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The Axe's Edge

Page 27

by Summers, Derick J. M.

  Not great, he thought. But defendable.

  Better than some, agreed Hephaestus in his mind.

  It’ll do, he replied.

  Pulling Leveller free from its place at his back, Logan leaned against the tree for a moment and took a few deep breaths to centre himself. The moon was up and it provided more than enough light for him to see by. He could hear the Goblin horde closing on him and he knew he didn’t have long to wait. He thought of Hephaestus and spoke aloud.

  “Sorry I didn’t do more.”

  The low rumble filtered through his mind again.

  You did well, lad. You’ve started the spark that will change the world. Hephaestus paused for a moment before continuing. I’m proud of you, lad. Just like I know your parents are.

  Logan smiled to himself. Unless he missed his guess he figured he’d be seeing them again soon. Then the first Goblin made the clearing and the time for reflection was past.

  “Here we go,” he murmured to himself.

  Leveller took the little monster’s head from its shoulders in a wide sweeping arc.

  Before the little beast could fall, two more entered the clearing.

  I love you, El.

  It was his last thought before he found himself fighting for his life.

  Time To Heal And Regroup

  El was resting uneasily. They had made the edge of the swamp earlier that day and the companions had been unsure about what to do next. El had been in touch with her father again and was disappointed to find out that he wasn’t coming to help them. Despite her concerns and the decimation of the Elfin force, or perhaps because of them, he felt that it was wisest to secure Er’thaental. Knowing that the situation in the Dark Elf village was real and having lost so many warriors, the council refused to risk more. No, he had explained, it was time to let the rest of Tir’an take care of itself. The Elves needed to focus their attention inwards.

  El argued, but it had been no use. The council had decided and they were firm on the matter. No help would be coming. They recommended that El and Lan make their own way home as best they could.

  Lan was disgusted when El recounted the conversation to Raeth and him. After losing so many, Lan was desperate to see his fallen warriors avenged. Not to mention, they needed to put a stop to whatever the General was plotting.

  Raeth, in her usual reserved manner, said nothing.

  The one big and very pleasant surprise upon leaving the swamp had been running into Tanel and Smash. Apparently, some time ago, Tanel had received a vision, telling her that she would be needed. She and Smash had set out immediately. Her visions had continued to guide her until she’d reached this spot at the very edge of the swamp. She and Smash had set up camp and waited, unsure what to expect or when. Logan had mentioned that Hephaestus had arranged surprise support of some sort for the friends. She assumed that this was what the blacksmith god meant.

  Tanel took in the sight of them as Raeth poled the little raft to the bank. Smash waded in to meet them, securing the raft. The first thing Tanel noticed was her brother’s absence. The next was Lan, who, though awake, was obviously injured and sitting quietly in the centre of the raft while El bent to help him to his feet.

  Carefully, with Smash steadying the small craft, El and Raeth helped Lan to the camp Tanel and Smash had set. Tanel quickly gathered her medical kit and rushed to meet them. Moving quickly she checked Lan’s condition while El explained the situation. At the mention of the General, the young woman paled visibly as her memories of her time under his less than tender mercies came flooding back, but she pushed them aside and continued to work on Lan’thor. For several minutes, the young healer said nothing she simply continued to apply various salves and poultices to Lan’s wounds.

  “So, he’s out there alone?” Tanel broke the silence after what seemed like an eternity.

  El simply nodded and Tanel’s expression tightened before she refocused on her patient. El couldn’t imagine what was going through Tanel’s mind. Her experiences with the General had scarred her badly she was still attempting to work through the psychological trauma. Now, Tanel’s only brother was at Siris’ mercy. El shuddered as the reality of the situation struck home for her again.

  Damn, she thought. Why did I let him go?

  If Tanel’s horror was subdued, then Smash’s was anything but. The mountain troll raged loudly at the swamp. His sense of duty – the need to protect his injured friends - warred with his loyalty. He wanted nothing more than to tear off after his friend, to be there at his side in whatever confrontation came. It was a sentiment that they all shared.

  For now, they weren’t sure what to do. Should they go after their friend? What about the injured? For the moment, they all agreed that a chance to rest, to recover, would serve them best.

  Tanel had sedated Lan to give his body a chance to fight off the infection that still coursed through his veins. The herbs that El had administered to him during their escape had kept the injured Elf alive. But now, with Tanel's help, they were able to take on the infection more aggressively. And though they were far from safe at the edge of the Great Swamp, all were reluctant to leave. Besides, as Tanel pointed out, Lan really couldn’t be moved until the fever broke.

  El was pleased to see that in his occasional moments of consciousness, he seemed to be dealing with the loss of his arm surprisingly well. El couldn’t help but think about how far he’d changed since his early days as a spoiled brat. His main complaint now, like all of them, was that he wasn’t with Logan. He hated that his friend was alone out there and that his own injuries were the catalyst for the situation. He wanted nothing more than to grab a staff and go back into the swamp after his friend, but since he couldn’t even stand on his own, he reluctantly focused on his own healing and allowed Tanel to put him back to sleep.

  Tanel assured them that Lan would be all right, that his body was in fact on the mend. She’d given him something to chase back the infection along with the sleeping draught and had fully cleaned and dressed his wounds after coating them in a salve to speed healing. As it would be days before he would be ready to move, the companions set up watch in shifts and waited.

  Smash was restless. He didn’t like knowing that his friend was out there facing Goblins and mages alone. The big man wanted nothing more than to stomp off into the swamp to find him. But, Smash understood his duty. He knew that Logan would want him here. That he would want him to look after Lan’thor, to protect them from whatever the swamp might spit out at them. However, knowing that and liking it were two very different things.

  Raeth wasn’t much better. Tanel had fixed the wound in her leg and had given her something to stave off infection. A naturally fast healer, one of the perks of being a shape shifter, her body had managed to fight off the majority of the infection already. Tanel’s herbs were simply an added precaution. El watched the assassin pace like a caged Tir’anish tiger. El understood the woman’s frustration, she felt it herself and as the sun finally set and the night fell, there was nothing any of them could do but wait. So they slept, or at least they tried to.

  Dreaming In Colour

  The fight El’dreathia saw in her mind when she closed her eyes was a violent one. In her vision she watched as Goblin after Goblin died in some brutal fashion. She felt rage within her. It was like she’d become some cornered animal, injured and fighting for its life. She saw a flash of metal take the arm off yet another attacker, blood splattered from the severed limb. She heard the wails of the dying all around her. Yet still more came. The bodies piled up as spears thrust and swords flashed. Most of these attacks were blocked, but some were not. Some found their way past her guard to pierce her flesh. They added to the countless small wounds and cuts that already burned her body, inspiring her to fight harder. El knew she couldn’t win. There were simply too many of the little monsters.

  On some level, El understood that she wasn’t really there, knew that she must be dreaming. But she couldn’t force herself to wake. She watched and she

  The constant pressure was taking its toll. The horde was managing to push her back. She felt the rough bark of a tree against her back. She was out of room. She could be pushed no further. Another Goblin attacked and another swing of the massive war axe separated his body in two.

  An axe, that was the weapon she held. She saw it clearly now, no longer a blur of silver. The weapon she held was a magnificent, shining axe. It was Leveller. With horror the reality of what she was seeing finally sank in. Another Goblin moved in and fell before her. This wasn’t a dream at all!

  Pain exploded in her head as a spear punched through her shoulder, pinning her against the tree. Another swing of Leveller and the spear wielder joined the pile of bodies.

  Another Goblin was moving in to attack. There was always another Goblin. Another spear drove through her flailing arm, nailing it to the tree like her shoulder. She was pinned now. Nailed to the tree that had been protecting her back. With a surprising level of calm she prepared to wrench herself free. A sudden calm fell. The Goblins no longer pressed their attack. They actually held back, they stopped and moved back, parting to leave a path between them. At first she was confused. What was happening? Then she saw him and it all became clear.

  The young man walking towards her had a smile wide across his face. He was of average height and strongly built, but it was his eyes that stood out. There was an incredible intensity to those eyes. He was younger then when last they’d met, but that didn’t matter. She knew that face, just as she knew the face of the old man who followed him. She wanted to scream, but she held her voice, watching in terror.

  A haggard, exhausted voice reached her then, speaking directly to her mind.

  El, my love, you shouldn’t be here for this.

  She could feel the pain as he spoke.

  I’m not leaving you! she thought back fiercely.

  You never will, he answered softly. I love you.

  She felt herself pushed gently from his mind. She struggled and grasped, clinging to his essence, but she couldn’t hold on to him.

  Waking with a start, her movement woke her companions who immediately reached for their weapons. After a moment, Lan spoke.

  “El, what is it?”

  The panic still in her eyes, she stared wildly at him for a moment before grabbing for her gear.

  “It’s … it’s Logan,” she finally managed. “They have him. The General and Reese, they’ve trapped him.” Her eyes never stopped moving as she searched the camp, her mind attempting to put together her two realities. “I’ve got to go.”

  Lan stared at her for a moment, absorbing what she had said. Tanel paled visibly.

  “El, there’s nothing you can do for him,” began Lan’thor.

  El’s eyes flashed and her gaze met Lan’thor’s.

  “I will not lose him again!” she announced defiantly as she got to her feet and stared at her companions. “I’ll die with him before I let that happen!”

  “He’s too far away El,” Raeth said softly. “You’ll never get to him in time.”

  Tanel reached for the Elfin mage, tears in her eyes.

  “We all wish we could be there, but it’s too late now.”

  El just stared back at them, pain and frustration clear in her eyes. She couldn’t understand what they were saying. Didn’t they understand? She had to get to him! It was that simple. Nothing else mattered.

  The earth’s magic rose with her desperation, awakened by her need. She demanded the impossible. But impossible was something she refused to accept. Her will was unbendable.

  Light exploded around her, momentarily blinding the companions. As their vision cleared, they realized that El was gone.

  Surprise Guest!

  One moment El’dreathia was facing her friends. The anguish and concern clear in their eyes, their frustration at their impotence to help Logan in his time of need also clear. And the next, El found herself standing in a small clearing in the swamp. The bodies of dead and dying Goblins were scattered all around her. To her left, two spears pinned Logan to a tree. Before her, Siris, the General, sauntered forward, an evil grimace of triumph on his face. The blade he carried looked an awful lot like Lan’s lost weapon. A look of surprise appeared on his face as she appeared at Logan’s side.

  In the General’s wake came Reese. The human mage, sensitive to the use of magic, had already spotted her. His sightless eyes locked on her as he began casting.

  With no time to consider, no time to ponder how she got here, El reacted. Channelling as much magic as possible, as quickly as possible, she released a broiling wave of destructive energy. There was no finesse, no technique, simply a blast raw power.

  Goblins screamed in agony as they literally melted before her. The approaching General dove for cover behind several of the dead and dying and was spared the worst of the attack, though even he cried out as the wash of energy blistered his skin. Only Reese stood against the onslaught. Always the careful one, the human mage kept some shielding around himself most of the time. It was just enough to absorb El’s initial assault before his shield blinked out of existence, overwhelmed by the raw energy it had deflected.

  “El?” croaked Logan. “How?”

  “Later,” she answered as she worked a shield around them.


  Logan reached up and with an effort tore the spear from his arm and then from his shoulder, freeing himself from the tree.

  Siris and Reese were already rallying their Goblins, kicking and bullying the cowardly creatures back into the fight. The horde lunged toward Logan and El, the first Goblins repelled by El’s magical shield only to be trampled to death by their advancing brethren. Logan took a step forward.

  Keep an eye out for Reese, El sent mentally.

  Logan searched beyond the advancing Goblins and found the mage at the farthest edge of the advancing horde, his sightless eyes fixed on them.

  Done, replied Logan in kind. Drop the shield.

  El dropped her shield as Logan brought Leveller across in a massive sweeping strike. The first line of the horde collapsed in a heap as the razor sharp rune weapon severed heads and hewed bodies apart. Logan waded forward into the horde, Leveller sweeping left and right, ending Goblins with every pass. El guarded his back, launching energy blasts and destroying any Goblins trying to flank them.

  Reese’s first blast of energy hissed down at them from above, the tactic the same as he’d used so effectively against the Elfin warriors. El, expecting it, was already prepared. With a gesture her shield deflected the blast, its energy cascading around them but leaving Logan and herself untouched.

  I’m glad you’re here, Logan thought to El. But you know we may not survive this, right?

  Then we die together, came El’s simple, determined reply.

  They fought. Logan seemed inexhaustible as he brought Leveller to bear time and time again. El’dreathia held the evil mage’s attacks at bay and sent searing death into the surrounding Goblins. More bodies piled up around them as the day wore on.

  We can’t keep this up forever.

  I know, came Logan’s exhausted reply. We need to end this.

  I’ve got an idea. How strong are you feeling?

  She heard Logan snort as he dispatched another Goblin.

  Just tell me what you need.

  Reese and Siris are standing at the far edge of the battle. What are the bets Reese has them fully shielded right now?

  I don’t know. He’s been spending an awful lot of energy trying to get through your shield.


  Logan saw what she had in mind.

  Weaken your shield. Let him think he’s getting through.

  El smiled.

  Be ready, the minute he thinks he’s got us, he’s going to attack with everything he’s got.

  Logan searched the ground for a moment.

  I’m ready.

  El began weakening her shield in small amounts after each energy blast from the human mage. Sure enough
, he noticed. The blasts started coming faster and stronger.


  Dropping her shield completely between energy blasts, Logan was a blur. El’s own energy blast pushing the Goblins back and giving Logan the seconds he needed. Dropping Leveller to the ground, he snatched up a Goblin spear and threw it with all his strength. As it soared into the sky, El snapped her shield back up to protect them from Reese’s next round of attacks, while Logan reacquired Leveller.

  The spear flew true, punching into Siris’ chest and knocking him to the ground before he fully comprehended the danger. The General writhed in agony.


  The four companions blinked at each other in surprise. One moment El had been there, the next she had gone in a blinding flash of light. As they expected, a quick search around the clearing and the neighbouring foliage produced no sign of her.

  “Well that was unexpected,” Raeth understated quietly.

  Lan simply looked at her in surprise.

  “You think?” asked Tanel sarcastically, a small frown creasing her lips. “I wasn’t aware her magic would let her do that.”

  Lan simply shook his head as he looked at the human healer.

  “As far as I know, it wouldn’t.”

  Before they could discuss the situation further, Smash called a warning and indicated toward the South. The companions turned to face whatever new challenge threatened them. They watched as a small party of figures moving incredibly fast came to a halt at the edge of the clearing. They were joined almost immediately by a lone mage hovering over the ground. Smash had his war club raised and ready, but Lan’thor laid a restraining hand on his big friend’s arm.


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