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Exploration (Galactic Neighborhood Book 3)

Page 14

by Alexander Elliott

  Their collective attention now turned to the edge of the shield bubble where the crazed Viperheads were still flinging themselves at the barrier. Cole directed the buoy to clear the plains of all the Viperheads, and in a flash of golden light, every one of them simply disappeared. Lovett and the men gasped in astonishment, and then reached out to touch the shield bubble which also disappeared. Lovett turned to the soldier.

  “Are you doing all of this?”

  The EMR smiled at him.

  “I am not alone. There is a ship in orbit assisting me. We should return to the caves. I will answer your questions there.”

  It was unfortunate the Viperheads ruined the deer they killed, but for the first time since they arrived on Hathor, the men were able to enjoy a carefree walk through the catnip grass as they headed back to the caves. The soldier, flanked by Lovett and Birmew, said nothing as they crossed the plain. The lookouts were frantic for information and rushed out to meet them. At the sight of the stranger they raised their crude weapons, but Lovett instructed them to stand down.

  Before they began ascending the rock face, the soldier spoke once more.

  “We have surrounded this area with a protective shield. You are safe from the creatures who attacked you and from space fired weapons. No harm will come to you while I am here.”

  Lovett nodded, and then followed the men into the caves. Logan Osborne and Dr. Vance met them near the opening, giving the soldier a suspicious once-over. Everyone began talking excitedly at once, ensuring no one could hear or understand anything being said. Lovett finally got their attention.

  “I know you all have questions, as do I, but we need order. Our guest has promised to explain, so I want everyone assembled in the mess hall for a meeting.”

  Since the shield was in place, even the watch crew was called inside. Once the entire group was present and seated, the soldier stood before them and began.

  “I represent the Alliance worlds of Khrusallis, Pacifica, Deviri, and Earth. We only became aware of your presence here yesterday, and I was sent to gather information. What is your point of origin, and why are you here?”

  Naturally, Lovett spoke for his men.

  “I am Jack Lovett, former First Officer of the colony starship Explorer, launched from Earth in the year 2198. Our vessel was intercepted and boarded by the Silestri about a decade ago. Our personnel were split into two groups, and the male officers and crew were marooned here. We have been told the women were taken to Bastet, the Silestri home world, but we have had no contact with them.”

  The soldier made no outward reaction to the news, but Cole was listening very carefully.

  “This is unexpected. We have been searching for Explorer for many years, but it was thought you and your men were captured during the Silestri invasion of the Sol System. Our enemy has made use of fixed dimensional corridors to travel instantly from their home world to this planet and Earth. They recently sent scout ships to Sol in what we believe is a prelude to another attack, and our investigation of the corridors led to a discovery of your presence here.”

  Amid the murmured conversations around him, Lovett struggled to decide what to ask first.

  “What is this Alliance you spoke of, and what did you mean about an invasion of the Sol system?”

  The soldier paused for a moment before speaking again.

  “My apologies, Commander Lovett. Much has happened since your journey began, so allow me to summarize briefly. The Alliance is made up of four worlds and three peoples; Human, Vingah, and Rxyl. The first two colony ships, Expedition and Odyssey, have successfully colonized and are growing. Using acquired alien technology, humans revisited Earth some thirty five years ago and found it destroyed by an unknown enemy.

  Pacifica, the colony founded by Expedition, began a search for the other two ships in an attempt to preserve the only other members of the human race in existence. About the same time your vessel was captured, Odyssey was located, and the search continued for Exploration. Meanwhile, the Sol system is once again inhabited while the Earth is slowly being restored. An attack by Silestri forces is imminent, and plans are being formulated as we speak. Due to the current conflict, we believe you may be in grave danger.”

  Angry and confused voices filled the large cavern, echoing off the stone walls. Lovett finally stood and motioned for quiet.

  “Wait just a minute. How can you expect us to believe your story? We have no way to verify a single word you have said. We don’t even know who you really are!”

  The mood turned ugly as disbelief and frustration threatened to boil over. The soldier remained unreadable while the grumbling continued, and then his voice so that it carried over the din.

  “As I have already explained, I am merely a messenger and have done nothing but assist you since I arrived. What type of proof do you seek?”

  The men began to argue once more, but on the ship, Cole spoke into his microphone.

  “Authorization override - show them.”

  He was taking a risk, but considering these men came from a similar background, he believed the direct approach would do the trick.

  The bickering stopped, and the men gasped in disbelief as the soldier disappeared, leaving only the shell, suspended in thin air. They were all startled when it spoke to them again in the same voice.

  “As you can see, I am not a corporeal life form. I have been sent here by representatives of the Alliance, who remain in orbit above this planet.”

  Cole made another decision, and quickly gave instructions to the EMR.

  “Reanimate. My face and voice. Enable.”

  The shell was replaced by the full body image of a young blond man in a strange uniform.

  “My name is Ensign Cole Hearst. I am a member of the Pacifica Space Force, and one of the designers of the unit you have been speaking to. I am aboard the battlecruiser Colorado, in orbit above this planet. I understand your reluctance to believe what you have been told, but I can assure you it is all true. I cannot, at the present time, come to the surface in person. However, if Commander Lovett would be willing to join us, I believe we can convince him of our sincerity.”

  Lovett considered the idea for a moment while the men waited to see what he would do.

  “Very well, Mr. Hearst. I am willing to come aboard your ship as long as your ‘soldier’ remains here while I am gone.”

  Cole nodded in agreement.

  “I agree. It could be some time before I am able to return you to the planet’s surface. In the meantime, do you have any pressing needs?”

  Just then, Lovett’s stomach growled loudly, causing nervous laughter which finally broke the tension.

  “There is, actually. As you probably know, the deer we hunted never made it back to the caves, and we are going to get mighty hungry before long. Is there any way you could help us track down a couple more?”

  Cole smiled brightly before responding.

  “I believe I can do even better, Commander. Give me a few moments please.”

  The EMR unit remained where it was, still projecting Cole’s likeness. While they waited, First Officer Osborne took Lovett aside.

  “Are you sure about this, Jack? We still don’t know who these people really are, what they want, or what else they can do. I would feel a lot better if you stayed here with us.”

  Lovett understood his concern, and placed a hand on Osborne’s shoulder, squeezing gently.

  “There is only one way to find out, Logan, so I think it’s worth the risk. Besides, based on the technology we have already seen, they seem to be far ahead of anything we have ever known. If they really intended to harm us in some way, they could certainly do it, whether we cooperate or not. I am leaving you in command until I return. Keep the men focused and calm if possible. See if you can get Birmew to share what he is thinking. He has to be uncomfortable hearing his people wiped out our home world. I get the feeling he knew nothing about it.”

  When Cole spoke again, it was with good news.

p; “I have arranged a variety of foodstuffs for your men, Commander. We will also provide a hot meal this evening, now that we are aware of your limited diet. While the unit is with you, it will continue to gather information, answer your questions, and offer protection. We ask your men to remain inside the caves for the time being. The buoys we have deployed have the ability to transport both people and objects. In a moment, the food will be delivered, along with standard issue uniforms and tools for personal grooming. Afterwards, you will be brought to the ship and may decide for yourself if we are telling you the truth.”

  The EMR ‘soldier’ returned and asked the men to make room for the incoming goods. Once the area was clear, a flash of golden light came and went, leaving a dozen large stackable crates in the center of the mess hall. Though amazed by the unorthodox delivery, the men wasted no time opening them and were soon enjoying foods not tasted in a very long time.

  Cole had dispatched a buoy with a request for various food and clothing items, combs, scissors and razors. If anyone on Guardian thought it strange, nothing was said, and the requested items appeared in the docking bay within a few minutes. It seemed to have been the right thing to do as the group was now smiling and laughing together over their good fortune. Lovett enjoyed watching the men have a good time, but the soldier interrupted him by asking if he was ready to go. After a quick survey of the mess hall and a nod to Osborne, he was ready.

  A golden light enveloped him, and by the time he blinked, Osborne found himself standing in a large docking bay. He turned to find a woman and two uniformed men waiting for him, one of whom was Cole Hearst.

  “Welcome to the Colorado, Commander. This is Captain Bolitz, and our ship’s physician, Dr. Norcross.”

  Norcross stepped closer, holding a diagnostic tool of some kind.

  “This won’t take long, Commander Lovett. I have to make sure there are no microorganisms which could endanger the rest of the crew. Stand still for just a moment, please.”

  Lovett struggled not to stare at the first woman he’d seen in a decade, and a beautiful one too. He was suddenly very self conscious, since he was wearing nothing but a leather loin cloth. Without a mirror, he could only imagine what he must look like. The device emitted a strong white light and a soft humming sound as she scanned him from head to foot and back again. She finally stepped back and nodded to the Captain.

  “All clear, Sir. He will need a complete physical workup as soon as it can be arranged, but he is in remarkably good health, considering the harsh living conditions.”

  Bolitz approached, hand outstretched.

  “Welcome aboard, Commander. I know this must be overwhelming, but we want you to see for yourself we are only here to help you and your men. First, I would like to give you the opportunity to get cleaned up and into a uniform, followed by a hot meal. Afterwards, allow me to take you to the bridge and show you where we are. Agreed?”

  Lovett shook his head and smiled broadly.

  “That’s the best offer I’ve heard in a very long time, Captain.”

  He turned to Cole and reached out to shake his hand.

  “Thank you for your protection, and for the items you sent down. I am counting on your promise to keep them safe while I am gone.”

  Cole shook his hand and returned the smile.

  “Relax, Commander. We are keeping a close watch on the men, and on the system. Nothing will harm them – you have our word.”

  Cole remained at his station to monitor the EMR, while Lovett followed Bolitz and Norcross to his temporary quarters. The men finished eating and were now cutting hair and trimming beards. Surprisingly, only a few of them wanted a clean shave. The EMR followed them to a place deeper in the caves they called the bathtub, lit by crude torches. There, they bathed and began changing into the clothing he sent down.

  Commander Osborne and the Silestri, Birmew, were keeping a close watch on the EMR. Cole admitted he probably wouldn’t trust the strange device either, given similar circumstances. Eventually, the EMR’s would learn enough human behavior and speech to easily pass for a flesh and blood person.

  Even now, the unit was observing very carefully, learning more by the minute. Cole laughed when the EMR convinced Birmew to teach him his language. It would come in very handy to be able to understand their enemy, whether it was face to face or ship’s communications. Once the unit learned the Silestri tongue, the knowledge could be downloaded to a larger database or to other EMR’s instantly.

  Cole began to wonder what would become of Birmew. He still did not know why the friendly Silestri was even present among the human men. They seemed incredibly comfortable around him, even after hearing about the destruction of Earth by Birmew’s people. Perhaps that particular reality had not yet come home to roost. They certainly were not acting as though their lives were about to change drastically, rather, they seemed to simply enjoy what was happening at the moment and refrained from thoughts about the future. Cole thought it likely they were waiting to hear back from Lovett with confirmation of the things they were told.


  Lovett felt...strange. He was not used to ship board air and gravity, wearing clothing, or his own reflection in the mirror. The shower, shave, haircut and meal were wonderful and relaxing, yet he still felt out of kilter and just a bit guilty for not being with his men. He needed to focus on the reason he was here in the first place, and put the rest of it in the back of his mind for now. Unfortunately, this included the lovely Dr. Norcross as well, since thoughts of her produced decidedly unfortunate responses in his body. This was one of those times when the responsibilities of command trumped personal inclinations – damn it.

  The lift he shared with Captain Bolitz brought them up several decks and deposited them in the passageway just outside the bridge. What he saw of the ship so far was impressive indeed, and he was almost embarrassed by the ridiculously out of date tech base of his former ship. As First Officer aboard the Exploration, Lovett was intimately familiar with the ebb and flow of every day activity aboard ship. It all came rushing back to him as they stepped onto the bridge, and for a moment his emotions threatened to get away from him.

  Introductions were made, and everyone was painfully polite of course, but he couldn’t shake the feeling he didn’t belong here any more. So much happened, so much changed, so much was gone. If Captain Bolitz noticed his discomfiture, he gave no indication of it, and Lovett was quietly thankful. He was shown the star charts, and noted Hathor was in an unknown (to him) sector of the galaxy. Next, he viewed images of the Earth in ruins, and what it looked like in the present day. Lastly, he saw the various planets and people which made up the Alliance, marveling at both the Vingah and Rxyl.

  When he was thoroughly convinced, Bolitz led him to his ready room just off the bridge so they could speak privately. Once they were seated at the small conference table, the Captain spoke first.

  “I cannot begin to understand what you might be feeling right now, Commander. I’m going to have to ask you to set it aside for a little while longer, however. Decisions need to be made which will have far reaching consequences for both the Alliance and your men on Hathor.”

  Lovett swallowed hard and looked directly into his eyes.

  “I realize that, Captain, and I appreciate the care and patience you have already shown us. Before we go any further, I must warn you our women may be in much greater danger than we ever were.”

  Lovett went on to explain what Birmew told him regarding the sex slaves and their treatment. He took a perverse pleasure in watching the man turn white as a sheet, and then begin to burn with a fury Lovett understood all too well. It took a moment for Bolitz to compose himself and respond.

  “We have a ship leaving within the next two hours for Bastet, and their mission is to find all of your female personnel and ascertain their situation. From what you have just told me, we have no time to lose, Commander. I believe this information needs to be delivered directly to Admiral Perry.”

  Bolitz stood,
followed by a very confused Lovett.

  “Is this Admiral on the ship?”

  Bolitz shook his head and quickly explained.

  “He is aboard the space station Guardian in Earth orbit. Our technology allows us to send people or ships anywhere we choose in seconds. Once he hears your report, the two of you can also decide on the best resolution for you and your men.”

  Bolitz returned to the bridge to send a brief message to Perry, describing the urgent nature of Lovett’s report and his impending arrival.

  “We will remain in Hathor orbit and await your return, or further orders. The Admiral has already been appraised of the situation here, so you won’t need to review everything with him. Are you ready?”


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