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Sensational Six: Action and Adventure in Sci Fi, Fantasy and Paranormal Romance

Page 61

by Sasha White

  Cotton didn’t look like he wanted to answer, but Jack backed me. “Honestly, Mister Mather, that’s a good question. And it could be important to our investigation.”

  Cotton sighed. “Well, it’s a simple thing, really.” He pulled a small device out of his pocket. It looked like a cigarette lighter, one of the nicer kind. He flicked it, and suddenly he looked human and solid.

  “That’s how he always looked to me,” Sexy Cindy said quietly. “Didn’t know he was a ghost until tonight.”

  I managed to hold on to my temper. I also managed to speak calmly. “So, Cotton, you’re using an Enhancer, right?”

  “Of course.” He said it like it was of no consequence.

  “You realize that a powerful witch or warlock created that, right?”

  He shrugged. “Yes, again, of course.”

  “And you have no problem using it?”

  “None whatsoever. Victoria, do you have a point?”

  Jack nudged me as he turned and started wandering the shop. I shook my head. “Nope, no point. Just mentioning it for Cindy and Freddy’s sake. They’re new. Learning and all.” I figured mentioning his massive hypocrisy wouldn’t do anything other than earn some choice comments from Cotton and make me even angrier. He was supposedly just fine with “good” witches and warlocks now, and somehow, that was supposed to make what he’d done as a human all okay. Maybe it did for some beings, but not for me.

  Cotton looked pleased. “Excellent. Good to see you focused on helping others for a change. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have paperwork to attend to. Call if you need any assistance with the merchandise.” He turned and floated away.

  Once he was out of sight, Sexy Cindy let go of the back of my pants. “Girl, I hate him, too, but I don’t think you killing him would help us find Tomio.”

  I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Thanks. But, I thought I was pretty restrained.”

  “I figured I was gonna have to tackle you if Cindy couldn’t hold you back,” Freddy said. “Not that I can blame you.”

  “Yeah. Well, let’s figure out why Jack wants to look around.”

  “Rather hang here than go to the Salvation Center,” Sexy Cindy said.


  She shrugged. “I never been in there before, but after this place and The Pleasure Palace, I’m figuring whoever runs it’s gonna be the worst kind of bad news.”

  While we wandered off to find Jack, I wondered if Sexy Cindy was going to prove prophetic. I hoped not, but the base of my tail said it was going to be a bumpy ride and we should all fasten our seatbelts.

  Chapter 32

  Jack was working his way through the pawnshop quickly. We caught up to him. “What are you looking for?”

  He shook his head. “No idea. But Mather clearly doesn’t pay attention to what he gets or who he gets it from. I don’t buy that Abaddon or Apollyon didn’t come in here. If they were able to disguise themselves even a little bit, they probably fooled him.”

  “That I could believe,” Sexy Cindy said. “He always called me ‘like unto the Whore of Babylon’ even if I was in here with folks who were really doing bad things. And it’s not like hooking hurts anyone.”

  “Other than the hooker.” Those words were out of my mouth before my mind could stop them.

  She didn’t seem upset or offended. “Yeah, well, there are worse things, okay? He never gave the rapists or murderers or drug dealers in here any crap. Besides, no one cares about the hookers, just the johns.”

  “Now isn’t the time for a discussion of questionable vice practices,” Freddy said. “Jack, I echo Victoria. What are you looking for? If we know, we could split up and perhaps spot it faster.”

  I noted that, in here, both Freddy and Sexy Cindy were starting to sound more like I’d assumed they had before they’d hit the streets. Interesting. Much as I despised him, Cotton was running what could be considered a legitimate business, not a den of evil. Pity. I would have loved a good reason to force him out of business.

  A thought occurred. “You guys search for whatever it is we’re searching for. I need to talk to Cotton again.”

  “I’m looking for anything that gives off an evil feeling or seems like it could relate to Armageddon,” Jack said quickly. “Look when you’re with him. For all we know, he keeps that stuff in his office under the idea they’re interesting bits of history.”

  “Wow, you got him down in one short interview?”

  Jack shrugged. “Studied the Salem Witch Trials in school. You get an idea of someone when you’ve learned what they did as a human and why.”

  I didn’t trust myself to say anything, so I just nodded and trotted off to find Cotton. His office was buried in the back of the pawnshop but ectoplasm has a distinct odor – like old, wet socks – so it was easy to find him.

  He was humming while doing some filing. He was clearly happy here. Which made no sense. “Hey, Cotton, sorry, but I thought of some questions I wanted to ask. In private.”

  He looked over from his filing. “Oh? Something insulting, as usual?”

  “I don’t think so, though, as always, you’ll be the judge, jury, and executioner. I’m wondering a couple of things. First off, how long have you owned this place? This is part of my beat for Prosaic City P.D. and no one told me you were here.” Or that The Pleasure Palace was here, or the Salvation Center. Which was odd. I could understand the Count expecting me to notice – not that I had – but not for over a year with no mention.

  “I’ve owned this business for several years. It was human-owned and run for decades. However, the last owner wanted to leave town, so was selling on the cheap. I saw an opportunity to run this for both Prosaic City and Necropolis citizens. After all, even the best people can fall on hard times.”

  “Okay, but why here, why this business in particular?”

  He stared at me for a few long moments, then I saw realization dawn on his face. “Oh, that’s right. In your position, you have to function as human more than undead. If you’re able to, look around with undead eyes.”

  I was embarrassed that I hadn’t thought of this on my own. But, fine, I’d throw one to Cotton. I shifted my mind and opened my eyes. And managed not to scream.

  “Why didn’t anyone mention this?”

  Cotton sighed. “I assume they thought you knew, or would pay attention.”

  “You know, it’s hard to pretend to be human if you can see Necropolis. Or this.”

  “No need to get defensive.” He was quiet for another few moments. “Do you think it’s significant to your case?”

  “Yeah, I do. How long has this been here?”

  “It appeared just before I took over the business. I’m sure it’s why I was encouraged to do so. Someone must guard the portal, so to speak.”

  I dragged the words out. “Thank you, this is a great help, Cotton.”

  “You’re very welcome.” He sounded incredibly pleased. “You know, I’ve been thinking about the young man, Tony T. The last time I saw him was several months ago, right after he’d come in for the scroll. He came back and gave me a great number of items for pawn. He insinuated I shouldn’t worry if he didn’t come back for them and also suggested I sell a few for profit.”

  The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. “Cotton, do you know where you put those things? All of them?”

  “Yes. I’ll show you.” He glided out of his office and I followed. We wandered in what seemed like random directions while I spent my time trying not to look down or towards the street. We reached a display marked “Specialty Items”. “Here we are.”

  I looked at what Cotton was showing me. Nothing screamed out that it was from the Prince, but that didn’t mean anything. The Prince and his minions were all over the idea of disguising evil items to look innocuous.

  “Cotton, doesn’t it…bother you? I mean where your business is located?”

  “Not so much. Convergence points aren’t an issue if you’re not heading down into the Levels.” />
  “But we’re standing on the edge of a convergence chasm, not a point.”

  He shrugged. “Same thing. I don’t understand why you didn’t notice, however.”

  “You know, I’ve never come onto this side of the block, possibly in the entire time I’ve been with the Prosaic City Police. Doesn’t that seem odd?”

  “Yes. You do the job you do because of your skills, not just appearing human, but because of your powers of investigation.” Cotton looked thoughtful. “You know…it seems odd to the point of unlikely that, in a year or more you’ve never come in here.”

  “The Pleasure Palace next door has a spell on it. It extends to the back of the building. I wonder if the whole block was spelled.”

  Cotton nodded. “Could be. I don’t know how to check for that, however.”

  “The former owner was a human? You’re sure?”

  “Fairly positive. However, he was aware there were undeads about, though I don’t think he was a human in the know. The patrons considered him crazy. Crazy Ed was his name – even he called himself that. He told me business was good and steady, but that the clientele weren’t always what they looked like. I got the impression he was getting out of Prosaic City because he was frightened.”

  “His pawnshop was sitting here and you think he might have been frightened?”

  “No need to take that tone. You didn’t notice. Why would he?”

  “I didn’t notice because when I’m on Prosaic City P.D. business, I make it a point not to look into the planes. But if Crazy Ed was a human who could see us, then he wouldn’t know how to block it out.” No wonder the poor guy was crazy and wanted to leave. “You sure he left and wasn’t killed or something?”

  “I received a letter from him a few months after he’d sold me the business. Told me he was in New York City and happy. It seemed legitimate.”

  I hoped it was. “Okay. So, how well do you know the owners of the other businesses here, The Pleasure Palace and the Salvation Center?”

  Cotton’s lip curled. “The Pleasure Palace is not a place I enter. And I have no need of the Salvation Center.”

  I refrained from comment and focused on the specialty items. “Which ones did Tony T give you?”

  Cotton pointed out several things – an old book, a large knife with an intricately carved ivory handle, what looked like an ancient phonograph and a set of vinyl records, a bag of marbles, and a small statue of something that gave me chills to look at.

  “Were there any other items Tony T sold to you that you’ve resold already?”

  “No. These six were it, well, if we count the records as one item, which Tony insinuated I should. All worth a good deal, honestly. I had them appraised before I gave him any money.”

  “Who did the appraisals?”

  “Benny the Fence.”

  “Best choice. Cotton, I need to take these as police evidence.” And to prevent him from selling them to another unsavory being. “I’ll give you a receipt so you can reclaim them once our investigation’s over.”

  He sighed. “I assumed as much. Anything else you want to keep?”

  “Yeah,” Jack said from behind us. “I found a couple of things.” I turned. He was holding something that looked like a small guitar made by someone who didn’t know how a guitar actually worked, and several scrolls.

  Cotton sighed again, but didn’t protest. He zipped off, got a receipt book, marked down what we were taking and their estimated values, gave us a copy, then put everything into a large bag. I had to hand it to him, he did seem to have the whole customer service thing down.

  Jack took the bag, we said our goodbyes, and left. The jangling bell was just as cheerful the first time and just as annoying by time four as when we’d entered. I wondered if Cotton liked it or if it drove him crazy, too. Decided I didn’t care.

  “Salvation Center next?” Jack asked.

  “Yeah. But first, I need to tell you guys what a convergence point is, and explain why being on, in, or around one can be bad.”

  Chapter 33

  The three of them gaped at me. “A what?” Sexy Cindy asked.

  “A convergence point. They tend to be small, usually about the size of a quarter. They’re points where time and space and the various planes of existence all meet.”

  “Are they rare?” Jack looked around. “And can humans see them?”

  “Not so much and generally no. Being as small as they normally are, most beings won’t spend a lot of time around them. Since they’re also part of the space-time continuum, they tend to shift. So, just because there was a convergence point on, say, Sixth and Main last year, it doesn’t mean it’s still there this year.”

  “Okay, so what’s the big deal?” Sexy Cindy sounded bored.

  “Well, if a being stays on a convergence point too long, then it can affect them – psychologically and emotionally, as well as physically. A lot of missing humans locked onto a convergence point at the wrong time and were shifted to another plane of existence. Some make it back, some don’t.”

  “Are the ones who make it back those who insist they were abducted by aliens?” Freddy asked thoughtfully.

  “Frequently, yeah.”

  “Huh. Figures, I suppose.” He shook his head. “So, is there a convergence point around here?”

  “No.” They all looked relieved and like they thought I was a weirdo for making a fuss. “There’s what I’d call a convergence chasm here.” I pointed to the street as they all went from relieved to worried, fast. “Freddy and Cindy, you two may be able to make it out. Jack, don’t even bother to try. Convergence points glow golden – when people are dying and think they’re going into the light, there’s a convergence point in or on them somewhere.”

  “But a lot of those people come back,” Jack protested.

  “Yes. Because they were being moved to a positive plane of existence, usually the angels’ realm, and the beings there helped send them home. Anyway, metaphysics and such later.”

  “That’s not metaphysics –” Freddy started.

  “Not for humans, no. For us? Yes, it is. You can discuss it with H.P. and Edgar, okay? Right now, we’re standing on what looks to me like the biggest convergence point ever. Cotton said it appeared just before he took over Killjoy’s. From what he said about the former owner, he was a human who could see into the planes, meaning he was going crazy.”

  “Crazy Ed, yeah,” Sexy Cindy offered. “I liked him a lot better than Cotton.”

  “Shocking. Anyway, from what Cotton insinuated, someone suggested he take over this pawnshop. He thinks his presence is guarding, so to speak.”

  “Is it?” Jack asked.

  “I doubt it. Cotton’s not a really powerful undead, most ghosts aren’t.”

  “Ishtrallum’s not guarding anything,” Jack snarled.

  “No, in fact, I’d assume he’s doing better being on a convergence point of this size. They’re attractive, in their way, even if you don’t get shifted by one. But the issue is – no one at Enforcement Headquarters has mentioned this to me. Cotton thought they’d figured I’d find it – but no one, not even the Count, has that much patience. They didn’t tell me about it, even though it’s in the heart of my Night Beat jurisdiction, because they didn’t think I needed to worry about it. So…someone’s actually doing the guarding, and whoever it is, they’re a being of high aptitude and trust, or they wouldn’t be here.” I looked at the Salvation Center. “So, let’s go find out who that is, shall we?”

  “We in danger, being on the convergence chasm and all?” Sexy Cindy was heading back towards sarcastic.

  “Yes. But we’re somewhat protected.”

  “How?” All three of them asked that as one.

  I shrugged. “Martin and Black Angel Two are watching over us.”

  Angels did really watch over beings they considered in their care. The more powerful the angel, the more likely they could keep their particular charges out of danger. I knew how Martin and Black Angels One and Two
operated – we were all working a case of epic ramifications together, so they were watching over our entire team. As powerful as they were, it should be enough to keep the four of us from being sucked into the convergence hole I could see under the asphalt.

  I walked into the Salvation Center. No jangling bell, which was a relief. Compared to the other two establishments we’d just been in, it was small. And dowdy. Dull, quiet, hushed, really – almost like a library without too many books.

  We looked around. Not a lot of activity, and no sign of any being. I sniffed. There was something vaguely familiar about the scent in here, but it was faint.

  I felt rather than heard the step behind me. I spun to see someone I knew very well standing there. As I stared at him, it occurred to me that no one had mentioned this block to me, or the convergence chasm, or anything else about this area, because they were hoping I would never have to come here.

  He smiled, a crooked smile that I hated myself for still finding attractive. “Hello, Victoria. It’s been a long time.”

  “Love the name of the place,” was all I could come up with that wasn’t going to sound stupid, pathetic, lovelorn, or bitter.

  “It’s appropriate. You’d be amazed, despite the location, we actually get a lot of foot traffic.”

  “I’ll bet.”

  The others clustered around me. “Who’s this?” The way Jack asked, I figured my expression was telling him not necessarily who but definitely what was standing in front of us.

  “You can call me Jude.” He put his hand out.

  Unlike with Cotton, Jack took it. “So, how long ago did you two break up?” Yeah, he was a good cop.

  Jude’s smile went a little wider. “Oh, a long time ago.” He let go of Jack’s hand and shook Freddy’s and Sexy Cindy’s. “Nice to meet you all.”

  “We haven’t been introduced,” Jack almost growled.

  Sexy Cindy coughed. “Dude’s an angel. Think he’s already done that whole fast read of the mind thing.”

  Jude nodded. “You’re very bright. I’d always hoped you’d come in here…while you were alive, I mean. I’m certain you’ll make an excellent undead, both of you,” he added with another nod for Freddy.


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