At twelve hundred hours seventeen minutes, the entire Theatre Eleven appears above the fray; exiting their raging event horizons. As they take up assigned positions, sensor systems promptly locate victims; providing direction for each weapons assembly on every ship to home in on enemy vessels; as the massive warships launch fighters and discharge a deluge on the protected enemy crafts, with the maximum potency they can muster.
The unyielding onslaught compels our adversary to transform to a four ship format - two over - two under. They continue to fight in pairs; but, the defensive ship of the upper two attempt to shield the three other vessels from the weapons fire pouring down, from above. But, it is simply not enough; and, in this tighter configuration, detonating craft set off their neighbors, in an uncontrolled chain reaction; ships now annihilating, four at a time. Others activate their self-destruct. The two IGB Theatres begin giving ground as they intensify the constant barrage; to avoid being caught in the enemy explosions. The entire region is brilliantly illuminated. The darkness of space is replaced by a bright radiance that blocks visibility of the surrounding star field. It is over, ten minutes later; and, the mop-up begins. The battlefield is littered with spiraling bodies, shrapnel, hull sections and skeletal warships; each fragment seeking a destination determined by the force of their annihilation.
I have received information from George that; the main battle scene is a real brawl. I send a memo to Stevens advising we are on the way. I write the orders; transmit them; and, we jump out. Elasima will take Thirteen below the fight. I will take Eleven above it.
At sixteen hundred, Stevens views an enemy change in tactics. They seem to be forming two columns. Then the two columns push their way out; creating a pocket of open space between them. One at a time, ships recover their fighters; move to this mid-point; and, jump out. In all, three hundred eighty leave the scene, over the period of an hour; and then, the twenty-two that formed the lines self-destruct.
Tom receives the message from me and responds immediately. He says they are just mopping up.
Theatre Nine has lost five frigates, three Cruisers, One Carrier and twenty-three Raptors; with another Carrier seriously damaged. Theatre Ten expended a Cruiser and fifteen raptors. Theatre Twelve spent a frigate and ten raptors. There are casualties and destruction throughout his command.
In all, IGB suffered three ships, twenty Raptors, and over thirty-two hundred people slain. At our location, Theatre Thirteen lost a Cruiser and seventeen raptors. The return on that investment is nearly eight hundred enemy ships, two thousand fighters, and an estimated five hundred and seventy-five thousand enemy casualties.
There's a lot more to do, now. We have dead to recover and bury. We have a mess to clear. Our staging area is now an absolute kaleidoscope of meandering, spiraling junk and bodies; that is extremely hard to navigate. We will need to send a detachment to each secondary site, and recover what we can. And, we have to review the three battles, just fought. Our antagonists threw a few curves this time. They showed some original thinking we hadn't seen, until now. Then, there are the reports. I need to prepare IGB results; while George's commands complete theirs. Then he will put the whole thing into one message and send it off.
Then we need to gather to see; if, we need to adjust our plans for the coming mission. We'll all send mission reports to George; and, he'll decide when we should convene.
One thing for sure, the Examiner will be right in the middle of the next battlefield. It was hard for me to resist moving toward the fields. Especially after one was secure.
All I want now is to go spend the evening with my son.
From:Flt. Adm. G. T. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile RAC
To:OFSA C&C; King Edward I; Office of Secretary of Defense
C.C.Commander IGB; all Fifth Mobile Sub-Commands
Re:Battle of May 8, 2262
Date:May 9, 2262
I am of mixed emotion as I compose this report. I am experiencing the satisfaction that comes from winning a major victory; but, the sadness and remorse that follows the loss of so many valuable and loved friends.
On May 8, 2262, the enemy launched two sizable feints; each responded to, by a Theatre from IGB. These actions were followed by a major wedge attack on the main body of Mobile Fifth RAC. In each of these maneuvers; and in the previous one, the enemy displayed an originality not seen in previous encounters.
Though brief, in war terms, each of these scenes was incredibly passionate; indicating an intent to finally take the territory the Inscrutables have coveted for the past three years.
An attached spreadsheet identifies OFSA losses by Command; but, in summary, they are as follows.
Seven Frigates with all hands.
Seven Cruisers with all hands
One Carrier with all hands
One Carrier damaged with six hundred thirty-seven lost
Fifty-one Raptors and their pilots.
Our personnel losses total twenty-five thousand five hundred sixty-three people.
Enemy losses at all sites total nearly eight hundred warships, two thousand fighter craft, and an estimated five hundred seventy-five thousand personnel.
Though losses are "acceptable" in military terms, my heart is heavy.
Flt Adm. G. T. Bryant.
Both commands spend the next days tending to our dead, wounded and our damaged and missing hardware. Each holds a special memorial service for the lost and deceased. This is always the most miserable task; but, tugs at me much harder, this time. For the first time in my career, I see this all through the eyes of someone who has suffered a profound personal loss. I often have to catch myself. It is so easy to take it all subjectively that; I am close to breaking down, on many occasions.
In the Clear
From:Edward I CIC, OFSA C&C
To:F. Adm. G. T. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile RAC;
Adm. K Brubacher Inspector General
Re:Orion Federation Active Situation
Date:May 5, 2262
A situation has arisen that requires your immediate attention and attendance. We are all aware of your current situation; but, it is a matter of utmost importance that may affect the way you conduct your existing operations.
We would have preferred you came to Rigil; but, a delegation will arrive at the Valhalla on May 13, 2262, at seven hundred hours. We are very aware of your current constraints. We look forward to the visit.
Edward Delnikov
That certainly stuck a wrench in the works. Both of us spent the better part of a day in meetings, with our people. We will continue with drills and the mining operation; but, now we have to prepare for an official visit.
We are somewhat surprised when we receive the Rigil Contingent this morning - May 13, 2262. As expected King Edward is accompanied by George's partners and the Secretary of Defense. But, to our chagrin, the Secretary of State, one of her undersecretaries, a CauDo and a Gray delegation also supplement the group; along with the six-person foreign relations committee from the Orion Assembly. And on top of it all, the forty-person mission incorporates everyone's deputies, assistants or clerks. The King paused along the greeting line, at Stevens whose left hand is bandaged with a splint. They speak quietly. He administers a wide smile and a friendly slap on Tom's right upper arm, as he moves on.
"We need to talk - alone!" George whispered as I stood with him, his partners, and the King; after greeting all our guests. Admiral Bryant had directed an inordinate amount of attention toward one Gray representative when the receiving line had
dispersed. They had shared several minutes of quiet conversation and subdued laughter after a very congenial personal greeting.
"Yes, we do.' Edward responded. 'Can you arrange something to keep them all busy for an hour." He added as he motioned toward the rest of the gathering.
"Can I have your attention, please?' George called out. The din became silence. 'The three C&C, the Inspector General, and the King need a bit of time; since some of us need to be briefed; before engaging in any meetings. So, my three Quadrant Commanders will take you on a tour of the Valhalla. It is worth the investment in time. Please feel free to ask any questions, that may arise. My three Admirals will be only too happy to answer.' George announced with a smile. 'If you will all kindly excuse us; we'll meet at my office in about an hour and a half." He used his hand on the King's back to direct him to a corridor hatchway.
"I am sorry; but, the presence of the CauDo and the Grays caught me by surprise. We are engaged in a trespass of CauDo territory; just a short distance from here; and, are about to launch an invasion into their territory. It seems a bit risky to have them here, now!" Admiral Bryant finished curtly.
"And, normally we would agree. In fact, if the situation were routine, we would not have brought the Grays or CauDo anywhere near this site. But, the situation is extraordinary. And, the Valhalla is always located far enough from the border that; we felt we could risk the transgression." Bill Stephenson responded as he waved his hand to indicate both C&C, the King and the Secretary of State.
"I know something's up. I caught that in Argat's voice, as we spoke."
"Who's Argat?" I interrupt.
"Argat is the Gray's Chief Commissioner. He is similar to a President and Commander in Chief. He is the Gray I negotiated with to end the war of 2255. Back then, he was a Commander in their defense force. But, the accord made him a hero to his people. He is a revered person on their worlds." George explained.
"Yes, something is up. I don't know whether or not to rub my hands in jubilation. But, the situation with the creatures you have named the Inscrutables has become intolerable for both the Grays and the CauDo. The CauDo believe that; they're next; no matter how you do. And, the Gray imagine they won't be far behind the CauDo.' Edward slurps at a mouthful of coffee; then continues.
'Neither legation knows of your battle plans; or, of your work in CauDo space. We have purposefully kept them in the dark. And, we intentionally brought them here to speak with you because we knew they would be unable to see the advancing battle preparations. But proximity will make them feel like they know much more than they actually do. And, the situation was immediate; but, we knew we could not ask you to come to us. Add to that the fact that; the Grays genuinely trust you; and, I trust you, Marie and Kurt, implicitly." Edward explains.
"Okay - that answers the why; but what do they want?" I ask.
"They want to join the Orion Federation. But, they have terms. They want to join as territories. They want autonomy within the protection and international scope of the Federation. They want to use our currency; and, they will pay for our security. But, they do not want us involved in their government, in any way." George smiles widely as the King finishes.
"What's so humorous?" I ask George.
"It's just that; back in 2248, the Grays thought we were a dictatorial empire grabbing territory. Now, they are asking to be included." George explains.
"What do the three of you think we should do?" Bill asks.
"I don't know about George or Marie; but, I don't think we should allow entry under those conditions. It's all or nothing." I observe.
"Yes, I agree.' George adds. 'I might think we should make an exception for the Grays; if, they approached us alone. But, now that they are tied to the CauDo, I don't think we should. Though the Grays could handle regional autonomy, the CauDo are too weak. In fact, that's probably why they solicited the Gray's help." He clarifies.
"And how do they propose we execute this expansion?" Marie asks.
"I believe the plan is really the Grays. The presentation includes an enormous amount of data on the space surrounding the Federation, in all directions. This is obviously not a spur-of-the-moment idea. The Grays have put a lot of time, effort, and resources into the presentation. They are proposing we increase our borders to one hundred and twenty light-years radius from Sol. According to their research, that would add over four million cubic light-years of territory to the more than four million, we now claim. They also estimate there are over five thousand two hundred systems in the overall volume of the toroid. And, their appraisal is that an additional one hundred twenty planets are harboring intelligent humanoid life in this expanse. We believe these approximations and assumptions are fairly accurate; since they are extrapolations of deep research and stellar surveys; and, the numbers agree with our own assessments. They are in full agreement of paying tax to the Federation in return for the security and economic benefits of being tied to our sovereignty. But, they would not have seats on the Federation Council; and, the Federation would have no input into their internal affairs." King Edward finished as he leaned back into his chair.
"May Kurt, Marie and I speak to the Gray delegation, alone, your highness?' George asked; then added. 'I think I still have a lot of sway with Argat."
"Actually, I was going to ask, if you would do that." The King responded.
"Commissioner Argat, I am so happy to be sitting opposite you, again. I valued the friendship and understanding we developed all those years ago." George said to the Gray who sat between the two others in his delegation; which, was across the boardroom table, from the three OFSA Admirals.
"I too, am happy to see you, my friend." Argat still had trouble mimicking a human smile.
"I'm sure you remember Marie?" George queried as he placed a hand on her shoulder.
"How could anyone forget, Marie. She is so genuine, warm and trusting that; she played a significant role in our agreement. Both of you are admired and celebrated on our world." He tried to fake a smile directed to Marie.
"And this is Kurt Brubacher. He is an Admiral in charge of a force almost as big as my own. And, he is the Federation's Inspector General. He enforces the laws; investigates crimes; and makes sure we all follow the Constitution, the Government's rules, and the laws correctly. He is the head of the Federation's police force. And, I trust him implicitly." Admiral Bryant explains.
"It is a pleasure to meet you, Admiral Kurt. And, if Admiral Bryant says you are a good man, I have no choice but to accept that; because he is a good and honest man.' Argat responds as I direct a smile and nod in his direction.
'Why did you want to see us, privately?" Argat queries.
"Because there is a problem with your petition. The Grays are probably the only society we would accept into our realm as an autonomous entity. But, by applying jointly, with the CauDo, you have made acceptance of that condition impossible.
As you know, we have a hybrid form of democratic government. And, we believe in, and promote, democracy. But, the CauDo are an autocracy. We will not allow a totalitarian state to exist within our group. And the CauDo territory may be expansive; but, they are virtually defenseless. So, we cannot welcome them into the club with the independence of a region designated a Territory of the Orion Federation. We would want their system democratized; and, we would want to watch over it to ensure it did not slide back to despotism.
I know you understand our system of government; but, I implore you to look at it more microscopically. Look at the values our constitution promotes. Then, look at the way we enforce those ideals. We do not interfere in member worlds; unless they are not complying with those standards. Take a look at statutes presented to the Assembly by member worlds. Look at the ones approved and those rejected. You are welcome to examine them all - unfiltered. You will see we do not intrude on their right to manage their own affairs. We only protect the right of the Federation to op
erate in a manner beneficial to all its members.
We do not just sermonize about our citizens' freedom of speech, the right to representative government or the right to property and happiness. We ensure our own enforcement and protection agencies live by those doctrines. The OFSA does not impinge on those directives. We exist to enforce and protect the rights granted to all citizens by the Constitution. We all take an oath to safeguard and defend those personal entitlements. Take six months to examine everything, in detail. We will open all the files to your inspection.
And, it cannot be stated strongly enough that; the Federation would benefit with the Grays as part of the Assembly. We cannot overemphasize how your veracity and wisdom would enrich the rest of us. As a full member, the Grays would add to the integrity of our administration; and, the smooth running of our bureaucracy.
Then there is the matter of the region involved. We currently protect and patrol nearly four and a half million cubic light-years of space. It takes nearly four and a half million personnel and more than six thousand ships to barely secure our current obligations. You are asking us to append a region nearly that size, again. We would need to add a minimum of another three thousand vessels and three million people to accomplish the task. Regardless of cost, that is no small investment of effort, resources, and commitment. So, we'd want you to commit to full membership in the Federation, in return. As far as the CauDo go, we would only accept them under full membership; and, with complete compliance to our constitution." George sat back against the seatback as he finished.
"And Kurt, what is your role in all this?" Argat asks.
"Besides being Admiral Bryant's friend, I run the IGB. Our job is to patrol space to enforce the Federation constitution and statutes. In addition, we administer your laws within your local territory. If someone in space were breaching a Federation, Gray or CauDo law, we would detain them, charge them, and hold them over for trial. We have comprehensive investigation and forensic facilities at our disposal. We also audit all Federation worlds and OFSA commands to ensure they comply with the Constitution and honor their revenue commitments. We also offer our services to planetary police forces. We have the finest laboratories in the Orion Federation and the largest criminal database. We are also the security division for all Federation worlds. If you want the best protection for your leaders and ambassadors, we will provide it. IGB contains the intelligence arm of the OFSA. We monitor all sorts of worlds and groups that might threaten our mutual existence. Finally, IGB is a tactical command; despite its other obligations. If we are near; and you need us; we will defend you; until the local Theatre Command or Fifth Mobile RAC can assume the role. For example, we are currently working with Admiral Bryant to repel the threat, off our border, in CauDo space. My job under the Constitution is to ensure that all Federation worlds and citizens can enjoy the benefits of that document. As Admiral Bryant inferred, my records would be open to your inspection, too. But, I must inform you that; I am one of the strongest voices against allowing the CauDo to join our Federation, as a territory. It would conflict with my duties to enforce the constitution." I explained.
Righteous Reign II - Righteous Rule Page 29