Show No Fear (Rising Goddess Book 1)

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Show No Fear (Rising Goddess Book 1) Page 11

by Tamara White

  They both get to their feet quickly, looking relieved to have an out. Before heading to the door, they each give me a half hug goodbye. I smile, watching them leave down the dorm hall as Frannie finally puts a shirt on. The guys completely ignored her, not even saying goodbye. I know it pissed her off, but I’ll admit, it made a little part of me pleased.

  "So which one are you fucking?"

  I shake my head in annoyance and move to my desk, pulling my laptop out of my bag, intent on getting some work done. "Despite what you seem to think, Frannie, you can be friends with someone without fucking them. Kaden and Alex are just that, friends."

  She doesn’t answer, just smiles a cruel smile that I don't like the look of one bit. It's the look of a predator who's just found her next meal.

  My walk to the coffee shop to see Charity feels like it takes hours. When I finally arrive, Charity grins at my disheveled state and I have to fight the urge to flip her off. She knows I survive on coffee and view it as a food staple. So for her to be working behind the counter making someone else's coffee makes me want to jump over and steal one. Something I am not averse to doing if it means getting my hands on a cup of coffee.

  Charity sees the direction of my stare and holds up a cup, flashing me a smirk. "Figured you might be willing to kill my customers to get a coffee, so I made this a few minutes ago just to be safe."

  I reach out and take it from her with a grateful smile. "Thanks, babe. I'm going to sit over by the window. Come join me when your break starts."

  Part of my decision to meet Charity today may have had something to do with Kaden's comments about me using her. His words hurt, but they made me reevaluate things and realize that I do need to open up more and work on making female friends. So when Charity asked for the chance to meet up so we could talk, saying she had something important to tell me, I hastily agreed.

  I take a seat at the same table I shared with Kaden the other day. I turn my focus to window, knowing people are more likely to leave me alone if I look to be interested in the world outside rather than what’s going on in here. However, no sooner do I think that than the seat across from me slides out and Emily drops into it. I look around, expecting to see Colby with her, but he’s nowhere to be found.

  Emily sees me looking around and grits her teeth, her anger palpable. "He isn't here. I wanted to talk to you alone.”

  I try to keep the surprise from my face as she leans across the table with a glare. The air shifts subtly and a breeze brushes past me. I look around in confusion, noticing there are no open windows or doors. What the…?

  "You are going to stay away from Colby,” Emily demands. “If I so much as see you in the same room as him, I am going to beat you within an inch of your life."

  She folds her hands in front of her, sitting high in her chair and trying to use her height to intimidate me. I can’t hold back the chuckle that escapes.

  "Right. Well, Emily," I say her name with as much disdain as I can, "your boyfriend can do what he pleases, with whomever he pleases. If he wants to hang out with me, then I won't say no because he’s honestly a great guy and a good friend. But if you think for even a minute that you would be capable of laying a finger on me, then you are sorely mistaken."

  Her eyes widen with fear, and she clutches her hand to her throat. "Are you one of them? A wolf?" she asks, her voice barely audible. Despite the way she says it, as if she’s truly terrified, I can’t help but feel it’s all an act.

  I answer her honestly, but feel wary about giving too much away. "No, I'm not a wolf, but my mate was."

  She nods, seeming a little more at ease, and begins looking me over, for my mark I assume. I wonder just how much Colby told her? It's no wonder she freaked on him then. You can't just lay all of that shit on someone and not offer up any proof.

  "Do you have a mark or did it disappear?" she asks, nothing but open curiosity in her expression.

  I lift my braid from my neck to reveal where Seth's mark is, the only one I plan on showing her. It fills me with pride to have his brand on me, but it's also a painful reminder of what I've lost.

  "How did you lose him?"

  I tend to get angry and defensive when asked to talk about Seth, but I have to admit that, the idea of talking to another female who might understand the pain of not being with their mate appeals to me. Maybe Emily and I could become friends and I can help her ease into this new life. Well, once I figure out what she’s hiding that is.

  "A car crash. It killed my parents too."

  "Fuck, I am so sorry, Katie. I’m sorry to have brought it up," she says, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

  Even though she radiates sincerity, my mind is rebelling, insisting those emotions are false. What the hell is going on with me?

  I shrug, giving her a small smile. "Honestly, it's kind of nice to talk about. Not many other girls could understand the connection Seth and I had. You, however, must feel the same kind of bond with Colby, otherwise you wouldn't have come in here and threatened to 'beat me within an inch of my life.'" I smirk, and then burst out laughing when Emily blushes a bright red.

  She fidgets nervously in her seat, tucking a strand of perfect blond hair behind her ear. "Well, yeah. I don't really know what got into me. I just came in here for coffee, but then I saw you and it was like I was suddenly possessed. I just knew I had to warn you away from Colby or I was going to regret it."

  "Yeah, about that. That whole thing yesterday was nothing more than a ploy to kick your mate instincts into gear. I explained to Colby that no female likes to see their guy with another, especially not their mate. No offense to Colby, but he's not really my type.” I pause for a second, sensing the lie the moment the words leave my lips but I know better than to take it back. “Besides, Alex and Kaden are already showing me more attention than I want or need right now."

  She visibly relaxes at that, all the tension in her shoulders just flowing out of her. "Is it bad that I'm not even angry that Colby did that, seeing as it worked to get my attention? I’m just glad that I don't have to compete with you."

  "Nope," I say, letting the ‘p’ pop in my mouth. "It makes perfect sense to me. But I’ll give you a bit of important advice. You're going to want to see Colby's wolf sooner rather than later, because if you hold off for too long, his wolf might just take over and break out in its eagerness to meet you."

  She looks frozen in shock, as if the thought of seeing Colby as a wolf had never occurred to her. Seriously, just what the hell did Colby tell her? It sounds like I might need to give him a stern talking to.

  "Would you be willing to come with me so we can do it today? Colby did ask me, but I’m terrified to go by myself and I can't exactly ask any of my friends to come with me to see my boyfriend change into a wolf."

  Instantly, I feel bad for her all over again. Colby has really not made this any easier on her. "Okay then, let’s leave now and get this over with. I'm going to have to ask Kaden and Alex to tag along, though, because I don't know how Colby's wolf will react to me being there, considering I'm in heat right now."

  "Heat?" she asks in confusion.

  I get to my feet and then just stare at her. Fuck, she doesn't know about her heat either?! She's sure to have a fertile period coming up soon now that she’s met her mate. Shit, I really don’t want to have to give a sex talk to a woman the same age as me like she's some kind of child.

  "Come on, let’s get moving. I'll give you the Cliff Notes version as we walk. I just have to tell my friend I'm leaving first."

  Emily nods and heads to the open doorway while I make my way over to Charity with a regretful smile. "Sorry, babe. My friend needs a hand with something. Can we take a rain check?"

  She smiles sadly, shifting her gaze to the floor. "Actually, no. After my shift, I'm packing up and going home. I wanted to tell you last night, but you weren't at your dorm. My grandmother fell down the stairs and broke her hip. She needs help and I'm the only one who she can tolerate. My parents want me there w
ith her for the next twelve weeks, possibly indefinitely."

  My heart sinks at her words. She's leaving me. The one and only friend I had and I didn't even treat her right. I plaster a fake smile on my face, trying to reassure her. "You gotta look after your family. There's no better reason to head back home. You're going to come back, though, right? Maybe next year?"

  She nods, but I can see her hesitation. "I hope so."

  I lean across the counter, glad there are no customers waiting behind me. "I’ll really miss you. Make sure to text me," I urge before letting her go.

  She smiles fondly at me and I feel the sadness well up within me. In the moment, I hate Kaden for his words, which are making me feel guiltier than normal. This is why I don't like forming attachments. Everyone leaves sooner or later. Whether it be voluntary or death takes them, I fear I'm cursed to be alone forever.

  As I walk away from my one and only friend, for what very well might be my last time seeing her, my anger begins to rise, raging within me once again. I’m pissed at Kaden for being right. I kept Charity at a distance because I was afraid of being hurt. Then when I finally let myself hope that things could be better, that I could learn to lean on someone else, this was thrown at me.

  Emily must sense something is off with me, because she doesn't try to talk to me during our walk to the frat, even though I told her earlier I’d fill her in on things. I'm just too bitter to be nice about it right now.

  I’ll talk to her if I’m feeling better after she sees Colby's wolf, but I need to calm down first. To burn off the energy of the anger-filled ball within me. I've never really tried to figure out what it is, but maybe it's time I do just that. I can't keep living like this, constantly afraid this anger is going to make me snap at any moment.

  Before I know it, we’ve arrived at the frat house and are walking up the path, Emily sticking close behind me. As we approach, I see a guy standing guard by the front doors. I step forward and reach past him to open the door, only for him to grab my hand, stopping me.

  I stiffen and turn to glare at him. He's a wolf I haven't met yet but he's about to meet my fist if he doesn't let go of me soon. Judging by the scent of fear wafting from him, he has no idea how to handle me.

  "You get until the count of three to let go before I break your wrist," I tell him, my tone deadly.

  The guy shakes his head in refusal, nervous sweat beginning to bead on his forehead. "I can't. No one goes in the house. Beta's orders."

  "Katie, maybe we should just come back later? It sounds like they’re busy," she whispers, moments before the idiot beside me tries to use his shoulder to push me away from the door.

  "Fuck this!" I growl, the Alpha command in me rising up, determined to get to Kaden, because it’s him I'm angry with. "Open the door."

  The wolf immediately does so with a confused look on his face. "Lead me and my friend to Kaden or Alex,” I order him.

  I can see the turmoil in his eyes, but he does as I command, turning and leading the way into the house. He walks quickly, the intention behind my order controlling him as he leads the way down the hallway. Then he opens the set of doors at the end with a bang, pausing on the other side to wait for Emily and me.

  I waltz into the living room, with Emily not far behind me. This seems to be where most of the frat guys seem to have congregated. All the couches have been pushed back and they’re all gathered around something or someone in the middle of the floor. They use their bodies to shield my view of whoever it is, but I really don’t give a shit.

  I don't care about their silly rituals or whatever it is they’re doing. I just want to find Kaden and give him a piece of my mind!

  Alex suddenly appears from within the crowd of gathered guys, a growl aimed at the guy who was standing guard. "Sebastian, what are they doing here? You were supposed to stop anyone from coming in."

  "I tried, Beta, but she used some magic on me to make me let her in. I tried to fight it, but it was no use." The wolf, Sebastian apparently, explains in a pleading tone.

  "Look, Alex,” I interject. “I don't care about your secret little wolf rituals. I came here for two reasons only. Emily would like me to be present when Colby shifts for her and I also really need to speak with Kaden."

  "Well, you're going to have to wait,” he says tersely. “Now please leave."

  I narrow my eyes at him, and he seems to take note of my mental state because he backs up a step, moving closer to the bundle of people in the middle of the floor, almost like he's trying to protect them from me. That thought should be sobering, but all it does is serve to make me angrier. I'm not some heartless monster; I just have some issues.

  I rub a hand down my face and let out a frustrated breath. "Look, you can either tell me where Kaden is, or I'll make you. I promise I just need to talk to him," I add, hoping he will just tell me what I want to know. I don't like using my Alpha command unless I have to, because it has a tendency to fuel my anger.

  One of the people on the floor lifts their head and I notice it's Colby. He turns and spears me with his gaze. "Kaden was shot by a poacher. We're trying to heal him."

  Shot?! All the anger drains out of me and I feel like I'm back in that car again, losing a mate. No, I just met Kaden. It shouldn't feel like this.

  I gasp and push past Alex, punching him in the solar plexus when he tries to stop me from getting closer. I will help Kaden whether they want me to or not.

  Everyone seems to move back, as if they can sense the pure anger radiating out from me. They all wear solemn looks and when my gaze finally settles on Kaden, I can understand why. He’s so pale, lying naked and bloody with bandages all over.

  The scene before me brings me back to the past, memories of the time I shot Seth overwhelming me. I tamp them down, forcing myself to focus on the situation at hand.

  Colby moves to kneel by Kaden’s head, and meets my gaze with a haunted expression. "Please help him."

  "How long has he been like this and has he shifted yet?" I ask urgently, leaning down so my nose hovers over his abdomen. I inhale deeply, scenting for any traces of poison. Some of the poachers and hunters in the surrounding woods use specialized ammo laced with a poison to ensure their kill is dead. Some even have built-in trackers to ensure they can find their prey if it runs off.

  Alex is the one to answer me. "He called me two hours ago through the pack bond and told me he had been shot. When I got to him, he shifted from his wolf to human form and passed out. I've been trying to rouse him ever since, hoping that if he shifted again, it would heal his wounds, but he's unresponsive. Without an Alpha to force the shift, he’ll probably die."

  I growl at him, my eyes burning with unshed tears. "You fucking know I can command him to shift! Why the fuck didn't you call me?"

  Alex opens his mouth to respond, but I hold a hand up to stop him. "Nope, no excuses. I am going to help Kaden, and then you are going to tell me why you didn't call the one person who could help him. Why you would rather let him die than call me," I growl out, each word filled with anger and hurt.

  I turn back to Kaden, trying to focus, when I sense Emily moving close to Colby. I look up at her with a smile. "You're about to see what an Alpha can do. When he shifts, it’s very important that you do not run. Don’t show him any fear. If you do, he will treat you as nothing more than prey."

  She nods quickly, her eyes wide as she looks at Kaden in horror. I look at him, noticing his nakedness and feel myself growing possessive as her eyes run over him. Logically, I know it's nothing more than curiosity, but try telling my heart that.

  I growl viciously, placing my hands on Kaden's chest possessively. "Mine!"

  Emily quickly averts her gaze, and with the threat gone, I focus on the feel of Kaden's wolf beneath the surface. It's like a living being crawling just under his skin, waiting to be released.

  I pull on the Alpha command, my voice desperate. "Kaden, wake up."

  His eyes flash open, meeting my gaze immediately. "Katie," he gasps with
pain-filled eyes. "I'm sorry. Please tell me you forgive me," he begs, sounding delirious.

  "Shhh, I'm here. I'm going to help you, Kaden. You need to shift, though. Look for your wolf; let him help you." I can feel people behind us moving to give Kaden the space to shift, but pay them no mind. Kaden starts to thrash, fighting his wolf and I know I need to put more force behind the next command.

  "Shift!" I demand.

  His body stills for a moment. Then, all within a split second, his skin ripples and his body grows, fur suddenly sprouting along his arms, as if pushed out from within his body, until a wolf the same size as Kaden is laying on the floor. I would laugh at the way his legs are sprawled in the air if not for the fact he wasn’t breathing.

  "Fuck!" I climb on his wolf, searching for injuries. "Did you check him from bullets before I got here?” I ask in a hysterical voice as I run my hands over the parts I remember seeing bandaged when he was in human form.

  When Mom saved Seth after I shot him, I remember, she had to remove the bullets first. Fuck, why didn’t I check for that? Why did I just assume?!

  Alex hurries over to my side, seeming to realize the same thing I just did. If you shift with a bullet still inside of you, it changes its trajectory. Contrary to popular belief, your human body and wolf body are not the same. "No, I didn't check him because I saw exit wounds. I just assumed. Shit, how the hell do we find a bullet that’s still inside him?"

  His voice is filled with just as much fear as I feel in my heart. My eyes are glistening with tears, slowly starting to fall. I can't lose another mate. Because that’s exactly what he is to me and I hate that it took something like this for me to finally see it.

  The ball of rage that sits within me rises up, but changes as it comes forth. The rage turns to something softer, something filled with love.

  My heart swells and I grab Alex’s hands, feeling that he will strengthen the bond between Kaden and I with his touch. The power within me is building like some kind of unstoppable force, unwilling to let me lose another mate.


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