cleaned the dining room. Once the door was closed, they burst into tears and attempted to comfort each other. Glynnis had responsibilities, however, and knowing their time was short, wiped her eyes and took charge of the conversation.

  “Listen to me very carefully. We cannot tell the others everything we heard in there today. The urge to strike back would be too strong for some to resist, and we would end up dead. We also can’t let the Silestri know we understand what they are saying. We would lose one of the few advantages we have, and they might even kill us for it. I will tell the others part of the truth, but as your senior officer, I must insist you tell no one the full story. Understood?”

  Glynnis shared with them the edited version she intended to tell the others. After further assurances, they agreed to support her story for the sake of everyone’s safety. From that moment on, they vowed to never speak of it again, and could only hope the Sub’ords they serviced today would not repeat their conversation to a different group of slaves in the future. Moments later, the rest of the women arrived to bathe and prepare for the evening. As they got ready, Glynnis was questioned, but reassured the others there was nothing to worry about, and she would share the story when they were getting ready for bed. Cleaned and dressed, the slaves were escorted to the salon to await their duty.


  Many hours later, the slaves were given their final meal of the day and then set to cleaning the dining room, salon, and service rooms. Only then were they allowed back to their quarters to bathe and sleep. As usual, they were all exhausted but happy to have the day over with. After bathing, the women with injuries came to Glynnis to have wounds clea
ned and given healing salve for their bruises. These were the only medical supplies the slaves were given, and the concoctions were not only effective, but worked very quickly. She was sure the only reason they were provided was because the Silestri insisted on clear unblemished skin, rather than as a kindness to their slaves. The reason didn’t matter, and she was happy to use her medic skills in some fashion, considering their current circumstances.

  Once the guard locked them in for the night, they were free to do what they wanted, so long as they did it quietly. Their usual practice was to share news and experiences as a group first, and then pursue other activities before retiring. All twenty women crowded together on or around one of the huge platform beds, insisting Glynnis speak first. When everyone was settled, she put on her best face and began the story, hoping her acting skills were up to snuff.

  “The four of us serviced the ‘scientists’ this afternoon. Most of you know what they are like and how they talk openly afterwards. Apparently, they are part of a team who are working on the cradle from Explorer.”

  Many of the women gasped when they realized the Silestri had possession of the cradle. It was bad enough to have captured the ship and enslaved the crew, but the thought of them getting their hands on the precious cargo contained in the cradle was the stuff of nightmares. Early on, they heard the ship was destroyed, and everyone hoped the cradle had gone along with it. Now that they knew the truth, a quiet dread settled on the group. Glynnis pressed on before their imaginations took over.


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