"And what about you, Marie. You know I trust you? Yours was the first voice I actually did believe." Argat asked.
"Sir, I have always liked you. From our first meeting, I always felt you and your people only wished peace and harmony. And because I am so much like that; I was drawn to you. But, in this case, George and Kurt are absolutely right. Your people should join the Federation. It would benefit you, and it would improve the Federation. But, I think you should take your time. Exercise the option Admiral Bryant gave you. Examine us thoroughly. Be sure before you act. I think you will like what you find if you look closely." Tears welled in her eyes as she finished.
"Marie, I trust you. I will consider it very seriously." Argat responded softly as he patted the back of her hand.
"Now, I must apologize. I must ask Marie to excuse us." George said as she rose and bid her goodbyes to Argat.
"Why did she have to leave?" Argat asked.
"Because, I am about to share some secure information with you," George answered.
"But Marie is an Admiral, too. And she is your wife!" Argat was very confused.
"Yes, that is true; but, we do not share secure information with anyone not authorized to receive it. And even if they are, there must be a need for them to know it. I take my responsibilities very seriously." George explained.
"Yes, I remember that you do." The Chief Commissioner responded.
"You are aware of the massive enemy buildup out there?" George posed the question as he waved a hand in the general direction of the Inscrutable formation.
"Yes, we are aware of it. And, we are aware of your attempt to defeat these... Inscrutables, while honoring CauDo sovereignty. And we respect that." The Gray replied.
"Are you aware that we have now lost nearly fifty thousand people, in all the attacks we have repelled. And, we have lost billions of sovereigns in hardware. We might have limited our losses to half that and be rid of the enemy; if, the CauDo weren't quite so defensive about entry into their territory." George paused to give Argat time to think and respond.
"Yes, I see your point. So, how do you propose to overcome this obvious limitation?" The Commissioner queried.
"What I am about to confide is confidential, classified information. You must promise not to repeat it to anyone - no matter what your relationship is to them." Bryant nearly whispered as he leaned toward the First Commissioner; as if, about to share a vital secret.
"I will promise you my silence," Argat whispered, after a few moments of quiet contemplation.
"In 2248, I never showed you a unique system we have that can be used as both a weapon and a reconnaissance tool. We have ships that you cannot see with your eyes; or, pick up on your sensors. Back then, we did not have enough of them to make a difference; so, they were unimportant. Now, we have close to three hundred of them throughout our service; so, they are very effective. A few months ago, to shorten the war, we began using a large Fleet of them inside CauDo space to spy on the enemy and plant explosive mines, on their vessels.
The CauDo have always begrudgingly allowed us entry into their space for a couple of days. So, sometime between now and June 1, we will detonate the mines and attack the remaining fleet in CauDo space. We will engage them for two days to eliminate as many, as possible. It is somewhat duplicitous to use our relationship with the CauDo that way. But, we cannot seem to get their cooperation; which we need to reduce the loss of Federation lives. We regret deceiving them in this way; but, our backs were up against the wall." George finished to a confused looking Argat.
"Sorry, that is a human expression.' I piped in. 'It means we felt trapped with no other way to resolve the problem. We have been fighting this antagonist for three years." I explained for George.
There was a long silence; reminiscent of those at the first negotiation between George and Argat.
"I think; I understand how you feel. It is not a real deceit. These attackers are trying to take part of your Federation. And, they are killing your people. I remember why we attacked your people fourteen years ago. And, you weren't trying to kill us. It was our own paranoia.
I will go back to Rigil. I will discuss everything with my people. I will contact King Edward." Argat says as he rises with hand extended.
George takes the thin, spindly hand. They shake warmly. Then, Argat offers his hand to me. "I like you, Admiral. You are like George. You seem honest and fair. It was a pleasure meeting with you." Argat said with an odd sort of smile as we shook hands.
We were joined by the rest of the legation when the tour was over. We spent a couple of hours in discussion. The CauDo were pushy and apprehensive about reaching an agreement. Argat explained that; it would not happen here. Everyone just wanted George and my opinions.
"Well, what’re your opinion?" King Edward asked when we were alone with him and the other C&C. George nodded to me.
"Well, sir; I think Argat is a very honest and considerate soul. I believe he wants what’s best for his people. And, I imagine, he thought he was doing us a favor presenting the CauDo for membership. But, I stick to my guns. It should be full membership." I finished and nodded to George.
"I agree. But, I see something there. We gave Argat a little knowledge of what's going on here. It was a way to rebuild the trust we developed so long ago. I hope, it convinces him; we will be honest and fair with the Grays. He may be asking to view a lot of logs and files. I told him we'd make them available. I believe that; by actually seeing our own records of how we conduct ourselves, he will realize, we meet his standard of a free and open society." George explained.
"Okay. We'll make it happen - if and when Argat asks. How long do you think it'll take?" Edward inquires.
"Six months - at the most. Probably less. And the CauDo will do what the Grays suggest." George responds. Then he adds. "We should get State and the committee in here and explain where we're at."
Edward nods and Bill rises to gather up the group.
"What we want to do is give the Grays a little time and space to digest what was proposed. We have told them that; we would only entertain full membership in the Federation for both them and the CauDo. I will let Fleet Admiral Bryant explain the details." Edward stated as he nodded to George.
"Not all of you may be aware; but, Argat and I are old friends. We negotiated the treaty our two people enjoy, today. That was fourteen years ago; so, I knew I may no longer have his trust; like I did, back then.
I explained that we might have considered the Territorial status; if, the Grays had applied on their own. I told him the CauDo are not as stable and are an autocracy; so, we would not approve their entry without full membership. But, I explained how much we value the Grays and how much both sides would gain from the relationship. But, trust was something else.
I decided, I would give him our plan for this upcoming battle. It works two ways. I proved he can trust me; but now, he'll have to prove himself to me. If the CauDo patrolling of this region changes, I will know he leaked the plan to them. I also offered him access to all our records. I told him he could look over logs and statutes to prove we actually do promote and defend the rights granted the worlds and citizens of our Federation. That is the Gray's biggest concern. So, you may have to accommodate a few requests, from him or his people. My feeling is that it may take up to six months; but, the Grays will join as full members with the CauDo in tow. Admiral Brubacher was in there with me." George added as he gave me the nod.
"Yes, and I concur. Argat queried me on the IGB role in the OFSA. I explained it in as much detail as I could fit into less than ten minutes. He seemed to accept our role as the insurance that everyone lives to the standards in the constitution. No one can guarantee the outcome; but, I agree with George. It looks like they'll take a little time to consider; but, they'll join. And, the CauDo will do whatever the Grays tell them. They are too weak, insecure and afraid to do anything on their own." I finished.<
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Chapter 23 Termination
Sunday, May 18, 2262
“My center is giving way, my right is in retreat, situation excellent. I attack.”
― Ferdinand Foch
By mid-May we realize, we've truly severely damaged our antagonists; when, they start moving formations from out farther in the lines, towards the center. In the past, they had always replaced losses from their rear; or, directly from their home world. Both Draco and Bootes Fleet send communiqués, that arrive late May 11; advising that, all enemy weapons platforms had withdrawn toward the center of the line. The day before, I received a memo from Savign notifying me, the pickets have been destroying all incoming vessels; since activated. She informs us that; a convoy of three-hundred-thirty remained at base, after the launch of the May 8 attack - all grouped in a two light-year wide region, in the center of the line. With the two hundred eighty escapees, the three hundred thirty who remained at the front; and the nearly two hundred being brought in from the outer ends of the battle line; the Inscrutables can still mount a force totaling over eight hundred warships. She goes on to say that, four hundred ninety of those are mined. But, she also relates a more ominous message. Our plan will have to change.
From:R. Admiral Savign Commander IGB Covert Special Force
To: Adm. K Brubacher Commander IGB Adm. G.T. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile RAC
C.C.OFSA Office of C&C
Re:Command Order # IGB62-CO681(KB)
Date:May 10, 2262
We detected a body of 343 enemy vessels, approaching our picket line in a very widespread formation. They are leapfrogging in a pattern indicating that; they are trying to detect and locate our covert force. It is unlikely we will be able to eliminate all but a small fraction of these ships; since our picket line deployment is relatively small and thinly distributed. I estimate, we may be able to eliminate twelve to fifteen craft. This means that around three-hundred-thirty weapons platforms will probably join those, at the border.
R. Admiral Savign
I am briefed on all this material when we all arrive at the border on May 30.
I know there were three hundred and eighty-two vessels spread along the hundred and five light-year line that have never been part of the main body. To this point, they have been used to tie up some of our resources, away from the front. I am also aware that; two hundred fifty jumped back to join the three hundred thirty unused ships in their main staging area. Doing the math in my head quickly, I realize that means we will still face over twelve hundred fifty-five Inscrutables' vessels, in the planned encounter; if the three hundred forty-three, on the way here, are included.
Six hundred eight OFSA vessels will meet them; with another one hundred and ninety-two in reserve, under all the current variations of the plan. We have a considerable technological advantage; and, with our mining operation, we should enjoy the element of complete surprise. But, only a maximum of six hundred thirty of their vessels may be mined. The ones coming in from the flanks; and, those coming from HAT-P11e won't be. We have some options. We could delay; allowing SOCC to determine how many remaining ships are mined; and even, reactivate their mission; so, additional ships can be booby-trapped. Since Bootes and Draco Fleets should no longer be needed on the flanks, we could call them in; using Theatre Twelve in conjunction with Theatre Nine, while holding those two Fleets in reserve. We will have to talk.
I head over to the Valhalla when George calls. We review all the plans we have made for the battle. The destruction on May 8, had already made them questionable; as did the delay for the meeting with the King and his contingent. But, this new force will change the picture, again. With incoming relief, there will be nearly fourteen hundred enemy vessels, still.
George feels we should still go with one of the existing plan versions; except for the execution date. He likes my suggestion. The one where Savign monitors and possibly rigs more vessels. But, time is a factor. The way the Inscrutables have been able to replace lost assets and personnel, he feels a two-week delay is all we can afford. I can see the tactics; but, suggest we use half of Theatre Twelve in Theatre Nine's central thrust, and still bring in Bootes and Draco Fleets to join the remaining Theatre Twelve Reserve. It just makes sense to have all the insurance we can muster. We have the time to put it all in place; if, we're not going, until the beginning of August. So, we will modify plan 16-48-102-2-04 and execute it. We write the orders. One thing for sure is that; the CauDo are so scared of the Inscrutables; they are unlikely to protest any action we take to rid ourselves of this enemy. But, we agree to stick to the original plan. There is no advantage to changing our choice to use covert vessels.
From:Admiral Kurt Brubacher Commander IGB
To:R. Admiral Savign SOCC Commander
C.C.Flt. Adm. G. T. Bryant C&C / Fifth Mobile RAC Commander
Date:May 11, 2262
Admiral Savign,
Between the results of the actions on May 8, 2262, and your report of May 10, 2262, we feel the situation has changed enough to alter existing orders. Our main Threshers are now targeting June 1, 2262, as the primary harvesting date. However, we were unable to keep a record of which weeds in the treated field remain alive. In that light, we would like you to obtain additional information and report to this office; after which, you may be asked to apply treatment within the cornfield, again.
You are ordered and required to return to the acreage in question and determine the current extent of treatment and report to me, by no later than, May 23, 2262, for additional direction.
Admiral K. Brubacher
From:Flt. Adm. G. T. Bryant Fifth Mobile RAC Commander / C&C
To:Commander Bootes Fleet; Commander Draco Fleet; Commander Theatre Three
C.C.Commander Quadrant Two; C&C Rigil Campus; Commander IGB
Date:May 11, 2262
You are ordered and required to stand down and evacuate your current positions; since, there is no longer any enemy strength, at those locations.
You are ordered and required to present your Fleets and report to me, at my current location, by eleven hundred hours May 18, 2262.
Flt. Admiral George Bryant
From:Flt. Adm. G. T. Bryant F. M. RAC Commander / C&C
To:All Fifth Mobile Commanders; Commander IGB
C.C.C&C Rigil Campus
Date:May 11, 2262
In light of current events, we are postponing the planned action until June 1, 2262. We will modify plan number 16-48-102-2-04; adapting it as required.
You are ordered and required to stand down from current tactical plans and report to me at my office aboard the Valhalla at ten hundred hours, on May 18, 2262.
Flt. Admiral George Bryant
As usual Roh and Moe are present as we author the orders; so, it is easy for them to forward the documents to the right personnel and retrieve edited versions within an hour. We use our electronic stylus to sign; and, transmit them. As we sit talking, a memo comes in.
From:R. Admiral Savign Commander IGB Covert Special Force
To: Adm. K Brubacher Commander IGB Adm. G.T. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile RAC
C.C.OFSA Office of C&C
Re:Tactical Actio
n Message #IGB62-CO8201(LC)
Date:May 11, 2262
Commodore Simmons and I are on our way to the Valhalla, to see you regarding the above order. We will arrive in one hour forty-five minutes.
R. Admiral Savign
That means Savign won't appear in George's office until fifteen hundred. If it's anything complex, it could take a couple of hours. I get antsy; if, I can't get back home for Bryant by seventeen hundred. Despite the war, Bryant is a priority; because he has no mom.
When Savign and David show, they give us great news. It seems all the devices planted on the enemy vessels are continuously tracked by SOCC. The two flag officers know exactly which mines were not destroyed. We have been lucky. All the ships originating in the central battlefield are mined. Only the incoming ships are not. So, nearly half the force is set for destruction.
We talk it over and agree we will do just fine; as is. No additional mining is needed.
We alter the SOCC orders. Savign is to detonate the first hundred when we launch and the next two hundred fifty as we are approaching the battle zone. This should cause so much confusion that; we will be able to handle the enemy fleet. We will use the other more than two hundred if needed.
Righteous Reign II - Righteous Rule Page 30