The good thing is that we had prepared for this exact scenario. We know the system as Edasich, and it is strategically important. The star is a main sequence yellow dwarf like Sol; but, has expanded into an orange giant, in its old age. Inner rocky planets have long ago been swallowed by it; but, two outer gaseous giants now fall in the new habitable zone. Each has large moons that can support life, on a limited basis. So, they make good stations, from which to launch attacks deeper into Federation space. They also make good defense bases.
Recognizing the system's strategic value, one battle plan had been based on a feint there. We also understood there were three possible formations they could use; and landings that could indicate six possible scenarios, on arrival. So, I released my instructions to the Theatre Commands; and directed the Examiner to an observer location.
From:Admiral Kurt Brubacher Commander IGB
To:IGB Theatre 11 Commander; IGB Theatre 13 Commander; IGB DC;
Captain FSS Examiner
C.C.Flt. Adm. G.T. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile RAC
Date:May 5, 2262
We have detected staging and launches in the enemy formation off our borders. An attack has been initiated! Based on our observations; refined by those of the, much closer, SOCC command, we have determined that; the enemy will be landing in two formations at Iota Draco, just after three hundred hours, on May 8, 2262. The projected landing formation indicates a two-pronged feint; coming together in the Edasich system. One hundred fifty-one warships will be positioned, at each location. We had foreseen this exact scenario in our planning; since Iota Draconis has high strategic value. Please remember that this may be a feint. In that case, the enemy will try to withdraw quickly, upon meeting heavy resistance. We cannot allow them to leave the scene.
You are ordered and required to initiate battle plan IGB BP 15-58-98-3-06. The locations of the two sites are relatively close together and are the same distance from our current position. The exact co-ordinates will be attached to this message, in a separate document. You are ordered to initiate your FTL launch at five hundred hours thirty-six minutes, on May 7, 2262. You are directed to employ a velocity of forty percent. I remind you that; you will meet already landed enemy forces when you arrive on site. The FSS Interrogator is released, for use, by Admiral Elasima; should he decide to use it.
The FSS Examiner and its protective flotilla is ordered and required to move to RA 15h:24m:55.8612s; Declination +58º:57m:59.81354s @ 98.119255 Ly for observation purposes. Departure time will be four hundred hours May 7, 2262; and, velocities are the same as those above. Hospital ships should be ordered to that location, by their Theatre Commands, during the expected confrontation. Departure times and velocities are the same as those specified for the Examiner.
Admiral K. Brubacher
The plan is to appear just above the enemy formations a couple of hours, after their landings; to allow them time to relax and suspect an unopposed incursion. This is different than the previous handling of diversions. We had laid-in-wait; and, entrapped them on landing, in the others. The two hundred-thousand-kilometer difference in the position should prevent the detection of our exit apertures, by the Inscrutables; who don't tend to observe to far above and below their ships. They seem to think very two-dimensionally. We will close the gap in under twenty seconds; slowing to twenty percent, during the approach. By the time they see us, at each location; they should perceive ninety-six massive warships and several hundred Raptors bearing down on them, at incredible rates; with, all weapons firing; except, those reserved for defensive purposes - hopefully, a real ambush.
Now that enemy trajectories and our battle plans were determined, my DC and Theatre Commanders would be working with only about ten pages of the written orders; and, one specific simulation; they can run; as the battle progresses.
It's May 8, and we landed at RA 15h:24m:55.8612s; declination +58º:57m:59.81354s, at 98.119255 light-years, all relative to Sol, about an hour ago. Since then, we've deployed long-range sensor probes to a radius of one-half light-years. We await images from the sensor region; which, includes both sites; and beyond. It will take another twenty-five minutes for our field to update. We should be able to see all forces; as they arrive.
Up here on the Flag Bridge, I am assisted by two senior officers, from stellar mapping. One is, the now, Commander Baldezeki; who was promoted for his great work in determining where the Inscrutables' homeworld was located. I have tasked them both with watching the large screens devoted to each battle site. Each will observe one Theatre. I have briefed them on exactly what it is I need to be reported to me. I will watch both screens at the same time. I need to be aware of serious difficulties; so, I can issue any necessary orders.
At five hundred hours, Theatres Eleven and Thirteen emerge from their jump horizons, at the correct locations, a couple of hundred thousand kilometers above the two enemy fleets. These sudden appearances are made by all ninety-six vessels and a hundred and twenty fighters, at precisely the same instant. One Fleet in each formation; slows drastically; falling behind the others. They will sit one hundred thousand kilometers atop the battle; waiting - as a reserve force. As they sprint to their targets, each formation's twenty-four carriers is launching four fighters every seven seconds. At each site, over four hundred raptors and the ninety-six warships engage the enemy; raining hell down upon them. All the while, each carrier is still adding additional fighters to the fray.
The battle plan calls for each formation to devote two Fleets' fighters to the task of destabilizing enemy jump thresholds; if, they attempt to flee. Both enemy missions prove to be feints. Their combatant vessels continuously struggle to open vortices; only to be foiled, each and every time.
I watch my screens intently. I can see the bright battle zones, through my viewports; but, there is no detail, at these distances.
It takes some time for our foe to understand that; they will not be permitted to leave; and begin defending themselves, against the onslaught. But, it is already too late when this reality dawns. Theatre Eleven destroys forty-six warships; and Theatre Thirteen forty-one; before a defensive shot is fired, or fighter craft launched, by the enemy force. By then, so much weaponry is devoted to defense; that, they cannot apply any offensive force. And Raptors are destroying rival fighters, immediately on exit from their launch bays.
Ten minutes in, I still cannot make out any detail; even on my monitors. It seems like space itself is on fire. Weapons hits and ships' detonations add bursts of brilliance to the environment; which dies back to its ambient; before, flaring with the next event. But this fireball is spreading. It appears that the enemy may be shifting position. They may be trying to thin out our attack; so, they will be able to respond.
But, both my Theatre Commanders see it, too. One Group from each Fleet breaks off; moving outward from the battle's core; then, forcing the moving vessels back into the fray. At Theatre Thirteen's site, the struggle rages on. The enemy never moves. This is standard war tactics, for them. But at Theatre Eleven, things are different. Within the confines of the battlefront, the enemy elects to fight in pairs; moving one ship into the protective fire of another; with the first commencing offensive operation while under the second's sacrificial safeguard. Now depleted to forty-three ships, this flotilla is able to project about twenty-five percent of its offensive firepower against us.
Now, our ships are taking fire, too. Salvos cross like driven rain in open space - much intercepted; but, some finding its targets. Again and again, ships of either side are rocked by massive concussions; and, fighters pay the ultimate price.
At nineteen hundred hours, twenty-two minutes and thirty seconds on May 7, 2262, the primary enemy formation began their jump. Trajectories were tracked to determine exact landing points of each craft. Projecting their destinations was made easier by a message received from Savign; explaining that, there were eight hundred twenty-one ships, now in that formation; and, giving the exact location of each. From that point on, Fifth could pinpoint each; and, trace the individual wormholes to their terminal thresholds, within Bryant's command. He forwarded the list to Stevens.
But, there is a certain fallibility to this type of tracking. Though the course is always accurate, the final destination is an assumption. It is based on our sensor readings of the energy projected by the Casimir, at launch. But, nothing is stopping a jumping vessel from shutting down early; or, extending, by applying more power and sustaining it longer, while already in flight.
As a precautionary step, Bryant orders all forces to execute battle plan 5MC-15-45-98-4. This particular scenario foresees the deployment of outer central forces to the middle to increase the strength at the center for an attack. Palakiko's Theatre Ten would move half of its Fleets on each side, to the midpoint, to fortify Tom Stevens' Forces. Half of Coquinas' Theatre Twelve Force would also support this body. In all, George would have three hundred eighty-four large warships and forty-eight hundred raptors on-station to meet them. They would be able to destroy about forty-percent of the enemy vortices; before their ships could even emerge into space. Though they would still be outmatched, George had no reservations about his peoples' ability to prevail.
Tom Stevens hides the internal apprehension; he is experiencing. This is a much larger force than expected; and, even with, the additional reinforcement he had under 5MC-15-45-98-4, his operation would be outmatched.
As a precaution, he advises his Theatre Nine Fleet Commanders to employ variation B of the battle plan. They would monitor the exit positions of each of the eight hundred twenty-one vortices. As a ship approaches its terminal event horizon, the force builds. Destabilizing the event threshold when the vessels are exactly four seconds out, assures their destruction. He orders each Fleet Commander to follow the status of the building exits; and, command the attack on them, at precisely the right time. Each Fleet Commander's flagship would automate the process and tap into Stevens sensor reporting. He also instructs his forces to use each ship to target two exit apertures with the support of two fighters, at each one.
The estimated time of arrival comes; and, goes. Nine's forces are in shock, as new orders come in. "Use intense scans of the region beyond the trajectories. The enemy is overshooting our estimated landings!" Stevens orders.
Local communication lines are swamped as Theatre Nine and Twelve Commanders and all the Fleet Commanders fire orders to their subordinates. Thresholds are detected thirty-five hundred kilometers beyond the original estimates. Ships have already started their turns. Target points are still within range. But, many enemy vessels successfully exit; before, Fifth Mobile actually begins to target other jump-exit points.
Bryant orders the two outside portions of Theatre Ten into the fray. The rest of Twelve will still be held as a reserve. But, it will take an hour and a half for this additional pressure to arrive.
Fifth Mobile forces target enemy ships as they begin to turn back to face their foe. Raptors are launched four at a time, from each warship in the armada injecting two hundred and fifty-six weapons platforms into the battle every seven seconds. The enemy reciprocates at a slower rate. Swarms of angry hornets fill the battlefield; encountering each other and attacking the larger ships of their opponents.
Though there is an organization to each little region, the totality looks like absolute mayhem. The continuous smaller flares of fighter class vessels exploding are punctuated by the blinding fusion flare of the larger warships annihilating.
Raptors crisscross just under, or over, the streams of spears and particle charges in an attempt to draw their enemy pursuers into the line of fire. Larger ships are used as a cover for Raptors to make High-G turns; to return to the battle chasing the fighter that had been hounding them.
"Brace for impact!" The Midgard's Captain roars across the intercom as screens and enunciation panels flash the message; "Imminent collision. Secure yourselves and all potential projectiles", repeatedly. Earsplitting claxons accompany the warnings.
The Midgard lurches violently. Some are thrown viciously. Others manage to grab onto something; as the ship tilts violently to port and pauses; as if, leaning on its side; then, abruptly rights itself; as hundreds of struggling automatic navigation thrusters grab hold.
Stevens is tossed to the floor across the room from his bar; then hurled back across the office and against the cabinet's side. There is a snap; as he extends his left hand to protect himself.
He scrambles to his feet, as the ship regains its normal attitude, and lurches clumsily toward the data pad, on his desk; but, halts abruptly to examine his throbbing wrist. It is already discolored and swelling. He resumes the trek; tapping the communications icon when he reaches his goal.
"Captain, what the hell happened?" He barks the question.
"Sir, I ordered the destruction of an enemy warship that was attempting to ram us. It was only four hundred meters off the starboard bow; when, we annihilated it. That was the shockwave." It was an excitedly nervous response.
"Many casualties?" The Admiral inquires.
"We're just getting all our reports, sir. Are you okay?"
"Not really. But, I can wait if there are serious injuries. I may have broken my left wrist." Tom advises the Captain.
"I'll send an E-squad from sickbay, sir. Are you in much pain?" There is genuine concern in the voice.
"Make sure they look after serious injuries, first. I'll be okay. If they get to me in a couple of hours, I'm sure I'll be fine. You did a great job." Stevens explains.
"Let me know if it gets any worse, please." The Captain clicks off. He is swamped. Reports from all over the enormous vessel are piling on him.
After an hour and a half of ferocious engagement, no one, except the Midgard's senior station, notices the formation of two groups of ninety-six churning, lustrous apertures forming above the battle scene. It is expected. Theatre Ten has arrived. Their armaments are aimed and begin spewing misery, as Raptors pour from ships, the instant event horizons are cleared.
The enemy, sensing the overwhelming nature of the battle, attempt to try and escape; constantly triggering their Casimir emitters. But, Fifth Mobile forces direct a portion of their weapons to these expanding maelstroms; extinguishing them before they can blossom into full-fledged vortices.
The battle rages. Stevens senses, from reports, that; losses are about four to one; but Fifth, and particularly Theatre Nine, is suffering extensive casualties as a cost of winning this struggle.
IGB is more than holding its own in the peripheral sites. But, Astinov is finding it tough slugging with the enemy employing the two-ship strategy. Each Theatre Thirteen warship trades hailstorms with the enemy. Half the deployed Raptors are engaged with enemy fighters; but, the other half seek out all the protected enemy ships and harass them, as much as possible; concentrating on the destruction of their launch bays.
Theatre Eleven is already mopping up; destroying anything disabled but non-functional. I generate new orders to Urquhart.
l Kurt Brubacher Commander IGB
To:Admiral Urquhart Theatre 11 Commander
C.C.Admiral Astinov Theatre 13 Commander
Date:May 5, 2262
Admiral Urquhart,
Your counterpart, Admiral Astinov, is encountering some unusual tactics from his particular opponent. The enemy vessels there are fighting in pairs. One is defending the pair; leaving the other free to project as much offensive force as it wishes.
You are ordered and required to jump to RA 15h:24m:55.8510s; declination +58º:58m:55s, at 98.3 light-years, all relative to Sol, as soon as your region is secure; per, our battle plan. This site is about three-quarters light-years from your current position; so, this jump can be completed in one hour forty minutes at 40%. Take up positions above the enemy and outside the battle perimeter; but, within range for all your weapons systems. From that vantage point, you should be able to launch Raptors and fire on the enemy, at will, without endangering OFSA forces.
Refer to your battle plan for information on Admiral Astinov's mission objectives and tactical directives.
Admiral K. Brubacher
I can determine exactly when my message reaches Theatre 11, on my sensor display. His forces abruptly cease patrolling; recover all fighters; and, jump out. I am able to observe it, with only a brief distance delay.
Astinov's Fleets keep slugging, but the enemy is having some success. Ten of our Raptors have been eradicated. The Carrier FSS Inspection has been severely battered with numerous casualties and fatalities. A kinetic weapon penetrated her hull plating, amid ship, at Deck Seven. Countless off-duty personnel, spouses, and children have been ejected into space. The Inspection Group is replaced in the battle by the Monitor Group, the Theatre 12 reserve fleet.
Righteous Reign II - Righteous Rule Page 28