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Hung Out to Dry

Page 7

by Hadford Howell

  That brought a ripple of laughter from the assembled crowd. Motby glanced at Carmichael who nodded her head in agreement with this sentiment.

  "A statement which seems appropriate for this occasion that I shall repeat here – it’s from a play I once saw on Broadway, which says that the two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why. Tonight, we celebrate not only that Petra was born, but we now know why…it was to spend most of her adult life in true service to her beloved Barbados. For that, we are very grateful to and salute you Petra. We thank your family for lending you to the people of Barbados, and for so long.

  "It therefore gives me great pleasure and is also my humble but high honour to host tonight’s reception. Petra, we’re sending you off, not forever into the sunset as it were, but for a well-deserved rest. I’m sure you’ll face new challenges that we’ll soon all be hearing about. Earlier, in church we sang Hymn 26 ‘The day Thou gavest Lord, is ended’. Petra, this journey has ended but I have a feeling that at least one other will follow. Verse three of that hymn might even be prophetic… ‘as o’er each continent and island the dawn leads on another day…’

  “And so, Petra…on behalf of all of us, I simply want to say, on behalf of all your former colleagues, family and friends present here tonight, a big ‘THANK YOU’. Barbados also thanks you. Let’s raise our glasses to this wonderful public servant…job well done.”

  With that, Motby raised his glass, signalling a toast to Carmichael in celebration of her years of dedicated and loyal public service. The toast was lustily cheered, before he handed Carmichael the microphone.

  “Your Excellency Sir Livingstone Murray, Governor General of Barbados and Lady Murray, Prime Minister Jeffrey Motby and Mrs Motby, Madam Chief Justice Dame Laura Sprigg, Cabinet Members, Leader of the Opposition Richard Dawson and Mrs Dawson, other Members of Parliament, Permanent Secretaries, Heads of department and statutory corporations, members of the diplomatic and consular corps, other former colleagues, family members, friends and media members.”

  Carmichael had deliberately not used the now popular ‘Protocol having been established’ phrase at the start of her response to the Prime Minister. She thought it was disrespectful and so had discouraged its use by any of her staff when they had to speak publicly.

  "Wow! Glad to get that intro out of the way! What can I say after all of that!

  "First, allow me to thank you all most sincerely for coming out to join my family and me this evening. I know some of you also attended the earlier service at the Cathedral before this reception, so I guess double thanks are in order from me to most of you for your endurance.

  "Second, I’ve really not got much to say, except that it has been a real pleasure for me to serve my country and to work with some of the most enthusiastic, patient and committed colleagues one could ever hope to work with over my long tenure in the public service. Luckily, I’ve always enjoyed my work and encourage those of you who remain in this noble service, to at least try and do likewise. I confess that working with Ministers, former colleagues and members of the public over the years for Barbados’ benefit has both been overall enjoyable and worthwhile.

  "My sincere thanks to you Prime Minister, your Government and Barbadians all over for the opportunity to have served and for your generosity to me and my family in putting on and hosting this reception at such a special juncture of my life.

  "Perhaps, as Arnold Schwarzenegger the actor used to say, and especially after what the Prime Minister has just suggested, I’ll be back to help out Barbados again in some minor capacity, somewhere, somehow.

  "But expect nothing to happen next week! I need a break and a cruise is calling me. Thanks again for coming out tonight. It’s all been a wonderful experience for me and my family.

  “I love and appreciate you all. Good night and please get home safely.”

  A loud and long round of applause broke out across the room. Roger Carmichael hugged and kissed Carmichael. Motby then presented her with a large retirement card which had been specially signed by all of the attending guests upon their arrival. As Carmichael’s guests started to swarm around to wish her well (again), two BDF soldiers brought out a large retirement cake that had been made by the BDF’s kitchen staff. The inscription on the cake read ‘Congratulations Petra: Happy Retirement’. With guests watching closely and cheering, Carmichael and her husband Roger cut and shared the first slice of her retirement cake. The media’s cameras and mobile phones clicked away as Carmichael presented Prime Minister and Mrs Motby with their slices of cake.

  Taking a bite, Motby stated, “It tastes good,” before the cake was whisked away by the same two BDF soldiers to be cut up and placed into small boxes for delivery to each guest on their way out of the Officers’ Quarters in an hour’s time.


  Between 8:45 p.m. and 9:00 p.m., JJ played his ‘getting up’ musical mix for patrons desirous of shaking a leg early: Kool & The Gang Ladies Night, Bruce Johnston Pipeline, The Chimes Heaven, Mystic Merlin featuring Freddie Jackson Mr Magician, Melba Moore You Stepped into My Life.

  Bang on 9:00 p.m., JJ launched Hour 2, called H2G (the ‘groovin’ hour) by re-introducing himself to those who had entered the club since 8:15 p.m. He spoke over his signature tune.

  “Can you handle what’s coming at you tonight in P’s Disco?” he asked while pointing at the patrons already on the dance floor. “The music’s hot, so come trot with yours truly JJ, De Ole Time General, right through till midnight. George Michael liked to say ‘gotta get up to get down’, so let’s go. Here’s Billy Paul Bring the Family Back.”

  JJ was now well into his night’s work at the DJ controls. The club’s assembled mature patrons were in a mood to party. A title had been given to JJ, De Ole Time General on his second night as a public DJ at P’s Disco by an intoxicated lady who was out with friends celebrating her fiftieth birthday. JJ did not like the name initially, but the following week the group had returned to P’s Disco to not only re-use but spread the title. It stuck, and so JJ accepted and also started to use it. His foot-tapping, finger-snapping BIT jams were keeping P’s Disco’s early patrons more than contented twice a week.

  Some of the dancing patrons responded to his invitation with a wave, while others gave him the thumbs up. Satisfied, JJ set about playing an Aurra double You & Me Tonight/Checking You Out, Michael Lovesmith Ain’t Nothin’ Like It, Incognito Always There, Chic My Forbidden Lover, Luther Vandross Shine, Steve Arrington Dancin’ In the Key of Life, Don Ray Got To Have Loving, Stevie Wonder Boogie on Reggae Woman, Eddy Grant Walking on Sunshine, Bob Marley and The Wailers Could You be Love, Earth Wind & Fire Boogie Wonderland and Ronnie Jones You and I.


  The England and West Indies cricket teams, plus their entourages were whisked away to a four-star beach-front hotel in Rockley, Christ Church in separate coaches, escorted by RBPF officers. Their hectic nine-day Barbados visit was underway.


  Kylie ‘Joe’ Callendar, BIB operative and Black team leader (code number S11), knowing what her plans for tonight and the next two days were, was keenly looking forward to this break away from her busy job. It was something she had seldom gotten a chance to do since joining BIB.

  Now aged 31, she was settled in her job and personal life. The petite, attractive, pet-loving woman known as Joe to her BIB colleagues and closest friends was no longer single. She had met her dentist boyfriend Dr Stephan ‘Stef’ Simmonds quite by chance five months earlier. Stef appeared to be her Mr Right, someone who loved her, her pets, and recognised and accepted that her work sometimes got her into dangerous situations. What helped to quickly cement Joe and Stef as a couple was their willingness to laugh. Both of them loved comedy shows, especially when early on they discovered their mutual love of classic black and white Laurel & Hardy videos, pictures and books. Marriage, starting and raising a family were not yet on the cards but as they had already become such a reliable unit, their families and
work friends were thinking that a union was looking inevitable.

  Joe and Stef had arranged to join Fred and Charlee at P’s Disco later that evening. Joe was looking forward to the evening, having not visited P’s Disco since JJ had started DJing there, so she expected tonight to be a happy occasion. She expected the foursome to give JJ their full support while enjoying a late meal and a few drinks.

  Joe’s four animals, two cats and two dogs named Nelson and Winnie and Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson respectively, had been fed, watered and put to bed for the night. While Stef had completed his customary review of the day’s completed examinations at his dentistry practice, Joe had taken a shower and gotten herself ready for the night’s activity. She and Stef planned to view the latest double-DVD compilation of Laurel & Hardy comedy sketches that had arrived yesterday tomorrow night!

  Tonight, they were going out.


  Prior to his departure, Motby spoke briefly and quietly with Carmichael.

  “Petra, would you be able to take up your appointment from the first day of September?”

  “Yes, Prime Minister.”

  “Thank you. Many congratulations again. We’ll talk soon, after you return from your cruise, not before. Good night.”

  “Good night, Prime Minister,” responded Carmichael. She mused to herself what with the time difference between the UK and Barbados, she could expect to be speaking with Motby more about this same time in the foreseeable future once in her new position.

  Dean Mercer had been invited to attend Carmichael’s reception. Having spoken with her a couple of years prior to her intended retirement from the public service, he had indicated to her that he would have work for her to do at the Cathedral. Unknown to him, that would now have to wait.


  Only when Fred was leaving the judo club following the extended class with his judokas, did he realise that, in his enthusiasm to assist and enlighten his students, he’d spent an extra thirty minutes with them rather than the fifteen he had intended. Nevertheless, he was happy to have done so.

  Their discussion was around a profound statement Mohammed Ali, former Olympic and World Heavyweight Boxing champion had reportedly made. Fred’s intention was to use this alleged statement as a motivational tool for his judokas going forward: “If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, then I can achieve it.” The discussion went well and he was pleased with the response of his potential Olympians, so much so that Fred determined that he would find additional statements for discussion at his extended Tuesday sessions. Fred was already thinking how best to develop his three-step motivational line: Chase, Catch, Conquer.

  His girlfriend’s call reinforced that he’d lost track of time. Charlee reminded him that they were scheduled to meet Joe and Stef at P’s Disco at 10:00 p.m. Fred apologised and confirmed that he was on his way home. Once he had cleaned himself up, they would go to the club and enjoy a meal there. Charlee advised him that she was already dressed and was awaiting his arrival.

  Fred felt bad. He recognised that he had now messed up. His plan for tonight relating to Charlee would have to wait until tomorrow, unless an opportunity presented itself for him to do so tonight after all.


  The well-dressed man sitting at table #4 in P’s Disco dining area had taken his time over his meal. He had also ordered a second rum and coke from Zelda Hughes as she passed by. Once that drink had arrived, he downed it and asked her for his bill. On her return with it, the man settled it in cash. He placed an additional US$10 on the table for her as a tip before leaving P’s Disco. Hughes collected the payment and pocketed the tip. “Thanks Mister, you really surprised me,” she said softly as she walked towards the cashier.

  Poor fella. Guts full, but he still doesn’t look happy, she thought to herself a few minutes later while walking back to clear the table for newly arriving dinner patrons.


  By 9:30 p.m., over one hundred patrons were now inside P’s Disco. This is shaping up to be a good night, JJ thought looking up at the gathered mass of patrons. He anticipated that many of them would enjoy a nice meal, hold a few drinks and the music from yesteryear he was playing that was still very much alive today in Barbados would make them feel good. JJ understood playing such music often brought back happy memories for many of his patrons on the two nights he played at P’s Disco.

  Following his late-afternoon conversation with Fred, JJ expected to see him, Charlee, Joe and Stef at the club later rather than sooner that night. Meanwhile, his task was to keep patrons happy. A touch of Marvin Gaye Got to Give It Up, Narada Michael Walden I Should’ve Loved Ya, Phyllis Hyman You Know How To Love Me Now, Michael Jackson Rock With You and Arrow Party Mix kept his playlist pot boiling.


  Castille’s meeting with the Head of The Organisation took place in a downtown Miami wine bar.

  That person was Emma Pilessar, an attractive, shapely forty-two-year old brunette. Though Castille had joined The Organisation before her, she had quickly risen up the chain of command to become The Organisation’s Head two years ago, following the accidental drowning of her sixty-seven-year old male predecessor. Pilessar knew what Castille’s range of capabilities were. Shortly after becoming Head of The Organisation, she’d had the opportunity to witness him in action, dealing with clients in both New York and Los Angeles. As a result, nine months into her tenure, Pilessar had promoted Castille to take charge of The Organisation’s thriving Central American business interests. In this position, he effectively became The Organisation’s number three. By all reports, he had done well since his promotion and quickly became The Organisation’s top overseas fixer.

  Pilessar retained all responsibility for The Organisation’s mainland USA operations. She allocated to Royce Thomas, her trusted Number Two responsibility for growing the South American elements of The Organisation’s business. Pilessar was intent on overseeing the embryonic Caribbean business The Organisation had initiated a couple of years earlier herself. An overdue face-to-face meeting with her potential Barbadian-based collaborator and co-ordinator for the Caribbean, scheduled some two months ago, was finally set to take place somewhere in Florida in another fortnight, though a specific venue was yet to be identified. Pilessar, Thomas and Castille worked out of The Organisation’s Miami headquarters, but her meeting with her Barbadian collaborator would not take place there. Barbados, an attractive alternative place for their meeting had been considered but overlooked in preference for somewhere which offered both potential partners opportunities for anonymity, enabling their discussions to take place under cover.

  New circumstances in the next few days would change the meeting and timing arrangements.


  The door leading to the windowless and secure room located in the middle of the house in St Joseph facing the east coast of Barbados was closed, although the light inside of this room indicated that it was occupied. Except for the security lighting surrounding the house and a side table lamp burning in the master bedroom, there were no other lights on at the property.

  To anyone watching or passing by the house, it appeared as if the well-known but respected and accomplished owner of the home was in the process of going (or had gone) to bed, perhaps after a long day at their Belleville, St Michael office.

  Nothing could have been further from the truth.


  Pilessar did most of the talking. Castille listened and responded when necessary. The pina colada each of them had ordered was excellent. Both drinks lasted the duration of their meeting and helped to make up appearances. To onlookers, the well-dressed couple might have already had dinner elsewhere and were following it up with this drink before heading off to a hotel room somewhere for a fabulous night of lovemaking.

  Wrong. That was never going to happen. In college and throughout her business career to date, Pilessar had never been one to mix business with pleasure, especially with persons she worked with. In Castille’s case, she was a
ware of how fit, trim, muscled and yes, ruggedly handsome he was. She had experienced great difficulty on one earlier occasion in controlling herself and not breaking her strict rule of non-fraternisation with a subordinate. Now sitting across from Castille at this wine bar, that earlier lustful feeling for him had rushed up on her. Both the little person in her head and the itch between her legs told her to go with the flow for a change and break her longstanding rule. But her greater self-control and inner resistance fortified her determination not to give into her head and bodily desires and so she did not invite him back to her place for a second drink, or whatever. Common sense prevailed, as it had done back in Los Angeles.

  Her golden rule prevailed. No fraternising with subordinates.

  With such thoughts banished, Pilessar had led discussion on Castille’s recent activities in Mexico, and Panama before that. She confirmed that their second biggest client in Mexico had paid his outstanding debt in full (with interest) overnight. That client had since ordered a new shipment of ‘materials’ from The Organisation which she was prepared to have delivered within a fortnight. Pilessar warned Castille that he should prepare himself to return to Mexico in another month or so to recover early payment if their second biggest client there did not pay promptly. His payment terms had been amended as a result of his past indiscretions with The Organisation.

  Castille responded simply, stating only, “Glad that payment’s been made. I’m available as required to undertake any follow-up tasks given to me.”


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