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Dying to Live

Page 10

by Annie Alvarex

  Then I heard the very distinct, meee-oo-ww. Zoe. I then felt her rubbing against my legs. The tigers lunged again with new ferocity Zoe, would provide them only a quick snack. I bent down, scratching the top of her head and she sat at my feet, staring back at the large cars. The two large animals lay down and watched her and then something happened that I wouldn’t have believed. She stood up, pranced over to the oversized felines, and rubbed her head against each one. As if obeying her, they rolled over onto their sides and pawed the air. Then Zoe meee-oo-wwed, and jumped onto Tamara’s side, continuing to meow at me. I guess she was telling me to come get Tamara, so I took a step forward, putting myself directly within the path of the tigers’ hungry appetites. I hesitantly continued to step toward Tamara and Zoe, as I watched them carefully.

  One of the tigers yawned and laid its head away from me, the other devotedly watched my every move. The shrine directly behind Tamara had lit candles, incense, and a key. Two medium size statues, about three feet tall stood on either side of the shrine and a much larger one sat to the right. Something about the statues looked familiar.

  I dropped the robe near Tamara and stepping over her, took the key from the shrine and repeated a little prayer. Please let this work. Please let this work. Please let this key work, as I stuck the key in the lock and turned it. Click, the shackle fell to the floor. I turned her onto her back, covering her with the robe and undid the other shackle. I glanced at the three-foot statue closest to me and that’s when the similarities hit me. It was a statue of Celeste! I shook my head in disbelief. She actually had these people thinking she was a goddess. I was about to pick up Tamara when Zoe rubbed against me, meowing, and pranced over to the large cats who were intently watching me.

  “What? You want me to set them free?” I asked, half-expecting her to answer me. “They’ll eat me.” I must have lost my mind. I’m talking to my cat.

  I see what you see. Katherine’s voice rung in my head. We will prepare and be ready for you when you arrive. Izzy, be certain that you are ready or we will both lose her forever.

  This is about the draining thing, isn’t it? I thought it because I didn’t want Tamara to hear me.

  Yes, my child. It will pain me more than either of you. She paused and then said, You have been a delight in our house, I would not have had it any other way. Now, bring her home.

  Zoe had cuddled up to one of the tigers, patiently waiting for me. I slinked over, getting very close to the large teeth and patted the cat on the head, showing it the key. “See,” I whispered, moving closer to its neck. “I’m going to unlock it. I won’t hurt you so, please don’t hurt me.” The key slid into the lock and click, it opened.

  The large animal stood, stretched and licked my face, then joined Zoe who was standing next to the other—a meaner looking tiger. I approached it with the same knot in my stomach I carried from freeing the first one. It blew the air out of its nose, slobbering me with tiger snot, yuck! Then it turned its face away from me, relieving my anxiety. Click. Snot-nose was free, too. Only it didn’t lick my face, it just stared at me.

  I slowly backed away until I was within reach of Tamara, knelt down, scooped her up in my arms, and headed for the stairs. “Come on, Zoe, we’re outta here.” And with a meow, she was by my side. I closed the door to the basement, knowing that the Warlocks would soon return and provide the big cats with the hearty meal they deserved. Did I feel guilty? Nope, not at all.

  Zoe was the first one into the limo, making herself comfortable on the seat. I followed closely behind, Tamara in my arms. “Head for the airport and don’t stop for anything.”

  As soon as my door closed, Pierre gunned the accelerator.

  “Oh my.” Abby put her hand on Tamara’s forehead. “She’s burning up. She needs to feed.”

  “I know,” I said, staring at her.

  “Oh no. I’m done with getting bitten.” She narrowed her eyes into thin slits and scrunched her nose, shaking her head. “No. No. No.”

  “Fine. I won’t force you. We’ll be in Florida in a couple of hours. She’ll feed then. Pierre, get us to the airport.”

  “Hey, boss lady, da po-po got us. What should I do?”

  I turned and saw the red and blue lights flashing behind us. “Keep going. Let them get ahead of us, then stay with them.”

  “Uh, okay.” His voice cracked. I knew he was confused, so was I, but I knew not to stop.

  One of the police motorcycles pulled up next to the window, the rider craned his neck, looked in, then respectfully nodded and pulled in front of the limo. The second officer took his lead and we raced down Highway 61, with police escort, to the airport.

  “She won’t last a couple of hours,” Abby mumbled. “Oh, fuck me. Here,” she put her arm in front of Tamara’s mouth. “Go on, cut me. Let her feed.”

  If Tamara started feeding now, I may not be able to stop her. I needed a disposable donor, sounds crappy, huh? Hey! When it’s to the line and you had to choose between two people you loved or a complete stranger, we both know whom you’d choose. And don’t tell me otherwise because then I’d say you were lying.

  “No.” I moved her arm away from Tamara’s face. “I can’t say that she would stop in time. But thank you.”

  “Izzy.” She looked solemn. “I know,” she said, offering her arm again. “Let her feed.”

  While I cradled Tamara in my arms, I took Abby’s forearm in my mouth and bit her. Satisfied that her wound was deep enough to draw blood, I turned Tamara’s face and pressed her lips against Abby’s bleeding gash. Tamara didn’t even flinch as the blood smeared across her lips and dripped into her mouth. She didn’t even try to take nourishment. I licked Abby’s wound closed and my mind immediately started replaying Katherine’s words, be certain that you are ready or we will both lose her forever. I knew what she meant. It’s something that I’ve struggled with for a while now. But if Tamara continued refusing to feed, she would leave me no choice, I would have to bleed her.

  “We are near da plane, I’ll get ya as close as I can, boss. Good luck to da lady friend of yar’s.”

  The Limo slowed, and true to his word, we were only a few feet from the Lear Jet. I opened the door, wrapped my arms around Tamara and ran for the jet’s ramp while calling, “Zoe, come on girl.”

  Abby was the last one in. The flight attendant closed and locked the large door. “We have clearance to depart, please find a seat.”

  The plane started moving as I carried Tamara into the back room. Yes, we were on the Hightower Jet. Of course they had a room, equipped with a bed and everything. The pilot’s voice broke through the loudspeaker as I kicked open the bedroom door.

  “Okay, ladies, we’re out of here.”

  Oh goody, he had a sense of humor. The plane lurched forward with such force that it threw Tamara and me on the bed. I held onto her and waited until we had stabilized from the we’ve-taken-off-like-a-rocket momentum. Zoe, of course, was the first one to greet me when I entered the main cabin. She jumped into my arms, almost knocking the bottle of water out of my hands. “Thought you could use this,” I said, handing it to Abby. She shrugged her shoulders in a I’m-in-deep-thought kind of way.

  “You have anything stronger?”

  “No, but we have fresh blood in the fridge if you want that instead.”

  She rolled her eyes and sighed, opening the bottle. “I’ve been thinking.” She gulped down half the bottle. “Ever since I arrived in Florida, things have been a little hectic.”

  I plopped in the seat adjacent to hers and listened, even though my eyelids felt a thousand pounds heavy.

  “Well, first Kaley, then New Orleans, and— wait! How could I forget, the Goddess Aisha and oh yeah, having her take over my body…”

  Abby slapped my leg and my eyelids flew open.

  “Wake up!”

  “What,” I squealed. “I’m listening.”

  “Where was I? Oh. Yeah, having her take over my body and having sex with you. Is this usually how complicated y
our life is?”

  I thought of a way of telling Abby exactly how complicated my life had become without going all the way back to the beginning. “My life got complicated when Kaley showed up at my house and killed me.” Not so sweet, but simple. She raised a tell-me-more eyebrow and shifted in the seat, getting comfortable.

  “It’s too long to go into. I might put myself to sleep.” I chuckled.

  “We have time,” she said, looking around the cabin. “Neither one of us is going anywhere.”

  I heard a thump come from the bedroom and was immediately on my feet.

  The bedroom door opened and Tamara stood in all her glory, holding on to the doorframe. “I need…” and down she went.

  I picked her up and tucked her back in bed. She grabbed my arm as I was leaving and repeated, “I need.”

  Abby stood in the doorway, watching Tamara beg for sustenance. “I can’t do this! I can’t watch her suffer.” She held out her arm to me. “Bite me or I’ll cut a vein open.”

  I could tell by the way she shoved her arm in my face she was serious. “Fine,” I said, sinking my fangs into her and tasting the warm, thickness that oozed from her wound. I was tired of people telling me what to do or using me or hiding behind me.

  “Ouch!” She yelped, pulling away and laid on the bed. She scooted tightly against Tamara’s back and carefully positioned her bleeding arm at her lips. “Drink and be well,” she said, not sounding like herself.

  Shit! Shit! Shit! “No,” I yelled…but it was too late. Tamara had latched onto her arm and was already drinking Abby’s blood, which just happened to be Aisha’s blood now. “She does not belong to you!”

  Abby turned, looking at me with glowing eyes. “Only partially.” She grinned.

  Tamara moaned, oh not just any moan, but the one I’ve become so intimately acquainted with that tells me she’s enjoying herself and I cocked my head, staring at Aisha. Tamara stirred, forcefully grabbing Abby’s arm and slowly thrusting her waist. I didn’t have to be a mind reader to know what she was thinking. “You’ll bleed that body you’re in, if you’re not careful.”

  Watching Tamara enjoy the sexual dream Aisha had put in her head, pissed me off. That’s my wife she was messing with. Then I felt the tingling of my own desire sparkle. Oh, not now. I was no good at holding back the dam of passion, especially when Tamara and Abby, now Aisha, were involved. Please, not now.

  “Join us,” Aisha whispered. “Your wife longs for your touch. Come feel what she offers.”

  I felt like the last time Tamara and I had sex, the passion was missing either on her part or on mine. It really didn’t matter now. I’d be an idiot to pass up the chance to re-kindle that flame.

  I leaned into the bed, slowly caressing Tamara’s thigh while Aisha stroked my arm as I moved closer. I wouldn’t interrupt Tamara’s feeding. She needed her sustenance, but I couldn’t stay away, either. My hand fumbled on Aisha’s breast. Her moaning carried a new wave of excitement through me, a desperate excitement. I would give anything to be in Tamara’s loving arms again. A stabbing pain radiated from my back down my arms and broke my trance with Aisha. Zoe jumped on me and drove her little sharp needles deep into my flesh.

  “Enough,” I snapped at Zoe and Aisha. Zoe, the good kitty that she is, jumped off me and curled up next to Tamara’s feet. Aisha gave me a curious smile. “She’s draining Abby.” I pointed at Tamara. “Enough.”

  She slowly pulled her arm away from Tamara. “I’ll care for this body, as it happens to be the only one I have at the moment,” Aisha said, with a smirk.

  Her at-the-moment comment, weighed heavily on me. Was I expecting her to gather more bodies and try to take over the world? Probably. I wasn’t putting anything past Aisha, not anymore.

  Chapter Seven

  This time, I was back at the estate, not in Jamaica, as I thought I should be. I was bra deep in humidity. My sweaty clothes clung to me as if I had an invisible electrical barrier around me creating static.

  Tamara moaned from the bed. She was restless. I couldn’t blame her. I prepared myself, as well as I could, to do the most insane thing I have had to face since being turned. I had to bleed Tamara. Don’t ask me how I felt about it because I couldn’t just give you an answer without having to philosophize my entire belief system again. And I didn’t have time to do that. The only thing I was sure of is that my options had quickly dwindled. I could watch Tamara continue refusing to feed, except for feeding on Abby. Who the Goddess Aisha, acquired the habit of borrowing Abby’s body to manifest herself in, simply watch Tamara grow old and die, permanently or bleed her and hope that Katherine’s plan worked.

  Dying to live sounded farfetched even for me, but I would take my chances with Katherine. She had as much, if not more reason to see her daughter live. Abby wanted to be here with us, but with Aisha being able to take over her body at will, I didn’t think it wise. Mistress Layla had flown in from Egypt to help Katherine and I complete this risky task. That made me nervous. If someone as powerful as Katherine needed help, our chances of succeeding where slim, but it was the elaborately decorated wooden coffin sitting in the room that reinforced my fear.

  I sat in the chair, staring at the coffin. I wondered if I would ever know what the colorful hieroglyphics adorned on the sides and the top of the wooden box meant. I didn’t stare at it to decipher its meaning. I stared at it to ignore that the two Matriarchs had tied Tamara, naked and spread-eagle to the bedpost.

  “We don’t know what effects this will have on either one of them.” Layla offered.

  I shrugged, not being able to tear my sight from the coffin. “We’ll see, won’t we?” I let my anger settle into my words prematurely. I wasn’t pissed at them. I was pissed at myself. I should have done Celeste in when I had the chance. Yeah, I know…would have, should have, could have. Nothing ever worked the way I planned.

  Thankfully, Layla ignored my attitude. “I give you my word that Katherine will be well cared for until she fully recovers.”

  My brow shot up. “What…what are you talking about?”

  Katherine looked at us as if Layla had let the proverbial cat out of the box then lowered her head and continued her silent thoughts next to Tamara.

  “Perhaps we should give them a moment alone,” Layla suggested, extending her hand toward the door.

  I gave Layla a hard look, stood and went out into to the hallway. “What the hell is going to happen!” I meant it as a question, but my tone made it sound harsh and demanding.

  “We are not sure.” Her soft whisper, echoed.

  My patience was running on reserve. I took a breath. “What do you think is going to happen?”

  “I’m not sure, Izzy.” She laid one hand on my shoulder. “Katherine, will give Tamara her essence.”

  I frowned. “That’s not good.” The one thing I’ve learned is that essence is what keeps a vampire coming back every night. Without it, the body stays behind as an empty shell.

  “Hopefully, all will be well. I will care for Kate until she recovers and returns to us. As you must care for Tamara.” She stepped in closer. “I will stay behind for a few days in case, you need some help.”

  “Help with what? I mean, they’ll either live or die, right?”

  “Yes, but the other clans may see this as an opportunity to stake a claim on the Hightower territory.”

  “Who cares,” I shot back with bitter words. “Let them have what they want as long as everyone survives.”

  Layla squeezed my shoulder. “It’s not that simple. If a powerful enough clan challenges you and wins, the Hightowers will have acquired a new Mistress.”

  I opened my mouth to say oh then closed it. I understood the implications of leaving the fragile Hightower Empire in inexperienced hands, like mine. Yeah, this was serious business. Lucky fucking me.

  We looked at each other with a knowing gaze. She knew that I could not maintain the Hightower’s power structure and I knew that she would help me, but only because of the namesak

  We turned ready to go back in and start, but Shamana came running down the hallway. “Wait…wait…I…have…news,” she said between pants.

  Layla removed her hand from the doorknob, and said, “You will want to hear this.”

  I faced an out of breath Shamana, taking in a lungful of air.

  “I…know…what…went…wrong.” She doubled over, putting her hands on her sides, breathing hard.

  I leaned to the side, impatiently waiting for her to catch a breath and tell me what she was talking about.

  “I already know old friend,” Layla responded, “but Izzy needs to hear it.”

  Shamana held up a-wait-a-minute-finger, her breathing still sporadic.

  I looked at Layla. “Just tell me.”

  “I cannot.” She smiled. “It is not my place, but you will understand soon.”

  “I know why…this has…happened to Tamara,” Shamana spouted between breaths.

  “Tell me.”

  “She was…spelled.” Shamana’s voice carried a sweet tang of fear.

  I didn’t need any guesses as to who had spelled her. Ding! Ding! Ding! And my answer was…Celeste. Now, I won the grand prize of hunting her down and killing her. The look on my face must have given away what I was thinking because Shamana’s expression changed. “Oh, Izzy, I’m so sorry!”

  I stood, quietly staring at her. My emotions were so jumbled up, I didn’t know what to say.


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