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Righteous Reign II - Righteous Rule

Page 2

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  V. A. Elasima will order Commodore. D. Simmons to hold all "subs" in this temporary new command for further orders, at the position, specified.

  All other Theatre Nine Fleet Commanders must immediately direct their covert ships' commanders to attach themselves and their ships to Commodore D. Simmons new temporary command; and, to report to him, immediately on arrival, to the above-detailed position.

  Vice Admiral Elasima is enjoined to instruct Commodore Simmons that; he and his force will become part of a wider command; when joined by forces of the IGB; and that, he will become subordinate to an overall commander provided by IGB.

  Further, all Fleet Commanders must direct these covert crafts that; they will temporarily form a Special Task Group under the command of Commodore D. Simmons.

  Any unnecessary communication regarding this matter should be avoided. All steps should be taken to secure this information should communication be necessary.

  Thank you.

  Admiral Thomas Stevens

  Tom didn’t know the wider plan, yet. He might be able to guess most of it before Admiral Bryant actually arrives; because, George has a tendency to continuously issue orders, in-route, to avoid unnecessary delays when he lands. This particular command is probably just the first in a long string; but, it indicates something different is about to happen.

  One thing he really appreciated was the change in positional coordinate systems adopted by the OFSA nearly two hundred years ago. The Sol system is the center of the Federation; and, by utilizing Sol instead of Earth as its hub, the OFSA had eliminated the need to continuously adjust positions for earthborn issues, such as precession. Now, all points and distances were relatively constant; only requiring offsets for the proper motion of various stars, since the last chart updates. Displacement and axial position are tabulated from the exact center point of Sol; as if it is non-rotational and stationary. This is particularly beneficial when parking in open space instead of in a star system. Some astronomers had even proposed employing a galactic positioning system, at that time. But, since the Federation only travels in under four one-thousandths of a percent of the Milky Way; and, proper motion can be dependent on a star system's location in the galaxy, it was decided we should utilize the current method.

  Theatres Nine, Ten, and Twelve have been at their current position, give or take a tactical move, for just over three years in conjunction with the Fifth Mobile RAC mobile station. The Fifth is housed aboard two super carrier class vessels like the ones employed by its Theatre Commands. The whole kit and caboodle jumped here in January 2259, as a deterrent to a substantial force that formed a very short distance from the border. For thirty-one months, twelve hundred enemy ships have been manipulated like pieces on a chessboard; then, George countermoves. Once every eight or nine months there has been a pitched battle. Both sides lick their wounds; replace their losses and go back to the chessboard – until, the next time.

  Stevens turns back to the chart he'd been examining before receiving Bryant’s communiqué; but questions his interpretation; so he calls up the subjective view; which places the viewer within the panorama projected in the space above the desktop. The three-dimensional view and much larger projection allow him to examine every detail meticulously, from all possible perspectives. He switches between the current image and one from several hours earlier; looking for differences. This enemy often splits into two flotillas; moving a couple of light-years either side of their central attack point; as if to begin a pincer-style assault. But, Mobile Fifth Forces counter the moves before the staging is even complete; the benefit of enjoying a technological advantage in sensor systems, engine power, and structural integrity. Fifth can observe and countermove before the enemy can see it. By the time they are fully staged for an attack; they always see Theatre Nine or Ten forces directly in their path.

  As he studies the map, Tom notes that the position the “subs” were sent to is central; but, a good light-year off of the battle front and away from Fifth Mobile. His enunciator sounds. There is another message from Bryant. This time it’s a memo; not an order.




  From: Admiral George Bryant Fifth Mobile RAC Commander

  To: Admiral Tom Stevens Theatre Nine Commander

  C.C. Admiral K. Brubacher Commander IGB

  Re: Border Region

  Date: August 2, 2261


  I wanted to drop you a quick note. A similar one has been sent to your Theatre Ten and Twelve counterparts. The orders you received earlier, regarding redeployment of the “subs” are part of a much wider plan devised by Admiral Brubacher and me, some time ago. Inspector General Branch is now a formidable force, in its own right, with two full six Fleet Theatre Commands supported by two hundred fifty-two specially designed long range shuttle craft used to carry platoon sized enforcement contingents up to thirty light-years. They have the usual contingent of marines and specially trained ones for their intelligence, investigation, and enforcement operations. And, their covert vessels are used in very specialized ways.

  Last October, Kurt suggested a plan to deal with our nagging foe; and, together we have fleshed it out to something worth using, over the past nine and a half months. This plan hinges on using both Fifth Mobile RAC and IGB covert vessels and Marine Special Forces, in accordance with methods employed by IGB. I have asked you to detach the cloaked units from their Groups / Tasks / Fleets so they may train with IGB sub commanders for several months before executing an operation paramount to the overall battle plan. A significant part of this one hundred ninety-two vessel formation will be used to covertly mine the hulls of enemy ships. Another portion will be used to locate and land “Special Forces” on the enemy homeworld. A third detachment will be deployed in a picket line between their home world and the battle front to interrupt their resupply.

  I will arrive at your location fourteen hundred hours August 6, 2261. Admiral Brubacher should land on-site, the following day. In preparation for the coming contest, I would recommend you rotate your Fleets between duty on the front line, reserve status, and battle drills, without the presence of the covert vessels. This will prepare our people for the tactics and methods that will be employed in the confrontation. IGB practices this way continuously; since they use their “subs” much more aggressively than usual.

  I’m sure you find this all rather sketchy, at the moment; but, Kurt and I have a much broader and very detailed plan ready. We will sit for strategic and tactical meetings, when I arrive, and polish this into something we will all be satisfied with.

  Your friend,

  George Bryant


  George and Marie stare out the viewport on the port side of his Admirals’ Craft from their table inside its lounge. The sparkling jewel-like star systems suspended in the blackness are accompanied by glittering accessory ornaments and charms. The complex and beautiful Cat's Eye Planetary Nebula is escorted by the closer Pelican Nebula, more to port and a little beneath in the viewing field. Still further to port and much lower, the multifaceted and mysterious Lagoon nebula is joined by the Red Square reflection nebula, even farther to our left and below the others in the viewing field. Now that the planning meetings are conducted over a three-day period, quarterly; he always takes Marie and Atina along. They all love Rigil New York and take time for recreation, on its bordering lake.

  Rigil New York is a very charming city. The entire center is designed as an outdoor walking mall. Commercially, only electric vans are permitted to enter the core, for the purpose of resupplying the local businesses. Electric carts and Segways are the only motorized transport allowed in this section. Streets radiate like spokes from its central administration area; and are crossed, at one block intervals, by broad avenues that ring the hub. From in the air, all this combines to give it the appearance of a spider's extensive spiraling orb
web. The downtown has the ambiance of a quaint small town with clapboard fronts and large lighted windows. A variety of fine eating establishments, pubs, and restaurants are disbursed throughout this plaza; and, many superior retailers offer everything from tailored clothes to elegant furniture. Headquarters is in the northeast, and the lake borders the southwest quadrants of the city.

  George always keeps an eye on the new academy there; looking out for raw cadets with potential. Its structures have been assembled, from limestone, quarried over two hundred kilometers to the east of Rigil New York; in the fashion of many built on earth, a few centuries ago. The main building sports a massive clock embedded in a soaring, elegant steeple. The stylish OFSA badge is positioned immediately below the timepiece. Battlements, turrets, and parapets are employed, to facilitate angular changes in the shape of each edifice. Fifteen grand halls represent the disciplines imparted within the campus' surrounding wrought-iron trimmed stone wall.

  Every time they visit Rigil, he says he thanks me, for pushing the change to the R & R that originally had these meetings scheduled monthly. Both he and I had spent half of each month traveling to those sessions from out in the boondocks. Now, we could take a couple of weeks, every three months, to meet this obligation and enjoy a little holiday, at the same time. He also says he thanks me for the family opportunity these mini-vacations provide. Not the least of the benefits is the daytime quiet times he and Marie can enjoy; while, Atina is napping or in the care of a nanny, in the lounge. The thousands of people seeking his leadership, during the workday, are not present; making it possible for the brief interludes.

  This latest session has been particularly valuable; since he and I presented the plan for resolving the border stalemate; Fifth has been locked into for three years. And, George has been particularly appreciative of the very convincing role played by me, in the briefing.

  My original suggestion is relatively unsophisticated. We would use the “subs” to plant mines on enemy hulls, monitor their communications; and employ diffused reflective x-ray sensors to spy on them. The object is to learn how they operate; who they are; where their home world is located; and, plant the explosives as, the opening shot in a lightning attack designed to reduce their massive fleet to a manageable level. The attack would begin by setting off a portion of the mines as Fifth moved across the border aggressively. Synchronously, a contingent of IGB would employ a pincer movement to attack from above and below their lines, at the rear; interrupting both their reserve and resupply. Seven detached subs would head to their home world to land special forces; while another fourteen would line the resupply route to prevent long range supply vessels from reaching the front. Together, George and I had expanded the plan; adding a diversion comprised of Theatre Twelve, Theatre Five and Theatre Seven forces thrusting toward the center of the battle front from both ends of the battle line. A wedge attack at the heart of their front by Theatre Nine would be accompanied by attacks on the flanks by Theatre Ten. Though the wedge is the main attack, each element of the operation would put considerable pressure on the enemy. Theatre Twelve is only allotting three Fleets to each end of the line to fight along with two from the regional Theatres; so, their other six would be held in reserve. This would give the attack backup and depth and a force that could be used to guard their rear during a withdrawal, if necessary. Six versions each comprised of four variants were prepared and submitted.

  Any battle plan always needs more work; as the various levels are brought to the table. For example, Theatres would have to look at their region and method of attack and decide how they want to deploy their forces to achieve results in that area. Fleet Commanders would look at the forces and deployment pattern of the enemy in their assigned battle zone and determine how they want to distribute their Task Forces who would determine how they want to deploy their Groups. Marines would increase security throughout Fifth Mobile RAC and develop plans for boarding and taking vessels by force – the ultimate extension of this being the Malcolm maneuver conducted in the last war. IGB modified large shuttles are particularly suited to the role of assault vessels.

  The detached covert contingents would have to plan their various strands of the attack. In all, it would take combined planning by a team of forty-two; supported by their operational staffs to round out all the schemes. And, they would still have to bring in another eighty in meetings outside the main strategic and tactical ones. At the Quadrant Command level, you could plan strategy alone; but, you definitely need to involve the other levels to develop a strong tactical plan.


  I have been aboard the Examiner a day, now. Unlike the earlier headquarter meetings, I enjoyed this one thoroughly. It was hard to appreciate them, before; when they demanded so much of my time. Quarterly three-day meetings give the mobile commands time to get to the meeting, attend and return home with another two and a half months before the next one; to get some work done. It seemed I was always on the road when they were monthly.

  I had been happy to be able to contribute an idea George Bryant could use. He is the finest strategic and tactical planner in the Federation. An excellent manager, who instills loyalty in his personnel, Bryant's lofty height, regal bearing, youthful, athletic appearance and confident manner attracts even those who don't know him. So, if he uses anyone else’s plan, it must be okay.

  Nine months ago, I suggested the unique covert mining operation; the “home world” deployment; and, the supply line picket to work in our neighbor’s sovereign space undetected. This would give us the means to keep our observable trespass as short as possible. George had filled in all the other details. The multi-pronged attack, the diversion, the reserve and exit strategy were all his. He is the maestro of battle planning.

  The Inspector General Branch is a mobile enforcement, investigative, audit and intelligence quadrant level command. It is now nearly as tactically capable as any other Quadrant Command; induced by its need to project force during some of its chartered operations and its tendency to get involved in other Theatres’ defense actions. Right now, I manage two Theatre Commands of six Fleets each; totaling two hundred forty warships. It is run by nearly five hundred thousand personnel; and, is top heavy in Marines trained in enforcement, investigation, and intelligence. My wife, Admiral Helena Brubacher, is designated Deputy Inspector General; and the two separate Theatre Commanders are assigned as Assistant Deputy Inspector Generals. Each can carry the full authority of my command to any sector of the Federation.

  Helena is a rather exotic looking beauty. She is tall and slim with long layered honey-blonde hair that's styled in a manner that makes it look suggestively tussled. Perfectly arched eyebrows crown the slightly up-slanted almond shaped hazel eyes separated by a nose bridge just a little wider than what would be called delicate. Her somewhat elongated face is accentuated by high cheekbones and absolutely perfectly kissable lips, over a slightly squared jaw. And though the frame is statuesque, she is amply endowed in all the right places. I exhaustively examine that face and figure, as often as possible. Take it from me, she could easily have been a professional model.

  Though at present, we are technically the smallest quadrant level command, we maintain as large a Marine contingent as any other. General Svesion is our Marine Army Commander, and Lieutenant General Sparks is now a Corps Commander in charge of Marine forces of Theatre Eleven. An average year for us would be to conduct sixteen planetary audits and one hundred ten internal ones; while enforcing the laws and constitution of the Federation; and, assisting in tactical missions, as required. One major structural change is the incorporation of a large deployment of JAG and civilian legal personnel throughout our operations. They are not a part of our fundamental responsibilities; but, are housed in our mobile commands to facilitate timely justice, throughout the empire. A courtroom has been added to each carrier in every Tactical Carrier Group and a nest of four to each of the three
super carrier class vessels in our enterprise. All operations have the capability to prosecute and try military or civilian defendants; and, offer them competent and skilled defense councilors.

  Our forces are uniquely trained for the unusual tactical situations we face. Each Tactical Group houses nearly five hundred of our ISIE officers among their two thousand Marines; and, each carrier accommodates four of our specially designed thirty-five-person long range shuttles. Unlike the short-range ones, these have small galleys, sleeping births, four three-piece washrooms, and a small lounge; and, are capable of higher FTL velocities. They also are endowed with defensive and limited offensive weaponry and some amazing grappling technology. It is not unusual for one of these vessels to grapple an opponent, reel themselves into it and breach its hatch to gain access to the moving target; putting thirty-five well-armed and armored personnel in a corridor before an enemy can react. Twenty of these valuable vessels are housed aboard each supercarrier to support nearly one thousand ISIE agents assigned to each behemoth. The other significant difference is the use of our covert crafts. We know these cloaked units as “subs” because they are essentially invisible to an enemy as are the submarines that navigate the waters of various planets. Ten Special Forces Marines are deployed on each of our subs; and, our sub personnel are trained to work their vessels into positions in very close proximity to suspect or enemy vessels to monitor their communications and examine their interiors with the unconventional reflected x-ray sensing equipment, they possess. Their SF Marines are capable of extra-vehicular missions; where, they place monitoring equipment right on a ship without being detected and under cover of the sub's cloak; so, they are invisible during the mission. When IGB does tactical drills, we include these operations.

  Though slow and somewhat tedious, the enemy on our border appears to be the strongest and most intent foe the Federation has dealt with, so far. Their seemingly endless replacements of destroyed vessels and massive numbers of front line ships make the Spiel look like a kindergarten class at play time. And, of all our antagonists, this one is the most mysterious. The stay massed just outside Federation space. Orion has captured just one abandoned vessel and only one of the attacking species. Their plan seems very long range. I believe they are trying to defeat us by “a death of a thousand cuts.” When we get close; they self-destruct. No one knows much of anything substantial about them. I cut the orders needed; so, we can meet Mobile Fifth on time, as promised.


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