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Righteous Reign II - Righteous Rule

Page 10

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  Earlier today, the Orion Assembly passed legislation enacting the new R&R of the OFSA. It makes the C&C a triumvirate. Any two can order service-wide policy changes and extraordinary tactical responses. If you haven't guessed by now, the third member will be George Bryant; who will still command Mobile Fifth RAC; but, will also participate in the administration of the OFSA, from his remote locations. This is not an honorary position. If you read the new R&R, you'll find there are real powers and responsibilities in it, for all three C&C. Four times a year, George will have to leave his command for budgets and annual policy reviews. These can be timed to coincide with other meetings he attends every few months, already. Admiral George Bryant, please step forward.' King Edward paused as George advanced; returning the salute Admiral Bryant offered. 'I hope you all apreciate the fact, we rewrote these promotion warrants in the new R&R, to remove some of the excess windage and make them a little simpler.' He directed at the audience. 'George, this is an order not an offer or a request.' He added; then cleared his throat and continued in his most commanding voice.

  'OFSA Command Order number 594905-1416 -

  CIC White Paper Reference: #594905-72114- paragraph one

  To all citizens within the limits of the Orion Federation; comprising all space within a region extending in a spheroid one hundred light years from the Sol system in all directions and, to all conducting business of any fashion with the Federation; let it be known. On Wednesday, April 21, 2259, the Commander in Chief, King Edward I, and the Orion Assembly did approve the nomination of the Secretary of Defence and the C&C of the OFSA to promote George T. Bryant. Admiral Bryant is herein elevated to the rank of Fleet Admiral; with all the rights and privileges prescribed by the regulations and protocol. Anyone serving, engaged or employed within Fleet Admiral George T. Bryant's commands; present or future and any conducting business with the Orion Federation shall pay respect, obedience and loyalty to the rank he possesses as prescribed by the law of the Federation. Let it be known that George T. Bryant was advanced to the grade of Fleet Admiral and his listing in the Registry of the Admiralty altered to reflect the upgrade. This order was signed and sealed; all in the presence of witnesses and the Commander in Chief of the Orion Federation, on Wednesday, April 21, 2259; at Government Centre, in Wildwood Florida, on Earth in the Sol Star System. Signed, Edward Delnikov King Edward I Head of State Orion Empire.

  The King pinned the five-star number twelve insignia on one collar point; while the Secretary of Defense did the other. He was handed his new aiguillette, shoulder boards, and lanyards. Then, they stepped back and saluted. George returned the salute. They stepped forward again. Edward began reading the next order.

  'OFSA Command Order number 594905-1417

  CIC White Paper Reference: #594905-72114- paragraph two

  To all citizens within the limits of the Orion Federation; comprising all space within a region extending in a spheroid one hundred light years from the Sol system in all directions and, and to all conducting business of any fashion with the Federation; let it be known. On Wednesday, April 21, 2259, the Commander in Chief, King Edward I, and the Orion Assembly did approve the nomination of the Secretary of Defence and the C&C of the OFSA to assign Fleet Admiral George T. Bryant to the position of Commander & Controller (C&C) of the OFSA. Fleet Admiral George T. Bryant is hereafter responsible for all personnel, hardware and assets belonging to; and/or assigned to the OFSA. Further, he is, responsible for the peacekeeping and security of all space of the Orion Federation, as defined and described in article twenty-four section three - b of the OFSA Rules and Regulations. Anyone serving, engaged or employed within Fleet Admiral George T. Bryant's commands; present or future and any conducting business with the Orion Federation shall pay respect, obedience and loyalty to the rank he possesses as prescribed by the law of the Federation. This order was signed and sealed; all in the presence of witnesses and the Commander in Chief of the Orion Federation, on Wednesday, April 21, 2259; at Government Centre, in Wildwood Florida, on Earth in the Sol Star System. Signed, Edward Delnikov King Edward I Head of State Orion Empire.

  They stepped back and saluted. George returned the salute. Then, they faced out to the assembly as Grace Tonaka and Bill Stephenson stepped forward.

  "Ladies and Gentlemen, I present Fleet Admirals William Stephenson, Grace Tonaka and George T. Bryant the C&C of the OFSA." The King called out with great bravado.

  They were in relatively foreign territory; so, the standard OFSA cheer was not invoked. Instead, the entire crowd of around forty-five thousand went crazy. It took ten minutes before the King could make another announcement.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, assembly representatives, officers and enlisted personnel, I have one more action to perform with George Bryant; and, it will be followed by one by the Secretary of Defense.

  To all those citizens of the Orion Federation; and to any and all conducting business with, or having an interest in, the Orion Federation, let it be known that; on this day Wednesday, April 21, 2259, King Edward I did bestow on Fleet Admiral George T. Bryant the Royal Grade of Knight of the Realm. Let all know that this action was taken, in the presence of witnesses on Earth, in the Sol system on April 21, 2259. Signed Edward Delnikov Orion Federation Monarch.

  George, please genuflect on your right knee.' George complied as Edward drew his ceremonial sword.

  'I christen you Sir George T. Bryant a Knight of the Orion Federation. Arise Sir Knight." He tapped the sword on each of George's shoulders as he spoke. George rose to his feet as the Secretary stepped forward up to the microphone.

  "Sir, may I inquire of your intent?" He directed at George.

  "Sir, I am here to assume my assigned post," George responded as he handed a data pad with the order to the Secretary. He understood the insinuation in the question.

  "Sir, all is in order, here. I am transferring Command and Control of the OFSA to your authority.' The SOD called out as he tapped the datapad, shifting the necessary command codes to Fleet Admiral Bryant. 'Sir, I have moved the Command to your authority." The secretary stated as he handed the pad back to George, complete with all operational security codes for the entire service.

  "Sir, all is in order. I accept the command with thanks." George responded as he tapped on the pad. An enunciator indicated his authority was now active.

  The secretary faced the assembly.

  "There will be a special celebration, in honor of Admiral Bryant's elevation, held at King Edwards personal residence at twenty hundred hours; which, you civilians call eight o'clock. The Orion Assembly, the President of Earth, the Speaker of the House of the Earth Assembly, the Cabinet of the Orion Federation and all senior Flag OFSA personnel and all their better halves are invited. This extraordinary session is adjourned." He was yelling to overcome the din in the space.

  Over two thousand attended the festivities. It seemed small compared to the celebrations the OFSA host in the Carrier Hangars and Headquarters' ballrooms. But, it was extravagant. Everything you could want in a dinner/dance event was there. The chamber, and the patio off its doors held the event comfortably.


  The following day, George and Marie brought Atina down, from his "Yacht," to Headquarters. She was an absolutely beautiful and sassy little ball of energy. We all had great fun playing with her. I marveled at the perfect little fingers ears and nose. It is amazing how this process can result in such perfect little replications, repeatedly. She is delicate enough to cause belief that she could be prone to injury; but, displays a wiry and energetic character that continually challenges this impression. She already has an incredible sense of humor; constantly testing us with her little pranks; while watching our reactions with an impish glint in her beautifully bright blue eyes. She has her mother's dark hair and big eyes; along with dad's skin tone. She is a beautiful little package of sheer vitality. King Edward had returned to Rigil, with the OFSA leadership; so, we were
all quite amazed when he found a place on the floor of Bill's office to play with the little marvel. He unabashedly chased her about the room on his hands and knees; in a mock game of fox and hound. He laughed - she giggled - continuously. The two seemed to build a bond; and, the King convinced her to call him Uncle Eddy.

  The new constitution got a little attention; but, as a Federation favorite, George's promotion, and knighthood was heavily covered in the press; and, celebrated by most in the entire realm. George, Marie, and Atina got the most press coverage; while, Helena and I, the C&C, and the King received our share.

  One thing I realized was that; though still an extremely attractive couple, George, and Marie were beginning to show signs of aging. It's funny I hadn't noticed before. I guess my brain always modified the image to fit the man, I first met over a decade before. He will be forty-four, at the end of this year. Marie is just three years younger. But, their maturations were mostly distinguishing. A little wisp of gray and a fine character line here and there. They still make a very handsome "Royal" couple resplendent in their full dress uniforms during the official functions that revolved around the constitution and George's new station.

  The realization made me examine all the other participants a little more carefully - and myself. Stephenson and King Edward were definitely the elder statesmen of the group. Bill had lost the little paunch he carried ten years back. He was lean, gray-haired and sported a gray pencil mustache. I realized, then; that at sixty-eight, Bill would not be with the OFSA that much longer - maybe another few years; but no more. And though King Edward is an exceptionally fit person, he is a septuagenarian. How much longer would he rule? He didn't appear elderly, though. It had been eleven years; since I first saw him at the graduation of my Academy Class. He had not changed a bit. I knew he had taken the throne in 2216, at the age of twenty-nine. That made him around seventy-two; but, he looked like a man of forty-five. I also noted that Blackman, now sixty-one was showing his years. He did not look well; and would probably retire, soon. Helena and I are just a bit younger than George and Marie. At thirty-nine, we both have a way to go; if, our luck holds out. Maybe, it's time to talk about having children. George and Marie seem so enamored with Atina. It seems like one of the life's real joys.

  A week after Bryant's elevation King Edward granted knighthood to both Grace Tonaka and Bill Stephenson. He hadn't done it with George; because, he did not want to detract from the honors they were doing him, on the day of the affirmation of the new constitution.

  Chapter 7 Business as Usual

  Monday, May 30, 2259

  "Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." - Albert Einstein

  In May of that year, Fleet Admirals Stephenson and Tonaka talked George Bryant into increasing Mobile Fifth RAC strength, in an attempt to ward off the Inscrutables, by sheer power. Additionally, they all wanted to do something more with IGB; so, it was not such an unbalanced force; and, to improve its strength and ability to carry out its tasks, throughout the Federation. The triumvirate agreed to the addition of another Fifth Mobile Theatre Command; while bringing the three up to twelve fleets each in strength; and to, configuring IGB as a two Theatre Operation with eight Fleets, in each. Objectives like that take quite a bit of time and effort to turn into presentations for the civilian authorities. Both increases brought the two commands up to their defined limits; though financial authorization would be needed for the capital expenditures and increased operation budgets.

  The dissertation would have to detail the need; show all capital purchases and projected expense budgets; indicate changes required to statutes and the R&R, if any, and feature the benefits gained. George contacted me; asking me to complete the IGB proposal; while he composed the portion for Mobile Fifth RAC, and the HQ based C&C staffs authored the OFSA version of the combined proposition. Then, the three Fleet Admirals presented it to the Secretary of Defense as a verbal sales pitch accompanied by a five hundred forty-page treatise with the two supporting documents from the tactical commands.

  The proposal would bring Mobile Fifth to thirty-six Fleets of twenty vessels. It would require three hundred sixty additional warships, a supercarrier, and protective flotilla to populate the new Theatre Command. Another supercarrier and security-flotilla would be needed to operate in tandem with Valhalla as the Fifth's combined HQ; along with a mobile hospital and a host of supply vessels. And, it would take one and a half million personnel to operate the entire enterprise; an increase of over six hundred thousand from its current strength.

  IGB would require two Supercarriers - one to expand the primary command and the other for the new secondary one. A Mobile Hospital would also be needed for that one, and all three would necessitate protective flotillas. The new Theatre of Operations would also absorb one-hundred-sixty warships along with one hundred sixty more long range shuttles. And, to keep it fueled and fed, IGB's logistical arm would receive another dozen supply ships spread throughout the Command. All this would take over three hundred thousand new personnel; bringing the total operation to almost six hundred thousand people.

  The IGB expansion was projected to take two years; while Mobile Fifth RAC would be complete in four. So, though I was thankful, I would have to continue the process, I had thought was finished.

  Stevens and Palakiko were Fifth's two Theatre Commanders, at the start of the year. By year's end, George had selected Vice Admiral Coquinas to promote, to head the new one. By making a choice then, it allowed the new Commander to be a part of the whole process of "growing" the new Theatre. Coquinas was only needed because the legislature was working, again.

  As far as IGB was concerned, Helena would remain as IGB's-DC and in command of Theatre Eleven. I decided to promote my old friend and associate Vice Admiral Can Nguyen to run the new Theatre Thirteen. I had not worked with him since our days in Phoenix Fleet, back in 2256; but, he had been an exceptional Group Commander then; and, his record was outstanding, since. I had been involved in his last move; when, Helena had drafted him for command of one of her Fleets, sixteen months ago; but, she has been his direct supervisor, since that promotion. Vice Admiral Urquhart would be assigned as Helena's deputy to take command of Eleven when she is indisposed. Vice Admiral Astinov would be appointed as Nguyen's Deputy. By delegation of authority, these two Vice Admirals would be senior to those commanding Fleets.

  My proposal stressed the importance of the two eight Fleet Theatre Commands. It also promoted the high density of marine representation IGB needed to conduct its chartered operations; building on those numbers to present the concept of a two-ship command to hold all the extra investigative staff. Expanding, from our current strength, would require the addition of around two hundred thirty warships of all types and in excess of three hundred thousand personnel. We would also need well over one hundred of the specially equipped long-range shuttles.

  As the year rolled on, it became apparent that the constitutional changes had made all the difference. For example, the legislation funding the OFSA statute, for its additional growth was passed; as did the expansion and purchase authorizations. The one-thousand representatives and the King took the proposal in hand; dismantling it and voting on its constituent components. In a single session, they revamped the OFSA financing structure. They reopened the OFSA statute and rewrote it, and the R&R, to permit the service flexibility to grow in times of need, without constant government review. Within certain limitations, the CIC and the SOD could now authorize essential expansions. IGB would grow; but, the OFSA would expand beyond belief to more than one hundred fifty percent its previous legislated size. Fifth had been legislated at two Theatres of Eight and enlarged on the authority of the C&C, to handle perceived tactical needs. But, after this, it would be thirty-six full Fleets in size with an additional thirty-six autonomous vessels.

  When asked, by a reporter, why the Representative Assembly showed so much generosity, one member explained. "It is not generosity. We are trying to have a l
ittle foresight. Fifth Mobile has proved its worth to the OFSA and the Federation. And, the Secretary and C&C have demonstrated their management skills, over and over again. But, at each subsequent encounter, they have met a more powerful foe than the last one. The statute now permits the C&C to expand the service further; with the approval of the CIC and the Secretary; if the need presents itself, in the future. Who's to say the next threat won't come from a protagonist twice as strong as these Inscrutables are? Then, there's IGB. It is our Federations police, intelligence, security and investigation force. We keep asking them to do more and more. What's to say they won't find themselves in need of more assets or people as we pile on the next new responsibilities? In the end, we have given them the legislated capital and expense budget they need; the exceptional war authorization subsidy to handle expenditures at the front; and now, we have a relatively small kitty set aside for them to dip into. They need permission from the Secretary, the King and a majority of the six-person defense committee to dip in. But I think we have given them the flexibility they have needed for a very long time."

  2259 was an election year. Voting day was near the end of the year; so, political races began, in earnest, around the middle of June. The interesting thing was that; there was no longer any banding together in faux political parties. It would do no good; with, the King exercising the influence, he commands. So, each candidate reverted to the basics and ran on their own merits. The balance of 2259 was a productive year for the government. Nearly two hundred Federation statutes, laws, and other bills were approved, in the twelve-month period; and the legislature authorized another twenty-one thousand, from member worlds. This was an amazing feat; considering, the way the year started. The Orion Federation was back in business - in a big way.

  In July, and again in September, Edward sent a communication to the ten officers who had pushed this last constitutional change. He thanked them profusely; explaining that, to his surprise, he was not overworked. Unlike his council in the days of the dictatorship, his cabinet was actually responsible for management of their portfolios. Theirs’ were not advisory roles. That left the day-to-day work of running the Federation to the Secretaries. He compared himself to a supervisor; watching over a workforce. He could also skip debates and even votes on bills and statutes if it were necessary. The legislation would proceed based on a majority of attending Representatives; provided a quorum representing a minimum four hundred ballots was present. And, if he needed to be absent when a critical issue surfaced, Crown Prince David could vote, in his stead. Edward could see how much the situation had improved, for everyone; and, was immensely pleased. And, to top it off, He felt much more useful than any time in the past three years, since the changeover to a Federation. He believed he was contributing without exercising supreme power.


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