Righteous Reign II - Righteous Rule
Page 19
Tactical Operations
You will report to this office for final tactical updates in specifics and plans by eight hundred hours, on January 15, 2262.
You will present your tactical plan containing specifics, dates and times of actions, to me, by eight hundred hours on January 16, 2262.
Unless otherwise instructed on January 15, 2262, you will move your forces to positions outlined in a separate document entitled "Location of SOCC Forces for May 2262 Operations". Except for SOCC Group One, you will reach your positions by no later than, January 20, 2262. SOCC Group One will be expected to reach its operational area, specified in "Location of SOCC Forces for May 2262 Operations" by no later than, January 22, 2262. SOCC Group Two will monitor a line parallel to our border, as described in the supplement "Location of SOCC Forces for May 2262 Operations" from March 20, 2262, to a date on or about May 18, 2262. It will engage in interception and destruction of resupply/relief vessels beginning one hour before the projected OFSA engagement time. Force Three will stand in abeyance until called upon, by your command. Group Four will spend the period from January 21, 2262, to May 17, 2262, monitoring and mining as many of the enemy buildup along our border, as possible; until other tactical operations begin.
Six hours before execution time of the main IGB / Fifth Mobile body, you will order all of SOCC Group Four forces to covertly withdraw, to a safe distance, from the region. One hour before our main formation departure, you will detonate one hundred of the pre-planted mines in a manner scattering the destruction throughout the enemy fleet as a means of creating confusion within enemy formations, as a diversionary tactic, when your forces are clear of enemy vessels.
Five minutes before projected engagement of enemy forces by IGB / Fifth Mobile main force, you will begin detonating four hundred Limpets in a manner designed to create as much distraction and confusion within enemy detachments, as possible.
Forty-eight hours after the commencement of full IGB / Mobile Fifth operations, you will commence detonation of another four hundred explosive packs in a manner designed to create as much confusion and distraction within enemy formations, as possible, to cover the main body withdrawal.
When the region is unoccupied by "friendly forces," you will detonate the final one hundred mines to create confusion and prevent counterattack; and, as a means of covering SOCC forces withdrawal.
You will leave SOCC landed Marine Special Forces on the enemy homeworld to monitor its reaction for a period from March 22, 2261, to ten days after completion of the main IGB / Mobile Fifth action, retrieving them on or before, May 31, 2262.
Since no further written orders will be issued to you by this office; you are required to return a written notice of acceptance and understanding to me - regarding this directive. Subsequent changes may be issued verbally or by encrypted memo and will be deemed to project the same force as this imperative.
Any unnecessary communication regarding this matter should be avoided. All steps should be taken to secure this information should communication be necessary.
Admiral K. Brubacher
I permit the document's transmission to those copied in its heading; electing to hand it physically to Savign, in the meeting. At fifteen hundred Admiral Bryant's "yacht" comes along side and docks. As a visiting C&C, he is piped aboard by a full honor guard. We make our way to my office.
"Kurt, I received your orders to Savign. They are quite concise for so early in the game; but, I am happy with them. I have your written instructions here. There's no need to even look at them. You know your part; as well as I do. But, they make it all legal. They are dated August 7, 2261. It's a CYA thing to make your orders to SOCC Command legal." George opens the conversation as he taps his data pad forwarding the orders to me.
"I need your permission or orders to rotate Tactical Carrier Groups to the SOCC training and practice. They need mock targets for practicing covert acquisition and Limpet Mine placement. I also need to assign one Carrier Class Vessel to Savign. She needs some sort of headquarters to work from. She hasn't complained; but, I know it has to be hard holding briefings for one hundred and ninety-two ships aboard a sub." I suggest.
"I thought of both issues. They are discussed in your orders. But we won't just rotate IGB groups to the SOCC training. We'll use everyone. If we alternate all our Fleets, it will give them lots of vessels to work with; and, each Fleet will only have to do duty twice. Plus, it will break the boredom of practicing the same maneuvers, over and over. As far as a headquarters goes, I suggest FSS Sleuth, the new carrier you will receive in a few days. Deploy only half the marines to it; to leave the space and accommodations you need. Use what would normally be Group and Task Force Offices for her subordinates and staff. Temporarily, replace it, in its Group, with a Cruiser, from your own Flotilla. Should SOCC become permanent, we'll get you a new Carrier for the Group. This way, the carrier won't be missed as bad during exercises or battles. And, if you're like me, you'd keep that entire Fleet with your reserve; because it's so new. You always keep your "B" headquarters ship with the Examiner. Each has a flotilla; so, I suggest you take the remaining seven vessels and re-jig the configuration; so, they are all protecting both Carriers. Handling it that way would give Savign all the office and accommodation spaces and facilities she'd need for operations and briefings. And, you can still have the CAG build his tactical plan on the requirements and objectives of the original group. You can launch the Sleuth's Raptors in conjunction with Sleuth Group." George injected.
"That's a good idea. I hadn't actually considered it. Is that in the orders?" I ask.
"Not the specifics - just an authorization to free up a ship for a headquarters. How you do it is really up to you. Using a security flotilla cruiser as a carrier replacement is really just a suggestion.' He explains; then, adds. 'The orders are basically a rehash of what we already agreed to. There is nothing really new; except, for those items concerning the SOCC headquarters and training."
We made small talk for another half hour. Admiral Bryant filled me in on Marie and Atina. I filled him in on Helena and me. I tapped a message to her; asking her to appear in my office.
George rose when Marie arrived. She saluted. He returned the acknowledgment. We all relaxed again.
"Helena has some news." I say as she enters; snaps to attention; and, salutes.
"What's up Admiral?" Bryant asks her.
"I'm pregnant.' It was an emotion-filled near-whisper. 'Atina made us realize how much we really wanted one of our own." She adds in a firmer voice.
"Well, it's about time! Congratulations!" He yelped as he jumped to his feet; drawing attention from those negotiating the deck near my open office door. He hugged Helena. Then, he shook my hand as there was a rap on the door frame. We were all kind of confused as we looked up; interrupted from the private exchange. In the excitement moment, we had forgotten the purpose of the meeting. Savign was in the doorway.
"Rear Admiral Savign reporting, as ordered, sirs." She says - stiff at attention - right arm raised in a salute. We all return the salute.
"Come in Savign. Take a seat and relax." I order.
"Thank you, sir.' She responds; as she moves toward the conversation pit, and selects the center cushion of the empty couch. 'It's a real pleasure to see you again, sir." She adds as she extends a hand toward Bryant, before actually sitting. They shake hands and Savign takes her place on the sofa. Always confident and comfortable in her own skin, she adopts the classic Lotus Yoga posture.
"Savign, I'm going to start by transmitting our orders to your data pad. We'll give you a few minutes to look them over." I navigate to the document and tap it out to her. Enunciators sound off as it arrives at hers', Bryants' and Helena's pads, simultaneously. Everyone sits back as both Savign and Helena read the orders, for the first time.
"Gee, they're pretty explicit without giving a lot of extraneous details." Helena critiques.
"Yes, that's true. The rest will be given to our SOCC Commander verbally, right he
re. We didn't want some things in the transmitted text; and, lots may change between now and the proposed strike.' George responds. 'This is all paramount to you, too, Helena. It will flesh out any details you don't have, yet." He adds and nods to me.
" I suggested a very skimpy and extremely rough plan for ridding ourselves of the Inscrutables, to Admiral Bryant, at one of our quarterly planning meetings, a while back. In twenty-four hours, he took it and built a battle plan that could actually be executed, for the purpose. Over the past year, we have spent a lot of time together honing and refining this scheme. So, you see, Helena; I'm not having an affair, I've been spending all that time with George playing soldier.' We all laugh. Then, I continue. 'We expect the next Inscrutable attack on May 8, 2262, at six hundred hours thirty minutes. George realized that each attack comes three hundred and four days after the last, at precisely the same time of day. He believes it is like an anniversary on our antagonist's home world.
So, the first important piece of information I will add is that; we think we know where they're from. We felt; we were looking for a red dwarf; since so much of our opponents' DNA is insectoid; and, intelligent species, like them, seem to inhabit infra-red rich environments. George believed they were from a planet with a twenty-four-hour rotation, like Earth; since, they always attack, at the same time. We both imagined, they are situated within a particular region outside CauDo space; but, still close enough to resupply and relieve, at regular intervals. So, I asked my people to find a planet that met all the specifications.' I paused as I located my first memo to Lieutenant Gregor Baldezeki and forwarded it to them.
'Greg found that only one planet completely matched the specs in the memo. I just copied it to you. It is HAT - P-11e in the system we catalog as HIP 97657. It is a hundred and twenty-three light-years from SOL at RA 19 hours, fifty minutes, fifty point two five seconds and declination plus forty-eight degrees, four minutes, fifty-one-point-one seconds. It has the right orbital and rotational periods, an oxygen atmosphere, water, a strong magnetic field and evidence of a molten core. It appears ideal for any life; particularly insectoid based beings. No other planetary system that we have discovered meets all the criteria. It may be the wrong choice. We may have missed something; or, their home world may be an undetected planet; but, it's a start.
Your Group One will have to sit behind the enemy formation, for quite a while and plot trajectories of the Inscrutables comings and goings. It's the only way to be sure.
Your Group Two will have to sit along the rear of its formation and watch the routes of incoming resupply and relief ships. Then, they'll have to position accordingly for the day we execute our operation. We will refer to it as E-Day from now on. From the time of the first detonations, throughout the entire maneuver, Group Two is responsible for ensuring; no resupply or relief arrives, at the battle front.
Your Group Three will have to train for operations of the other three Groups. Their job, in whole, or in part, is to relieve or replace the others; if and when needed. Their other objective is to protect and secure your withdrawal from the battle area to a position of safety; you can use to jump home from.
Your Group Four will mine as much of the enemy fleet as they can between their deployment and E-Day. Each of those subs must move covertly to a position so close to an enemy vessel that; its cloak is overlapping their hull. From these positions, you will monitor their communications and probe their interiors. We are looking to understand these creatures better. While all this bugging is going on, each sub will deploy SF Marines on EVA missions within its cloak to plant Limpets on the enemy exterior shell. Once a ship has been mined, the sub will move on to another; or, to a rest stop. You must set up a position for your covert vessels to get a break; and, you need to develop a schedule, so they are rotated from active duty to relaxation periods. We are hoping to see you prepare a thousand vessels or more for the fireworks on E-Day. You must monitor your mines carefully to track where each and every one is, at any time.
On May 1, 2262, your Group One will head to our enemy's home world. They will covertly plant two twenty man teams on the planet. Those teams will target spacecraft production facilities, for you; and will rig others for ground-based detonation. On May 18, 2262, at six hundred hours, Group One will bombard the planet; and the ground teams will detonate their devices. The subs will remain cloaked and in hiding, after the bombardment; receiving communications from the field units.
As of today, the plan is for May 18, 2262, to be E-day. Your ships will begin to withdraw to your safe place by three hundred hours, that day. We require six hours twenty-five minutes and twelve seconds for our jump to the battlefield. So, we will depart at twenty-three thirty-four hours on May 17, 2262; and should land at exactly six hundred, on May 18.
The latest plan requires you to detonate mines at the rate of two every ten seconds for half a minute; then, one every thirty seconds for forty-five minutes, commencing May 18, at five hundred thirty hours. These explosions should be widely spaced and dotted throughout their fleet. Our ships travel faster than their sensor information; so, they should not even realize we launched; and, the Inscrutable should be in a state of total confusion; as, we jump into their space.
At five hundred fifty-five hours, on May 18, you will ignite four hundred mines, simultaneously - again widely scattered throughout their flotilla. By the time we land, the shrapnel created by this should have traveled far enough to permit our safe entry into the field. But, our strike should be a complete shock to the Inscrutables.
We will engage them for exactly forty-seven hours. IGB will come in from above and below their lines. Theatre Nine and half of Fifth Mobile's Theatre Twelve forces will attack in a wedge in the center of their front lines. Theatre Ten will engage their flanks in a pincer movement. The remainder of Theatre Twelve will be used as a reserve; along with, any new Groups received, after today.
There will be no mop up. At five hundred hours on May 20, 2262, we will all withdraw to positions permitting us to jump. Once we are clear, you will begin to detonate the remaining mines that have not been destroyed in the battle; ending one half hour, after the main force jump-out. Then, you will activate a hundred more simultaneously to cover your own withdrawal.
On May 25, 2262, Group One will initiate communications with the Examiner and download all logs and reports. They will also give their opinion on a potential future attack. Then, they will retrieve their agents and come home - cloaked all the way.
The objective is to destroy as many Inscrutable warships as possible; but, no less than one thousand; while, intimidating their home world; and, limiting its ability to build war machinery. All the visible actions will occur in a period of less than forty-eight hours to avoid incurring CauDo alienation.
George is holding meetings with his subordinate commands, over the next couple of days. Since I am one of them, I will be there, too. Helena will attend as my Deputy. All the sub-commands will prepare tactical plans and submit them to George within a week. Once approved, we sit back and practice; until our enemy attacks us on May 8. But, we practice with only the subs we get from here on. All the rest are allocated to SOCC.
Savign, you need to have a tactical plan to me soon. It will not be the usual, of course. You will deal with times, positions and how you will have your teams work their way through the enemy fleet - projecting results by date. I will need to include yours within the IGB plan. So, you will need to include your deputy and your Group Commanders in this, now. You will need their localized plans to build your wider one.
"Do you have any questions?" I ask.
"Are all the dates and times set in stone, Admiral?" She inquires.
"The times are set for whatever the date. It all depends on how we handle the expected attack, first. If we do well, it will be the eighteenth. If not, it could be later in the month or early in June.' George chimed in. 'Any other questions?" He adds.
"No Admirals, I think I have everything I need for now. I may have more questions lat
er, though." She exclaims with a smile.
"Anytime, Savign. You can come to George, Helena or me for answers, anytime." I offer.
"There are details not specifically related to the battle; that, we need to discuss.' I inject; then continue.
'From now until a few days before E-day, the four IGB Command ships will stay tightly together. This will place some strain on individual Theatre Commanders; but, will make it easier for everything else. And, we will secure those ships with a flotilla of nineteen vessels. Those nineteen crafts will be detached from their Super Carriers and will come directly under Helena's command. But, I am detaching the Cruiser FSS Nevada and attaching it to a new Group that will arrive the day after tomorrow. It will be used to replace the FSS Sleuth; which will be assigned to you; as your flagship. The Sleuth will be manned with only a half contingent of Marines. This will make for the space you need for your staff. I was in a dilemma about a proper Headquarters for you. I am so used to Carriers as command vessels that; it didn't occur to me to use something else. Just using a Carrier would have unbalanced a Fleet. But, George suggested a Cruiser, to replace the Carrier; so, we could give you the extra space for your staff, lots of shuttles and large meeting rooms for briefings. It's ideal for a Command the size of SOCC, and the Sleuth Group will not be unbalanced. However, the CAG, aboard the Sleuth will take orders from the Sleuth Group Commander. So, you may advise your people all future gatherings will be on the Sleuth, and it will be your flagship. Though it's usually the standard for Senior Admiralty, I would ask you to have the Marine Company Commander supply you a two-person security team for your office; and, a one-person personal guard; since, you are essentially a Corps level commander. Your safety is paramount to the outcome of this action. I am sending you copies of my orders to Helena regarding the Security; and, the orders to the FSS Sleuth; attaching her to your Command. We will also be forwarding a Fleet duty schedule to you; specifically related to rotating Fleets to your operation for training and practice. Does that satisfy the current needs you recounted to me, earlier?" I ask.