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A Stranger's Bed

Page 2

by Sophia Rae

  “Who is it?” She placed the nature book on the night stand and sat up on the edge of the bed.

  “Sara Delaney. I’m Marcus’s sister.”

  Chloe unlocked and opened the door. A stunning woman stood holding a plate of cookies and a glass of milk. She looked exactly like Marcus in ladylike form—this family had some great genes.

  “Marcus said you weren’t hungry for dinner, but I thought maybe you’d like a snack.”

  Chloe stepped back as Marcus’s sister came into the room and set the plate and glass on the night stand.

  “That sounds great,” Chloe said. “Thanks.”

  “No problem.” Sara pushed her long, auburn hair over her shoulder. “I made a batch of sugar cookies with my special icing, and I certainly don’t need to eat all these. I only make them because I love to bake.”

  Why did women with no fat whatsoever worry about their weight? “I like to cook, too. Do you live here?”

  “No. I live about five miles down the road. Marcus is the only one of us kids who lives here.”

  Wonderful. That meant she’d be all alone tonight with the sexy Bed and Breakfast owner and her raging hormones. “How many of you are there?”

  “Three. Marcus, our brother Luke and myself. My parents opened this place fifteen years ago, but we took over when they passed away. Marcus mainly runs everything though. Luke and I have other jobs that occupy most of our time.”

  Chloe felt a tug on her heart as Sara mentioned her parents. Guilt washed over her, knowing she would never mourn her own parents’ death. But by the tone of Sara’s voice and the look in her eyes, Chloe had no doubt of the love that still existed in this family. What was that like?

  “Well, thanks for the snack.”

  Sara smiled as she moved to the door. “I don’t know if Marcus told you, but breakfast is at eight, down in the dining room.”


  Chloe closed and locked the door behind Sara and wondered if their brother Luke was as gorgeous as Marcus and Sara. Where did they get that exotic look about them? Had their parents been Italian? Their dark hair, eyes and skin all made for a dramatic combination—a sinful combination.

  After a tasty sample of the sugar cookies and a hearty drink of milk, exhaustion set in. Chloe yawned and stretched her arms high above her head. Perhaps she should turn in for the night. Tomorrow, a new day would present itself, and hopefully, a new outlook on life.

  It could only get better from here. She just had to make sure it did.


  “You were right,” Sara said from the bottom of the stairs. “She’s beautiful.”

  Marcus grinned at his sister. “Told you.”

  “Leave her alone,” Sara warned, pointing a finger at him. “She seems nice. There’s something in her eyes, though. Like she’s in pain.”

  Marcus glanced toward the steps, an image of the intriguing stranger filled his mind. “Her eyes are amazing. I’ve never seen such color combination of green and grey before.”

  “You’re beginning to scare me. You don’t notice things like that on women. You and Luke always seem to look right at their—”

  “Sara,” he cut her off with a smile as he brought his gaze back to his sister. “I noticed everything about her in the few moments I spent with her.”

  She laughed, patting Marcus on the cheek. “Well, as long as you don’t start reciting poetry because then I’ll know you’re lost. And don’t let Luke see her. Between the two of you, it’s no wonder we don’t have business.”

  “I can’t help it if I’m attracted to beautiful woman.” Was it his fault Chloe was so striking? He was a man. Of course he was going to take notice.

  “Oh, please. You and Luke haven’t met a woman you aren’t attracted to. If she has breasts and a nice ass, you two think you’re in love. I hesitate going home. I don’t like the idea of leaving that nice girl up there alone in this house with just you.”

  Marcus tugged at his sister’s arm, urging her to the front door. “Drive safe and don’t worry about my houseguest. I’ve got everything under control.”

  “That’s what worries me.”

  Marcus gave her a brotherly kiss on the cheek and nudged her out the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  With a flick of the wrist, Marcus locked and bolted the door. Leaning back against the sidelight, his eyes traveled to the stairs. He’d been alone in the house with beautiful women before. But not this one.

  Chloe. He liked that name. It seemed to suit her. Her simple, yet natural beauty drew him in. Natural enough that she didn’t need make-up to adorn her face. Her unpainted lips had called to him, and he’d found himself wanting to answer them. And once her hair dried, would it be silky when he ran his fingers through it? He planned to find out with a little luck and the Delaney charm.

  If only she’d given him a sign she was interested. Instead, she’d seemed exhausted—and wet.

  No, damn it. He simply had to get the image of her rain-soaked body out of his head. Unfortunately, the picture had permanently imbedded itself.

  Marcus scrubbed his hands up and down his face, trying to get a grip on reality. She came from money—that much was clear. Her expensive car, fancy luggage and the way she carried herself were all indicators she’d probably never been in a financial bind, something he knew all too well.

  As he went back through the house, Marcus turned off the lights then mounted the steps with the determination to keep his erotic thoughts and his sexy house guest out of his head.

  After a very cold, very long shower, Marcus pulled on a pair of white cotton boxers. He propped his pillows against the carved headrest on his bed and settled down to watch TV. No other bedrooms had a television, but he kept one down in the living room. Most people, he’d found out over the years, would rather relax and enjoy themselves without television and telephones.

  Flipping through the channels, he finally settled on a war movie he’d seen at least twenty times. He rested against the cushy pillows, clasped his hands behind his head and lost himself in the movie.

  A scream pierced the silence.

  Chapter Two

  Marcus darted from his bed and headed toward the unnerving sound.

  The cry came from Chloe’s room, but when he tried to turn the knob, he couldn’t get in. Of course, she’d locked the door. He ran back to his room, found his keys and raced back. With urgent speed and a rapid heartbeat, he unlocked the door as her cries continued to torment him. Over and over Chloe screamed as he tried to focus in the darkened room. But then he zeroed in on Chloe’s silhouette, thrashing around in her bed. Whimpering noises came from her as she tossed about.

  Marcus sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her upright. “Hey, hey. Chloe, you’re dreaming.”

  Her arms were slender but muscular under his touch. She shook her head, and the dampness on her cheeks gave away her vulnerability.

  “Please, no,” she whimpered. “I don’t want to.”

  What the hell? “Chloe. Wake up.”

  Slowly, her eyes fluttered open. Marcus kept one hand on her arm for support as he reached over to turn on the small Tiffany lamp.

  She blinked in confusion. “What are you doing?”

  “You were having a nightmare.”

  She looked around the room then back at him, pulling the covers up to tuck them under her bare arms. “ did you end up in my room?”

  “I heard you scream. I used the key from my room to unlock your door.”

  Sweat mixed with tears to run down her face, and her breathing came in quick pants. With her cheeks flushed and lips parted, he wondered if she would look like this after a bout of hot, mind-blowing sex.

  Marcus shoved the thought from his head. Now was not the time. “Do you want a glass of water?”

  “I’m fine. I’m sorry I woke you.”

  “No bother.” Actually, he liked touching her naked shoulders. Her creamy skin felt soft under his large, rough hands. Honey hair spilled over he
r shoulders in disarray, tickling his fingertips. Those full, naked lips were open, begging to be kissed...licked, caressed, ravaged. “Sorry I scared you. Do you want to talk about it?”

  “No,” she answered a little too quickly. “I don’t even remember it.”

  She was a terrible liar. Her whole body still trembled a bit. As much as he’d like to continue comforting her, the sight of her dainty pink tongue slipping out to moisten her bottom lip told Marcus he needed to leave.

  Unfortunately, he found himself rooted to the side of her warm bed. Her soft grey eyes searched his face as her breathing slowed. He brushed her hair back over her shoulders and offered a gentle smile. “If you need anything at all, I’m right next door.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  Reluctantly, Marcus stood. If he’d stayed any longer, he feared she’d notice the growing erection beneath his boxers.

  It took all his willpower to walk away from the angelic vixen. Now more than ever, he wanted to know about her. He wanted to know why she looked so frightened and lonely. But, most of all, he wanted to know how long she would stay.


  Chloe sank back against the feather pillows and sighed. Damn. How embarrassing. No matter how far she traveled, her past seemed to sneak up and bite her in the ass. The dreams came night after agonizing night, but she’d hoped once out of her familiar surroundings they would cease.

  She left the lamp on as she settled back under the covers. Something comforting about the light soothed her shaky nerves. The dream wasn’t the only thing that had her feeling uneasy.

  Marcus. She’d woken to him holding her, looking at her, his thumbs tenderly teasing her arms. His bare chest had been more than enough to make her speechless. He gave no mind to the fact he sat on her bed half naked, wearing just a pair of stark white boxers, a remarkable contrast to his dark skin. An unfamiliar ache spread through her chest, causing dampness between her legs.

  It was so not sexy to seem needy and weak. Chloe had always thought herself independent, but truth be told, she was more vulnerable than she cared to admit.

  What on earth did he think of her? He probably thought she was nuts. Perhaps she was. She did know one thing. No man ever effected her the way Marcus Delaney had at first sight. The man exuded sex appeal. She’d allowed men to use her for just sex before, but something about him made her want to forget she promised herself she would turn her life around. What would one more one-night stand hurt?

  Perhaps she would stick around a little longer. She had nowhere to be, no one to miss her for being gone. No life to get back to. After all, she wanted to start fresh now. What better way than with a stranger who had her nipples tightening?

  Yes. She could stick around here for a few days, maybe even a couple of weeks to see what happened. She wasn’t naïve enough to miss the look in Marcus’s eyes—like a man lost in the desert thirsting for water.


  “Where is she?” Luke Delaney had barely taken a dingy, work-booted step out of his old red pickup when he started demanding.

  Marcus pulled another weed from the flower bed, ignoring his brother. Since the previous day’s rain, unwanted dandelions and grasses had overtaken the flower beds. Landscaping his father and he had diligently worked on eleven summers ago...just before his parent’s death.

  Of course, some things had been replaced since then, but the majority of the shrubs and plants were his father’s masterpiece, and Marcus wanted to keep it as close to his father’s plans as possible.

  “Hey, did you hear me?” Luke stood, casting a shade over Marcus.

  “How can I not hear you? You’re loud and obnoxious as usual.”

  “Where’s the new guest?”

  Marcus rose, wiping his muddy hands on the front of an old pair of paint-stained jeans. “I suppose she’s in the house seeing as how her car’s still here.”

  “Sara told me she was hot. I came to see for myself.”

  “Sara needs to keep her mouth shut and mind her own business.” Marcus picked up the bucket and headed out to the edge of the woods. “Don’t bother her, Luke, she’s not your type. Besides, we need all the guests we can take in.”

  “Who said I would bother her?” Luke fell in behind.

  Marcus threw a warning glance look over his shoulder at his younger brother.

  Luke laughed. “Oh, I see. You want her all to yourself.”

  Marcus dumped the weeds passed the property line where grass met forest, then rounded on Luke. “No. I just think she seems nice, and she doesn’t need you in her face asking her out.”

  For some reason, he felt the need to protect Chloe. From what he wasn’t sure. Luke was right, though. He did want her for himself, but that tidbit of information would remain a secret. Especially from his meddling baby brother.

  “Fine. Perhaps we’ll run into each other in the house, by chance of course. Then I’ll get to see for myself if I should ask her out.”

  Marcus stalked back to the garage to put the empty bucket away. “Why is it you only come around when there’s a woman staying here? There are other things you could be doing here besides sniffing for a piece. The grass needs cut today, actually. The gutters need cleaning out, the porch could use a good washing. Pick whatever chore you like.”

  In a typical Luke manner, he crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Look, I have a job that keeps me busy, not to mention I’m starting to build my own house soon. Forgive me if I’m not here twenty-four/seven to help. I do what I can.”

  Marcus held up his hands. “I’m sorry, man. I just have a lot on my mind lately.”

  “You don’t have to apologize. I know you’re under a lot of stress. I take it there’s been no change in the financial status?”

  “No. I’m going to have to either close the Bed and Breakfast and go to work, or we’re going to have to do some major business in the next few months.”

  “I have quite a bit saved up, if that would help. Plus, I’m starting a new project that ought to bring in some extra.”

  The corners of Marcus’s mouth tilted up. “Thanks, but I don’t want to take what you’ve worked so hard for. Besides, that would only be a temporary fix. You should keep it just in case you need it for your own house. Things will pick up soon. You know we’re always busier in the fall. Hopefully, that will hold us a while longer.”

  “This Bed and Breakfast was everything Mom and Dad wanted. I hate to see it go under, especially if I can help. Just remember, the offer’s open if you need it. My house will get built in time. I’m in no hurry.”

  Marcus nodded and started back to the house. “Thanks.”

  “I was thinking about moving back in here in a few weeks, anyway, to save some money. It would be better all the way around. I could help here, plus set aside all the rent I’ve been forking out.”

  “Your room is always available, baby brother.”

  They made their way up the steps to the front door, and Marcus held the door open for Luke. The second they stepped over the threshold, a sweet-smelling fragrance had Marcus’s mouth watering.

  “What are you cooking?” Luke asked as he headed for the kitchen with his nose as his guide.

  “Nothing. We had breakfast earlier, but it didn’t smell like this.”

  The two men stopped in their tracks in the kitchen doorway. Chloe was bent over, pulling something out of the oven, giving Marcus and his younger brother a beautiful picture of her exquisite, heart-shaped ass. A nice firm bottom Marcus just knew would fit perfectly in his hands or backed up against his cock.

  Shit. He didn’t want Luke to see that side of her, which he had to admit was pretty appealing, especially in those little jean shorts. Brown wedged sandals gave her calves a nice shape, accentuating her tanned, toned legs. An image of him running his fingers along those silky legs slipped into his mind.

  Marcus stepped further into the room. “Chloe.”

  She straightened and turned with a pan of muffins in her hand. “Sorry, I didn’t hear yo
u come in.”

  Damn. She wore a little white apron around her waist. But June Cleaver, she was not. Images of her wearing only the small apron and nothing else filled his mind, putting a wider smile on his face. What he wouldn’t do to turn that fantasy into reality.

  She looked at home standing in his mother’s kitchen. Other than his mother and Sara, no woman had cooked in here. “What are you doing?”

  Setting the hot pan on the cooling rack, Chloe slid off the rooster oven mitts. “I thought I’d make some cranberry muffins for you. I feel bad about last night. Actually, embarrassed is more like it, but I thought I could use this to make it up to you. I hope you don’t mind me making myself at home in your kitchen. I know I’m only a guest and all...”

  Luke grinned at Marcus before he stepped forward and extended his hand. “Hi, I’m Luke. What happened last night?”

  Chloe’s breath caught as she shook Luke’s hand. Oh, my. Two of them. Two broad shouldered, muscular, golden skinned, mouth-watering men.

  Luke wore holey, faded jeans with work boots and a ratty, old T-shirt. He had to be in construction. She smiled at the thought of women going wild as he swung a hammer with his shirt off, sweat beading on his tanned body. He was obviously the playboy in the family.

  “I’m Chloe.” She withdrew her hand from his and sent a quick peek at Marcus. “I kept your brother awake last night.”

  Luke raised a brow in question as a devilish smirk appeared on his face. “I see.”

  Chloe cleared her throat and turned her attention back to Marcus. “Sara called this morning while you were outside. I hope you don’t mind I answered the phone. Anyway, she said she got called into the hospital and wouldn’t be able to come over and fix dinner for you guys.”

  “Sounds like pizza.” Luke shrugged, grabbing a steamy muffin from the rack. He tossed it from one hand to the other as he blew on it.

  “Actually,” Chloe offered. “I wouldn’t mind making dinner for you two.”

  Marcus shook his head. “I couldn’t ask you to do that.”

  Chloe’s mouth dimpled. “You didn’t ask, I volunteered. Besides, I love to cook and seeing as how I have to eat, too, it would save us all the trouble of going somewhere on our own. If that’s all right?”


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