Book Read Free

Careless Rapture

Page 9

by Dara Girard

  She furrowed her brows. “What?”

  “You washing the dishes naked.”

  “Perhaps another time. For now I’m wearing a matching bra and panty set, which, for me, is rare. I got them at Divine Notions.” She struck a pose. “Do you like them?”

  Clay moved from the fridge and gradually came toward her. She’d once wondered what it would feel like to be his prey, and from the smoldering look in his eyes, now she knew. “I’m not sure yet, let me see.” He fell on his knees.

  Jackie looked down at him, uncertain. “What are you doing?”

  “I want to do a closer inspection.” He rested a hand on her hip while the other made a sensuous path up her side to her bra strap. “Nice fabric.” His finger traced a pattern on the bra. “This is embroidery, right?”

  She could barely speak so she only nodded.

  He cupped her breast. “So how much of this is padding? No, don’t say anything. Let me find out.” He slowly lowered the strap. “You’d better stop me if—”

  She unlatched the bra and tossed it away.

  He stared for a moment, then raised his eyes to hers. “You have just enough.”

  She bit her lip and whispered, “For what?”

  “For this.” His mouth covered her breast with the effect of lava over ice, his tongue doing things to her nipple she couldn’t even describe. He wrapped his arms around her. She arched into him until the fire raging inside her forced her to her knees as well. She pulled his shirt off, then went for his jeans.

  He stopped. “I can’t believe I’m about to take you on the kitchen floor.”

  “You prefer the table?”

  He placed his hand over her mouth. “Be quiet. I’m thinking.”

  Jackie removed his hand and glanced down. “You can do that while you’re wrapping your friend. I promise I won’t move.”

  Clay took a condom from his back pocket. “I guess I have a little optimism myself.”

  She grinned. “Amazing.”

  He rolled on the condom. “I’ll give you a second to be sure.”

  She placed her hand on him and finished the deed. “Oh, I’m sure.”

  He glanced down at her hand. She hadn’t bewitched him yet, but she was certainly casting a spell. He had to be careful not to get trapped, to remember to be alert, to not surrender. He drew her close, ready to make a little magic of his own.

  Clay skimmed his hand along the length of her, his palm fiery hot as it made its way down between her legs. His fingers softly massaged her center, he then replaced them with his tongue. Jackie stiffened at the unexpected sensation, acutely aware of the wet warmth that was both foreign and exquisite. She was almost too afraid to indulge in a feeling so delicious.

  “Relax,” he whispered.

  She closed her eyes, allowing herself to surrender to the heat of ecstasy spreading through her, causing her to grow damp. “Please,” she begged, ready to feel him inside her.

  “You’re ready?”


  “You’re sure?”

  “Yes,” she said, more forceful this time. She gripped his broad shoulders strengthened by the need of her desire.

  “Careful or you’ll leave marks,” Clay warned when her nails pinched his back.

  “Sorry,” she said without apology. “But tonight you’re mine.”

  He chuckled at her possessiveness, although he felt a sense of his own. The feeling surprised him. Clay prided himself on being a good, but detached lover. One who was always composed and calm, but tonight he felt an unfamiliar sense of eagerness and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could wait. His entire body was hard, desperate for release. However, he forced himself to move with a studied patience, determined not to lose control. Unfortunately, some of his control slipped when Jackie pressed a kiss on the sensitive part behind his ear, then trailed a hot path down his neck. He gritted his teeth and entered her a little less gently than he’d planned.

  Jackie offered no gasp of surprise or protest; instead, she tightened around him and Clay groaned as more of his control shattered. He sank deeper inside her. A mutual shudder swept through them, igniting a raw hunger both unexpected and fierce in its intensity.

  The intensity fueled them. Jackie greedily surveyed every inch of him as though he were an undiscovered island. Everything about him intrigued her—from the raised scar on his back to a tiny birthmark inside his thigh. She never thought the male form could provide such fascination. Clay found as much fascination with her. Although Jackie was certainly not the first woman he’d ever been with, he felt a sense of awe at the way her nipples hardened under the tender caress of his tongue, the wide sweep of her hips and the gentle curve of her behind.

  They silently explored each other, leaving no room for subtlety. Their desire cast away all thought of how vulnerable they were to each other. Neither knew, nor cared how much time passed or where they were. The only thing that mattered was being together.

  Soon exhaustion overcame them and they collapsed, limp with pleasure. Clay sighed; Jackie began to tremble.

  Clay sat up, alarmed. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine,” she said through chattering teeth.

  “Then why are you shaking like that? Are you cold? Let me get you a blanket.” He left before she could tell him that she didn’t need one, that she was just feeling so many emotions she couldn’t keep still. Clay came back and wrapped her in a blanket. He carried her to the couch and held her.

  “I’m fine, really,” she said, even though she knew then that she wouldn’t mind him holding her forever.

  “Then why are you crying?”

  Jackie blinked, trying to get the tears to stop. “I don’t know.”

  Clay became concerned. He’d never been with a woman who’d responded like this. “Are you having regrets?”

  She nodded.

  He swore.

  She laughed at his expression. “I wish I’d slept with you sooner. I’ve never felt this way. I didn’t even know it could be this way. Like living on sparkling cider and finally tasting champagne.” She jumped up. “Let’s do something else.”

  “I’m afraid you’ve discovered all that I can do.”

  “We could go for a walk or go to a club or do a puzzle. Let’s finish your puzzle.”

  He glanced at his watch. “It’s late. You should go home.”

  “Don’t worry. I don’t plan to stay the night. I know about your rules, remember?”

  He stood. “I suggest you get dressed.”

  Jackie tossed the blanket aside. “Hey, I’ll finish washing the dishes.”

  He picked up the blanket and dropped it over her head. “Next time.”

  She pulled it down. “So there will be a next time?” Clay went into the kitchen and pulled on his jeans, pretending not to hear her.

  She picked up her bra and fastened it. “Clay, what does this mean?”

  “That you’re officially over Brian.”

  She began to dress, suddenly feeling vulnerable and unsure. She couldn’t imitate his aloof attitude. “Can I see you again?”

  He sighed. “You’re supposed to leave the questions for the morning.”

  “It wouldn’t be anything serious,” she said quickly. “I know how you feel about relationships. It will just be casual. And think about it, you didn’t even have to cook me dinner.”

  He shook his head. “Jackie--”

  “No one needs to know about us, so my brothers won’t be a complication, and I know you don’t want to get married and I don’t want to marry you so there’s no agenda. You said I was like you and I don’t want commitment, so . . .” Her voice died at the look on his face.

  He glanced at a chair. “Sit down.”

  She did, staring up at him with hopeful eyes. Clay rested his hands on his hips and groaned. Damn those eyes. How could he be the one to crush the hope in them? And he couldn’t deny that he still wanted her. That was a surprise. Once was usually enough. This time he’d only awakened an appe
tite for a little sprite with impish eyes. For a while at least he was hooked. His little mischief maker had enchanted him. What was amazing was that he’d also seemed to have enchanted her. He’d never had a woman look at him with a desire that matched his own. But he had to be careful to temper his feelings. He couldn’t allow any weakness to leave him vulnerable to her. Clay sat down, trying to find the right words to say. When nothing came, he took her hand.

  She pulled away. “Don’t.”

  For a moment he was hurt that his touch offended her. “Don’t what?”

  “Don’t try to coddle me. If you’re going to tell me this was a one-night stand, then just say so.”

  “Because that’s not what you want this to be?”

  She nodded.

  Me, neither. However, he couldn’t make this what she wanted it to be. “You don’t know me.”

  “That’s okay. We’ll get to know each other more. I like you. We could go to movies, eat out or in—”

  He shook his head and smiled ruefully. “You don’t understand how this works.”

  “We’ll have sex, too.”

  “I know, but what you’re describing is a relationship.”

  Jackie vehemently shook her head. “No, no. It doesn’t have to be that formal. We just see each other every once in a while, casually. I’d like to get to know you better.” It would be a struggle for her to keep her feelings for him a secret when they visited Cassie and Drake for Sunday dinner.

  Clay rubbed the back of his neck. “That’s sweet. However, the problem is, I don’t want you to.”

  “Why not? Is there something wrong with you?”

  “I’d like to think not, but—”

  “I won’t—”

  “Yes, you will.” He stood. “You’ll want more.”


  “Why?” He looked at her curiously. “Why wouldn’t you ask more from me?”

  “I’ll take what I can get.”

  “That’s the problem. You deserve more.” He tapped the table. “This is what I was talking about before. You accept the slim pickings, you accept men who talk about their ex-wives and want threesomes—”

  “Or sex with no ties.”

  He hesitated, then said, “I couldn’t treat you like the others, Jackie. So don’t ask me to.”

  Jackie was silent a moment. “How about an affair?”

  “Why don’t you sleep on it and then—”

  “I don’t need to sleep on it. I know what I feel. I know that I want to see you again.”

  “How about I call you Friday?”

  “I want an answer now.”


  She blinked. “Just like that?”

  “Do you want me to think it over?”

  “No, it’s just you seemed so hesitant before.”

  “I just want to make sure you know what you’re getting into.”

  “I’m not sure, but I’m sure it will be an adventure.”

  “So I’ll call you Friday.”

  “That’s tomorrow.”

  “I know.”

  She smiled. “Friday’s perfect.”


  At home, Jackie fell onto the couch and shut her eyes, not quite sure what she was feeling. What a wonderful night. She curled up on the couch, a bit of fear racing through her as she wondered if her feelings meant more. She brushed them aside; she was going to have an affair with Clay. It seemed unreal, no one would believe her. She sighed—such good news and no one to tell. Usually she would have called Cassie or Adriana, but she would have to keep Clay a secret. It wouldn’t be hard. She didn’t want their arrangement put under scrutiny. Jackie sighed again. He certainly made up for dinner. Thirty dollars well spent. She sat up and opened her wallet to see what money she had left. She stared. A twenty that hadn’t been there before peeked out. She fell back and grinned. Yep, he was definitely sly.


  Mack walked into the office the next day, surprised to see Clay at his computer. “You’re here early.”


  “Got a break?” He poured some coffee, then sat at his desk. “What are you working on?”


  “I have that under control.”

  “I’m just finding some trivial information on him.”

  Mack frowned. “Why?”

  “I want to ruin his day.”

  “What is this all about?”

  “Jackie is the reason Winstead thought we had tape. He was misbehaving and she told him she was undercover with us.”

  “What do you mean by misbehaving?”

  “I’m sure you’ve done it a few times.”

  Mack sent him a look. “This is D.C., the city of sex scandals. I’m not important enough to have one, but all my women are willing. Is she okay?”


  “But you’re not.”


  Mack straightened, uncomfortable with Clay’s tone. “Now, wait a second. Winstead isn’t a guy you want to mess with.”

  “He won’t know it’s me.”

  Mack was quiet for a moment, then became curious. “What do you plan to do?”

  “When you were a kid and you touched something you shouldn’t have, what happened?”

  “Got my hand slapped.”

  Clay grinned. “Exactly.”


  Jackie stared at the phone. She wouldn’t call him. She would wait until tonight. She was at work. She should focus on work. Clay was merely an extracurricular activity. And what an activity. She straightened her features when she began to smile—she had to remember this was casual. But she did want to thank him for the money. However, she didn’t want to bug him, and yet she wouldn’t mind hearing his voice. She gripped the phone, then gently set it down. This was stupid. She’d known him for more than four years; she shouldn’t feel so awkward about calling him. But she wouldn’t be able to stand his cool, aloof tone acting as though their affair didn’t matter while she tried to keep her heart from racing. She picked up the receiver, then set it down again. “That man is so .. .” She shook her fists, at a loss for words.

  “Who is?” Patty asked, entering the room with a file.

  “I can’t believe I’m acting this way for a man so wrong for me. He’s too, um . . .” Her words trailed off.

  “Sexy, intriguing, exciting?”

  Jackie glared at her. “Good-bye, Patty.”

  “No, not yet. I came in here for a reason. Faye identified two Requests For Proposals and she’s hoping you can whip something up.”

  Jackie took the folders, scowling. “I hate writing proposals.”

  Faye walked in. “I know,” she said with regret, “But we need the money.”

  Jackie glanced at the due date on the proposals and groaned. “There must be a better way.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to attend the funeral with me? It would be nice to have you there.”

  “Sure,” she said, resigned. “Perhaps it will give me ideas on preparing my own.”

  Chapter Nine

  Mack hung up the phone and turned to Clay. “Milton called. He said his wife is working late. We know when her office closes so we’ll do a stakeout.”

  Clay swore. He’d have to cancel with Jackie. He could send Mack on his own, but they usually did stakeouts together so one of them would stay alert.

  Mack looked at him, confused. “I thought you’d be happy to get this over with fast.”

  “I had a date,” he grumbled.

  “Tell her it’s an important case. She’ll understand.” He grinned. “Make it sound dangerous and she may even worry about you.”

  “This woman won’t.”

  Mack sat on the corner of his desk and sighed. “Ah, women.” He opened his notebook and glanced at the contents. “Unpredictable creatures. You know, last night—”

  “If I want to hear about a man’s sexual exploits, which on most occasions I don’t, I’ll pick up a magazine.”

ng of magazines, I submitted to Swank once. They turned me down. Perhaps I should try Cheaters Club.” He snapped his fingers and pointed at Clay. “Hey, maybe you could read the story for me, see where I went wrong.”

  “Sure, I will. Right after I finish gouging out my eyes.”

  “This woman must really be important.”

  “This has nothing to do with Jackie.”

  Mack stopped and stared “You had a date with Jackie? The little brat, Jackie? What an interesting turn of events. Lucky man. Bet you’ll have fun. Big things come in little packages.”

  Clay sat back. Jackie was his business and his business alone. He said in a low, yet polite tone. “You’re beginning to get on my nerves.”

  Mack correctly interpreted the threat under the civil words. “I’ll go check the equipment.”

  “Thank you.” Clay stared at his phone for a moment before picking up the receiver. He doubted she’d be very understanding about this. He shrugged. She’d have to learn.

  “HOPE Services, Jackie speaking.”

  “Hi, it’s me.”

  “Hi. I’m glad you called.”

  Clay hesitated. Did he imagine it or did she sound strangely happy to hear from him? He reminded himself he didn’t care.

  “How has your day been?” she asked.

  “The usual. Um—”

  “Thanks for the money.”

  “You’re welcome. I---”

  “It was quite a surprise. You didn’t have to.” She lowered her voice. “You more than made up for the cost of dinner.”

  Clay cleared his throat. “Uh, thanks. Listen—”

  “I thought we could do Chinese tonight.”

  “Yes, well—”

  “You could come to my place. Just tell me what color you want me to wear. I have blue, purple, and tan. I may have green, but I don’t think so. What is your favorite color, by the way?”

  His voice grew impatient. “Jackie—”

  “You don’t have to tell me. I was just curious.”

  He replied with cold silence.

  She sighed, resigned. “You’re calling to cancel, aren’t you?”


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