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Page 12

by R C Knight

  As they approached, Zane saw Bishop standing over a female. She was struggling against her ropes, shouting in her language. Her brown eyes burned into Bishop as she yelled at him. Zane sighed wearily as he glanced at Kai. “Translate Kai, it’s too damn early for this shit.”

  “I can do better than that.” Kai smiled as he focused on the female and began to chant in Enochian. A silver sigil formed on the ground beneath her. Her eyes widened with fear as she continued to shout. “I give you the languages of the world. You can understand her, and she can understand you.”

  “I’ll kill you all,” she hissed, her brown eyes locking onto each of them. “I’ll boil your body till the meat falls off your bones. You’re in our world now. The hate will take you. It will destroy you.” She laughed darkly as her eyes traveled their bodies, sizing them up. Zane calmly walked up to her, his face mere inches from hers.

  “Calm down before I end you now and wait for another to awake,” he growled, a demonic glint in his eyes. The woman snarled as she bared her teeth.

  “Lies,” she hissed. “You wish to kill us all, just like the others.” She lunged forward and tried to bite him. Zane stepped to the side and grabbed her by the back of the neck.

  “We only have questions, and if you answer them, I’ll let you leave.” He pulled her up and forced her to look at him. “But if you return, we will slaughter you all.” He paused, his eye’s turning black as he saw the fear spread across the woman’s face. “Sound fair?”

  Her brown eyes darted over to the others, her fear evident. “What… what do you wish to know?” she muttered as she dropped her gaze.

  “Good.” Zane smiled as he released her neck. She fell to her knees, her head lowered as she stared at the ground. “Now, what’s your name?”

  “Gab… Gabriela,” she stuttered.

  “Okay, Gabriela,” Zane spoke softly as he knelt in front of her. “How did you know we were here?”

  “We saw the glint of a spy glass off the horizon,” she spoke quietly as she focused on the silver sigil beneath her. “We hid till we saw your long boat, then we set up the ambush.”


  “We figured you were either here to kill us and take our territory or you were a wealthy merchant ship that got lost. Then we would kill you all and take your supplies.”

  “Alright.” Zane sighed as he looked back at the others. “What’s with this red mist?”

  “It’s the hate.” Gabriela grimaced as she looked up at them. “It will overtake you and destroy you,” she growled, an evil smile spreading across her face.

  “Why do you all have demon blood in your veins?” Bishop asked, his voice low and menacing. “I’ve never seen so many mixed breeds in one area before.”

  “It’s for our God,” she replied darkly, her brown eyes filled with fear. “He wanted better wars. His demons frequently rape us to make stronger warriors, so the battles will entertain him more.”

  “Battles?” Kai said quietly.

  “Yes, battles,” she responded bitterly. “Once a year we all have to go to his temple. Our strongest battle to the death. The winners receive the losers’ territory and women.”

  “Would you like to give your God some real entertainment?” Zane smiled darkly as he looked back at the others.

  “I don’t…” She looked around her, the confusion evident on her face. “What do you mean?”

  “Lead us to your village. I’ll return you to your leader as our prisoners. I have a proposition for him.”

  “He’ll kill you.” She spat in disgust. “He is our strongest. You just ask for your deaths.” She stopped, an evil glint filling her brown eyes. “But if that is what you wish,” she shrugged her shoulders as her lips quirked up, “I will do it.”

  “Good.” Zane smiled as he glanced back at Kai. Kai nodded as he began to chant, the sigil beneath her disappeared as her body crumpled to the ground.

  “She’ll be asleep for an hour or so,” Kai muttered, his eyes resting on Gabriela’s body.

  “Good. Pack up camp. We move once she’s awake.” Zane turned away from her, his dark eyes scanning the other prisoners. “We’ll drag the rest if we have to.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  Ryder, Aria, and Myra stood by the prisoners, their bags packed and sitting on the ground by their feet. Ryder rested his hand on Aria’s lower back as she eyed Myra, watching as she cradled her left arm against her chest. She had started wearing a light, long sleeve shirt to hide the spreading corruption. Kai walked over nonchalantly; his bag slung over his shoulder.

  “We have a problem,” he muttered quietly as he stood next to Aria.

  “What do you mean?” she asked, her eyes scanning the camp as the group continued to pack up their things.

  “This red mist that has you feeling on edge,” he responded softly. “It’s the Red Horseman’s doing. Apparently, it brings out your hatred.”

  “So,” Myra responded as she glanced over at the prisoners.

  “So,” Kai continued; his voice filled with frustration. “It’s already affecting Zane. You should have seen him when he was questioning that prisoner. He seemed to enjoy her fear.”

  Aria sighed wearily as her eyes locked onto Zane, watching as he finished rolling up his sleeping mat. “Well, there isn’t much we can do about it. Unless you want to try and keep him on the ship?” she asked rhetorically.

  “Please,” Ryder chuckled. “Like you could keep that man on the ship when there’s so much going on here.”

  “No,” Kai sighed sadly. “But we need to move fast and keep him in check. The longer we’re here the more likely he’ll lose what little control he has over his corruption.”

  Aria’s breath caught in her throat as she watched Zane pull Keira in for a kiss. “Yea,” she replied as she looked over at Kai. “The sooner we leave here the better.”


  It didn’t take long for the group to finish packing up their makeshift camp. Gabriela had woken up from the sleeping spell and was as angry as ever. The rest of the prisoners had woken up as well, their eyes filled with anger as they growled and yelled at them.

  “Alright!” Zane called out as he grabbed Gabriela by the arm and pulled her away from the others. “Get them lined up and ready to go.” He turned to look at Ryder. “I want you and Aria to bring up the rear. Keep everyone in line.”

  “Sure,” Ryder muttered as he gently grabbed Aria’s arm and led her off to the side. They stood there patiently, watching as the rest of the group lined up the prisoners.

  “Since when do you take orders so easily from Zane?” Aria asked, a hint of amusement in her voice.

  “Since I realized the only one here that can change his mind is you,” he responded with a sigh, his green eyes locking onto her face. “It’s a waste of time for me to argue with him.”

  “Yea,” she responded as she glanced over at Zane. “But that’s all I’ll ever be. He made his choice that morning you came to the training yard. All I am to him is a voice of reason, nothing else. It’s time I accept that.” She quickly looked away, her eyes scanning the line of prisoners. “Come on, looks like it’s time to go.” She sighed wearily as she headed to the back of the line. She pulled her daggers out and twirled them gracefully as she walked. Ryder sighed with relief as he followed her, a flicker of hope flashing through his eyes.


  They made their way slowly through the forest, Gabriela stopping them every now and then to get her bearing. “Just a little farther,” she hissed, excitement crossing her face, “then I can watch him kill you all.”

  “Enough with the death threats,” Kai sighed wearily as he glanced over at Zane. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  “Of course, I do,” he responded confidently. “I’m just going to have a nice chat with their leader.” He smiled darkly as he nudged Gabriela onward.

  “Uh-huh,” Kai muttered quietly.

  “And if he doesn’t cooperate… I’ll just
have to kill him.” Zane’s voice was deep and menacing as his eyes flickered black.

  “It’s just up here.” Gabriela smiled darkly as she pointed straight ahead. A clearing sat just off the wood line; tents made of rawhide were scattered around a large, wooden building with a thatch roof. Smaller huts had been hastily constructed next to it. An immense fire burned brightly in the center of the makeshift village.

  “Keep your eyes open. We’re getting close,” Zane shouted back at the group, “be prepared for anything.” He growled as he pushed Gabriela forward, smiling as she stumbled on the uneven ground.

  “Intruders, intruders!” Gabriela shouted, her voice filling the tense silence.

  “Damnit,” Zane muttered as the village came alive, people started running from their tents, weapons at the ready. Their prisoners started struggling and shouting. “Knock them out!” Zane yelled as he swiftly hit the base of Gabriela’s head. She crumpled to the ground as the rest of the group took control of the other prisoners, their bodies littering the forest floor. Zane continued towards the village with Kai, his massive sword at the ready. “We have your scouts,” he shouted as he walked into the village. “If you want them back alive, you’ll let me talk to your leader.”

  Whispers ran through the village as they watched Zane and Kai approach. A child ran into the wooden hut as a man stepped forward. “How do we know they aren’t already dead?” he asked, his dark eyes scanning Zane’s face.

  “You don’t,” he muttered as he looked around the village. Aria ran forward and joined them, her green eyes filled with anger.

  “They’re all knocked out. The others are staying with them,” her voice was low as she twirled her daggers, her eyes scanning the villagers.

  The little boy reappeared from the wooden hut, a large man followed behind him, his figure towering over the rest of the villagers. His dark brown eyes landed on Zane. “I Dominick, I leader.” He narrowed his eyes. “What you want?” he growled, his voice low and menacing.

  “Just to talk.” Zane smiled as he stepped forward. Aria moved to follow but Kai held his arm out and stopped her.

  “No. Just him,” he whispered, his eyes assessing the situation. Aria sighed as she stayed behind, her hands gripping her daggers tightly.

  Dominick laughed darkly, his enormous body shaking from the force. “No one just talk.” He glanced at Aria and Kai before locking his eyes on Zane. “What real reason?”

  “I heard you like to fight for your God, the Red Horseman.” Zane stated calmly as he moved closer to the leader. “I want to fight in this tournament.”

  “You? Fight us?” He chuckled darkly, his dark brown eyes sizing him up. The villagers laughed darkly as they stepped forward, slowly closing in on them. “No,” he said sternly as he pulled out his sword, its single edged blade gleaming in the red light of the sun. Zane smiled darkly as he raised his sword, the runes glowing softly.

  “I was hoping you’d say that,” he growled as he ran towards Dominick, their swords clashing loudly. The villagers came rushing forward, their weapons drawn and ready for the attack.

  “Stop!” Dominick shouted, causing the villagers to freeze in their tracks. “This between me,” he pointed at himself, “and him.” He growled as he pointed at Zane, his dark eyes filled with excitement. “Whoever wins rightful leader.”

  Zane smiled, his eyes flickering black. “As you wish,” he grunted as he jumped backwards and squared his stance. A deep growl reverberated through Dominick’s throat as he lunged forward. Zane chuckled darkly as he stepped to the side and swung, knocking the sword out of Dominick’s hands. Zane waited patiently as Dominick stumbled forward, a look of shock on his face. He quickly picked up his sword and turned towards Zane.

  “You move fast,” he growled as his dark brown eyes searched Zane’s, “but that won’t save you.”

  Zane chuckled darkly as he assessed Dominick. “If you say so.” They circled each other, their eyes searching for weaknesses. Zane smiled as he surged forward, his muscular thighs allowing him to close the distance between them in a blink of the eye. Dominick shouted in surprise as Zane appeared in front of him, he kicked forward, his foot meeting Dominick’s chest with a loud thud. Dominick lost his balance and fell onto his back, his sword dropping from his hand.

  Zane kept his foot planted firmly on Dominick’s chest as he sheathed his sword and pulled out a dagger from his belt. Bloodlust filled his eyes as he knelt on top of Dominick, his knee digging into his broad chest. “Now,” Zane muttered as he grabbed Dominick’s right arm, “how do you expect to fight like this?” Confusion flickered through Dominick’s dark brown eyes as Zane straightened out his right arm, holding tightly just above the wrist. A demonic smile filled his face as he brought his dagger down, slicing off Dominick’s pinky. Zane chuckled darkly as he moved to the next finger, his dagger digging into the soft flesh. A scream escaped Dominick’s lips as Zane cut off his ring finger.

  “What the hell!” Aria shouted as she started to run forward. Kai quickly grabbed her and pulled her back towards him.

  “I told you he was losing control,” he sighed wearily as Dominick’s agonizing screams filled the air.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Earth – Safe Place

  Liam sat quietly at the table, his hazel eyes burning into Cyrus. He steepled his fingers as his brows furrowed in concentration. “Why Atlanta?” he asked calmly. “Jacksonville is closer and right off the coast.”

  “I have contacts in Atlanta,” Cyrus responded with a smile, his hazel eyes twinkling. “They can get us better supplies. I assure you; it’ll be worth the trip.”

  “I don’t want to risk it,” Liam replied, his voice low with a hint of worry. “Zane wants us here to protect the village in case something happens. We should go to the closest port city for supplies and bring our asses straight back here.”

  “Look, I know you’re worried,” Cyrus’s voice was smooth and calming, “and I understand completely. Would it make you feel better if we left most of my men here? We don’t need a large group for a supply run. Why don’t you and I go?” He placed his finger on the map that had been lain out on the table, moving it as he talked. “We’ll stay along the coastline and spend the night at port villages until we get to Panama City. Then we’ll get some horses and make our way to Atlanta.”

  “It’s a long trip,” Liam sighed wearily as he glanced at the map. “And Atlanta is bound to be full of demons.”

  “That’ll just make the trip more interesting.” Cyrus smiled darkly, his hazel eyes locking onto Liam. “Besides, I know you want your revenge for them killing Jackson. Why let Zane have all the fun?”

  Liam frowned as images of Jackson began to play across his mind. He could still hear Jackson’s laughter as he drowned his sorrows with liquor. Everyone always saw the fun side of Jackson; Liam was the only one that knew about the darkness he was running from. He was finally getting his life back together when the White Horseman ended it. Darkness crossed his face as he looked up at Cyrus.

  “I’m in,” his voice was low and menacing. “And I’m going to kill every demon that crosses our path.”

  “Good.” Cyrus smiled as he let out a sigh of relief. “You’ll be impressed with what Atlanta has to offer.”


  Liam walked quickly up the cobbled pathway that led to Anne’s house. He stopped once he reached the door, his eyes focusing on the brass handle. She’s not going to like this, he thought wearily as he raised his hand and softly knocked on the solid door. The sound of his knock echoed through the house. Liam relaxed as he ran a hand through his blonde hair. She’s not home. He smiled slyly to himself as he turned to leave. His breath caught in his throat as the sound of footsteps and the loud thumping of a cane approaching the door echoed through the house. “I’m coming!” Anne’s voice was loud and rushed. I should just go. She doesn’t need to know what’s going on. Liam thought nervously as he looked back at the door and shifted his weight from one foot to the other. Th
e door opened, revealing Anne huffing as she forced a smile on her face.

  “Sorry,” she muttered in between deep breaths. “I just got Aiden to sleep and it’s quite the walk from his room to the door.” She smiled as she gestured for him to enter. “I’m glad you didn’t leave.” Liam smiled wearily as he stepped inside the house. “Now, what brings you by on such a fine day?”

  “I needed to talk to you about a supply run I’m planning.” Liam replied confidently as he sat down at the dining table.

  “Oh?” she responded as she sat down across from him and gently rested her cane against the chair, “and what, exactly, do I need to know about this supply run?” She asked, her hazel eyes scrutinizing him.

  “Just that Cyrus and I will be going to Atlanta.”

  “Atlanta?” Her eyes narrowed as she studied his face. His eyes had sunken further into his head and dark bags had formed underneath them. “Why Atlanta, Liam? There are closer cities you can go to for a simple supply run.”

  “Yea, well…” Liam shifted uncomfortably in his chair as he avoided Anne’s scrutinizing eyes. “Cyrus has contacts in Atlanta. He said he can get us more supplies for a better deal.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yea. But don’t worry,” Liam added quickly, his words running into each other. “We will be leaving Cyrus’s men here with you, for protection.”

  Anne sighed wearily as she looked down at the stub that was her right leg. She could still feel the searing, excruciating pain that she had experienced when she lost it. She grimaced as she rubbed her leg, her mind replaying the day it happened. “I’m not an idiot, Liam,” she grunted as her hands left her leg. “I know exactly how you feel right now. Atlanta isn’t about a good deal on supplies. You just want your revenge.”

  Liam stared at Anne; his weary eyes filled with defiance. “It is a supply run, nothing more,” he muttered fiercely. “I would never risk the safety of our village for revenge.”

  Anne sighed as she returned Liam’s gaze. “If you feel the need to talk before you leave on your supply run,” she emphasized with disbelief. “I am here. But believe me when I tell you that this will bring more harm than good. I dreamt about revenge for the longest time after I lost my leg to those demons. But I’ve come to realize, that revenge is a slippery slope. Once you start down that path, you might never get out.” She locked onto Liam’s hazel eyes as sadness filled her face. “I don’t want to see you get lost on that path, Liam.”


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