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Page 2

by R C Knight

  “You didn’t tell him.” Ryder looked down at her, disapproval in his green eyes.

  “There was no need to,” she responded as she made her way towards the wood line. “He’s in enough pain right now, the truth would only make it worse. Besides,” she sighed wearily, “humans are at their best when they have hope.”

  “Aria,” Ryder responded with frustration. “He deserves to know the truth. They all do.”

  “The truth will just bring them more pain,” she replied as they entered the wood line. “I told him what he needed to hear. There’s no need to worry him over rumors.”

  “Rumors!” He threw his hands in the air with a sigh. “You know it’s not a damn rumor, Aria.” His green eyes drilled into her as she stared up at him with defiance. “Everyone knows that the gates have been closed since the battle.”

  “Do we?” she responded with defiance. “Because last I checked, we do not have access to the humans’ Heaven. Therefore,” she held her hand up to stop Ryder from talking. “We have no proof that their Heaven is also closed.” She finished with a sigh. “I’m not going to destroy their hope with an uncertainty.”

  “Fine.” Ryder sighed in defeat as he stared at her. “I won’t say anything. But remember, lies always have a way of coming back around in a bad way. Even ones that are meant to ease someone’s suffering.” He shook his head wearily, his eyes boring into hers. “I hope this isn’t one of them.”

  “It won’t be,” she replied with confidence as she crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against a tree. “Anyway, there’s something I need to talk to you about. But you have to promise you won’t get all righteous on me and do something stupid.”

  Ryder sighed wearily as he stared into her green eyes. “Fine,” he muttered. “What is it?”

  “Zane being a Nephilim isn’t our only problem. When we were in New York.” She paused and inhaled deeply as she looked over Ryder’s shoulder, avoiding his light green eyes. “In New York, when we were fighting Gideon… Zane changed… his eyes turned black and his muscles looked like they were trying to tear through his skin. It was like he had lost all his humanity. When I looked into his eyes, it felt like he didn’t have a soul.” She glanced up at Ryder, his face was tight but his eyes calculating.

  “Corruption?” he asked quietly, his voice filled with concern.

  “Yes,” she responded. “He said his mother was attacked by a corruption demon when she was pregnant with him. Raphael was able to save him and created this seal on his chest. It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen, Ryder.”

  “Why are you only telling me now?”

  Aria shrugged. “I figured it couldn’t be any worse than him being a Nephilim.” She sighed, her gaze searching the trees. “And it’s something we need to try to fix. The seal is deteriorating. I’m worried about what will happen if it is completely gone.”

  “And you need someone with their full powers to help?”

  “Exactly. I’m going to tell Kai and Myra as well. I just wanted to tell you first.”

  Ryder sighed wearily as he ran a hand through his dishwater blonde hair. “Alright. When we get back to their island, we’ll need to examine this seal and see what we can do. Although, since it was Raphael… I doubt we’d be able to do much.”

  “Yea.” Aria sighed as she stepped forward and leaned into Ryder, wrapping her arms around his neck. His body relaxed as he wrapped his arms around her, relishing the warmth of her body next to his.

  “So,” he muttered as she rested her head on his chest. “Raphael was able to save Zane and he was still alive… even though we were told he was killed within a year of being on Earth?”


  “Well that changes everything.” He sighed as he held her tighter. What else has the Counsel lied about? he thought, his mind filling with unease. “And where is he now?”

  “Zane said he never came back after a mission six years ago.”

  “Ah.” Ryder responded softly as he gently ran his hand up her back. “Well then, once we finish with the Four Horsemen, we will need to come back here and find out what happened to him.”

  “Really?” Her eyes widened as she looked up at him.

  “Of course.” He smiled down at her. “He was like a father to you, after all. It wouldn’t be right for us to leave without knowing what happened. He was an Archangel, and he’s extremely stubborn. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s still alive somewhere.”

  “Thank you.” A small smile formed on her face. “I couldn’t do this without you.” Ryder smiled as she rested her head against his chest, her body relaxing into his. “Can we stay out here for a little while?” she muttered wearily. “It’s nice to relax.”

  “Of course,” he responded; his face filled with adoration. “Anything for you.”


  Zane felt as if his world had been torn apart. He stared into the flames, his mind not wanting to comprehend what his eyes were seeing. His hands began to shake as he stared at the flames. I promised I would keep them safe. That I wouldn’t lose anyone again. A searing pain etched its way across his chest, a low hiss escaped his lips as grabbed at his chest. Keira looked up at him, her eyes filled with worry.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked quietly.

  “Nothing,” he responded as he rubbed his chest. “Guess I’m just sore from the fight.” Keira sighed as she leaned into him, her eyes fixed on the growing flames.

  “I can’t believe they’re gone,” she whispered; her voice hoarse from crying.

  “Neither can I.” Zane’s eyes explored the camp as his mind wandered through the day's events. He watched Aria talk with Bishop then walk away with Ryder. He stared at his friend; his mind unable to imagine the pain he must be going through. I wonder if that’s how I will feel when Aria leaves? The unwanted thought crossed his mind as his eyes flickered to the wood line she had disappeared into.

  “At least we know that Heaven actually exists, and it isn’t just a fairytale,” her voice quivered with sadness. “Surely they’re both in Heaven now. They were fighting for the angels after all.”

  “Yea,” Zane responded dryly as he pulled his eyes away from the wood line. “I’m sure they are.” He sighed wearily as Cain and Abel walked towards them. “Thanks for the help.” He clasped Abel’s hand as he nodded at Cain. “We couldn’t have done it without you guys.”

  “You know us.” Abel chuckled dryly. “Never one to turn down a good fight.”

  “Especially when we get to kill all of those demon scum.” Cain added darkly, his gray eyes filled with an unnerving delight.

  “Yea, well thanks.” He looked between the two brothers, amazed at how similar yet different they appeared. “So, what are your plans now?”

  “We’re coming with you fuckers, of course.” Cain chuckled darkly. “I want to kill all of those bastards and you guys are our best bet in reaching that goal.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that.” Zane smiled as Cain and Abel cracked their knuckles in unison. “We can use all the help we can get.” He paused as he turned and looked over the ruined city. “Does everyone in Chicago share the same sentiment?”

  “The majority of them, yes.” Cain smiled as his gray eyes met Zane’s. “Looks like you’ve started something big. Especially with those angel friends of yours. And who knows, maybe if I kill enough of those bastard demons, I can fuck some of those angels before we’re done. That small female would feel great under –”

  “If you know what’s good for you, you won’t mention that again.” Zane commented darkly, his fists clenched at his side.

  “What? Who wouldn’t want to fuck an angel? Can’t you imagine taking that sweet, innocent thing and turning her into a cock hungry whore?” Cain responded as Abel shook his head with disapproval.

  “Shut the fuck up,” Zane growled, the air grew heavy as he met Cain’s eyes, anger emanating from him.

  “What? Consensually of course.” Cain responded with a wink.

ay…” Abel interrupted as he stepped in front of Cain. “You should hear what they are calling your group.” He chuckled, trying to ease the tension.

  “What?” Zane growled, his eyes drilling into Cain over Abel’s shoulder.

  “The Apocalypse Saints!” Abel laughed. “They’re calling you sorry fuckers saints!” Zane couldn’t help but smile as Keira giggled next to him.

  “I’m sorry,” she giggled breathlessly. “Who in their right mind would call us saints?”

  “Everyone you just saved in Chicago.” Cain responded calmly as he stepped next to Abel and looked down at Keira. “They think it’s a miracle that you were able to defeat the White Horseman. They believe your group has been hand-picked by the angels to save the world.”

  Zane frowned as he searched the camp, his eyes landing on the wood line where Aria had disappeared. “It was a coincidence that we met up with the angels, nothing more.”

  “Coincidence or not, you’re working with the angels now. It doesn’t matter what led up to it.” Cain responded matter-of-factly.

  “Saving the world is one hell of a request for such a small group.” Zane’s voice was filled with exhaustion as he looked up at Cain. “We barely managed the White Horseman. It was pure luck we made it out of there alive. Well, most of us anyway.” His voice trailed off as his eyes locked onto the blazing fire and Bishop’s lone figure outlined by the flames.

  “I don’t know what happened in that temple, Zane.” Cain stepped in front of him, blocking his view of Bishop. “But I do know that you have started something bigger than yourself. And you won’t be doing it alone.” He grabbed Zane’s shoulders and turned him around to face the ruined city. “It was fate that brought us together again. Although I hate your sorry ass for getting me and my brother enslaved, we’ve decided to look past that and move on. It’s time to take our lives back and show these fuckers who’s boss.”

  “That’s very enthusiastic of you.” Keira commented as she eyed the brothers. Cain chuckled darkly as he looked down at her.

  “When you’ve spent the last six years being tortured and worked to death by the fucking bastards, it’s a relief to finally get revenge.” Cain smiled darkly as he cracked his knuckles. “Now, are you still using the safe place in Florida?”

  “Of course,” Zane responded.

  “Good.” Cain looked over at Abel and smiled. “We’ll meet you there in a couple of months.”

  “Why don’t you just come back with us?” Keira asked.

  “Because we need more ships to get all of us to the Red Horseman’s arena.” Abel smiled darkly as he picked at his fingernails. “There’s no way you’re going without us.”

  Zane smiled as realization dawned on him. “You fuckers plan on taking Austin?” he asked, his eyes wide with excitement.

  “Damn right.” Cain smiled; his gray eyes filled with revenge. “It’ll take us about a month to get down there, then we need time to raid the city. But once we’re done –”

  “We’ll have an arsenal of ships.” Abel finished for him with a smile.

  Chapter Two


  The bright sun illuminated the decrepit city, the battle from the night before had left most of the buildings as piles of rubble. Many of the rebels were milling through the destruction, searching for anything that could be used down the road. Cain and Abel stood next to what had once been their hut, watching solemnly as the men searched the streets. They had a daunting task in front of them, with no real supplies, medicine, or portable shelter. Abel nervously ran his hand through his thick, brown hair.

  “How are we supposed to get hundreds of men and women down to Austin?” Abel glanced over at Cain, unnerved by how calm he appeared. “It’s one of the four great cities in this country. There has to be at least a legion of demons there.”

  “Don’t worry.” Cain smiled as he watched a man pull a dagger out of a pile of rubble. “With the White Horseman dead, the rest of those fuckers will be fighting for control. Now’s the perfect time to take another city. They’ll be too busy fighting amongst themselves to notice us.”

  “Nevertheless,” Abel sighed wearily as he nervously ran his hand through his hair, “we need to move as quickly as possible. The sooner we get to Austin, the better.”

  “Then we’ll split the group in half, that way we can travel faster. On the way we’ll scavenge what we need and sack as many demon-controlled villages as possible. Maybe even recruit more people on the way.” Cain chuckled darkly as he smacked Abel’s shoulder, causing him to stumble forward. “And once we’re there, we’ll hit the city from both sides! It’ll be epic!” Abel’s shoulders sagged as he sighed heavily.

  “Maybe we should wait till we can see the city before making that call. It’s been years since we were there, a lot of shit could have changed.”

  “Fuck that,” Cain responded angrily. “We have to hit hard and fast! If we sit around and wait, we’ll be wiped out in our sleep.”

  “Damnit!” Abel threw his hands in the air as he looked down the street. “Where the fuck is Bishop? He’s the fucking strategist, right? Let’s ask him whose plan is better, fuck nut.”

  “For being half-demon, you can be a real cuck sometimes. Have some fun.” Cain grabbed his brother’s shoulders and playfully shook him. “Take some damn risks every once in a while. You’d enjoy it.”

  “Fuck this.” Abel pushed Cain’s hands away as he turned and walked down the street, heading towards the city limits.

  “Pussy,” Cain muttered as he followed his brother.


  Bishop stood in front of the pile of ashes. The fire had burnt out hours ago, yet he couldn’t seem to leave. His mind was telling him it was time to go, to get as far away from Chicago as possible, but his feet didn’t want to move. Memories of his Mikayla flowed through his mind, playing on a torturous, never-ending loop. He could hear the others moving around the camp, murmuring amongst themselves as they waited.

  It wasn’t supposed to end like his. He thought wearily as a soft breeze blew through the camp, taking some of the ashes with it. Bishop shoved his hand in his pocket and pulled out Mikayla’s ring. He flipped it through his fingers, watching the light reflect off the delicate band. It wasn’t her time. Sadness crept into his soul as images of what could have been began to filter through his mind. We had so many plans.

  “Bishop!” Abel’s voice echoed loudly from the edge of the camp. Bishop quickly put the ring back in his pocket and slowly turned towards the commotion. “Bishop, we need your advice.” Abel commented breathlessly as he walked straight to him, Cain following on his heels.

  “Correction,” Cain grumbled darkly. “He thinks he needs your help. But my plan is perfect.” Cain smiled confidently as his eyes shimmered with bloodlust. A shiver ran up Bishop’s spine as he crossed his arms over his chest and eyed the brothers.

  “What… The fuck... Do you want?” His voice was low and menacing as he narrowed his hazel eyes. Abel shifted uncomfortably, twisting his hands as his eyes darted around the camp.

  “We,” Abel started as Cain nudged him. “I mean, I,” he corrected himself. “Wanted your advice on taking Austin,” he spoke quietly as he made eye contact with Bishop. “You’re the best strategist around, after all.” His voice trailed off as Bishop sighed heavily, his shoulders relaxing.

  “What were you thinking?” he muttered, relief flowing through his mind for the distraction. He looked between the brothers, waiting patiently. Abel’s face lit up as he began to talk about their options. Bishop nodded respectfully as he listened to the brothers take turns talking, each arguing over whose plan was better. He couldn’t believe how alike the two of them were, the only difference was that Abel was skinny, whereas Cain was broad and muscular. He shook his head while he held his hands in the air and motioned for them to stop talking. “I’ve heard enough.” The brothers stopped talking immediately, their eyes filled with anticipation as they stared at Bishop. “You’re both right,” he stated calmly.<
br />
  “What the fuck!” Abel shouted with disbelief. “That’s not a fucking answer. We can’t both be fucking right.”

  “Will you let me finish?” Bishop stared at the brothers, their gray eyes were locked on him with fury, but they kept quiet. “Good,” he sighed wearily. “Now, I agree that you should split up on the way down. Recruit as many people as you can. However, you’ll travel faster in smaller groups, so keep the recruiting to a minimum.”

  “I told you.” Cain smirked at Abel.

  “However,” Bishop continued calmly. “When you get to Austin, you need to work as a cohesive unit. Decide on a meeting place and take the time to recon the city. Make sure there isn’t more there than what you can handle.”

  “Ha!” Abel shouted as he pumped his fist in the air.

  “Pussies,” Cain muttered as he stared at Bishop. “All of you are fucking pussies.”

  “Take it or leave it.” Bishop retorted, his mood becoming fowl. “Honestly, I don’t give a fuck what you do.”

  “Come on.” Abel smiled enthusiastically as he nodded at Bishop. “We have a lot to do.” He forced Cain to turn away and quickly left the camp. Bishop sighed wearily as he turned, finding himself face to face with Zane.

  “Hey,” Zane muttered awkwardly as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

  “Hey,” Bishop responded dryly, stepping to the side to go around him.

  “I’m sorry.” Zane blurted out. “For everything.” His blue-hazel eyes bore into Bishop, conveying everything he couldn’t put into words. “I truly am.”

  “I know,” Bishop responded as he glanced over at the ashes, watching the pile shrink with each breeze. At least she’s at peace now. He thought as the ashes swirled through the air. He diverted his eyes to look around the camp. Everyone was watching him, their faces filled with worry and sorrow. “We should get going.”

  “Are you sure? We can stay as –”

  “I’m sure,” he responded sternly as he put his hand in his pocket, grasping Mikayla’s ring with all his might. He straightened his back as he walked towards the horses, quickly mounting his. He looked back at the ashes once more then spurred his horse, leaving the rest of them behind.


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