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Journey to the West (vol. 3)

Page 35

by Wu Cheng-En

  All will be achieved and one will rise to heaven.

  The story tells how when Sanzang and his disciples were nowhere to be seen at dawn the monks in the Clouds of Compassion Monastery all said, “We couldn't keep them, we couldn't say goodbye to them, and we weren't able to ask them for anything. We've let those living Bodhisattvas slip clean away.”

  As they were talking, some of the great families from the Southern outskirts of the city came in with invitations, at which the monks clapped their hands in regret and said, “We were caught off our guard last night: they all rode off by cloud.” Everyone then kowtowed to heaven in gratitude. The news was spread to all the officials in the city, who told the great families to prepare the five kinds of sacrificial animal, flowers and fruit to offer to the shrines in thanksgiving.

  The story tells how the Tang Priest and his three disciples fed on the wind and slept in the open, travelling uneventfully for the best part of a month. One day they suddenly saw a high mountain. “Disciples,” said the Tang Priest in fear, “the ridge in front of us is very steep. You must be very careful.”

  “As our journey has brought us so close to the land of the Buddha there will definitely be nothing evil here,” said Monkey. “Don't worry, Master.”

  “Disciple,” the Tang Priest replied, “although we are not far from the Buddha's land the monks told us in the monastery the other and they didn't know how much further after that.”

  “Have you forgotten the Heart Sutra that the Rook's Nest Hermit taught you again, Master?” asked Monkey.

  “The Prajna-paramita Heart Sutra is constantly with me, like my habit and begging bowl,” Sanzang replied. “There has not been a day ever since the Rook's Nest Hermit taught it to me that I have not recited it. I have never forgotten it for a moment. I can even recite it backwards. How could I possibly forget it?”

  “You can only recite it, Master,” said Monkey. “You never asked the hermit to explain it.”

  “Ape!” retorted Sanzang. “How can you say I don't understand it? Do you understand it then?”

  “Yes,” Monkey replied, “I do.”

  After that neither Sanzang nor Monkey made another sound. This had Pig falling about with laughter, while Friar Sand was hurting himself, he was so amused.

  “Nonsense,” said Pig. “We all started out in life as monsters. We're not Dhyana monks who've heard the sutras being explained or Buddhist priests who've been taught the dharma. He's pretending, just putting on an act. How can you say you understand? Well then, why aren't you saying anything? We're listening. Please explain.”

  “Second brother,” said Friar Sand, “leave him be. Big brother's only talking big like that to keep the master going. What he knows about is how to use a cudgel. What does he know about explaining sutras?”

  “Stop talking such nonsense, Wuneng and Wujing,” said Sanzang. “Wukong understands the wordless language. That is true explanation.”

  As master and disciples talked they did indeed cover a long distance, leaving the ridge behind them. They saw a big monastery beside the road. “Wukong,” said Sanzang. “There's a monastery ahead. Just look at it.

  It's neither too big nor too small,

  But has green glazed tiles;

  Neither too new nor too old,

  And with a red wall.

  Leaning canopies of azure pines can just be seen:

  Who knows how many thousand years old they are?

  Listen to the murmur of the waters in the channel,

  Cut from the mountain untold dynasties ago.

  Above the gates is written,

  'Spread Gold Dhyana Monastery';

  The tablet is inscribed,

  'Ancient relic.'”

  Monkey saw that it was called the Spread Gold Dhyana Monastery, and Pig said so too. '“Spread Gold,'“ Sanzang wondered as he sat on his horse, “'Spread Gold'…Can we be in the country of Sravasti?”

  “This is very remarkable, Master,” said Pig. “In all the years I've been with you you've never known the way before, but you seem to know it now.”

  “No,” Sanzang replied, “I have often read in the scriptures about the Buddha being in the Jetavana garden in the city of Sravasti. The Venerable Almsgiver Sudatta tried to buy it from the prince as a place to ask the Buddha to preach in. The prince refused to sell the garden, and said he would only part with it if it were covered with gold. When the Venerable Almsgiver heard this he had gold bricks made with which he covered the whole garden to buy it. Then he invited the Buddha to preach on the dharma. I am sure that the name Spread Gold Monastery must refer to that story.”

  “We're in luck,” said Pig with a smile, “If that story's true we can find ourselves one of those bricks as a present to give people.” Everybody laughed, after which Sanzang dismounted.

  As they went in through the monastery gates they saw people carrying loads with shoulder-poles or on their backs, pushing carts, or sitting in loaded carts. Others were sleeping or talking. The sight of the master, who was so handsome, and his three hideous disciples rather frightened them, so they drew back to make way.

  Worried that his disciples would provoke trouble, Sanzang kept saying, “Behave yourselves! Behave yourselves!” They were all very restrained. As they went round the Vajra Hall a Dhyana monk of most unworldly appearance came out to meet them:

  A face like a shining full moon,

  A body like a bodhi tree.

  The wind blew through the sleeve round his staff,

  As his sandals trod the stony path.

  When Sanzang extended a monastic greeting to him the monk returned his courtesy and asked, “Where are you from, teacher?”

  “I am Chen Xuanzang,” Sanzang replied, “sent to the Western Heaven at the command of the Great Tang emperor in the East to worship the Buddha and fetch the scriptures. As my journey brings me here I am paying you this hasty visit to request a night's shelter before continuing on my way tomorrow.”

  “This monastery of ours is one that receives people from all quarters,” the monk replied. “Everyone is welcome to visit, and we would be especially happy to provide for so holy a monk from the East as your reverend self.” Sanzang thanked him and called to his three disciples to come with him as they crossed the cloister and refectory and went to the abbot's lodgings. When they had exchanged courtesies they sat down as befits host and guests. Monkey and the other two sat down as well, their hands at their sides.

  The story tells how, on learning that monks from Great Tang in the East who were going to fetch the scriptures had arrived, all in the monastery, young and old alike, whether permanent inmates, itinerant monks, elders or novices came to see them. After tea had been drunk a vegetarian meal was brought in. While Sanzang was still saying the grace before the meal Pig in his impatience had already grabbed and wolfed down steamed buns, vegetarian dishes and soup noodles. In the crowded abbot's lodgings those who knew better were admiring Sanzang's majestic bearing, while those who enjoyed fun watched Pig eat.

  When Friar Sand cast his eyes around and saw what was happening he gave Pig a discreet pinch and muttered, “Behave yourself!”

  At this Pig started a desperate howl of, “All this 'behave yourself, behave yourself!' I'm starving!”

  “You don't understand, brother,” Friar Sand replied with a smile. “When it comes to the belly, all the well-behaved people in the world are exactly the same as we two.” Only then did Pig stop eating. After Sanzang had said the grace for the end of the meal the attendants cleared the tables and Sanzang expressed his thanks.

  When the monks asked about why they had come from the East, Sanzang's conversation turned to ancient sites and he asked them about the name Spread Gold Monastery.

  “This used to be the Monastery of the Venerable Almsgiver in the country of Sravasti,” the monks answered. “It was also known as the Jetavana and its name was changed to its present one after the Venerable Almsgiver covered the ground with gold bricks, in those days the Venerable Almsgiver used t
o live in the country of Sravasti, and our monastery was his Jetavana, which is why it was renamed the Almsgiver's Spread Gold Monastery. The site of the Jetavana is at the back of the monastery. Whenever there has been a torrential rainstorm in recent years, small pieces of gold and silver have been washed out, and some people are lucky enough to pick them up.”

  “So the story is a true one,” said Sanzang, going on to ask, “Why did I see so many travelling merchants with horses, mules, carts and carrying-poles resting here when I came in through the gates of your monastery?”

  “This mountain is called Mount Hundredfoot,” the monks replied. “We used to live in peace and prosperity here, but with the cyclic progression of the natural forces a number of centipede spirits have for some inexplicable reason appeared. They attack people on the roads and though nobody gets killed people don't dare to travel. At the foot of the mountain there's a Cock-crow Pass that people only dare to cross after cock-crow. As all these strangers arrived late they are worried that it would not be safe and are putting up here tonight. They'll set out at cock-crow.” As master and disciples were talking a vegetarian meal was brought in that they ate.

  Sanzang and Monkey were strolling in the light of the rising half moon when a lay brother came to announce, “Our ancient master would like to meet the gentlemen from China.”

  Sanzang at once turned to see an ancient monk holding a bamboo cane who came forward to greet him and ask, “Are you the teacher come from China?”

  “You do me too great an honour,” Sanzang replied, returning his greeting. The old monk was full of admiration for him, asking how old he was.

  “I have wasted forty-five years,” Sanzang replied. “May I ask how old you are?”

  “Just one sixty-year cycle older than you, teacher,” the other answered.

  “Then you're a hundred and five this year,” Brother Monkey said. “How old do you think I am?”

  “Teacher,” the old monk replied, “your appearance seems so ancient and your spirit so pure that I could not tell in a hurry, especially by moonlight with my poor eyes.” After talking for a while they walked to the back cloister for a look round.

  “Where is the site of the Almsgiver's Garden that you mentioned just now?” Sanzang asked.

  “Outside the back gate,” the other replied. On the order being given for the back gate to be opened immediately, all that could be seen was the ruined base of a stone wall. Putting his hands together, Sanzang sighed and said,

  “I think of the benefactor Sudatta

  Who gave his treasures to help the needy

  The fame of Jetavana long endures;

  Where is he now with the enlightened arhat?”

  After a leisurely stroll enjoying the moonlight they sat down for a while on a terrace, where they heard the sound of sobbing. As Sanzang listened with a still heart he could hear that the weeper was grieving because her parents did not know of her suffering. This moved him to sorrow, and he found himself in tears as he turned to the monks and asked, “Who is it being so sad, and where?” On hearing this question the ancient monk sent all the others away to prepare tea, and when nobody else was around he kowtowed to the Tang Priest and Brother Monkey.

  “Venerable abbot,” said Sanzang, helping him to his feet again, “why do you pay me this courtesy?”

  “As I am over a hundred,” the ancient monk replied, “I do know a little of the ways of the world; and in between periods of meditation and stillness I have seen some things. I know a certain amount about you, my lord, and your disciples, and you are not like other people. The only teachers here who would be able to analyze this most painful business are you.”

  “Tell me what it's all about,” said Monkey.

  “A year ago today,” the ancient monk replied, “I was concentrating my mind on the nature of the moon when I suddenly heard a gust of wind and the sound of someone grieving. I got out of bed, went into the Jetavana and saw a beautiful girl there. 'Whose daughter are you?' I asked her. 'Why are you here?' 'I am a princess, the daughter of the king of India,' the girl replied. 'The wind blew me here when I was looking at the flowers by moonlight.' I locked her up in an empty room that I bricked up like a prison cell, just leaving a gap in the door big enough to pass a bowl through. That day I told the other monks that she was an evil spirit I had captured. But as we monks are compassionate I couldn't kill her, and every day she is given two meals of simple food and drink to keep her alive. The girl is clever enough to understand what I mean, and to prevent herself from being sullied by the other monks she has pretended to be deranged and slept in her own piss and shit. During the day she talks nonsense or just sits there in silence, but in the still of the night she cries because she misses her parents. I've been into the city several times to make enquiries about the princesses, but not a single one is missing. So I have put her under stronger locks, and I am even more determined not to let her go. Now that you have come here, teacher, I beg you to go to the capital and use your dharma powers to find out the truth. You will thus be able both to rescue the good and display your magical powers.”

  When Sanzang and Monkey heard this they noted it very carefully. As they were talking two junior monks came in to invite them to take tea and go to bed, so they went back inside.

  Back in the abbot's lodgings Pig and Friar Sand were grumbling, “We'll have to be on our way at cock-crow tomorrow, so why aren't you in bed yet?”

  “What's that you're saying, idiot?” Monkey asked.

  “Go to bed,” Pig replied. “Why are you admiring the blooming scenery this late?” At this the ancient monk left them, and the Tang Priest went to bed.

  Sweet dreams of flowers in the moonlit silence;

  Warm breezes coming through the window gauze.

  As water drips in the clepsydra to fill three sections,

  The Milky Way shines on the splendors of the palace.

  They had not slept long that night when they heard the cocks crowing. The traders in front of the monastery all got up noisily and prepared their breakfast by lamplight. The venerable elder woke up Pig and Friar Sand to bridle the horse and pack up, while Monkey called for lamps to be lit. The monks of the monastery, who were up already, set out tea, soup and snacks, and waited on them. Pig ate a plate of steamed buns with delight then took the luggage and the horse outside while Sanzang and Brother Monkey took their leave of all the monks.

  “Please don't forget about that very tragic business,” said the ancient monk.

  “I'll give it all my attention,” Monkey replied, “all my attention. Once I'm in the city I'll be able to find out the truth from what I hear and see.” They traders noisily set off together. By the last watch of the night they were through Cockcrow Pass, and by ten in the morning the walls of the city were in sight. It was indeed a powerful city as strong as an iron cauldron, the heavenly capital of a divine region. The city

  Was a crouching tiger or a coiled dragon on high ground,

  Colorful with its phoenix towers and unicorn halls.

  The waters of the royal moat encircled it like a belt;

  In his mountainside paradise were many a monument.

  The morning sun lit up banners by the high-way;

  The spring wind carried the sound of pipes and drums across the bridges.

  The wise king was dressed in robes and crown,

  The crops were abundant and the splendor manifest.

  That day they reached the streets of the Eastern market, where the traders all put up at inns. As Sanzang and his disciples were walking in the city they came to a government hostel and went inside. The hostel manager went to report to the hostel superintendent that there were four strange-looking monks outside who had arrived with a white horse. On being told about the horse the superintendent realized that they must be on an official mission, so he went out to welcome them.

  “I have been sent by the Tang court in the East to the Great Thunder Monastery on Vulture Peak to see the Buddha and seek the scriptures,” Sanzang
replied with a bow. “I have a passport to present at court for inspection. I would be grateful if I could spend the night in Your Excellency's distinguished hostel. I will be on my way when my business has been done.”

  “This hostel has been established to entertain envoys and travelers,” the superintendent replied, returning his bow, “so it is only right that we should entertain you. Please come in, please come in.”

  A delighted Sanzang invited his disciples to come in to meet the superintendent, who was quietly appalled by their hideous faces. He did not know whether they were men or demons, so he trembled as he saw to tea and a vegetarian meal for them. Noticing his fright, Sanzang said, “Don't be afraid, Your Excellency. My three disciples look hideous, but they are good at heart. As the saying goes, the faces are ugly but the men are kind. There's nothing to be afraid of about them.”

  The hostel superintendent's worries were eased when he heard this. “Where is your Tang court, Teacher of the Nation?”

  “In the land of China in the continent of Jambu,” Sanzang replied.

  “When did you leave home?” was the next question.

  “In the thirteenth year of Zhenguan, fourteen years ago,” Sanzang replied. “I had to cross thousands of rivers and mountains-it was very hard-to arrive here.”

  “You are a holy monk,” the hostel superintendent said.

  “How old is your exalted dynasty?” Sanzang asked.

  “This is the great land of India,” the superintendent replied, “and the dynasty has endured for over five hundred years since our High Ancestor. Our reigning sovereign, who is a lover of landscapes and flowers, is known as the Happy Emperor. His reign-period is called Jingyan and is now in its twenty-eighth year.”

  “I would like to have an audience with His Majesty today to have the passport inspected and returned,” said Sanzang. “When does he hold court?”

  “Splendid,” the superintendent said, “absolutely splendid. Today is the twentieth birthday of Her Royal Highness, the king's daughter. A decorated tower has been built at the crossroads, where the princess is going to throw down an embroidered ball to let heaven decide who her husband it to be. Today is a very lively one, and I believe that His Majesty will not yet have finished his morning audience. This would be a good time to go if you wish to have your passport inspected and returned.” Sanzang was just about to set happily off when the meal was brought in, so he ate it with the superintendent, Monkey and the other two.


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