Show No Fear (Rising Goddess Book 1)

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Show No Fear (Rising Goddess Book 1) Page 12

by Tamara White

  Alex stares at me, his eyes wide in awe. I look down to see what he’s looking at and am surprised to see a soft white glow emanating from me.

  Deciding not to question it and to just trust my instincts, I close my eyes. I let my hands roam over the wolf's body until I feel a warm pulse of something under my palm. I open my eyes and look at the spot, which is just under his ribs, near his heart. The glow coming from me seems to focus on this spot, like it knows exactly where his pain is. I feel a tugging sensation seconds before a bullet pops from Kaden’s wolf skin, and into my hand. I hold out my hand to show it to Alex, who looks down at it in astonishment. All the while, my ball of energy continues to move within Kaden, healing him one injury at a time.

  In a matter of seconds, he starts breathing again and I feel that ball of rage settle back within me as if it had never left.

  I reach out to touch Kaden's brown fur. His wolf’s eyes suddenly snap open and he jolts up into a standing position, a low growl in his throat.

  I hear a squeak behind me and internally curse. I know Emily’s going to run even before she does. I know because I did the same when I first encountered a wolf.

  The sound of Emily's feet as she races towards the open back door seems to echo in the quiet of the room; even Colby seems too shocked to act. But right now, Kaden sees her as food, so I know I have to intervene.

  I pull on my enhanced speed, rushing to tackle Kaden’s wolf. "Everyone get the fuck out of here and lock the doors!” I scream as Kaden’s wolf struggles against me, fighting for freedom.

  I grunt as his paw gets me in the stomach, but don’t let go of him. Meanwhile, the others rush to get the hell out of dodge before Kaden rips them to pieces.

  Kaden finally gets enough wiggle room and pushes me off him like I weigh nothing. Everyone has left the room at this point, apart from Alex, who is standing with the door half opened, as if debating whether to leave or not. "For fuck’s sake, Alex! Trust me and get the fuck out of here before he decides to hurt anyone."

  Decision made, Alex takes a step into the room. He closes the door, locks it, then presses a black button beside it that I haven’t noticed before.

  A metal shutter comes down inside the room meant to lock us all in, just in time too, because Kaden decides in that moment to make an escape attempt. But when he realizes the metal is too strong for him to break through, he turns, fixing his gaze on Alex and me, who are now trapped in the frat house with an angry ass wolf.

  Time seems to stretch forever as we wait for Kaden to act, knowing it’s only a matter of time before he attacks one of us.

  A similar thing happened to me after my mom and Drew helped Seth heal his wounds. It was like Seth went rabid, and lunged at me. But before he could hurt me, Drew shifted again and knocked him out.

  I had no choice but to watch one of my mates attack the other; we both knew if he hadn’t, Seth’s wolf would have killed me, or mated with me.

  Drew pulled me aside after and explained that it was normal for them to lose control after a forced shift. In that moment, the only thing that would have appeased the wolf would be for him to fuck his mate or to kill the perceived threat. And since I couldn’t shift, Drew intervened because he knew that while me being human wouldn't stop Seth's wolf from fucking me, he didn't think I'd be okay with it. Something he was very much right about.

  The fierce expression on Kaden’s wolf suggests he’s focused solely on thoughts of violence, but I wonder if I can trigger his mating instincts instead, maybe force him to shift back? I'm still in heat, so it shouldn’t take much.

  I keep my eyes on Kaden even as I explain to Alex what I’m about to do. "Don’t freak out but I’m going to strip and start touching myself so Kaden gets a whiff of my arousal and my heat. When he shifts back to human, he may still be too far gone to refrain from fucking me so if you don't want to watch the two of us together, I advise that you leave the living room and lock yourself behind one of those secret panels you use for doors.”

  "Katie, you don't have to do that. We can find a way to knock him out and he'll shift back sooner or later."

  I shake my head adamantly, refusing to meet Alex's eyes, partly because there's an angry wolf I don’t want to turn away from, but also in part because I'm excited at the prospect of mating with Kaden.

  "I want to, Alex. If I’m being completely honest, I have since he first spilled coffee over me. No matter how hard I’ve tried to deny it, part of me wants to give in and have this one moment with him because I know once it's over, his fascination with me will be gone. He doesn’t really want me as a mate, just a quick fling he can amuse himself with. But, I also know that his wolf won’t let him have control again until he kills or fucks. So why not take advantage of the situation we have?"

  Alex chuckles harshly. "You may know more than us when it comes to some things, Katie, but you have to be an idiot if you think that once with either of us will ever be enough. Kaden and I have wanted you from the first moment we saw you. We thought it might have been your Alpha vibe that drew us in, but now we know it isn’t that. We want to mate with you permanently, not just fuck you. We just know you're not in the right place for more. Maybe one day, but not yet. You use your pain like a shield, and there’s no getting past that.”

  I open my mouth to retort, but close it, unable to deny the truth of his words. I know they both want me but I refuse to believe it’s for a permanent relationship. Men often lie to get what they want. They probably just want to experience the novelty of being with a female who knows their kind and won't be averse to the way they like to have sex. Which is rough, and filled with so much passion that very few humans can handle it.

  I lower my eyes slowly, submissively. Then I reach down to unbutton my jeans and lower the zipper, feeling Kaden's wolf watching me intently as I do.

  Hands touch my hips, stopping me from going any further. “At least let me help,” Alex murmurs.

  "Thank you, Alex," I say in a breathy voice as he helps me with my jeans. He inhales sharply when he realizes I’m going commando, his reaction making me grin. While Alex undresses me, I keep my eyes fixed on the wolf that is Kaden, watching him carefully.

  When I stand fully nude before the wolf, Alex presses himself flush against me from behind. “Kaden and I have a special friendship, Katie. We like to share and would both very much like to share you. So if you’re open to it, I would like to help things along.” His breath brushes against my skin, making me shiver as he places a gentle kiss between the crook of my neck and shoulder. Fuck! Don’t close your eyes on the wolf, Katie!

  "I'm not sure if that's a good idea. You wolves tend to get pretty territorial." I breathe out, but even as I watch Kaden, I don’t see any jealousy from his wolf, even with how close Alex and I are. He’s now sitting on his haunches watching us, but his expression shows only curiosity and eagerness.

  Alex slowly pulls me back until we reach one of the couches that had been pushed against the wall. He sits down and pulls me onto his now naked lap, his hard cock pressing against my back as I face Kaden’s direction. When the hell did Alex strip? I didn’t even notice.

  I watch as Kaden gets up and moves closer, stopping a short distance away from us.

  “You asked me to trust you, Katie, and I do. Now it’s your turn. Just trust me,” Alex murmurs. Then he slides a hand between my legs to circle my clit playfully, drawing a deep moan from me.

  My breasts feel heavy and I know my heat is riding me hard. At least that's the excuse I'm going with. If it’s my heat’s fault, then I'm not betraying Seth, right?

  I'm just glad I'm on the pill because I doubt either of them has any condoms on them right now. And I do not want to get pregnant because of something that is going to be a one night only kind of thing.

  I have to fight the urge to close my eyes, keeping them fixed on Kaden while Alex’s hands explore me, one playing with my soaked pussy while the other palms my breast, his grip just on the verge of pain.

  "Kaden... can
you smell her? Your mate. Scent how much she wants us. Shift back, and come taste her," he murmurs. Then he moves his hands to grip my hips, lifting so his cock is positioned at my entrance. Kaden watches hungrily as Alex, slowly slides inside me, making me moan.

  Using my hips, I rise slowly, riding Alex’s cock while maintaining eye contact with Kaden. I watch as his wolf finally recedes, leaving the man, naked and aroused.

  He takes quick strides to us, dropping to his knees between my legs. His eyes are still the amber of his wolf, but I don’t care. He slowly, torturously, runs a finger over my clit, making me jolt and lose my rhythm.

  Shit. I forgot what it was like to be touched by a wolf. They always seem to know the best way to bring you pleasure, the way your body reacts. Fuck, I can feel my heartbeat in my pussy.

  "Tell him you want him, Katie,” Alex orders. “Tell him what you want him to do to you. Give him a reason to let go of his wolf."

  Why the fuck do Alex’s words turn me on so much? Even with Seth I hated dirty talk. Sure, I liked to flirt a little but anything more and it just felt fake. Like we needed something more to get aroused by each other. But with Alex, his words light a fire deep within me and I realize I want them both, here and now. Not just for tonight, either. I want to mate with them both.

  As if Alex senses my thoughts, he grips my hips once more, taking complete control as he slams me down on his cock repeatedly.

  "Tell him, Katie,” he demands me, reaching around to touch my clit. Then Kaden leans forward and swipes a tongue over my pussy while his friend continues to fuck me. Pleasure washes through me and I find myself opening my mouth, spilling everything.

  "I want you, Kaden. I want you to fuck me on this couch while Alex watches us. I want your scent all over me too, so whenever another wolf picks up my scent, they’ll know the two of you got to me first, that you both made me cry out with untold pleasure."

  Alex thrusts inside me once more before his release overtakes him. My own follows right after and I cry out from the strength of my climax. My gaze stays locked on Kaden the whole time, because I want him to watch. I want him to feel my desire, to see the way his friend takes me and want to take a turn.

  It’s been so long since I've had sex during a heat cycle simply because I didn't want to risk it. But here and now, I feel something I never did when Seth and I would talk about babies. I feel a rightness in my heart, like now’s the right time. Which is fucking insane. This is just going to be one night, I tell myself. It can't be anything more.

  Already, I can feel that Alex is hard within me again, and he growls eagerly at my moan. Before I know it, Kaden is sitting on the couch beside us, and Alex stands up, withdrawing from me. But instead of stepping away, Alex forces me to my knees before his best friend. I moan excitedly, holding my ass in the air, with my mouth near Kaden’s cock. Then Alex lines himself up to take me from behind.

  "You sure you can handle more, Katie?" Alex asks, running a hand down my spine and drawing a shiver from deep within me.

  Kaden growls, seeming to grow agitated with us standing here doing nothing. So I lean forward and flick my tongue over the tip of his cock, watching as his eyes close with a blissful sigh.

  "Yes, Alex. Fuck me while I'm in heat," I beg with a low groan before wrapping my lips around Kaden’s cock.

  Alex emits a groan of his own as he slowly slides inside me one inch at a time. Fuck, this is like torture. Why would they make sex with wolves so fucking addictive?

  Once he's fully sheathed in me, Alex stills, a low growl emitting from his throat. "Kaden, you need to let the wolf go, man."

  Fuck this. I was trying to be nice by not forcing him but I need him here with us right now. "Kaden, if you don’t let your wolf go, then you won’t get to enjoy me like your pack mate is. You want me, don’t you?" I persuade, leaking a little Alpha command into my voice, but I only use enough to nudge him, not wanting to force him. Forcing someone is totally not one of my turn ons.

  It takes a few seconds, but then the amber in his eyes disappears completely, leaving only their normal gray. Although I half expected him to be angry at the sight of his friend fucking me, he just watches as Alex starts to move inside me, drawing little pleasure-filled noises from me. It's been so long since I've been treasured like a precious jewel, which is exactly what Alex is doing. Worshipping my body and treating me with a reverence worthy of Queens.

  Now that he’s back in control, I bend down, wanting to suck Kaden’s cock into my mouth again. But he stops me, lifting my head and kissing me with such passion that my orgasm suddenly strikes. I scream into Kaden’s mouth, and he eats up the noise like a fine wine while Alex fucks me, spilling himself in me once more as his own climax erupts.

  A moment later, Alex pulls himself from me and I gasp. My body still thrums with the need for more and I find myself seeking out Kaden’s gaze.

  Kaden looks at me with heated eyes and grabs me by the hips, pulling me onto his lap swiftly. "You saved me. Now it's my turn."

  I don't understand what he means by saving me, but before I can ask, he grips me by the hair and pulls my head to the side, the one opposite to where Seth had marked.

  Alex presses close to my back and I feel both of their teeth scraping over me, much like what they did this morning. Fuck, they really can't be doing what I think they are, right?

  My heart starts to race, in panic this time, and I fight to get free, but with the two of them holding me, there's nothing I can do but scream when they both bite down, marking me as theirs.

  I come so hard that I see stars, and Alex follows me with a soft grunt, his seed spilling all over my back as Kaden impales me on his hard cock. I groan eagerly, unable to move. My body is so exhausted but I want this, I want him inside me, fucking me.

  Kaden uses his hands to help lift my hips until we find a rhythm he likes. I lean down and kiss him with everything in me, even as tears fall. They claimed me. That's as permanent as it gets for a wolf.

  My orgasm rises up at the thought of their claiming and Kaden begins to thrust harder, impaling me on his cock over and over until he cries out his own release.

  I climb off his lap slowly, trying not to focus on the telltale signs of their fluids spilling down my inner thighs and back. I move to my jeans and pull them on quickly, refusing to meet their eyes as I get dressed.

  I don't even know how to feel other than angry and betrayed. Sure, if Kaden hadn’t been all there, then maybe I could forgive his mark, and try to find a way to move past it, but they both knew exactly what they were doing. And judging by the tentative way he says my name, Kaden knows they crossed a line. "Katie, are you okay?"

  I put my bra and shirt on, waiting until I have the shielding of clothes before I turn to face them. "I'm glad you're okay, Kaden, but right now, I hate you both. How you thought it was an okay thing to claim me without asking, I'll never understand."

  Tears well in my eyes, feelings of anger rising again, not only at them, but at myself as well, because deep down, I’m actually happy about it. The feeling of being mated is something I can’t even begin to describe, but I know I don’t deserve a second chance at having a mate, let alone two.

  Alex sighs and takes a step closer to me, but freezes at the glare I send his way. "Katie, I told you we wanted this to be more than a one time thing. And if we had asked, you'd have just said no."

  "Really, Alex? So what, you decided to force me to be mated with you instead?" I don’t give him a chance to respond, though, my anger and hurt riding me hard. "Do either of you have any idea what it’s like to lose a mate? No? Well let me tell you. It’s like being ripped to pieces, having your heart shredded. Even meeting the two of you was like a fucking razor in my heart, because while I found myself drawn to you both, I felt every moment was a betrayal to my mate. The two of you forcing me to be mated with you was the absolute wrong thing to do. Given time, I may have warmed up to you, but now, I don't know if I can ever trust you."

  Kaden glares at me, his e
yes filled with hurt. "So what? Are you just going to ignore this mating then? You know just as we do how strong the mate bond is. You won't be able to deny it forever."

  I shake my head furiously, wiping the tears. "Maybe not forever, but after making it through ten months of pain-filled heat cycles on my own, I am sure it will take little to no effort to ignore the two of you." I pause to take a deep breath, centering myself. "There are still things that we need to talk about, but I am not in the best emotional state to do so right now. So I ask you both, please leave me alone until I’m ready. If you don’t, I will not hesitate to force my Alpha command on you. The same way you forced this mating on me."

  With that, I hurry around the couch and make my way over to the door, hoping one of them gets the hint to lift the shutter. But before I can leave, Alex appears in front of it, stopping me. "Please, Katie. I'm so sorry. It’s just that I know you're my mate and I knew if I didn't mark you then, you never would have let me."

  I shrug my shoulders, feeling completely defeated and give him a blank stare. "That wasn’t your choice to make, though, and now we'll never know whether I would have, will we? You took the option away from me. Now are you going to move or do I have to make you?" I growl, ready to use my Alpha command if he doesn’t get out of the way.

  He hesitates for a moment, until Kaden speaks up from behind him. "Let her go, Alex. She needs time to digest everything. And Katie?” He levels me with an intense stare. “For what it's worth, I'm not giving up. I know you loved Seth, but I also know that if he were here and we told him you were our mate, he would tell you to do what makes you happy. He wouldn't want you to be alone for the rest of your life out of some perverse sense of guilt. He would want to know you moved on and found love again. So you can command me all you want, but I am not going to give up on being your mate. I will walk across coals, or through hell itself for you if that's what it’ll take for you to forgive us."


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